WTF was that? Secret message form Snowden

Snowden just posted some sort of hash on his twitter. It was quickly removed afterwards.

Luckily I took a screen-shot of it! Is Snowden and Wikileaks about to drop something big?

Also, I am here from Holla Forums. Was wondering if anybody here knows what to make of the hash. Perhaps a key to some of the encrypted content that he had released previously?


Other urls found in this thread:

It's a SHA-256 hash. You would need to know the hash value to decrypt it.

Who cares. Snowden was the delivery man for a whole bunch of info but there's nothing left he can tell us. He just uses his fame to try to push liberal causes.

looks like sha256, same length, assuming alphabet is hex digits.

it could be anything from an integrity check to a key or password. I would not loose my sleep over it until more information is given


The SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is one of a number of cryptographic hash functions. A cryptographic hash is like a signature for a text or a data file. SHA-256 algorithm generates an almost-unique, fixed size 256-bit (32-byte) hash. Hash is a one way function – it cannot be decrypted back.

Have fun saving the whales.

Could it be bruteforced by looking for elligible words like in this video?

If you had 10^8 years, maybe

Could be SHA-256 to prove prior knowledge of something in the future, could be an AES-256 key. If he did publish some encrypted stuff, try it as the key on that, otherwise you'll have to wait until he unveils it.

Perhaps they are validating a chunk of data to determine wether or not no-body tampered with it?

Seems like something BIG is about to be released.

More attention whoring from the man that "doesn't want to be the story, but wants the documents he released to be the story"

NSA plz


Archive of tweets:


fuck off freedom hating bootlicker

Alright, we need someone with dual Titan Xs and Hashcat STAT.

Oh ok, I agree, was wrong, even Reddit loves Snowden.
>>>Holla Forums

Why don't you go back to there if your so triggered?

Snowden is a limited hangout you cuck.

I'm not triggered, I just think you're colossally retarded.


Has Snowden said anything we didn't know since the leak or is he now infosec's black science man?

All he does anymore is shill for black lives matter, gun control, and all kinds of other libtard shit.

Once CIA, always CIA


Reddit has more intelligent discussions than this place, that's for sure. Save yourself the energy of telling me to go back there.

Go back to reddit

he is actually right. While I appreciate the juicy info he has released, snowden is nothing more than a low-level attention-whore. Very far from the league of Assange

Don't mind if I do! This place is boring as fuck.

Snowden just went full attention whore. Probably afraid he'll continue to drift into irrelevance after Wikileaks actually started accomplishing shit without his help. This shit reeks of publicity stunt

it's the opposite. snowden did nothing to help wikileaks, while wikileaks saved its ass. in return, snowden didn't release the full info he gathered, but he let ignorant peasants like glenn greenwald filter them. Why people treat him like an hero of transparency is beyond me

That's a simple one, he was marketed like a hero, so he is for all intents and purposes, a hero.


What is that?

It's an ebin joge.

Go back to reddit

and in the meanwhile assange said the very same thing. "I and wikileaks saved his ass", "he didn't publish anything in three years"

What's the difference?

The newline.

Like fuck they did.

wtf are you talking about. do you genuinely think that any south american nation would have had the power to protect snowden after the evo morales grounding incident? Educate yourself, faggot, russia was the only viable option since it's the only country that can manage to challenge the USA

Maher is such a fucking bootlicker now jesus fuck.

We have the has value and it's:

Yes you could brute force it, but the issue is that it's most likely not a password but a larger set of data or programme. The hash is to confirm that you have the original untampered version. This is extremely common in software security, it's so that everyone can just hash the data they have and make sure that no has had their dirty NSA-fingers in it. If you get the same value then it's untouched, if you don't then something has changed.

The hash has no value for anyone that it's not intended for. But for those who have whatever was hashed it's used to confirm that whatever they have is genuine.


Are there Holla Forumslacks who like Snowden? That's news to me! How do you reconcile that with enthusiastically supporting Trump?

He had first-hand experience working inside the IC. I think he has more to tell.

About time. So far we have gotten just enough to shut up the people who said:
>But you don't know that there is mass surveillance. You are just paranoid, there is no spying going on, and if there is, it's for a good cause.

If he had posted everything, he'd be dead


Snowdens zero problems with homosexuals.

thumbs up


Send it to Assange like what a rational person would do?

Same way we reconcile supporting Trump while blaming the Jews.

