Has anyone here ever watched Girls?

Has anyone here ever watched Girls?

I watch them all the time

I hope her hunger strike kills her.

Trump's mere presence in the Oval Office is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

pfff nobody's going to believe that you fat pig.
should have claimed she couldn't get out of bed and turned to comfort eating.

No one would have noticed the difference.


Deport that thing to Mexico.

Friendly reminder that Lena Dunham wrote about molesting her sister in her memoir but is still treated as a respectable person by the media.

I watched the first episode.

Lena Dunham begs her parents for money to subsidize her slovenly lifestyle. She complains about this to her friends, a British girl who fucks around with many diseases, and her bestie, a selfish bitch who feels bored and angry that her boyfriend loves her and is committed to pleasing her, so she looks to sleep around as well. All of this is confided to Lena Dunham's fat ass in the bathroom eating cupcakes.

Later she goes to Kylo Ren's apartment, living the pretentious bohemian lifestyle of an artist. They have sex and it's awkward for the viewer. Comedy.

The episode ends with Lena Dunham getting high and having a bad reaction as she stumbles into her parents' hotel room. Feeling sorry for her they leave her an envelope of money next to the tipping envelope for hotel service. Lena Dunham steals them both.

That she got this show in the first place, let alone has been called a media sensation, is evidence of a conspiracy of media collusion.

The difference between Girls and Seinfeld is that Lena is held up as the good guy in Girls. Seinfeld were never held as the good guys. They were bad guys. The writers of Girls know what funny looks like, but they don't know how to make it funny, so it just comes across as an awful vain bitch who's omg so quirky.

maybe she'll start looking like and actual human now

oh wait she's jewish, nevermind.

Fuck no. I have taste.

They've got to protect their own pedo's or their whole operation could go bust if one of rats them all out.

You mean it's exactly what every woman comic fails at, ever?

They are such duds, they should just shut up and be good wives instead.

Lena Dunham deserves to be in a gas-chamber though.

I hope she starves to death.

I automatically avoid anything titled "girls". Especially if it's a comedy, as woman aren't funny.

Confirmed for never watching Girls, she's a horrible cunt that everyone hates.

I kind of enjoyed the first episode. Thought it was satire and that it was making fun of millennials. Then I watched the second, and it was clear it was simply encouraging that behavior.

No it's not. Girls is slice of life, it's like watching a nature documentary about rich Jewish girls, that's it.

Lena Dunham is even worse in real life. She's trying to promote that behavior.

Then why does her character always get punished for her shitty behavior?


I can read between the lines of the anus, she said that with the coming of the Trump era she has to look somewhat decent to get attention HENCE why she stopped eating while still virtue signaling

the first 2 seasons appealed to my narcissism and vanity because I could identifiy with it as a white middle class millennial born in the mid 80s (though the show was more rich/privileged upper middle lifestyle)

s3 felt like a soap opera and I dropped it after the first episode.

Can burgers here explain to me who exactly is this ugly, fat woman and why is she considered a "celebrity"?

Not a burger, so I'd like to know too, eh.

She's a New York Jew who got a bunch of gigs through nepotism. Girls has terrible ratings yet HBO let it stay on the air for 6 years.

The last time I remember laughing at a female comedian.

Kikes need their own personal little holocausts, or they feel even more empty.

She could get thin, get a couple of surgeries to get a 10/10, all women in the world could die off leaving only the two of us to repopulate the planet and by the God Emperor, nothing on this world could ever compel me to stick my dick inside her and make a rape baby to save humanity.

jews and their usual tools control all levels of msm, so they often trust this shit into the stream and enough people, those long bereft of taste gobble up whatever is served. In a system where reality is held at bay by technology and social welfare, such tumblrisms can masquerade as the truth more easily.

women work well in situational comedy because they are useful props and the butt of jokes, but they arent funny. their idea of funny is usually being bitter bitchy slut, in no particular order.

I think they COULD be funny, i just havent witnessed it personally.

Her parents were rich jews. The media even reported on her vegan birthday party in 2003.

The actresses from Christopher Guest movies are pretty good.

its jewish that enough that if your situation were real whatever it looks like you would be compelled by everything decent to kill it to finally end the jew once and for all.

But we're supposed to root for her.
We're supposed to laugh at George's multiple deserved failings.

Jewish Privilege