Well, I've come to the conclusion that my grandfather might be NSDAP. He died recently and my family decided to go through his house and clean it up a bit. We came across a briefcase in his attic and found pic related inside it. Does anyone know how to identify an SS rank?
Meanwhile in granpa's attic
Other urls found in this thread:
how about another pic of the document, legible this time.
for starters you could post a picture that's not smudged as fuck (bro tip: place your phone on the ground, the piece of paper in front of it and shoot it with a timed trigger.)
Doing all i can with a shitty camera.
Sorry can't help you fam. Did you try the uniform?
It fits well, but i don't have gold enough hair to walk around in it.
Just do it.
If you say so.
It seems to be an elaborate price tag for the uniform.
Why didn't you know this when he was still alive?
looks like Paul Schoning is a tailor.
I never asked the guy. I just figured he must be some other old guy who fought "Muh ebil nazis"
A friend of mine recommended i go on Omegle and scare shitskins. It seems rather undignified for the uniform though. Recommendations?
Dude that's fucked. He was your fucking opa.
You never talked to your grandpa? You jackass.
I did, however, i never expected this, and most of the time he was sleeping or out of the house. I never knew he had this stuff.
Face it; you're not going to wear it. And you don't want to have it in your place if you ever get arrested. Don't be that guy 'found with a nazi uniform in his apartment'.
If that's genuine, it's probably worth a shedload to a collector.
The collar is that of a Sturmbannführer, the equivalent of Major.
If it's a silver square in each corner, he was Sturmbannführer. If there are two horizontal white lines on the bottom as well, it's Obersturmbannführer.
The note just seems to be about the clothes - lieferung is delivery, preise is price and so on. I'm not German though, and I just searched for waffen ss ranks to tell what rank he was. Make of that what you will.
Paul Schönig was a tailor from munich,selling cloth and in this case cloth for uniforms. This seems to be the first page of a pricelist, explaining the general conditions like delivery, prices and conditions, nothing interesting.
Could be right, it seems like the uniform of a Sturmbannführer.
Is the Nazi symbols safely removable? Because if they are I'd remove them and wear the coat at formal occasions.
Then put them back on and wear it at home
He could always say it was a costume for a play or something.
Or an heirloom from his grandfather. You know, like it is.
I decided i would wear it to scare degenerates on Omegle. you can find me on the Islam and Holla Forums tags.
(yes the coat is comfy)
Is it possible you're a fucking Jew trying to hang another old man for serving his country?
if he fought in the war for the allies then that might be a trophy stolen from the germans
Don't listen to this guy OP. Don't sell an heirloom
If you aren't just pulling our collective leg and the jacket is genuine, this is pretty awesome.
Did you find anything else of interest?
Like anons have pointed out, the 4 diamonds equal Sturmbannführer. Officer, and probably a competent man involved from the start.
There are lists on SS members. If your Opa didn't change his name, you'll probably find it there.
So tell us about the guy. He fought for the Third Reich, presumably, and then moved to America afterwards?
This. Check it for bullet holes.
This is just a price list from the fabric seller, doesn't the uniform have a small tag somewhere inside?
I can translate stuff you find.
No bullet holes at all.
I don't know if this is relatable but he does have his blood type tattooed under his arm. and i heard that the SS did that.
He was a kind man and there are some pics from earlier times. I've been talking to my mother about it and appearently she knew. Opa was quiet if he didn't know you and he did talk about the war now that i think of it, but he never said anything about being on the american side. the briefcase had some stickers on it from argentina and brazil as well. so this is all kinda new to me.
So that rumor that Hitler resettled in Argentina might be true.
Not sure where else i should look, that's all the signage i could find on it.
Would you be so kind and link those lists, want to check my grandparents.
It's 100% bullshit that Hitler killed offed himself in a bunker.
I suspected as much, but I've never had any evidence to point to. Do you?
No body ever found or presented, except some really shifty photos.
Then the Soviets claim they 'burned the body and dumped the ashes in a river'.
Seems legit tbh fam, I mean, who wouldn't trust the Soviets?
only a burned corpse. even the CIA suspects Der Fürher lived in south america.
So it's like what they did with Osama bin laden.
Most of the NatSocs who escaped the war went to Latin America, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile usually. Some of them helped out the right-wing regimes there until the 70s.
So congratulations I guess OP, your grandfather escaped Schlomo. Don't ever sell that fucking coat.
Did you find the full uniform or just the coat.
If it is real the insignia would be sown into the fabric.
Still looking for the rest of the uniform but this is all i've found. as well as a silver ring.
it has a stamp in it that looks like a shield with the SS runes in it. (this is on the band not the obvious one.)
