Soon you'll be seeing more benchmarks of FreeBSD running games on a compatibility layer and blowing Linux out of the water.
Soon you'll be seeing more benchmarks of FreeBSD running games on a compatibility layer and blowing Linux out of the...
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or you buy a vulkan compatible GPU
10.2 couldnt even beat any distro within the last few years in any server (mail/web/database) cpu bound benchmarks, how do you expect its going to shit on linux with "muh games"?
It's cool that it's possible now, but what makes you think it will blow Linux out of the water?
How appropriate
fuck off, you're the cancer killing free software.
i'm just surprised that someone actually made a little progress on the dated and quite simply bad taste BSD default UIs
You mean X environments? Those are shared with Linux. The upcoming OpenBSD release packages GNOME 3.20.
Kill yourselves.
Preferably with buckshot to the face.
That repo is so dodgy.
I'm sceptical at best.
Russian word means “changed:”. It is probably localized git, or git wrapper, or some other tool that adds a list of changed files in case there is no commit message. Russians also make a significant share of *BSD users.
So that's just shitty version control habits.
As far as I can tell, he's basically telling you to deflate some shady archive and run an executable that he provides.
I'm not sure there could be anything more clearly botnet.
Son, you just rekt your thread and your argument yourself.
It's called OSX.
What gauge?
Why do BSD friends hate on Linux so much. :/
I hope one day we can get past the rivalry, and come together to defeat the true enemy of free software, Micro$hit.
It's just Steam distribution files. We don't know whether they are fixed in any way because the author doesn't know what version control is for.
Congratulations FreeBSD hackers for emulating an end-of-life Ubuntu 32-bit userland and drivers
Steam is cancer and needs to die.
Go back >>>/reddit/
2/10, could have been worse.
Do you demand the theater give you .blend files along with movie tickets? Just curious.
Last I checked, I can copy my CS:GO game files to a thumbdrive, install them on numerous computers, and play LAN among them. Where's the DRM here?
FYI, Steam is not DRM.
I'm all about free software, but you make freetards look freetarded, fam.
That's a lie and you know it. You need to log into steam on each of those computers and Steam can only log in to one machine at a time.
As long as you're connected to a gateway, you can play CS:GO in Offline Mode and LAN with other players doing the same on the same network.
That does not circumvent the point, the Steam client has a DRM component within every product on it's store.
No it does not. There are plenty of games you can freely copy and play across many devices. Games that do not have SteamWorks or custom DRM work just fine. The Steam client itself is just a browser with a game library and chat interface and is not inherently DRM in and of itself (unless SteamWorks is being used when a game is launched, this makes a check on Steam servers via the client).
You're clearly technologically retarded - Steam isn't making the server gameplay, CSGO is. Try copying the game folder to another machine without Steam or authentication from the Steam account that bought it, and come back to me.
I already have connected from other clients and have done this with other Source games. There is no internet connectivity in that photo.
Call me a retard, because your other avenues are finished.
You don't understand what I'm saying, do you
You have been wrong before.
Nothing I've said here is wrong. Put the CSGO folder on another computer without Steam and try to launch it.
source form is not necessary for non-progams.
this is exactly
Have fun with you're 32bit limitations nerd.
While the claim is a reckless exaggeration, Sony has been using FreeBSD as the base of their OS for the PS3 and PS4 and thus there are already plenty of games that have been fine tuned to it, and FreeBSD is a proven platform for high performance games.
Now, the quality of graphic drivers for FreeBSD has historically lagged somewhat behind Linux. So I doubt "it will blow Linux out of the water".
11.0 is under a month away and has a 64 bit linux binary support.
You can have it right now if you run current.
Their Nvidia driver beats the pants out of Linux's Nvidia driver.
The same can't be said for AMD... at all, but hopefully the latest open source AMD driver will bring things into line more.
BSD is the only way out of the cancer swallowing every other *N*X platform, and Linux no longer has a reason to exist.
