Subversion of the Video Game Market

So, we're all familiar with the attempts of SJW's to co-opt gaming. We've seen how they infiltrate the press, infiltrate localization companies, control the narrative, and even discourage games from coming to the West.

Though we're all familiar with the ideological side of this, there's another, more sinister side as to WHY this is all happening, and what the overall purpose is.

After reading several reports written by SJW ludologists, It's become blatantly clear that besides ideology, SJW's wants to subvert the actual movement of capital in the market of video games. They want to redefine what is success and what is failure. Concepts such as Feminism, Diversity, and Inclusion are merely vectors for that goal.

The realization of this comes from this thread over at /8diamonds/, which went on to look at the many cancers eating away at gaming

Though many of you, I'm sure, don't particularly care for gaming, I still believe that is important for everyone to be on the same page int terms of what they're doing, how they're doing it, and why. Really, it's like what's happening in Europe on a smaller scale.

Bear with me, this is going to be long and I'll probably have to make multiple posts.

This is the site I found the reports I read. I read mostly from the 2013-2015 issues. Several of them pertained to the topic of examining gaming, gamers, and game design through a "Queer Lens", and expressed the desire to "Queer Gaming Design".

Just so this OP doesn't run on to along, I'll start getting into the meat of things in another post, as it's a lot to explain

Other urls found in this thread: Hegemony of Play.pdf

Reminder that Video Games are a bigger industry than Movies.

Sitting and watching them be claimed by the jew is like having the opportunity to stop hollywood from getting co-opted, but choosing not to.

First thing you should know about games: Japanese games have been popular since at leas the late 80's and 90's. I'd say the Japs pretty much ruled the Western gaming market until the XBOX came around. They were popular for their action, their show of sexuality, and generally just being fun to play.

SJW's hate Japanese games for those reasons, but it is also BECAUSE those games were popular that they hate them. Consumers demanded more games like them, and they had a large enough audience to pose a threat to the Indie scene in general.

In order to better understand why SJW Indies would feel so threatened by these games, let's take a look at Twine. That shitty non-engine used by the likes of Anna Anthropy, Mattie Brice, and Zoe Quinn. Check 2nd and 3rd pics

You'll notice there's severe lack of talent among Indies, and this is largely because so many of them lack the education and capital that is necessary in order to make a game that is worth a shit. In order to compensate for this, they use easy-to-learn programs such as Twine, which don't require any kind of developer knowledge. Because they have no knowledge on how to formulate engaging game mechanics, how to create AI, how make 3D environments, or how to present a challenge to players, these types of people create what we all know as Art Games, typically, the walking-simulators and text adventure games

These are the games that often try to convey some sort of deep, liberal message within them, sacrificing engaging gameplay mechanics and interactivity. These games directly contrast with how Japanese games play out. Those games sacrifice the serious tones of trying to convey some sort of message, often in order to service better gameplay mechanics. That's why they've gained such a strong following in the Western Market in the past few decades.

It's not just Japanese games though, but games in general that offer competent AI, reasonable learning curves and challenges, detailed 3D environments, and require knowledge and capital in order to create. This is what the SJW's hate, and it's what they want to get rid of.

Zoe Quinn, Mattie Brice, and Anna Anthropy are just three degenerates who all came from the Twine community who all lacked any kind of qualifications to make a game (hence why they even used Twine in the first place). The games that SJW's and Academics try to make, the ones that sacrifice gameplay mechanics and general fun in order to convey a serious political message, do not survive in the market, as popular market choices gravitate towards games that have all the features that they lack.

>>>Holla Forums

Enough of the video game threads on here. You have your own board. If you don't like the moderation there then you can make your own board.

How does this tie in to the concepts of Diversity, Feminism, and Inclusion, concepts which are plaguing the popular discourse of the gaming industry?

Let's use the research of the SJW's themselves to answer that question. We'll be looking at a document called the Hegemony of Play, a document that, since its creation, has been cited by over 78 articles Hegemony of Play.pdf

Check 1st pic.

Most people working on the production side of games, the developers and publishers, are either Whites or Asians, and almost entirely male and heterosexual. On the other hand, the Indies who lack the proper knowledge and capital to make the same caliber of games that these people do are often women, transexuals, blacks, and other minorities.

This is the basis from which the concepts of Feminism, Diversity, and Inclusion were used to subvert the market. I'll explain.

SJW's like the ones I listed earlier, Zoe Quinn, Mattie Brice, and Anna Anthropy, could not makes games that could survive on the market. So, what did they start doing? They began pushing the narrative that has taken a hold around Gaming's neck. Gaming is not diverse, it is not inclusive, and that it discriminates against women and minorities.

The reality of the situation is that men, typically white, asian, and heterosexual men, are the ones who take up fields in education related to computers and programming, and thus, move on to become developers. They foster the skills and talents that are needed to make the games we see today. The games they make are the games that are the most popular on the market. It's what the consumers want.

Now, the reason why this behavior in the market is a problem for the SJW is because of this: Gamers, having gotten used to receiving quality, fun, mechanically deep products, enjoy these products while dismissing the worth of the Art Game, which SJW's tend to make. It is why Gone Home was called a non-game and a walking simulator. It is why Depression Quest was forgotten, and it is why Sunset failed and the devs went full Commie.

