Qutebrowser comes with adblocking as a feature, so I don't normally see ads. I'm just not used to this kind of bullshit anymore. Who ever falls for these? Is it just accidental clicking? If so, why not just make the ad really big and really hard to see? I can't believe anyone ever falls for these.
haven't seen an internet ad in over three years
You're underestimating the stupidity of much of the populace. The same people who aren't intelligent and inquisitive enough to find out how to block ads are the same dumbasses who fall for this shit.
maybe those people know more about healthy food or where to invest money.. saying they aren't intelligent is just stupid.
fuck is that? goddamn computer hipsters
I liked this minus-8 edit enough to save tbh
I tried out qutebrowser a couple weeks ago and there was no adblocking. Hell, their faq even says they probably wont support adblocking ever because it takes up more ram. Only reason I stopped using it. Is there something I missed?
it's a shitty webkit browser for Qt
It's getting better every day.
It's pretty cute.
Among other webkit browsers, it's not bad.
Once it gets userscript and advanced adblocking, I'll check it out once again.
For now, I'll stick to my ungoogled-chromium builds.
I like that it has inspector mode now, so I don't need to fire up another browser when I need to test a website, or turn off some shitty pay wall. I wish it had something similar to No-Script. I think it can be scripted using :jseval, but then you'd need to have JavaScript enabled. I'd like to see Python or Lua script support in the browser.
Knowledgeable. Not necessarily intelligent
haven't said anything that contradicts this
knowing how to block ads is also just knowledge
If someone tells you, it's knowledge. If you figure it out on your own, then it's imagination/curiosity.
no, its knowledge when i know something. it doesn't matter how i obtained that knowledge.
imagination/curiosity is just something that drives me.. thats what i wanted to say with healthy food or investing money.. maybe you just don't care about this stuff. and maybe they just don't care about the ads. it has nothing to do with intelligence.
intelligence is how fast (with how much effort) you are able to obtain knowledge
Yes, it does. That's my point. If you don't have enough imagination to think of something so basic, there's something wrong with you
Most people care about not getting viruses. Most people care about not getting scammed.
Unless we're talking about a person that doesn't care about those (arguably, that would make him dumb already), then yes, he cares.
That's your own opinion on it. Most sources disagree. A quick googling gets me this
But let's consider your definition, for the sake of the argument. Let's assume a person who obtains knowledge with less time and less effort than another is more intelligent. That's what, you're saying, right?
Well, in many cases, creativity gets you further, faster. Let's say you're trying to solve a problem. You could either get stuck trying to solve it in a specific way that gets you nowhere, for hours, until you find a solution following that long path.
Or you could quickly figure out that there must be another way to do it. And then you get to the solution faster, because you were creative and though of another way to get to it.
Once you have the solution, you can generally solve all problems that come after that one easily, because the solution to those new problems is likely to be similar. In other words, the solution turns into knowledge that you can apply later.
There you go. Imagination/Creativity/Curiosity enabled me to get knowledge faster. That satisfies your definition, and therefore, you too should consider "imagination" as part of what defines "intelligence".
Who got knowledge faster? The less creative one
Ignore last sentence, I goofed.
Yeah once it can get something to the effect of greasemonkey and stylish the browser will be set.
Is there a way to disable certain hotkeys? Only ever use like a fourth and sometimes I accidently start typing before clicking a field and shit happens. Also for some reason youtube videos wont loop for me :/