Tfw on the Trump train since 2015

>tfw 1/8 Jew

Should I gas myself preemptively Holla Forums?

Yes, gas yourself.

Nationalism itself can be followed by any race and peoples on Earth

Since you're a Jew though, you have no homeland, just Israel, which is stolen land. So the best you can do is follow the rest of the muts and support an American Nationalist cause

Fuck off leftypol, no one invited you.

Make sure you get in the oven before you gas yourself so somebody doesn't have to clean up your mess.

He's right though. Five days until Holla Forums gets BTFO at the polls. Can't hardly wait.

I'm a social libertarian and support freedom more than (current year) Holla Forums. I loved 2014 8/pol/ but over time it acquired retards until the group-think reached the point now where disagreeing with Holla Forums on anything makes me part of X group in their eyes.

Nice try lefty

But according to German race laws I'm not considered a Jew or even a Mischling. You had to be 1/4 Jew to be a Mischling. So technically I'm only Jewish if you use the "one drop" standard.

I don't even look that Jewish. I've got blond hair, blue eyes, and an overall Aryan look. My hair isn't curly, I don't have buggy/sleepy eyes, and my lower lip isn't massive. My only Jewish feature is my slightly large nose. And even that isn't comically/stereotypically large.



This isn't the debate team kiddo.

No you idiot. In the end it won't matter what your race or whatever is as long as you all agree on the same shit (race mixing still iffy). I've met up with Holla Forums before and we've gone drinking with black guys and no one gave a fuck about them being black because they were voting Trump and weren't ghetto. Culture overrides race.

Holla Forums once had great debates so I figured those coming from Holla Forums would be able to support their arguments.
not really, like I said Holla Forums has gone down hill to the point not even 5% can actually make an argument

If it's nu-Holla Forums then yes you should you cancer frog posting sodomite

I hate self haters of any kind.

I also hate people that can't form their own opinion and soak up the viewpoints of their peers like a sponge.



there's a chart somewhere explaining Reich laws on intermarriage based on genetics. IIRC 1/8th jew requires no special permissions.

Even Hitler himself was fine with 1/8th. Stop with the bait already, oyyy.

I too hate strawmen, the brainless fools!

This. Hitler was fine with blacks and japs too, had all blacks fighting in Africa and the eastern front is obvious. Race isn't the issue as long as the values are there.

This sums up my problems with nu-Holla Forums perfectly.

But that's the thing. I don't see myself as Jewish. I didn't even know I was part Jewish until I went looking through my family history.

I never said I absorbed their opinion, I said I agree with what they say.

Learn from the glorious lion of Rome user.

The "back to x" snowclone isn't an image macro you mong. Image macros are usually only classical "memes" and demotivational posters.

What if a jew shares those values?

Maybe if the hotpockets could chill it'd be better. I've gotten banned because pointing out any factual error in someone's post makes you a CTR shill

Jews don't have values. They only pretend they do so they can infiltrate a group and poison it from within

I didn't say that. But here, it is their wailing and gnashing of teeth that will be the loudest come the early hours of Wednesday.

As you and Holla Forums will see, memes do not translate into votes. Or at least not in enough numbers for victory.

Its not just the hotpockets. It seems as though r/thedonald has actively been replacing the oldguard this past year or so.

You heard it here OP, GTFO you aren't a real nazi.


Boy you sure do seem confident Clinton will win.
I can see why. She already rigged the nomination, the election is in the bag.

Even if you aren't leftypol, you're cancer of an equal or greater degree.

t. leftypol

if you don't support trump you are a literal cuck. you support those who want to flood the US with 3rd world ugly shitskin beaners who'll live off our benefits for decades.



I've never visited Holla Forums, but nice job jumping to conclusions there.

How about rallies? Trump brings in stadiums full of people. Hillary can only fill a middle school gymnasium half way.

An user posted that Trump would win and got quints. Obviously this is a sign from an ancient egyptian frog diety.

you are the cancer killing Holla Forums.

A win is a win

We will see on Tuesday. If Trump wins I'll give away some free shit here on Holla Forums Wednesday.


You don't even sound old enough to vote kiddo.

There'll be more than enough free salt to go around when Trump wins.


Here, there will be much more salt when he loses.

You'll be ok

Holla Forums is an embarrassment to all Trump supporters, nazi larping idiots who tremble in fear of their jew bogeyman, I cringe every time I see some fourteen year old kid with a moonman avatar posting (((meme echoes))) on trump videos, makes me think Holla Forums is just another branch of CTR made to misrepresent Trump supporters. Wouldn't surprise me, if you want someone like Hitler, Hillary is pretty close.

I've had this same thought. Sadly, I think they are serious.

Doesn't help that they're in denial about their god emperor. I have high hopes for stronger borders but anyone thinking he's going to work against the jew is deluding themselves

This, if you say anything mean against Trump you will be banned. That board is shit from moderation to users, the only decent thing there are memes, but thats one of the only places in the world open to talk about (((bogeyman))) and that scarcity proves that point.

go bitch at xyz pol some more.