People are actively choosing fun and interactivity OVER political/psychological influence using video games as a vector. That is the heart of the problem for them


Simplest terms: SJWs want games to be nothing more than a vehicle for propaganda & there are road blocks to this agenda that they are currently targeting,

Competent game design is a threat so use quotas to destroy meritocracy thus destroying competency. This is also useful to establish your meritless cult members within once-competent companies. You'll also notice casualization becoming prevalent in western games. Similar to common core it is a means to dumb-down the public. Anything that requires a modicum of engagement or mental dexterity must be destroyed in favor of non-interactive "storytelling". AAA games development has been undergoing a shift to be more like the film industry which is already thoroughly subverted.

>>>Holla Forums
Games are for children; only failed/broken people (like yourself) play them past the age of 12 - when you're old enough to start meaningfully contributing to society.

Since heterosexuals are 93% of the population, this would make us under-represented.

I agree, there is absolutely no reason to care about a form of media consumed by impressionable children whose parents probably just stick them in front of the TV for hours at a time.

"The valuation of difficulty has been demonstrated to be highly gendered."

Everything that makes Japanese video games engaging for boys is what makes them impossible for girls, so let's ruin the glorious spirit of gaming and replace it with Depression Quest, all because boys naturally aspire towards accomplishment and challenge while girls would rather sit around on feather pillows and have the entire world delivered to them without the slightest inconvenience just for existing. Am I wrong, or is this the bajillionth time I've seen this exact same logic employed throughout the entirety of what falls under the umbrella of cultural marxism.

No Fun Allowed!
Ruin What's Great
Hate Excellence
Create Equality By Killing The Extraordinary
Action Movies Are Chick Flicks

Bitter lonely people with no access to the joy of life moaning and kvetching about how it's so bad that the boys have their poker nights. It's so tiresome. No more fun. Nag nag nag. And someone it's like everyone in the fucking world is mesmerized and convinced and amazed by these unbeatable arguments. Oh, yes, of course! The value of difficulty is universal among all who would call themselves men. To engage in what is difficult is to become greater than you are now. To shirk the responsibility to do the difficult duty is moral failure within the character of an individual. We say, "TAKE UP THAT BURDEN AND YOU WILL RISE WITH IT!" But they think the esteem that is given for what can only be won at great difficulty is a socially constructed phantasm. It's not really valuable, they cry! What I do is what is of value! Not you! ME!

Shifting the goal posts.

A little girl can't beat you at soccer so she makes up the rules that redefine her loss as a victory. And somehow, for so long, the adult in the room has failed to say, "That's bullshit. You're just cheating. You're even more of a loser than you already were. Get a life. Take up the challenge!


Unable to even compete with the more mainstream end of the spectrum of the production of video games, Indies had to form cliques and "Coalitions" in order to form an economy that ran separate from more traditional means of acquiring capital, and ran entirely on the goodwill of those who participated.

This is why the Indie scene is absolutely infested with friends doing favors for friends, and it eventually grew so large that a lot of them managed to weasel their way into the gaming journalism.

Because their games couldn't survive on the market, they used the concepts of Diversity, Feminism, and Inclusion as the means of subversion. Since whites males were making the most popular games and were the most skilled at their jobs, they needed them out. That is why companies like Ubisoft ended up getting cucked and are hiring minorities and women simply for being minorities and women instead of hiring the person most qualified for the job.

You can think of this situation as something similar to the Refugee crisis in Europe, just in the realm of gaming. It involves shaming people into being who they are in order to encourage to get the people who are not making good games and do not have the qualifications to make them into high paying positions, taking the seat of someone who could've been more qualified to be there.

They are outing the white, asian, heterosexual male because they are the ones who make the games that drive the dominant forces of the market. This problem is compounded be several other factors, including the never-ending push and praise for Art Games through gaming media outlets such as Kotaku and Polygon.

The gaming media, as we blatantly saw with GamerGate and the years preceding it, as compliant in giving these people and their games the coverage and good press that they're screaming for. They are parroting the same EVIL CIS WHITE MALE message that they are parroting. It is less about them being actually hating these people for who they are and more about them wanting to get rid of the people who are driving the industry.

It is quite literally a subversion of the market as a whole, and a bid to get rid of the products consumers like. The SJW hatred of Japanese games reflects on the current situation gamers are facing right now, with many Japanese titles being absolutely torn apart by the gaming media as sexist and vile. It's why many of them get censored to hell and back to the point of being unrecognizable by localization companies, and it is why some of them, like Summer Lesson and DOAX3 didn't even come out in the west.

SJW's are actively trying to take away the games that are the most dominant forces in the market, and trying to create a climate in which the Art Game can thrive, and will not be dismissed because of its lack of interactivity and deep mechanics

The normies have no one to blame but themselves.

You have a gorillion dead boards where you can post this, take it there

Also this, you fuckers bitch about muh vidyagaems all day yet you still give money to all the SJW companies that now have control of almost the whole industry.

Get out.

This isn't Holla Forums, we aren't gamers. We don't care about your "hardcore consumerist" sensibilities, you fucking sheep.
We care about expunging the jew.

I dont even know man, seems they just want to kill gaming, SJW lack the talent and intelligence to make games that even normies could like, this is why they focus on the "message" and basically on producing drama, they are useful Idiots.

I have seen games created by a single guy or a team as small as Programmer/artist/music guys that will BLOW YOUR COCK AWAY, yet they dont get any recognition because they arent poor inocent pastry fake nerdy girls craving for the AFRO COCK, at United Nations.

But in the end, nothing gets produced, man, I remember e3 from 12 years ago, there where like 50 new titles, the last few e3 have had less than a dozen of highlights, yet this COLLEGE STUDENTINOS are still fuckign winning over their BLACK DICK rights.

It is like a nigthmarish AFRO-FEMINIST future!

