Is this the perfect woman? Such a gorgeous face, and blonde to boot.
Is this the perfect woman? Such a gorgeous face, and blonde to boot
Nice low standards. She's an ugly Ann Coulter with a man chin.
3D? Perfect? Nope, swiftly into the waste basket it will be placed.
Fuck right off, she's hot. Just because she has strong features
Why don't you just cut-to-the-chase and start fucking twinks.
She's not masculine!
That chin says otherwise.
It's just a strong chin. She wears her long face very well
smh tbh fam
Dat picture
Fuck off, she's no horse
haters gonna hate, but i have a thing for Anita
What did he mean by this?
And you can't even see her ass
mildly fuckable in the high school pic but that looks like dogshit my dude
OP is literally a sodomite
come on, user - look at her - see that genuine, heartwarming smile?
She's thinking about her shekel collection
shill harder, kike
her nose isn't big
She knows what she's doing. If she can get away with, I say good on her.
Doesn't even bother to deny that every one of her facial features is incredibly masculine
Getting lucky isn't the same thing as knowing what you're doing. She is of middling intelligence at best, any person not completely retarded would be too ashamed to have tried to pass off "I watched TV with my BF" as a thesis.
Looks like a dude