Just support nationalism, fa.ggot.

I listen to the daily shoah and fash the nation, but I'm not a white nationalist, I like how they don't make excuses for minority races, sodomites, or international jewry.

Okay, so you're just some goon trying to be le epic trol xD
Compared to Hillary he's a fucking saint.
Hillary has been responsible for the deaths of Americans and deleted thousands of e-mails while under subpoena.
The worst Trump has done? Exploit a well known tax loophole used by many, many other businesses and corporations. Oh, and he hurt some feelings :^(
Get your head out of your ass goon, try using it to think for once.

History repeats again. Like many others here have said, Holla Forums has become a bad joke, overrun by redditors from r/The_Donald and putting all it's chips of it's own credibility on a lost campaign. It's a shame too as Hillary really is very crooked and Holla Forums is at least five times more annoying, but I don't think anyone ever took them seriously to begin with.

Holla Forums used to be respected, but I think you will find (once you stop accusing all who point out their retardation as being shills) just how much contempt has built up for them. The you'll claim how such and such a board were always allies and wonder where the good will evaporated to.

You killed it yourself. Blatant idiots erode respect over time.

lol u mad

I tought Holla Forums was supposed to have epic bants?

None of that was relevant to my post, except for butthurt over the completely justified assertion that you are a goon.

I'll leave you to your mindless shitposting.



😂 u just got btfo my dude 😂

Dude that is fucking nothing. You're fine. There is a chart for Jew genetics I'll find it for you after this round of angel arena.

1/8 on which side?
Your father or your mother's side?

It was all completely relevant and you know it. This mile high stack of toddlers building blocks is going to tumble down in a week, everyone knows it, and everyone knows Holla Forums will only double down and get even more retarded, citing conspiracy theories, further believing their own parodies as facts and generally shitting the bed in an absolute fit.

And again, it's a shame as they used to be very sharp.


It's a shame, Holla Forums became stronger due to liberals going full retard and then they go full retard themselves driving away supporters.

I long for a return to the short time when Holla Forums actually looked at how to gain and maintain support rather than ranting like retards.

chop off 1/8th of your weight in body part(s), and burn that instead.

Father's side. The jew in my case was my great grandfather, so if you want to be pedantic you could say he was the last Jew in that line, since Judaism is matrilineal.

Yeah, unfortunately I did get the Jewish nose genetics, although nothing else. Not sure why, since no one else in my family (brother, parents, grandparents, etc) looks even remotely Jewish. I was just lucky enough to get the nose.

I do.

"using usury to steal from people"

You dumb fuck!
No one used usury to steal from you!
You were just stupid enough to sign that mortgage with interest.

What would happen if noone in the world signed an agreement involving usury?

Theft is when someone takes something from you. Usury is when you volunteer it. Don't like usury? Stop signing contracts involving it.

"Oh no these Jewish bankers are ruining the planet"

Stop fucking using bank accounts then you whiny little cucks!!

Down the hill? They were never up the hill in the first place. They just anchor, censor, and ban you if you :

1: Speak the truth
2. Have a different point of view
3: Outwit them
4: Use logic
5: Use reason
6: Produce facts and evidence

Those Holla Forums fam guys are even dumb enough to think that based on the discovery of three teeth and part of a skull that men descended from monkeys and that there must surely have been millions of monkey to man intermediates, even though ONE COMPLETE NEANDERTHAL MAN skeleton has not been found. EVER.
So I'm expected to believe that a whole race of millions of beings existed based on the "great discovery" of a few bones that wouldn't fill a trashcan. And furthermore, I'm to accept it as evidence and a scientist fact!!!
And what's more, if I don't accept that as fact, I'm "a shill" and censored.

pol people are just as bad as the retarded SJWs who are deluded into thinking that they are correct (and who also use lefty tactics of ban, censor, delete, shut it down.

The great thing here is that when the Holla Forums defenders (all 3 of them) reply to this post of mine in order to make me look stupid or wrong or discredit me it will be in vain.

Why? Because most of the people here on Holla Forums have experienced the censorship and leftist tactics and been banned themselves. In fact, post 1 in the chat if you have been banned from Holla Forums for having a different opinion or winning an argument.




capitalism is garbage m8
gotta protect our currency if we're going to have one, and protect the resources and people of the country

1 1


you forgot to mention that Holla Forums are actively encouraging board users to contact the FBI. Also, 1


They are pretty much a Trump Campaign headquarters which is why Clinton came after Pepe.


I get banned all the time for pointing out statistics bro

1, even though most of your post seemed unhinged and crazy. But Holla Forums will ban you for the stupidest reasons. I can attest to that at least.

A) someone being Jewish is not an argument
B) you haven't actually refuted anything about the philosophy.

Never saw that video before.
The gaming industry is done, people are saying this shit is okay with their wallets


I'm sorry you missed 2014 8/pol/, it was glorious for a few months while 4/pol/ slowly came over through being banned because they didn't have the spine to leave on principle.