Fagsange the Rapist BTFO

Oh hello there TP~*
i just wanted say we miss you over at endchan's Holla Forums pls come back to us, it's just not the same, will it ever be?

proof that we miss you:

oh my god fucking retarded Holla Forums anti-jew anti-leftist anti-everything go cry on your shitty board

epic my friend

there are infinitely many values which are valid sources to this hash.
and finding even one of them will take in average more energy than can be gathered by burning the entire planet earth.

many Holla Forumsacks support trump because they know that hillary would be a far far worse alternative, not because they endorse every trump's position. (of course the fact that he pisses off SJW and shits on political correctness is another big factor)

Since when have we cared about this liberal cuck?

When have we not?

Come back when you graduate highschool and can do something more than mumble something about killing cops under your breath

Yes, Assange is an astronomically colossal attention-whore.

It's like halfchan in the early days of the leaks.

Nice d&c tactics.

I think it's time we enabled IDs on here.

t. Holla Forums

Snowden is a limited hangout. He didn't even leak any vital information we didn't already know about.

Instead he has a twitter and shows up on a one on one interview with John Oliver.

Did everyone forget about Bradley Manning who got his ass reamed literally and is still in solitary confinement and turned into a tranny or most likely dead at this point.

This fucking Snowden guy is a big phony

PsyOp operative plz. Go write up in your report how you're a huge faggot.


I doubt there's many. Snowden does nothing but use his fame to stump for unrelated liberal bullshit like black lives matter. He's a tremendous faggot. Reminds me of Cindy Sheehan.

To be fair, no one believed the techies about PRISM until Snowden leaked the paper trail.

dubs confirm that this user is a crisis actor.

Take your meds Holla Forumstard

This thread is another depressing example of why it Holla Forums is blighted by the fact that we are on a site where Holla Forums is the most active board. There aren't even that many people actually interested in Holla Forums to balance out these retards.

Almost every other thread has to suffer derailment on whether this or that personality relevant to the thread topic is Holla Forums approved or not, whether it is an SJW or not etc. Would love to see an occasional thread where no one really cares about the politics of the subject matter at hand.

I don't really care if Snowden is a loony leftist or if he is a goddamn furry/brony/gaylord/tranny/Chabad House Jew rolled into one. What I really care is whether he has something significant to say on surveillance

I hate fucking hate Holla Forums, but to complain about the politics involved is retarded. Every discussion is going to have political undertones, because political ideology is a motivator.

Politics is ingrained into this, how do you think ISR agencies and assets became such a behemoth? The NSA didn't just wish itself into existence, some politicians on the intel committee had to funnel appropriations into it and they aren't going to funnel jackshit unless they personally benefit from it, such as being able to blackmail fellow politicians, foreign heads of state, journalists, corporate magnates, ect...

Truthfully, Snowden hasn't proved anything, expect proof positive of government surveillance for the window licking general public. Anyone that has spent time digging around reading unclassified material and information about the IC would known there was a modern equivalent to MINARET.

The best way to get away from the whole Holla Forums-approve bullshit? Stop acting like it has relevancy.

1000 hugs.

Thank you for the kind words.

Nvidia sucks at GPGPU and yet this is the first thing skiddies go for because it's what they've been led to believe.

Why has Holla Forums been invaded by the "nothing to hide" crowd?

user, pls.
don't post hyperboles to inflate your ego in an anonymous imageboard

he's got in a new hardware project with Bunnie Huang

long live milk sop

Why do you feel the need to advertise, fuckstick?

He's an IT guy. He's just there for marketing.

You got five minutes to get rid of that word, nigger.


NSA mass surveillance was an open secret for over a decade at the time Snowden first made the news. Normies just dismissed you as a conspiracy theorist if you pointed at the hard evidence.

Think about it. Nothing has gotten better since the leaks. The cloud scam is still going strong. All the collaborating tech companies are stronger and bolder than ever. Censorship is commonplace and accepted without protest by the masses. Both presidential candidates have horrendous technology and privacy stances. People are still happily using the blatantly obvious spyware that is Windows 10 despite getting fucked raw by Microsoft in the process.

All Snowden did was normalize mass surveillance in the minds of the dumb masses. I suspect it was intentional. If Snowden really threatened the US political establishment, he would not have gotten anywhere near as much media coverage, and would probably be dead.

But how on earth did it work.

I don't understand why this is possible. What is wrong with people?

Checked and excellent post user

Nah, Snowden got me to care about my privacy, he's the reason I use TOR and part of the reason why I use Linux.
Yes I capitalise all the letters in TOR because it's an acronym, I don't care how the TOR Project wants it written

Fuck off Holla Forums

Apparently some user claims what Snowden posted was the password to the Wikileaks Insurance Files that were uploaded to ThePirateBay years ago.

Probably not true but I'm downloading the small one (4gb) to see if it works.



