Sanders was a charade!

Surprise surprise.

Remember how it felt like before Sanders showed up Clinton had Zero opposition,and it was as if She was going to be anointed by the DNC?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you such a faggot?

They didn't expect Trump. They realized that the "fight" in 2008 kept up media coverage until way late in the campaign. Unfortunately for them, Trump out did them and stole all the media coverage. lol

No shit. This is a surprise to anyone? The cunt won the 2016 nomination in exchange for stepping down in 2008. That’s the only reason she stepped down.

this is incorrect. sorry.

Enlighten us.

Kek the bernouts are going to be enraged. I hope Trump keeps bringing this up when Hillary beats out bernie.

This. They initially expected Nig Carson or Yeb back in 2012 (pls post that chart if you have), and when Rato was still in they were waiting for him too.

Don't see another thread, so bumping this one.

Shocking revelation.

The magic mulatto. No one wants this bitter old cunt if they can help it.

Sanders not dropping out costs taxpayers $38K a day

Such round-the-clock protection can cost taxpayers more than $38,000 a day. And with the potential for the Secret Service to be watching over Sanders through the Democratic convention in Philadelphia five weeks from now, the taxpayers may get stuck with a big security bill long after his campaign receded from the daily cable-news cycle.

The Super Delegates make any Democratic nominee race a sham. A third of the delegates are given by party insiders and they can force a contested election by vote of those same party insiders in a backroom decision.

Well yeah. Why would anyone think otherwise?

It just occurred to me, is all the noise in Holla Forums due to shilling or have we picked up all the Bernie idiots from Reddit who want to oppose Hillary?

Either way, this is a slide thread.

Orlando Pulse was a false flag.

merely weekend shilling mate. Some weekends, the shilling gets really bad with the amount of defeatist threads and shit. Their shilling and desperation only means Holla Forums is on the right track.

It is summer + weekend shilling.

There is no such thing as a slide thread. Sliding used to be a real issue, but now that everyone uses the catalog it's no longer effective.

Funny how Sanders who previously was for gun rights all of a sudden is a huge gun control advocate.

SURPRISE! Stupid goyim!

Trump saved the taxpayer $608,000 a day by knocking off the other 16 republican candidates easily.

See? He's not even president and saving the taxpayer money already!

So… you don’t have a refutation, then.

Okay, reported for denying the existence of slide threads. You’re a retard or a shill.