What are you saying? There's an entirely different open source project for Nvidia drivers on BSD, which is somehow not being used in Linux for some reason? wtf
The UI in the OP look 100x better than yout typical GTK garbage and a 1000x better than Metrosexual UI on Windows 10
Nvidia supplies a closed source binary driver for FreeBSD, it's probably got PS3+4 goodness in there, hence it being common knowledge that it performs better.
Because it can be closed off, not because it's better. Almost no one uses FreeBSD in high performance situations, they use it for embedded devices to lock the owner out.
There's very little OS-specific tuning on consoles though as there's so little they demand of the OS. Games don't use the kernel's thread scheduler (except for very light multitasking) as they set affinity themselves, they don't use the disk scheduler and they avoid seeking (even if that means shipping redundant data), they barely touch the networking subsystem, there are almost no disk writes nor contention in the filesystem, there are very few open files and sockets, etc.. The OS isn't much more than a loader on consoles.
If you ask a game dev what a "large" number of connections is for a single device they might say 100. A networking dev would say 1M. Game devs just don't push the OS at all.
This kind of thing is exactly what killed Linux in the first place. Muh desktop experience -> systemd -> linux is kill
Ah, so I figured. You feel BSD should be enjoying the position that Linux currently occupies.
The PS4 runs on a Radeon APU... so the closed-source BSD drivers from Nvidia are probably just outdated PS3 shit, if not just the same wrapper as they use for Linux.
So you have benchmarks? Proofs?
Not him, but I certainly hope that's never the case.
We need a buffer between normalfags and BSD, and Linux fills that niche rather well.
So no source then. Right. Just more "common knowledge" pulled directly out of your ass.
hang yourself
I kinda' think if BSD was ceded to normalfags to purge the cancer created by linux, 1331 d00dz would shift to other non-*N*X OSs like Plan 9 or Haiku. Also, it would serve to purge many non-*N*X-isms that have crept into Linux.
Linux has been hostile to BSD development for around a decade, this could be contributed to lack of experience but they've ignored the advice of others who have made the exact same mistakes they're making today.
systemd and its dependency growth are making it harder and harder to make portable software, LSB threatens that more, the UNIX foundation offered Linux certification and help to reach it for a dollar, they still rejected it.
Seeing this continue to happen leaves a bad taste in some peoples mouths.
No, it's not.
No, it doesn't.
No one cares about UNIX certification, it's a shitty racket, and Linux isn't UNIX. It's Unix-like.
What do you expect, these threads are filled with autists who unironically switch operating systems over systemd because "muh shell scripts" and they're too fucking lazy or too stupid to use a metadistribution like Gentoo or other shitty distros like Void, yet not having the knowledge to build anything on their own.
How can you possibly say that systemd isn't making it harder? Do you pay attention to BSDs at all? You might as well be an American telling the French what they don't like to eat.
Are you fucking retarded? BSD is Unix-like as well, being Unix-like has nothing to do with complying to spec.
Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across
the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.
Linux used to have this idea, it's still in the fucking readme file, but the community has decided to ignore this ideal and just add feature creeps of retarded ideas.
It's not. You can rewrite the daemons to provide the same functionality, if software depends on it. See GNOME.
If software is using software that's already written, and you have no equivalent, that is your problem. Not Linux or anyone else's problem.
UNIX complicance doesn't mean there must be no additional features in the kernel or the libc, you fucking retard.
And, again, no one cares about UNIX certification. It's a racket.
so maybe 8ch is based on freeBSD. now i can finally delete this image
It's only running FreeBSD because 2channel/NT Technology has an autist in-house for it. They're running patches on various software to work around the limits they're running up against due to the god awful software, without actually fixing the schema or what not.
Didn't hotwheels switch it to FreeBSD when he was trying random solutions and suggestions to fix his broken NFS setup which someone convinced him must be Linux's fault? Then it continued to be nearly unusable for another year until 2ch took over and fixed the real problem: his garbage chan software.
That was the in-house autist, the "FreeBSD maintainer", applying fixes.
It was only a stop-gap because they were using a stupid architecture, and still are.
What icon theme is that? Looks nice