spend time with your animals you can never know when you have the last opportunity
todays the day where i had to shoot my cat. It was around 12am where i heard my mom that he fell in a liquid manure pit (i'm a farmer). at first i tried to help him out with a wooden plank but he couldnt reach it. When i noticed that his head has gone under the surface for a few seconds, I brought a ladder. I'climbed into the pit and thought that he was dead. My mom took him on top of the ladder when I climbed out of the pit. I took a look at him, he was barely concious but still suffering. (if a cat gets this shit in its lungs its basically over). Got my rifle from inside and ended his suffering (pic related is the shell). My Familiy was against burying him at our ground but did it anyway (other pic the stones under the tree)
I believe that i did the right thing but it still hurts like a bitch.
Dylan Phillips
Sorry for your loss, OP.
Kayden Perry
thanks for the condolences. we live next to a busy road so "missed" cats are nothing new to me. But this incident hits home, you know.
Noah Stewart
Never easy to lose a pet OP. I have no problem with people putting pets out of their misery if they are suffering, as long as you arent a shit shot.
John Bell
Of course. Having to put a pet down is very different from losing one. It's bittersweet if they were in a lot of pain.
Adam Rivera
Hopefully you jerked the little guy one last time before you blasted him
Jacob Gutierrez
I'm really sorry for your loss OP, the death of a pet is a terrible thing to go through. You did the right thing. Not sure if you should keep the casing though, do you feel at all upset about having been the one who put him out of his misery? If not, then I suppose it'd make a decent memento. Why?
Jackson Price
did you shot him in the head?
Nathaniel Flores
Still remember the first cat we ever had: some tortoise shell with one eye and a mangy meow. She just started hanging around our house one day and the tag was a property 3 suburbs away. We adopted her and she lasted 18 years until a bacterial infection did her in.
I remember giving her a good rub the night before in case something happened, since she hung around me a lot in her last days. So glad that I did.
William Hill
chose this rifle (22.lr) because of it. held the muzzle near to the body. has gone fast, a twitch nothing more.
he was barely concious, but i wanted it to end fast
no not at all, dont get me wrong im sad and this is not the first time i lost a cat but as a owner i had the responsibility to end his suffering. (a friend of mine, a hunter, did the same for his dog)
Benjamin King
i know that feel: the most cats we had came one day out of the blue. We had one case where the cat never really got out of its "feral" state but he was lovely one.
Brayden Wright
memories user when you work on the same place where a pet of you is buried, would you be comfortable? Rest of the family will probably never know what that stone-circle means.
Jack Barnes
:'( stay strong
James Evans
as i said not the first time for me to lose a pet or to "kill" but the first few hours hit hard
Brandon Ross
RIP OP's pet
James Gomez
IKTFOP, lost my 13 y/o dog recently. RIP pets; they are one of the only good things in this shitty world.
Julian Anderson
Know that feel OP Lost my pet nigger not so long ago Was a good boy Bringing me a new bike everyday I didn't castrate him so poor thing caught AIDS, and I couldn't afford the treatment (nigger AIDS treatment is quite expensive these days), so I knew he was lost But 2 months later he was shot by a cop since I forgot to put his collar on… I guess it's better that way…. He would've suffered otherwise…..
Still painful though ;_;
Brandon Bennett
Cats are truly precious. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Christian Sanders
Evan Perez
rip mittens he died doing what he loved
Gabriel Williams
I'm sorry. I've put a few down myself. I miss Tom and Valdemar.
Pic related. Valdemar sleeping on my brothers guitar case. I bought him that guitar, when I accidentally broke the old one. A long time ago.
Levi Martin
I'm sorry for your loss; but you should've jumped in to save him right then and there.
Thomas James
the wooden plank was the first thing i had in the area. if i could i would but the pit is pretty deep and jumping into it without a ladder and another person in the area would be straight out suicide.
Logan Diaz
Shitpost harder fam
David Taylor
I still remember when i was 14 years old and i found my dead Chihuahua in my basement, dead and emotionless. I put him in a shoe box and buried him in my grandpa's backyard.
6 years later it sometimes gets to me, it'll get better OP.