I'm no better…. i gave money to scamco three times for souls games.

Please tell me what i should be doing with my life oh wonderful white Aryan warrior?

Not shilling.

Shilling what exactly?

Holla Forums is run by a literal kike. go fuck yourself.


You have the gamergoy boards for that if you don't like Holla Forums.

Why should I care? But I can read the disdain with which you type "oh wonderful white Aryan warrior", you filthy yid, and I always do the opposite of what the jew says.

Nice essay OP.

Whatever one thinks of Gamergate, the whole thing will be a good case study for the future.

Concerning GamerGate, I'll say this. The Ethicscucks were wrong completely, but I think most of the people who recognized the cultural battle going on weren't entirely seeing the big picture.

The end goal of this subversion is a market that is entirely hostile to Japanese games, and an industry that is no longer driven by the White/Asian/Heterosexual male. The goal is a market where Art Games can thrive, where game production is democratized and available to everyone.

That is why we get documents like these

It is why the "Twine Revolution" described in it ultimately happened. People who cannot keep up with the meritocratic attitudes of gamers and the market in general are trying to lower the standards of the market by excluding games that set the bar high, and by getting rid of the people who make those games.

Gamers are not only fighting a battle of ideology, but they are also fighting a battle for control over the market, and a battle over the redefining of what fails and succeeds in that market. Although plenty of them genuinely buy into the idea that all of this is in service for greater equality within the industry (useful idiots), the real end goal of these is purely one centered around power and market control, to change what is deemed a game or not a game, and to ultimately redefine what becomes a success, and what game fails. It is based around the avaricious desire for success and recognition in a market that simply does not want them.

I encourage you all, again, to read the Hegemony of Play to understand the mindset behind what they're trying to do.

I'm not a jew you stupid fuck. If i was i wouldn't be poor. The comment was a stab at you personally because I'm tired of other people telling me i shouldn't like vidya.

Notice the kikes ITT desperately trying to shut down all discussion of the industry in a political sense, on a board for politics.


The cancer in gaming has been spreading like crazy recently, but the point we should be making isn't to try to "reclaim" it just like the "old days", but to bring gamers into the bigger fight against globalist kikes. You won't ever find me playing some of the cancer out there, but I will be trying to get gamers to support people like Trump and introduce them to the broader right wing thought the media ignores.

The Japanese westernized games of their own accord, they had it coming

Hell the PS4 is basically just an xbox 360 2.0 in terms of appealing to dudebro normies with consolized downports of western "AAA" games, even making people pay to play online

So what has gamergate accomplished throughout their endless campaigns against the subversion? The poz flows down from the top, and videogames are collateral damage not the beginning. These threads force us to focus on the fruits of multiculturalism rather than the roots, the jews. It's basically Holla Forums-lite for people who think radfems are the most important group to tackle. It's the reason we don't like Milo simply because he took anti feminist stances: no one cares about feminism. While I appreciate this is a meta thread unlike the watchdog or stellaris threads, there's ultimately never anything good to come of these threads. I get it your board sucks, but you should be weaning yourself off of games anyway.

You are worst than gamers, at least most of them have no idea that they are being indoctrinated.

We care about expunging the jew.
You are doing a wonderful job by giving all your shekels to them and financing all of those wonderful upcoming SJW games.

Says the guys shilling for his 6000000 dead board.

Game Informer magazine has more subscribers than TIME and Sports Illustrated

let that sink in

Here, they blatantly admit they hate Asians and Whites because they're the ones who drive the market and the industry.

Anyway, in conclusion, though you may not care for video games in particular, it is extremely important that we all see the greater goal of Feminist subversion of a market. In the end, none of the ideals promised to the cucks who listened and believed come true. In the end, I can't even really say the market is some sort of Feminist utopia either.

This kind of subversion is done specifically so that a specific kind of product, or certain type or group of people directly benefit from it while everyone else suffers. In the end, if this trend continues, gaming will be less "diverse" than it has ever been. The best part about this is that we're seeing this subversion happen right in front of our eyes, and yet so few of us actually realize the purpose of it.

The rise of the Art Game would democratize the production of gaming, letting any asshole who wants to convey a deep message do so. It would not only be viable in the new, subverted market, but in the case of people like Tracy Fullerton (who helped write Hegemony of Play), they also get government funding for their projects, as ludologists would also benefit off of Art Games becoming the norm.

Just how gamers actively chose fun, engaging games over serious, boring, and mechanically inferior Art Games using the medium as a vector for political/psychological control, SJW's came out not because they wanted the industry to adopt feminism (or at least not primarily), but because they wanted to wrestle control of the enormous and lucrative gaming market away from the dominant forces (Whites/Asians/Heteroseuxals/Males)

At its very heart, the ideological conflict we're seeing within gaming is being fought on the SJW side to achieve market dominance, and for their inferior projects to be sustainable instead of being dismissed.

I think that's all I have to say. Thanks for reading, anons.

Awful fucking magazine. The old GameFan from the 90s is and always will be the best.



filter this triggered kike

Jesus christ shills are in shut it down mode today.

Gas yourselves.

Success = lots of Shekkels
Failure = no Shekkels

This how it's always been and it'll always be

Quality does not matter, only economic succes does, why do you think the whole industry tryed to CoDify itself in the last gen?