Show us the shoulders and better pictures of the collar.
Also this link might be of interest to you.
What an amazing piece of history, user. You're in America, then? I wish we could talk to your grandfather. How old was he when he died?
You have to contact the Bundesarchiv in Berlin. Send them a research request, and they will either do it for you or give you a time to visit the archives personally.
It will cost you some euros.
They have the personnel records of SS and Waffen-SS.
Then there's the Deutsche Dienststelle for regular Wehrmacht troops. The process is similar, but the access is much easier to get.
What's stamped inside the ring?
Fuck what a cool ring, I wish I had an SS-ring
Sounds like a good idea how to end up on a government watch list.
Have you any idea how many horrified Germans try to find out if their dear old Opa was an ebil nadzi?
I doubt contacting them for innocent research sends you on any list.
We are there already.
I suspect zero.
He aged 97. Hermie Streibel though i'm not sure that is his real name if the SS changed names and shit.
On omegle fucking with niggers user, will do that soon.
drawfag pic is fow what the stamp looks like
shitty mobile phone. working on what it looks like.
(shitty drawing of that the stamp looks like)
I meant the inner side, the one against your finger.
There should be markings about the silver quality and the maker of the ring.
holy fuck op, this is amazing. jelous as fuck tbh
i see the number 80 or 08 stamped on the outside of the band as well as a smaller stamp that says 800 other than that it's a bit patenaed.
screwing with the minds of femishits on omeggle. if you wanna join.
Tags are Feminism, Cuck, Hillary Clinton and islam.
So jealous.
why didn't you bury him in it
Chinese-made prop straight outta eBay/10
Try harder next time.
t. militaria expert
damn… that sucks…
user, keep that information and that uniform guarded close. Its a relic and a family heirloom. Make sure it is preserved well and do not leave the house with it ever.
what about the ring?
Knowing my luck it's probably a fake too. I'm rather upset about this now. but i think i'll still wear the uniform to mine salt from lefties.
The real question now is assuming you are not just taking us on ruse cruise, why did your grandpa have a fake SS uniform and ring then?
Give me a break OP the gig is up. Nice ruse 4/10.
The list is about textiles for 1935 uniforms.
Well done Holla Forums! once again I have tried to fool you, and once again you withstood the Ruse cruse. I admit. I intentionally attempted to fool you with a reproduction. May i gladly say you passed this eh… uh– erm t-test yeah test with flying colours. O- oy vey.
(seriously though, not suprised at how quickly this was figured out. Good job!)
I guess it's time for me to climb back into the oven.
the last bit of remains that the soviets claimed to hold were tested in a lab in 2009 and the tests came back female
lol wtf Holla Forums
I'm not even a fucking expert and just from all the pics I've seen in this board I can tell that shit is fake
This does mean we need to work on our bullshit detecting skills.
OP is a faggot.
Have a pic of some real shit from my collection.
1944 P-38 pistol
1938 K98 Mauser
Iron Cross 2nd class with Sudetenland campaign medal
Iron Cross 2nd class
RePro Hitler Youth Knife
The memes work, yet again
All of that stuff looks fake as fuck, sorry OPie. Post pics of the armband. Was your Opa German? It looks like the kind of thing a GI vet would buy years later at a gun show to replace war trophies he lost/sold after the war.
OP no offense, but if you weren't trying to trick us then damn you're not very smart are you. You can even see that the round white part with the hakenkreuz is glued on the red armband, instead of being a white color circle part of the armband.
Nothing about this coat looks authentic, and you or a bunch of these autists couldn't immediately see that?
Shame on you.
I only mean to show you what is wrong in the community. We can spot a kike out of a crowd but some of us can't spot fake Reich gear.
Who's to say we can't be divided and conquered when autists aren't skeptical. We have a problem Holla Forums lock it down before it gets bigger or we may have problems. If we want to secure our existence we have to be skeptics. I already knew that this shit was fake. I got it off ww2sale for cheap and it shipped from china, but some of the spineless whelps here took it for granted that all things with swastika must be real National Socialist. So if you see a picture of Der Fürher pasted to a Marxist nigger quote, some people here will accept it as coming straight from Adolf himself.
For fucks sake niggers, let this be a wake up call.
This poster is a huge faggot.
That's a part of history, and fuck anybody who says you can't own it because "muh ebil nazis." It's your 1st amendment right, and it's also an heirloom. Do you want some Kike/musuem to turn your Grandfather's legacy into "oy vey look at this uniform of opressio nand hate, Goyim! Muh Holocaust!!?"
Noice, check out mine.
