What are you going as and who is it offending or oppressing.
Halloween Triggered Thread
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imma go as a cylon..again in my room
Also be tolerant of trick or treaters faux pas.
I play to win!
Most of your costumes
So I don't need to dress up?
other than that I guess I'm #3
There is nothing the SJWs can't suck the fun out of.
Isn't culture a social construct? Top kek, Iam going as a native american hiltler Nigger this halloween🎃🔪
What in the world are they talking about? Understanding this bullshit is harder than learning a new language.
i can kinda relate
every year foreigners are coming into my town to our Oktoberfest and mocking our entire culture, behaving like fucking pigs, puking and stinking all over the place, wearing our lederhosen and dirndl they got in some fucking costume shop made of cheap materials
really makes you want to blow the place up and hope this ruined tradition will just die together with the sodomites who ruined it
why is this one so funny
what the fuck they actually got a white guy in there?
i find multi cultural shit offensive as one culture will always gain dominance over the other.
Do you remember your heritage. all i ever hear is rapmusic.
What about the Martians, im sure they would feel offended about alien costumes.
As a sailor i find sailor outfits offensive.
Completly triggered
As a member of the ymca i find builder costumes offensive.
I find these offensive
it's the juxtaposition of those two
the one looking annoyed towards the viewer
while that mocking smug laughing costumed transparent staring down on him
As a nigger i find cop costumes offensive
Simply Being a straight person in a costume is a trigger
As a homophobic sailor who has membership with the ymca, i find this offensive.
As a cat owner i find this offensive.
Lets get rid of all your traditional holidays white ppl common now.
You should stab the ppl behind that shit.
Niggers ruin everything.
I hate the world
Welp that my fetish right there - girls treated like pets.
Caitlyn Jenner is a hit topic also
Woman are not objects or something
They just can't help themselves.
They're more like animals, to be honest.
They're self-motivating thinking beings that are capable of low-level grazing to feed themselves, but they'll never build civilization past "alpha bitch". The more we learn about neurology and the more time we have to catalog statistics and history in ever-expanding digital sorting frameworks, the more science validates what every non-cowed society has always known about women: they are beautiful, valuable, child-bearing, pets.
It is pretty weird that a woman would want to dress up as a pinata for Halloween
I wonder if all this clickbait trash primarily targets women, and if so, is it because they're just that much stupider on average?
wew, lad
Halloween is never truly dead as long as there are people who continue to dress as whatever they want.
Went to a pumpkin carving contest this evening.
Ill end it with this, Happy Halloween
did you win?
Got asked to leave when I said shalom to the judge.
Straight white male police officer
Those bigots not respecting your Buddhist beliefs
What happened to your thumb m8?
Offends blacks who have been harassed and randomly murdered by white police
Naw dawg. I don't want them to be slaves - I want to treat them nicely.
You know, provide for them and keep them comfortable. But, keep them on a collar and leash, and have them follow instructions. Have my way with them, but not in a punishment/abusive way.
The goal isn't to give them punishment every few days, but reach a point where they listen to their master and take pleasure in doing what I say.
I want a happy obedient pet, not a sexual punching bag.
I dunno, this isn't really on topic with Halloween, so maybe I'll make a separate post in a day or two.
I do too, but there's no way we'd transition smoothly into that. And even once we got there, there would always be rebellious ones to make examples of.
Your scenario is the preferable one. I consider mine the realistic.
And I enjoy it anyways.
going as all american boy.. offends anyone that isn't white
Excellent choice Satan
I hear ya, m8.
It may not be realistic, but im not exactly proposing a new system for society. Its what I want, and if others dont then thats fine.
Ill live out in the country with my pet and take her for walks in the woods.
i am a pinata, i find this very offensive.
No shit, bitch, Kabuki were men.
I don't want the person who made this to live on this world any more.
that's the spirit