As someone that left willingly on principle this makes me sad.

this was tried a year ago and failed. I don't think paid mods are currently a thing yet, although they could've done it again and I could be wrong.

Paid mods will be on consoles first, PC has had mods too long for it to become paid without a fight.
Mark my works, paid console mods will be a thing within the next 5 years and they will push PC again not long after.

Are you perhaps a member of an ancient tribe from the Levant?

But he's right, no one is forcing you to sign anything, people sign on their own because they are stupid.


by strategy I'm talking about decisive moves to secure a trump election and keeping a incredibly corrupt bitch from fucking up this world.


Except Hitler loved his nation.

So it's ok to use big government as a tool even if you idealistically oppose it?
That seems an whole lot like liberal double think.
I hate Trump much less than I hate Hilary but I see neither as "good"

Just be thankful you're not 1/4 nigger.

Black =/= nigger, you type proper english with punctuation all, I think you'll be just fine.


You can be 100% black and still not be a full-blown nigger, user.

Would you like a slice of orange pie, sir?

Exactly! Finally someone else on here that gets it.

Please click the "add friend" button on here.

The government is really corrupt and crooked and evil and untrustworthy, but pay all your attention on the government, support the government election, and write to your government agency for help.

That is Holla Forums in a nutshell.
Call them out on it and get banned.
Except the ban doesn't work thanks to Based Hotwheels' glorious Holla Forums. Because when Holla Forums fucks with someone and tries to keep it on the down-low, the victim comes on here and bares all for the world to see. An argument that can only be defeated by censorship is an argument that will never be defeated.

This entire website was founded by Hotwheels with one thought in mind: Freedom to communicate anonymously and without censorship and interference. If Socrates, Aristotle, and the great philosophers were alive, they would be here. That is why there is so much shit on here. To hide that which matters most.

>tfw no breaks on the progress train

If you want to call out a mod that's one thing, but painting the entirety of a board with that ridiculous straw brush is completely asinine.

Why do you type like that?

I don't consider myself a human.

I've got more Jew in me than you and I'm on the same train.

Though I'm more of a Pinochet/Hoppe kind of guy.

Just got my results for my Ancestry test today, thought that I might have some Jewish blood in my family, Wouldn't have minded, I have a lot of admiration for the strength and tenacity of the Jewish people, turns out i'm 99.9% Northern European, whiter than Hitler. Don't be ashamed of yourself because of stuff you can't change, Race is meaningless, culture and morals are the only things that matter.

Outside of genetic diseases who gives a fucking shit who you're great great grandparents were or did. What matters is what the fuck can you do for society?

what the fuck do you look like? since you are 1/4 nigger most likely nigger.
RIP you.

How is he wrong about the Jews? They have scammed their way though history being chased out of many nations in the process. Despite this they continued scamming until they gained positions of such power that they can influence foreign policy of the worlds most powerful nation.

k cuck

Libtard grade argument, friend.

Didn't the Nuremberg laws say that 1/8 jews weren't actually jews.

Holla Forumstards please try to stay on your containment board


Yes. You're too stupid to breed

Triggered are we?

tfw you're from the purest darkie dark africa land and also the most white ass scandinavian ass bomb ass shit

none of these other places my nigga





tfw you forget to hit the spacebar

Yeah, they need new material at least. The same shit just isn't funny anymore, the dead horse has been beaten etc, it's gotten old.

I'm not right wing but if you want Hillary to win then you're a corrupt globalist who wants to give the establishment even more power. If Hillary wins there will be guaranteed terrorist attacks due to the lack of border control, if you disagree then you must be some sort of extreme optimist. The worst things that can happen will happen so let's not throw our enemies a bone.




Nah, that's nothing to worry about. You should be more worried about how gullible you were to worry about it.


They are laughing now, but they won't be laughing on their way home to Africa.

trump is a zionist shill himself who cucked his daughter to the jews

as a Holla Forumsack you should be okay with contradicting yourself in everything you say and do

there are more deaths caused by domestic right wing terrorists than by "foreign (right wing) threats" - which were created by US foreign policies in the first place
on top of it, it's the US terrorizing the entire globe and fucking shit up for everyone

and there is just one problem

you are too retarded that its your governments and capitalists doing because you faggot actually think they're related to you and you don't see any profits from this for yourself

americans are faggots and need to be gassed

the establishment is also constantly waging war against leftist, socialist nations:

there hasn't been one right wing led nation that has been attacked by the US
because right wingers are their sell out bitches

My benis will vote more efficiently than you, faggot


commies mad again

KYS weebshit

Common Culture is what you are thinking of. The problem right now is we have Right-Wing Culture and Left Wing Culture. Both of these can be broken up into sub groups (For instance, ghetto culture is a sub culture of the Left Wing).

if you don't support trump you are a literal cuck. you support those who want to flood the US with 3rd world ugly shitskin beaners who'll live off our benefits for decades.

Lol the whole civilization of the u. S is built of middle east oil and the wealth of other nations. U. S gov is a bandit always has been.
You Silly teen


t. /r/The_Donald faggot