Are there any railfans on this site? I'm seeking a chan with a thriving train board.
I like trains a lot, I travel to take pictures of the newest ones and also have some of my own models, but I mostly like full-sized ones. Steam trains are my favorite but I also enjoy magnetized ones.
That's an awful lot of white males.
How long until SJWs infiltrate the railfan community like they have so many other predominately white male fanbases?
trains=dicks=literally oppressing women
Anoraks have no social prestige and do not exert any power the way that other groups (politicians, CEOs, etc) do.
So never.
Like people who play videogames?
do you have a model train set, you fucking fαggot?
And people who read comics.
Don't know where that cunt was coming from with "politicians, CEOs, etc"
Video games gained prestige after the Big Bang Theory made being le ebin nurdy geek xD popular.
Notice how no one bothered pandering to gurrrrrl gamers or complaining about video games being sexist until after 2007.
So you're saying railfans will be infiltrated once a show gets made about it?
Did you read my original post you stupid idiot?
Of course I have a train set.
For comic books, see previous post about being le epic nurdy geek becoming popular ~2007.
I suppose you haven't heard about the push to force companies to hire wxmyn CEOs and to shame voters into voting for candidates because vagina?
Pretty sure he was making the point that you were cherry-picking important professions to make your point while leaving out the obvious counter-examples. Your argument that gamers and comic book fans were only at risk because a popular show came along doesn't reconcile with your statement that railfans will never be infiltrated.
If someone makes a popular TV show about railfans that makes being a railfan socially acceptable and even popular, you'll bet your ass it'll be infiltrated.
It's how women work. They prefer engaging in activities that are considered desirable by the rest of the group. Until video games became "cool" when being a "nerd" became cool, they didn't give a shit about video games.
But when being le ebin nurdy geek became popular, they suddenly started complaining about video games not catering to them and about how them playing Flappy Bird makes them le ebin gaymur.
I like Trains. One of my highlights of visiting Taiwan was getting to ride the High Speed Rail
Anymore anthromorphic train qts?
To answer OP's question, I'm not aware of any train hobbyist boards on Holla Forums. If they exist, you'll have to look for them in the board list.
No I have heard of it, I just don't understand what it has to do with the original point of SJWs infiltrating predominately male, predominately white hobbies.
Unless you're implying being a CEO or politician is a hobby? is dedicated to trains
I was pretty happy with how quiet the new subway cars in nyc were until I saw this. When will we have high tech trains on the east coast?
Well I suppose anime is the second most autistic thing on the planet so it would make sense for 1chan to be the most autistic thing.
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time
Probably when we stop funneling our surplus cash to welfare and dem programs for niggers and various other shitskins.
The point was that SJWs pick and choose which fields to infiltrate. They infiltrate the ones that provide them with power (politics, business, etc), or have some degree of social prestige or "cool" factor (the medical field, gaming and comics after being le geek gurl became popular).
At the moment, railfans don't belong to either category. So unless Hollywood really starts scraping the barrel and makes a popular TV show about how cool it is to be a railfan, they're absolutely safe.
American infrastructure will be repaired from its current state of being crumbling, outdated shit at about the same time that American politicians start caring more about making America great and less about pandering to permanent dependents to gain votes.
So never.
Unless, that is, Holla Forums really is right and the Don is elected and really does keep his promises to drain the swamp and fix American politics. So I suppose you could hope for that.
I haven't came that hard in a long time.
The ride is smooth at top speed too.
Who knows here in Wisconsin it was a lost fight to build a simple commuter train between Milwaukee and Madison.
I know he said a lot of stupid things but investing in transportation infrastructure was one of the things that Sanders talked about that I felt he would've actually been able to accomplish. I was kind of pulling for that.
Is that one magnetic?
No its similar to the Japanese Shinkansen rail line
I really want to check those trains out. That and the trans-siberian express are on my bucket list.
If you ever make it to Taiwan in Changhua they converted an old rail fan yard into an out door museum and they have trains from every era of Taiwanese railroading
The riding the complete trans-siberian express would be an adventure of a lifetime
Does any of the sodomites here can even dual track drifting?
Its multi track drifting you retarded sodomite.
I like painting them