Now they're all hoping on either the open world sandbox Minecraft or the Tell Tales / David Cage band waggon of making "Cinematic experiences" wich are little more than "Chose you're own adventure" style visual novels with gameplay that is basicaly an electronic version of Simon Says and they only sell becaus of hype,

in fact Hype is the only thing keeping the industry afloat, most of AAA is generic formulaic garbage anyway but it still manages to sell like tuttifrutti flavored cocaine

Holla Forums has been waiting for the whole industry to crash so it can begin be reborn again, the current state of the industry is stagnating

It's the fourth best selling magazine apparently, behind two AARP mags and Better Homes and Gardens


But the point of this thread is the subversion of the video game market, using Feminism and identity politics as the vector for gaining dominance in the market, industry, and press, not about video games themselves

Except that gaming is a multi-billion dollar a year industry and larger than any other digital medium.

This is about using video games to shape the next generation of kids. To use games as a way to push an agenda and ideology. For many companies, it has been about making money, but even they have been infiltrated. Look at UBIshit. They have been shoe-horning in women to their games, despite a decrease in sales.


Motherfucker, it's happening as we speak


But can you play the shooter?

Read the entire post then ask yourself why you think it's alright to subvert and brainwash children with Marxist propaganda. Then consider an alternative of games instilling the values of virtue, honor, and comrade while not only being fun but more importantly intellectually engaging.

Then proceed to kill yourself

Ubishit is most certainly cucked bt i think the devs are red pilled
They where made to put a character Amita in the last Far Cry based on LW2 and they made her an obnoxious anoying naggin bitch who made most gamers take the story path that allows them to sher her.
Same with the last mirrors edge
LW2 was an advisor for the game and there is a character Rebeca (kike name) who is obviously the product of race mixing and is also a Marxist revolutionary who thinks the collective must come before the individual and lots of other bullshits that LW2 usually spits
but she is portrayed like an anoying violent unscrupulous violent terrorist that Main Characters neither trust nor like

Nope, apparently you just play as the cuck who can't decide between gun control and amendment rights


Don't forget OP, they're also infiltrating the companies that localise Japanese games and pozzing them on a translation/localisation level.

This is also happening with anime and manga. Basically anything that requires an intermediary to make it comprehensible to a non-native of the media's country of origin.

The gradual denigration of the Japanese gaming market had not escaped my attention, and it's been going on since long before Gamergate got rolling. I noticed in the mid-2000's that Japanese games were suddenly not scoring highly in reviews vs Western content, despite those games often being far more entertaining, and even thought-provoking, than the shit like Gears of War the West was churning out.

The Holla Forums and gamergoy shilling is reaching Evalion levels.

You've got it the wrong way round m8, we all know why subversion happens and how it happens.

The question is - how do we stop it?

The polish studio which made Hatred are doing something, why aren't we in the West. To those in the industry. The time for rational debate is over. Stop trying to save old franchises and start making blatantly right-wing propaganda.

Not quite that simple. They're using the commie playbook to try and brainwash gamers and the larger industry into thinking they WANT games like Gone Home.

For anyone who still pays attention to the industry (I have to, I work on its periphery as an artist and know a few veteran devs), you may have noticed that they've put a very large emphasis on the sandbox (as popularised by the GTA games), but slowly they've been excising freedom and ludology, and replacing it with aimless wandering and ideology. The new Watch Dogs game is an excellent example, the final boss is going to a Trump analogue called 'Thruss', and it clearly has even less gameplay than the first. You just walk around a city for hours on end being a crypto-Antifa 'hacking' things with your iPhone.

Eventually they will remove more and more gameplay and replace it steadily with a didactic narrative, and the gamers will be so cowed by the press and industry they'll think it's everything they've ever wanted.

We know why its fucking old news. You gamergoy's didn't want to listen. Lurk more faggots.


Goymersin were the first demographic to actually push back against SJW subversion for their respective medium.

Granted they failed miserably when they failed to address the culture war but at least they fucking tried and some are beginning to see the truth.

But more importantly this is a discussion about how one of the last not fully pozzed, immensely popular, and incredibly influential industry is being usurped by people we on this board claim to hate.

To write it off as just Holla Forums / gamergoy shilling is just ignorant of the actual issue,
or a feeble attempt to kill discussion

They certainly look like amateurs
The idea of subliminal messages is that they aren't so blantantly obvious

Yeah that's the shit David Cage and Tell Tales are doing, Even Kojima seems to be hoping on the band wagons to,
They're basically Visual novels with Simon Says style gameplay
They are shit but the sell becos people have shit taste

I wouldn't say Kojima is on that bandwagon, MGSV had the most in-depth gameplay of anything he's made to date.

Yeah, I already know that.

Thing this is that even the blatant Marxism and ideological takeover has a root purpose in other things, and one of those purposes is to exclude entire categories and games from the market in order to uphold another category and benefit a general group

That's the point of this thread, the market takeover aspect that I haven't seen discussed a whole lot anywhere

Nah i'm talking about that shit with Norman Redus he is doing under Sony now, he has been tied to Metal Gear for years now, i'm sure he's gona want to do simething like Snatcher now that the genere is becoming popular

This is all down to academia.

This is a pattern that's happening absolutely fucking everywhere right now. A select group of people woke up to the fact you can use Marxist ideology to sell a capitalist product more effectively, and exploit the fracture points globalism has created for their own benefit.

It probably hasn't escaped your notice that people are becoming a) increasingly polarised and tribalised, and b) often desperately in search of something that will give them a sense of identity, personality, etc without having to forge it for themselves.

So a large company like, say, Disney, takes notice of this. They realise they can make their products failure-proof by inducing a Stalin-esque cult of personality around each of their products. Say something negative about the latest Marvel trailer on social media, and you may well be confronted with one of their useful idiots tearing into you for trying to bring their 'hype' down.