How did you get a hold of this stuff?
Are you a collector, or is it just grandpa's war booty?
Nice collection either way.
Mind giving info on what medals those are? Thanks
Wound Badge - Black
Iron Cross Second Class - 1914
The Honor Cross of the World War
Iron Cross First Class - 1914
Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross with Swords (I think)
Four Year Service Medal (WW1)
Kill yourself OP, I hope somebody reports you for being a little faggot and your ass gets banned.
Seriously faggot? Why is this even a thread?
If this is real then congrats, not only do you have a based grandpa but you also have a piece of history.
Add your aunts' names to the rope list.
Im sorry user, that truely is a shame.
kill them
He could always say it was his granddad's, and say it's potentially worth something so you keep it as a justification.
Learn to lie and hide your true motives, seriously it's not fucking hard.
I was about to say…
Where did you manage to get one? I've always wanted an authentic one, but I'm afraid it'd be the hardest thing to get.
I want cool nazi shit ;_;
too bad my relatives are all peasant slavs
It's SOWILO twice
I am quite jelly.
Lots of SS personell went to the States after the war. As military advisors, for example, but also as part of Operation Paperclip.
I fluently speak Spanish and watched a lot of documentaries from Argentina, Paraguay and other LatAm countries. Very interesting interviews with old people who swear by God they saw a German delegation surrounding a person they described like hitler, without the mustache, tho'.
Don't fret. If you are of high soul and good blood, you can be part of the SS 2.0
Dude, I know I'm late, but your Opa was a badass and I hope your remember him as such That is if you aren't screwing with us
I'm north slavic- like Lithuania and coastal Poland.
I think you will fit right in.
I like to think that I would have enlisted in the Waffen SS if I was back in the day.
a shitty camera doesn't explain a shite angle, retard.
I know that feel, posting waffen SS posters from all over europe
Bullshit, OP. You bought this off of ebay or from some WWII collectible store and are pretending it's your grandpa's
The armband looked a bit too new.
scratch what I said. It's an obvious fake
Least there was a kinda happy ending.
out of the house? but u sat inside playing your goyim games ,…all the time a real man worked or enjoyed the outdoors…..damn OP is always a fag
Not like we'll ever know, they could never admit to his place of burial for too many reason for both sides.
Truly the best propaganda.
Ha, I love these threads: another hero the fucking kikes couldn't "punish".
Germanfag hier.
Nice try OP.
Pics show a real medal from the Reich. Given to the dad of my grandmother for 25 years in the german reichs postal service.
Both grandfathers served in the SS but uniforms and stuff was seized by the red army or the amerifags when they became POW.
Nazi memorabilia, especially of your own family, are like holy relics to us. You safeguard that with your life brother, for great men wore them.
Saved this one a few years ago. My granny suffers from dementia and had to give up her house. My libshit family would have thrown this away if it wasnt for my heroic effort.
Check'd for HOLY RELICS.
The only Third Reich memorabilia I have is a stamp.
But that’s because all four branches of my family line came to America before the Revolution (fought in it, too), so I’m pleased as punch with that.
I do have a 50,000,000 Deutschmark note from Weimar Germany, though.
That uniform looks fake as fuck tbh
Fuck off Shalomberg. You and your dirty tricks are getting tiresome.
Nice. Guard those holy relics from FBI dataminers trying to oust current year NSDAP's.
Well meme'd, friends.
Those most certainly belonged to a true cuck hero. One who put his life on the line for the sake of establishing the Judeo-American dominion over Europe. Good goy. Sieg Heil. Shalom.
lol what is that scream actually from?
"worlds loudest orgasm" or something to that nature.
In the german SS they were.
Your grandfather had a fetishism for "nazi" things… the uniform from a fetish store pretty much proves it. Also, if you look at the piece of paper (1935), you'll see it's nothing important apart from a burger "sentimentalism" standpoint. Lastly, unless you're from Latin America, it's safe to assume that the closest thing to German blood your grandfather has is on his hands from WW2.
Nice MAGA hat, you're the same person your grandfather was: a fetishist FAGGOT
do you know where it was made? If it says BYF on the top it was made in the Mauser factory in Germany. since it's a 1938 it is almost certainly not a Russian captured rifle, but it could have been made by the Portugese.
Also this is a Luftwaffe badge that was bought for me by a friend visiting Estonia. I am certain it's a shitty replica, but I thought I'd post it either way.
[Shots fired]
Why didn't you bury your (((grandfather))) with the (((MAGA hat))) ? :3
(((Kennedi))) check em
This is an example of a fetish shill. They are not XIDF but the only way to arouse their microphones is to shill.