Feminists vs take the poo the loo

Interactive comic book challenges misogynistic views that blame rape victims for their attacks
Feminists tackling Indian rape cultural is almost as pathetic as liberals combating the Taliban by setting up a Afghan TV network to call them sexist bigots.( same network was caught red handed flaslely accusing Taliban fighters of gang raping colleges student. Feminists still escort to making fake rape allegations in a country with a literal rape cultural)

>>>Holla Forums

Surprise Holla Forums don't make fun of that pro west tv station as much as /k/ does. Logic of tumblr warfare is hilarious though.
up a story of the Taliban raping university students

Comics are Holla Forums relates. Besides I want a story time of this.

Still better art than current marvel comics.

why is everyone being put in the same baskets as niggers, shitskins and poo pajeets?

The hwite man. I've never seen east asians accused of patriarchy/muhsoggyknees/rape culture

You fight a culture's idea with other ideas.

This is a comic about indians and they are accusing them for having rape culture.

fuck off

fuck off



He looks like a dude I went to summer camp with.

Did he rape you?

Holy shit. The war on terror is more embarrassing than Vietnam.

Currynigger here.
You can't change dick with comics.
The best use they're gonna make use of the comic is to wipe their ass after a nice poo in the street.

That happens a lot actually.
Not as much as accusing whitey of being patriarchal rapists of course, but it definitely happens.

Who's legs do you think those are?

Indians aren't east asians dumb-dumb.

That crying womyn in OP's pic has a beard?

You'd have more luck convincing Hindii to stop shitting all over the streets than to stop raping brown girls.


Nah, just a small image and bloody face.

Also poorly drawn.

Isn't that the new miss marvel?

Fuckit. Imma storytime this shit.







Gotta be honest. I get the feeling the author just wanted to have a gonzo silver age battle of the gods but needed to bookend it with edutainment to get that sweet, sweet NGO money. Anyway, Lord "Throw Apu into the Loo" Shiva confirmed Margaret Sanger tier curry nigger killer.