'Hype', you may notice, has become this sinister and all-pervasive concept that absolutely must not be challenged. Look upon anything with a critical, rational gaze and speak your mind, and you will be confronted with the horde protecting their 'dear leader' Star Wars, or Marvel, or DC, or Playstation, or Xbox, etc. Further, by encouraging those groups to play off against each other, it reinforces this vicious cycle of blind loyalty to brands and products.

If Death Stranding is anything like as good as Snatcher, it'll be the first new game in about five years I'll actually bother to play.

One of the only things keeping them from gaining absolute control of games like they did with comics is the the fact that you can't just throw a game out there and have it be successful without making something decently competent in the first place, and the fact that the market doesn't want the kind of games SJW's always tend to make.

The fact that gamers love fun and interactivity, and SJW/Academics have no fucking clue how to make those things is working as a sort of meritocratic fence between the goal of market dominance and SJW's

The only solution to this is to indie develop, you can literally make games out of your bedroom without putting money down thanks to Unity and Steam. If your game is good it will sell.


It's more attainable than you realise.

Oh no, I'm fully aware. It's amazing what three-four people with actual talent, capacity and drive can do if they put their minds to it and can cover their financial needs for a few months.

Equal representation is necessary for a diverse community. Plus, to have true equality, one has to adjust the proportions to account for privilege and aggressive tendancies. Until Straight-Cis-White-Males comprise 5% of designers AND players, they will continue to dominate the market with their tastes. Games will continue to enforce patriarchal values upon society. Females, along with sexual and ethnic minorities, will continue to feel unwelcome in the gaming community. How could you possibly support this oppressive atmosphere?

I made that mistake BEFORE the infiltration. It's an even bigger mistake now.

Get out while you still can, and save yourself some debt.

This. Just learn that shit by yourself. All the information is literally free on the Internet if you know where to look.

On a side note, I've been playing around with and idea about making a mount&blade esque game but about the crusades, starting with the Muslim push into Europe leading to the battle of Tours (which I haven't really seen in any game but I don't really play that much of them anymore). Then onto the push in middle east and such. Granted I'd be branded an "ebul waysist and islamaphobe" by the left if I put my name on it, but if it's good and people play it I'd say thats a small price to pay.

Thoughts Holla Forums?

Thinking of Sony as "japanese" is somewhat incorrect.

Although the parent company is headquartered in Japan, Sony's video game subsidiary is headquartered in california.

Matter o' fact, most of it's media production subs are stateside – sony pictures is american too.

Basically the only shit that sony does that isn't american is shit like their electronics lines and banking.

Sort of a faggot GG reddit thread but in time the poles will switch.

I know of a few anons making a game engine, someday we will have our own content too convince our own race. Best thing is with games unlike movies its pretty easy to stay anonymous and create something worthwhile.

I would actually like a game where I can mass murder muslims to protect the holy land

How are you this fucking stupid?

SJWs and their sort are great at Public Relations and Human Resources. Not in an efficient manner, but in attaining those positions and having control over the actual creators.

Others, more intellectual, introverted, or otherwise somewhat autistic are the actual creators. These people have the ideas and the skills to design and create good content. But they cannot compete on a social level with SJWs and their sort. As a result, their work and effort is constantly subverted and undermined.

Basically, the leftists and good at dealing with people and the rightists are good at creating content and value. A fairly obvious conclusion, but when you take these conclusions onto a larger scale, you see a pattern of socially minded people directing the efforts of production minded people and punishing them when they step out of line.

This is a severe and systematic problem.

That's what sparked the idea while roleplaying the Pope in Warband. But then I got to thinking it would be a great way to drop subtle redpills on Islam.


Remember when video games were satanic and created psychopaths? Know how now they create abusing misogynists who become psychopaths?

What was that about? The country was a lot more conservative a couple of decades ago. Both were trying to clean up games and make them safe. Only the excuses for why have changed, though they still boil down to MUH CHILDRENS.

Some of you may know the Digra and Common Core connections to the SJW explosion, was it the same back then also? Now libcucks are in charge of things, but back then conservatives were. Either way, they tried to sanitize gaming for educational purposes or at least, that's my theory.

Gaming is bigger than movies right now and is a massively effective learning tool. Better than any book, lecture or documentary. The brain is simply taking so much more in, all due to the interactive nature of the medium. Perfect for Marxist indoctrination camps, sorry, schools.

No. You're a retard if you think that.

SJWs are shit with people. They're good at crying victim and using that to manipulate their way into positions where they hold some power over the creators. They in no way are good with people.

You would be a social cuck if you believe that.

Gamedev here.

This is exactly it. The joke is on them though. Making a game at all, even a bad game, is an incredibly hard endeavor. It takes skill, experience, humility, and most important the willingness to dedicate oneself to a craft.

Indie games are actually harder to make than AAA, because you have few people on a tighter budget which translates to an incredible amount of work per person. I assert that if you are making a game, especially an indie game, you do not have time for e-celebrity or social media or any sort of crusade or a porn addiction.

So far, SJWs have tried three vectors of attack.

1) Make their propaganda games themselves. The problem is these people have never worked a day in their lives. The skill/talent/work/effort required is miles above what they can even fathom.

2) Hire other people to make their games. This was also tried, and the problem is that if game devs don't "believe" in the project they're working on, this absolutely impacts the final quality. You can't put a gun to someone's head and have them make a good game. This is why they were trying the cultural shift to create beta cucks who believe their bullshit. Ultimately, it didn't work because team leads have to be alphas (that are also experienced game devs) and if they're not bought in, nobody is bought in.

