Im buying some silver to add to my supplies in order to have a form of currency that will be accepted no matter the...

Im buying some silver to add to my supplies in order to have a form of currency that will be accepted no matter the situation. Even though the overcharge is the most with the 1/10oz pieces I am leaning towards buying them just because ill have more of them and I feel people are mostly ignorant to metal value so it won’t matter that its such a small bit. Then again the 1/4oz pieces hold the same appeal and I would still have a decent amount plus its closer to a fair deal even though I’m still losing around $14. The 1oz are the best deal but I only will have 5.

What do you think Holla Forums what would you do and why? Ill be making my purchase on the 3rd so if the thread is still up ill post when I get them.

1oz silver worth $20
No shipping fee included prices are silver only
Order minimum is $100

10 1/10oz pieces = 1oz for $31.98 which means $11.98 overcharge on the oz so total order of 32 1/10 (3oz + 0.2oz) is $102.33 which means about $40 overcharge on the total order of silver.

4 1/4oz pieces = 1oz for 23.17 which means 3.17 overcharge on the oz
so total order of 18 1/4oz (4oz + 0.5 or 1/2 an oz) is 104.25 which means about $14 overcharge

5 1oz pieces = 1oz for $21.83 which means $1.83 overcharge on the oz
so total order of 5 1oz pieces is 109.17 which means $9.17 overcharge on the order

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Why? Is silver not valuable enough?

Waste of money and time. If things go to shit and society collapses all the gold and silver in the world won't buy you food if there's no food to buy.

Invest your time and money in learning how to do things yourself the old fashioned way.

You could buy other things from people who were confident they would make it through the collapse. Also the entire world most likely wouldn't collapse so the goal would be to get to a stable place. You could buy your way in possibly via a smuggler or you could pay a soldier to look the other way. Its all risky but at least you would be able to get some local currency once you settled in the new place.


Its not worthless if people put value in it. It might be fake value made up by people but that means its still valuable in made up human societies

Yes, that was my point.

It was hard to gain excitably

A few grams of platinum are also good to invest in, at least that's what I did.