Snowden Twitter

Has he thoughts within his head?

Holla Forums on Holla Forums is a stormweenie hugbox. They are like SJWs, just on the opposite side.

Try posting something on their board that they don't agree with and that isn't SIEG HEIL 1488 and see yourself get banned. Pic related, got permabanned for posting this.

btw. posting a "SJW behind a normal man mask image" is not an argument. In case any of you stormweenie faggots want to reply to my post.

What, is stormfag not PC enough for you?
By the way, trying to call inb4 is not a defence against an argument, libcuck.

most of Holla Forums is cyberlibertarian with antisemite positions, not neonazis and totalitarians.

now fuck off, shill

If you actually knew how world around here works you'd know it's a common way to call stormfags Your images aren't an argument, either. Your ad hominem either. You're full of logical fallacies and call me a shill, wow, what am I gonna do. Consider suicide and back to the stormweenie hugbox you go

Also prime logic there

And I am an SJW. Nigger please. Just because I disagree on 8/pol/'s outright censorship and dis-allowance of any kind of argument that goes against your closely held believes? Even on leftypol they allow me to argue against their ideas. Now fuck off, cuck.



No they don't. I've had many threads criticizing Bernie back when he was relevant locked within 5 minutes. It's a heavily policed echo chamber which is why leftypol types spread out all over other boards and do the fox&grapes routine of projecting on pol with unsual anger and in off-topic posts.

pretty sure he's dead

Seconding this

I've made very neutral and unbiased threads only to get banned every time for askig uncomfortable questions. They have zero interest in discussion, because that would give a voice to ideas other than their own.

I only made 1 thread on their board so it doesn't really qualify me, so I will trust you on this topic.

All it really proves is that most of the political discussion on 8ch is shit. /neutralpol/ when?

>>>/midpol/ tried that. Decide for yourself how that turned out.

The level of shitposting on this board is disappointing. Short of banning derails for being OT, I recommend not feeding the trolls.

Perhaps it is a strange sort of magnet link, or similar?

As you know, it is probably 520 bits worth of hex-encoded data.

Maybe try asking Snowden himself?

As far as we know he is dead. How are we supposed to ask him?

says butthurt victim of moderation

those glorious quads
you're goddamn right user

we can't prove rock-solid yet if snowden is just another actor trained by the gov. but I'm pretty sure he is.

when he made his first revelation which glen published to the news ( scene also in citizenfour movie) I already felt its scripted and backed by big kike, the fact that anyone can recognize which hotel he's in by using no-tech hacking -looking at the curtains and the surroundings of room can already blow his cover (also watch citizenfour ending, clues everywhere at the end of the movie but he's not dead yet) and the sudden entrance of "mr.assange to the rescue" is just laughable. Assange heavily denies 911 as an inside job which means he's just another rockefeller puppet and >"muh mendax the hacker of space satellite and alien files" when we know there's really a firmament and icewall in this non-globe earth and we live in God's creation not "quantum space meaningless-life in a cold infinite NASA universe so go back to work and fuel my capitalist factory you fucking meatball there is no god and you are a goyim."

Next big thing is either snowden or another whistleblower will unveil "alien files" "life on mars" and ton of bull. Fucking globalists. (sadly, my predictions are on a streak)

just so you know tor isn't safe anymore and linux distros like linuxmint that isn't FSF approved is nowhere near safe.

most likely he was cut off.

he did his job and the kike boss is proud of him.

forgot pic

Absolute pleb
Straight Outta Photoshop/10

Checkmate global meme (green meme).

Exactly as I suspected, snowden's sudden disappearance was just a commercial trick to increase the public attention towards the hollywood normie-tier movie about his life. Snowden confirmed for being an useless attention whore. At least Assange disavowed the movie about him.

Pix or it didn't happen.

If it did, let me guess, you started a LE BERNCUCK FOLLED YUO NO REFUNDS XDDDXDDDXD LOFTYPOOL ON SCHMOOICIDE WATCH CUCK CUCK CUCK MASTER TROLE 2016 thread? Because those are samey and happen regularly enough there that they're kinda considered spam.


Snowden returns to twitter:

Edward Snowden [email protected]/* */ 20h20 hours ago

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

Edward Snowden [email protected]/* */ 19h19 hours ago

The world's first confirmed, publicly-ID'd victim of NSA's #PRISM: a pro-democracy activist.

In other news:

NSA tools and firmwares released...I wonder if that hash was a key to unlock the tools he stole from the NSA...

Maybe he's selling them to make some money on the side, or maybe it was a legitimate counterintelligence hack.

If so bad timing on his part... as it makes him look like the likely source of the files leak.