3) Getting rid of people who make games they don't like (doxxing, harassment, false rape accusations, etc), or banning games they don't like. This failed as well, because the gamers who buy games and fund the industry with their shekels want to have fun/be entertained and don't give shit about pro-social transqueer values. When you see statistics that "60% of gamers are women" it's made up bullshit, by redefining what a gamer is. Going per shekel spent (which is all that really matters) vast majority of gamers are white men 17-45.

As a game dev, if people want to pirate games that's their business but the other side of that coin is they have no right to act like companies should care about them. Just like SJWs who don't buy or even play games looking at you Anita have no right to act like companies should care about them.

All of these vectors failed to fulfill the objective of a Feminist-influenced game industry, so in that sense GamerGate was a victory for gamers and devs. Occasionally you'll read about how some cucked company was pressured into making an SJW-approved questline, but this is just pandering to shut them up. No actual core changes are happening anywhere in the industry, despite what the propaganda machine would have you believe.

The next battles are going to come from academia directly (rather than by proxy), and the government (if Hillary gets elected) and these actually worry me a bit.

So if any Holla Forumsacks want to start getting ready, GamerGate 2.0 is coming and devs once again need your help.

Also, there's a much deeper issue of post-modernism and Games as a front on a propaganda/psyop/culture war that I didn't even begin to scratch the surface of.

I was and others where pointing that shit out almost three years ago.
*I'm ashamed to say was way more of a cucked lolbert back then who lurked Holla Forums but often talk about how (((Ludwig von Mises))) was a good jews

but seriously this topic is painfully old. The momentum died & GG just cucked its shit up. Its a lost cause user and there are more important event in global politics then caring about what some autistic wizardshit who where sperging over a Jew slut, shitting their nihilistic fedora tipping mgtow anti-feminist (((StinkyVaggersRADIO))) faggotry everywhere. Sorry fighting twitter (Jack Dorsey is most likey a jew) and (((Jimmy Wales))) while the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and Common Core push Gamification and online censorship to indoctrinate children. All this so some Jew Coal burning shill can take a crap all over Trump, GG, the alt-right and push subversive (((CULTURAL LIBERTARIANISM))).

At the same time fullchan is fucked up while SWPL Reddit cucks "immigrate" flooding the board with stale memes just to concern troll over (((PUBLIC RELATIONS))) crying "be sure its kosher for the pos'd jewish owned and operated MSM" and "Muh moderation tolerate Holla Forums you sound just like a NAZI SJW-lite". For fuck sake cripplekik lost control of infinitechan to Jim, thanks reddit and the only active alternate is cuckchan but its shit.

If they're good at holding power over people, then they're socially skilled. That's all there is to it. You can be the most despicable, unlikable bastard on the planet but if you're good at manipulating people to get your way, then you're socially skilled.

Oh boy, now gamers the industry at large is being blamed for some fuckhead supposedly getting drugged at E3, at an after-party, where only journalists were invited.

Usually, people go to the police, or go to the hospital and get a toxicology report

it's because deep down everyone realizes that there's something wrong with autists that sit inside and play video games all day.

They're really not. Name 5 good educational games, better than reading about it in a book, from the past 5 years. Common Core is mostly a money sink with a bunch of companies lining up to milk it for all it's worth.

This should be edited to guac pouring into Yeb's mouth.

But then he would be enjoying it, wouldn't he?

This is Holla Forums - politically incorrect

You can't shut down one topic being discussed because you dont care about vidya when its about marxists fucking with another cultural institution

So.. Essentially this guy couldn't handle his alcohol and is blaming the patriarchy?

If I use a gun to get people to do what I want I am not socially skilled. They're using a weapon that is far more dangerous than a gun.

You're an absolute nig level retard if you think what they're doing is "holding power over people" by any skillful action.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's just trying to cover up getting shitfaced at an after-party


That shit happened to me once, drank a drink a girl gave me, that she got for free from someone else.

Got super fucked up and probably almost died.

Bump to spite the shills all up in this bitch. Appreciated update, OP.

It probably never happened, if GG showed us anything it was all these faggots do is lie to claim victimhood points and push the agenda.

Ultimately it's just attacking a symptom. Jews and commies have to go, and that will fix gaming. Japan is still unpozzed because they are relatively free of them. Same with games out of Eastern Europe.

None of this matters. Entertainment mediums are simply reflections of the societies that produce them. In other words, games will continue to get worse if we don't fix our actual problems as a society. Which is why the gaming industry is ultimately irrelevant on the battlefield, it will go where the herd goes because that's the nature of all entertainment industries.


Please tell me this is satire user, I really can't believe that you are so retarted.

This is what I so fucking love about Holla Forums.

You have a myriad of different people in different places working in different industries, who can offer all of us an insight and perspective into these areas of society and economy.

Here, it's just raw, unfiltered information and truth, brought forth by anybody.

Just the fact that we can peer into so many different industries and locate the truth and connect the dots is…such a weird feel for me.

Translation: All my precious GG boards are dead, I will try to use Holla Forums to recruit more idiots for my now leftist-controlled movement.

Fuck off

Post Holla Forums games. RTS is for the smart man.


What the hell are you on about? It's just a discussion. Everyone here is just discussing shit

There's no call to action or rally whatsoever.

The only post where I mention GG is here

One sentence in a completely off-handed nature. This thread isn't about GG. Stop sperging




Hmm, you seem to be speaking with authority on this. Where do you work at? Sorry, if I look too skeptical.

