Tfw no hot asian gf



the only good Asian girls are the 2D ones

You two need to off yourselves ASAP - fucking weeaboo sodomites

And you, OP, go directly into the oven for racemixing with nips



Tfw no gf

They always looks like western people

I got a Chinese Girlfriend, picked her up for $39.95 on Amazon. Good cook and keeps the place clean.

Send the poor girl to school instead of making her empty your piss bottles & wash you undies, mate.

Send her to school? She's Asian man, she's already equal to an American Collage Graduate at her age. She gets any smarter she'll leave me.

what's wrong with being a weeb

You're a asian boy butthurt? White men get real women, this bullshit is invented by Asian boys to feel better and some stormfags fall for asian boy strategy of defend their ego pretending that asian women don't want white men because they are much more attractive than asian.

This meme is pathetic, i know you are trying to make white men looks disgusting in this meme just to make asian men feel better

that guy in the last image is pretty clearly asian

Are Asian women tighter than white women or something?

My previous white girlfriends all usually fit me like a glove in the past. I only had one issue with a girl that just felt like pushing into a wide sock filled with wet jelly I'm gifted but not '1-Liter coke bottle gifted.

Have yet to try Hispanic, black, Indian, or Asian women yet.


Don't know how accurate this is but, I'd be willing to beleive there is something to it.

wow so scientific


fmsu fam

Well, look at it from the bright side, at least you're not a race traitor.


Feels okay, but somewhat feel

stick to your own race whitey

Cry to me, bastardo


Nope sorry can't do. I want little Supreme Gentlemen to train into a Supreme Gentlemen Right Wing Hapa Death squad.

Hmm, never thought of it that way.

thanks for the daily reminder, user


Such a grammatical and logical trainwreck.

I wish I could buy a chinese wife to be honest.

Try WeChat

lol that dude isn't italian. looks cuban or arab or something.

it's true

t. Cuntologist

As a professional cuntologist, which race have the best pussies?