Tell me some good/profitable side gigs for a wage slave with some extra time on his hands

Tell me some good/profitable side gigs for a wage slave with some extra time on his hands.

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Grow your own veggies



Uber is the obvious one

Looking through pennies is also an ok one
I shit you not I had a drug dealer that was always doing this. He would just get really high and sit on his couch skimming through rolls of pennies while he watched tv and said that he made ok money at it. You just get some cash, go to the bank, get a bunch of rolls, skim through them, and make sure you switch which banks you're going to so you don't get the same pennies.

invest in the stock market

It's not the first time women show they are incapable of managing most concepts of modernity without fucking themselves over.

I would say RIP, but thots deserve no peace.

I don't drive, unfortunately. And I'm not in the US, where I live currently is a place with few coin rareties.

But thank you anyway, you gave good sugestions that might help someone else.

That takes a little more time and patience than what I would like at the moment. BUT I might consider it if no other option arises.

do you have truckstops?

I am not sure. Why?

Aw shit niqqa.

Look, if you want to make some serious money you can't do it legaly. Doing a side business while a wage slave is areal faux pas and can get you fired. Although owning a private company that doesn't rival the one you're working for works out in most cases.

Basically if you're a regular 9-5:er you want to do your side hustle while on the job. Now I don't know if you have any spare time on your hands when you're working but if you genuinely like what you do on the side it should be no problem.

The second big thing is how much you want to make on the side. Doing shit legally takes time and effort, or everyone would do it.
You can "earn" a lot of money by saving on shit you don't need.
Ride the bus or get a bike to cut down fuel costs, don't buy expensive brands of foods, grow a small garden in your kitchen window for fresh and free veggies. I know these things seem shitty but the cash will add up eventually.

Thirdly, if you have a hobby you do, like painting, writing or whatever shit else, try and make it a business. Etzy, ebay and national variations can land you some sweet pocket money, though you shouldn't expect to make a lot if you're not completely dedicated to the project full time.

Now doing things illegally is just something I'd recomend if you're really desperate or an idiot, but here goes:
Dumpster diving can save you a lot of cash. I know it sounds gross but a lot of stores have policies to throw shit away that is actually edible, and don't bother with "best before" dates, they're just guidelines and most things are perfectly safe to eat. This also has the benefit of being a very minor crime as long as you don't break into anything or open locks.

Second is to scavange electronics. Even though it's a legal gray zone it's still not something you should consider telling your friends and family about. Taking home broken shit, take them apart and sell the components on the cheap is a good side hustle. Extracting gold and other precious materials from computers can actually be pretty economically viable on the side. Plus you're helping the environment by doing so.

Now we get to what you've been waiting for: selling drugs.
Manufacture drugs in your house/apt is risky bisny and isn't really that economical in the long run. Growing weed takes a lot of effort and the yeald can range from so little you'll have a hard time finding customers to enough to warrant serious jail time if you're caught.
Basically, if you want to sell drugs you should sling that shit for other dealers. It's safer too since you run lesser risk at accidentally getting in on another dealers territory and get stabbed in a dark alley.

So these are my tips. Good luck friend!