No Fap thread, get in here degenerate sodomites

No Fap thread, get in here degenerate sodomites.
I'm starting No Fap today. I will doccument my experience here on Holla Forums since I would get banned on Holla Forums. The goal is to increase my testosterone, to increase my gains, my game, my energy levels (both mental and physical) my social life, and my life in general. As as side note, any sodomite here want a free heavily used fleshlight :^)

Go ahead and post porn ITT if you care to, it will only strengthen my resolve It's unlikely to get me a raging boner because I've seen it all…. ALL

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only bit of advice I can give you is to just keep yourself busy, and out of the house. Tbh, I thought that the testosterone increases were negligible after like, 3 days or something

Your semen will get backed up in the pipes and start leaking out of your butthole. The scent will enrage a rabid gang of niggers who will fuck your asshole to shreds


i just came OP, hope you're enjoying no fap :)

Struggled to get past 30 days for about 2 years. The constant fight to improve myself and get away from porn snagged me a qt 3d waifu though. Cumming with another person releases 4x as much dopamine as fapping or something like that.

Remember, it's a marathon not a race.

The real thing that did it for me was to take the redpill about jews involvement in porn and their goals of white genocide.

Once you realize all those women are suffering in the longterm, you stop fapping.
Once you realize you're effectively a cuck for watching another guy fuck a chick you want to fuck, you stop fapping.
Once you realize that jews have been the main pushers of porn, you stop fapping.

Nothing is free in life, so why are there a shitton of free porn sites out there? Because you're stuck in a loop of self abuse at the hands of people who want to cull the populations numbers. Look at the jews use of porn in sedating the military age men of the their occupying territories during invasions. They broadcast porn to all tv's after taking over the broadcast stations.

It's a weapon against out minds. It's the goddamn year of the fire monkey and you're still fapping? Get it together Holla Forumsrothers.

Your fag jew conspiracy just mind fucked me

I haven't fapped in six months