How many homosexuals are in New Vegas?

I mean it's a good game with good DLC but some of the writers were SA goons and it shows.

I think 3, some stupid bitch in a cloak, a bald robot, ???. It's a good game with varying politics and follows the lore of the original just pirate it as with most games because most companies are scum.

What's the best way to export, scale, and integrate assets into one (obviously non-legal) platform?

eg. all the WoW levels, assets
If possible animation should be retained - if not, there needs to be a method of applying animations from a library of reasonable substitutes.

Basically here's the idea, whenever a game comes out

The idea here is

More assets:
The latest games, ideally, the sooner the better.

The super-cool effects of the latest games won't be important. Just the assets. This is a way to speak directly with the gamer. Their language is the visuals and structures of games, not the graphics crap (eg rain, fog, advanced bump mapping, fancy hair/fur/grass) - all that's unimportant, even undesirable.

Are you drunk too? High five.


Got a problem, agent suckadick?


Lulzy. They would be very butthurt to see their assets stolen and put in a racist game :)

Is there an easy way to unify assets? eg pull them into Blender where they work without any extra work?

Meanwhile, I realize textures could be complicated. Geometry, and textures approximately placed would be good enough possibly.

Every time these faggots and kikes show up.
Nobody here is playing pozzed western games. Nobody here is saying anyone should play them. Nobody here has ever said anything of the sort.

Everyone is saying we need to prevent the kikes from taking over gaming, as they did to the movie industry. It's important to win the culture war.

But retards like you just want to sit your thumb up your ass and let the Jews ruin everything and utterly eradicate all of our culture. Why? Are you getting paid to say these things?

Can you play as Germany?

Do you offer BJ's, sir?

Yes. But as you can see from that picture, the German army in this WW1 game has Negro soldiers…
Also the campaign is about American Negro soldiers. In reality, there was about a total of 30 or so Negro soldiers in the entire world war, and millions of white soldiers.

Don't buy the game.



Good to see they're actually making historically accurate games now-a-days.

Hitler did have a black brigade didn't he? Or was it muslim? Or was it both?


Look up Afrika Korps + 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar

Even the most liberal estimates put LGBT population in the US at 5%. So it should be 95% heterosexual.

Except that picture is from WW2.

The new Battlefield game is a WW1 game, and Germany did not have a single Negro soldier in that war.

Some Afro-Germans served in the Wehrmacht. Pic related is Horst Sabac el Cher, a descendant of August Sabac el Cher.

lel. They're laughable dogshit.

They're all fools, all ignorant, all worthless, all stupid, all nothing!


You're right, but, uh, explain five nights at Freddie's. There's a lot of low cost cancer being developed in the indie scene these days getting away with shit content. This isn't braid. This is some prerendeered shitty whack a mole.


That looks like when you dress your dog up in an outfit, they look like they have no fucking clue what they're doing

Well you know what I fucking mean, dude. Germany has Negro soldiers in Battlefield 1 in battles taking place in France against French, British or American forces. Negroes in their actual main army.


Official toxicology report or no dice.

You don't notice how the gaming-world is slowly turning into a copy of the movie-industry?

As in major production-companies are buying up the smaller succesful ones and is controlling more and more of what games are ultimately being released.

That's how the kikes win the video-game-war. I wonder how many of them we find in the various production-companies boards etc. Because if a bigger company owns you, they decide absolutely everything of what you do and therefore what's being released. This movement of moving every PC-game into Steam is given me warning-signs aswell btw.

Virtually every Western dev is already controlled by kikes. Hell, many were even founded by kikes to begin with.

who's the main audience for FNAF?
question answered
hell it's a simple game that hit the right cord for alot of squeakers

How about creating free meme games? Games that have much of the icky shit that keeps kike bitches away but keeps guys coming back for more? The culture war never ended. We kept fighting even if Holla Forums and /hq/ got co-opted by redditcucks and was destroyed in such a way I'm sure they're still congratulating themselves like they're winning. We gotta subvert back better than them.

The Democrats were even when Pushing Political Correctness and Social Justice back then but the culture was way more resilient thanks to Trash TV& Radio like Morton downey jr Show, Howard Stern, Married with Children etc. The Bullshit about Christians trying to censor everything was literally Hollywood propaganda the leftist like John Waters and Michael Moore and the Daily Show started pushing in the early 00's. The whole American Big Church Christian Revival Fad didn't catch on until after 9/11 and it was largely due to Neoconservatives trying to Unify Christian votes into a big tent. Prior the Bush Jr Era it was still taboo to talk about religion in public, not because people where less religious but because the Episcopalian vs Anglican vs Catholic vs Protestant Churches debate could lead to a fist fight. Even the 50's which were very Conservative where private about Religion.

God damn it I miss that place. In the early 2000s when it was still owned by cmdrtaco it had about a 20-20-40 political split between left/right/libertarian outlooks, but almost everyone was a computer programmer who still hated incompetence and knew better than to make excuses for it. And the lolbergs were much more focused on becoming indepedently wealthy and DIYing their own home security systems or building model rockets and steady cams than in bitching about the Fed or drug laws. They were the most fun and interesting people because they were the ones answering questions about how they did something in real life.
Comments were never deleted, moderation points were a sometimes thing more like pulling jury duty than having to meet some Maoist death quota, and while there was a lot of autistic nerd rage over politics or the one true operating system, the average age was still low enough that most users still had the time and energy to investigate and discuss suspicious news instead of repeating MSM talking points.
Now ownership has changed hands more than once and it's turning into another gadget blog. I stopped going there when I noticed it was only the low user IDa (oldfags, a minority by then) who saw through Zoey Quinn and Sarkeesian.

*low user IDs
it's like the Stone Cutters, they assign you a number according to the time you created your account


Even on the video game front you had Hillary (Democrat) and Joe Liberman (Democrat) who hopped on the bandwagon against vidya.

Part of the problem




Shit Wrong pic on the 3rd

*Wrong 3rd pic

Actually, jap games where shit from the very beginning. If you compare your average adventure game to a j-rpg, you will immediately notice how uncreative the japanese medium is.

Games always had success in sales before including shitskins races in vidya. And shitskins bought the games back then too, it was successful with them too.

iirc that first image was made by a SJW as a parody of things that KIA makes

Except nihonjins are very creative, nigger. They've created six billion AAA titles that permeate pop culture.

What Japan failed to get was the coming of the competitive scene/online gaming.

It's the same thing that happened when Japan didn't get the first WWW wave. Because Nippon doesn't have an academic Computer Science tradition.


Will we be able to make games where we gas the kikes and shoot niggers in the street for no reason other than theyre niggers in it?

If we're going to do something with WoW I can help, I've got a lot of experience creating and maintaining WoW private servers as well as editing its assets to create things better suited for what I want.

I believe it is very well possibile for us to steal the assets from various games and create our own extremely racist Holla Forums incarnate game. Ripping the assets does not seem to be that hard, but getting them to work in a seperate engine or game is the hard part that I have no idea what you would have to do.

Game dev here from a major, uncucked publisher. We'll never be subverted by SJWs. We serve the market end of story.

I have a hunch you're from Paradox. Paradox is kiked.

You are in for endless tedium.

The normal workflow is for importing your assets from authoring tools into the engine and never the other way around.
And that direction is already full of undocumented heuristics and buggy ad hoc solutions.
There is zero tooling for the other direction because there is no use case that isn't illegal.

You can surely script together some shit for exporting from a specific engine, but producing anything reliable will be a major PITA.



Thanks for these user


Left-wing faggots got their First Nigger President, I want them to leave my fucking games alone. It's not enough that they already control film, music, news and literature, they want this too.

And in that way, they control the video-game business aswell, since directions always comes from up-top.

However, it wasn't all kikes though at one point. But they have managed to wipe out the whole middle-market of video-game-studios by either making them go broke or buy them.

What if the ideology around market and service the markets is ultimately a subversion on it's own? Most economic and business-theories is ultimately kikeish schemes, how else would you explain that no matter how succesful you're as a company, the kikes always ends up richer?

Again, from my perspective as a dev, any meaningful SJW influence in the game industry was completely destroyed during GamerGate.

So many of colleagues that were hopeless whiteknight beta cucks in the beginning of it had switched over to "fuck SJW e-celebs and the horse they road in on" by the end.

And that's just the rank-and-file developers. In general, studio management had *never* been on board with SJWs, because it's obvious to anyone with a brain that consumers either don't care or don't like it.

Keep in mind very little published by the gaming press is ever true.

Not gonna out myself.

I will say I've been in the industry for 10 years, and I've worked in AAA and indie, and worked in a variety of different roles.

And it doesn't matter for a hill of beans and proves just how much SJWs have won in the end, if you have to hide here while pontificating and shilling about what's not changing.

You know as well as I that a wall's incoming, due to the graphics processors reaching their limits. Easy gains with graphical fidelity are coming to an end. Hype machine is weakening due to incompetent SJWs no longer being of much use anymore. Youtubers still need time to be more fully corrupted, so there's still a window of opportunity remaining. In addition to that, EA has been gobbling up the smaller corps in blatant slash and burn efforts to take advantage of the situation, then run to government just like Microshit when the fallout hits over the next two to three years.

So whenever you come to me with this horseshit, I don't tend to believe you.

Okay, I'll tell you what. Why don't you doxx yourself first, and then I'll doxx myself.

A crash is coming, and it will be similar to the video game crash in the early 1980s. AAA is totally unsustainable This is a good thing.

You should know we hate brown people and don't like them in our fantasy world's

Already have, but since you're that much of a pussy that you won't come out beforehand, see for who I am. Your turn chickenshit.

And that crash is already being set up by the very forces fucking you and other wannabes over.

Then why don't your kike bosses find some new press to work with, and tell the kike press to fuck off?

If you let the SJW press proceed unopposed, they'll eventually alter perception until you act against your best interest, even if it takes a decade.

reported. Go be a kike somewhere else.

Ashes and Echoes

If GG2.0 happens the solution is simple:

See femshit in a game? Boycott the devs until the financial burden forces them to bring back the meritocratic nature of games.

This was the fundamental problem w GG. They successfully boycotted gawker and they bled a 9 figure digit as a result. Somehow this exact shit doesnt work when its a game developer in the crosshairs. Calls for boycotting were instantly shut down and frankly thats where they failed. The reality is that as soon as one major label falls, every other major label would have said "well shit, i dont wanna bleed money! If they will boycott my game for any pro sjw content then let me make a game that is about having fun… Oh wow we got major support and sales from this, maybe we should make more games like this! "


Reminder that boycotts work. Just ask Israel.

yet there are wymyn or fags in every title it seems these days

you gonna make us a gtkrwn game? doesn't have to be overt alien infiltrators and zombies. maybe a little dieversity is great pandering, then after a level or two you find out that the aliens are shapeshifting lizards who are trying to get us to welcome in the zombies
