What does it looks like?
A world without proprietary software
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Richard Stallman would have something else to bitch about.
He bitches about lots of other things already. Ever looked at his site?
I know that but one of those things would be his main focus.
I think he might just start programming more again. He took up this cause because it was relevant to his interests. He was a hardcore programmer before proprietary software was even a thing.
users would be generally happier for one, because developers would have less of a chance enforcing software behaviours users don't want
What language would he use?
Lisp, of course, and C when the situation calls for it.
For one, we would be able to use any hardware any way we want because it would be possible to port the drivers instead of having to poke the hardware trying to figure out how it works. This alone would be a massive leap forward. Furthermore, with no proprietary software there would be no proprietary file formats, so Microsoft wouldn't be able to force everyone to use MS Office so they can open documents they receive from people who don't know any better.
In general you would be free to use any software you want because there is always going to be someone who wants to use it for a certain file format. Think of how with text editors you can use any editor (Notepad, Nano, Emacs, Vim, Atom, whatever) because the file is just plain text. Now extend this to every file and every hardware out there.
Which flavor though?
I would guess Scheme, but naturally a lot of Emacs Lisp too.
Seems like a good universe to live in 2bqh
Remember ironic shitposting is still shitposting
No more fags btching about muh freedoms,muh free speech,etc...
Everyone still uses a CLI with an 8-bit processor and only 640kb of RAM because OP fails to realize the importance some pieces of proprietary software, and their impact on hardware development. For example video games were initially and still are used as marketing tools, and showcasing tools, for hardware makers. It has been this way since the 1980s, and it's why the Commodore 64, MS-DOS, and eventually Windows became so popular
>>>Holla Forums
Video gaming impacted consumer hardware.Don't just assume computer development will be halted because muh video games
The cancer will be over and we can finally discuss some actual technology
nothing stopping those niggers from planting their own crops. oh wait there is its called being a nigger.
What does it looks like?
Self-terminating seeds does.
this site wouldn't be like it is right now
yeah black on black crime is a serious problem.
A shanty town is still more than you've ever achieved, witty little child.
Look at white on white stats and realise how retarded you are.
It's because blacks and whites gravitate towards communities of people like them, so the violent blacks are going to commit crimes against black people because they're near them and the white people are going to commit crimes against the people near them.
literally nothing is stopping anyone from copyrighting their games in this world
A desolate wasteland without any technological progress ever being made because it turns out communist faggotry does not encourage innovation.
.25 rupees have been deposited in you're Microsoft account
Linux would be Plan9-tier if not for capitalism.
top wew stallmeme faggot
Of course user, gommunism should be in capitalism instead!
Good luck enforcing copyright without government intervention.
wew lad.
you're right calling you Holla Forums was uncalled for. seems reddit was more appropriate.
So many posts and you've failed to put forward a single intelligent thought in any of them.
Everyone goes back to Windows once people improve it.
Why would I go back to Windows?
What drew me to Linux was the abundance of customization and power user™ features. Windows isn't designed for those. Linux consists of many separate projects, most of which are working for their own technical needs, but Windows is developed as a single project for the lowest common denominator. And that's not a bad thing, it just means it's not my first choice.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Like Venezuela
Your goon tricks aren't going to work. I know you're just trying to make Holla Forums look bad by spamming racebate in unrelated threads.
Rust, of course, and some LISP when the situation calls for it.
they called it the 70's
Ever see Star Trek? Wouldn't it be a bitch if Ryker had to call-up Microsoft every time Data crashes?
Capitalism ho! But what does that have to do with freedom-respecting software?
They're the ones writing it.
Slightly more fragmentation, but with much higher levels of code sharing and overall progress. Most of the money would be made selling the hardware and services, leading to a much higher overall quality of use for the end user.
Just imagine this thread if you hadn't fed the faggot.
None of those things that you mentioned are a result of FLOSS or otherwise open software, they are the result of people with either a "good enough" or paranoid mentality, a mindset that has attached itself to proprietary vendors for ages.
This is the same statistical thumb-scaling that leads people to believe in shit like the male/female wage gap stupidity. Of course there are more total white on white crimes; there are more total whites than blacks. It's only when you look at a more accurate reflection of reality by seeing the numbers as per-capita that you realize that white on white crime is much lower than black on black. You'll still probably go straight for your Holla Forums poverty argument, though, once again trying to shift the blame on all white people.
Blacks also have the highest rate of interracial rape in the US, as well as interracial murder.
Technology would be way behind, there would be less personal gain, and as a consequence people who want to make money would turn elsewhere for gain.
I'm looking at percentages of all crime committed by that demographic, not raw crime numbers for them. Like I said, it's because they stick to their communities. The same trend applies to hispanics.
Blacks kill more blacks, we've established this because like I said, they stick to their communities, I thought we'd established this.
I challenge you to cite either of those things.
That image stinks of tumblr.
gas yourself edgleord
Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault:
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 20,309
Black on Black: 21,104
The word "edgy" is pretty amusing. It's the hipster word for "something I dislike".
It's essentially a meaningless statement, denoting nothing other than that you are upset/triggered by the presented subject material. It's a social signal that mentions something about subscribing to your limited set of ideological preferences but gets lost in between its iteration and juvenile meme-speak.
OP sucks cocks and enjoys being spit-roasted by donkeys.
Embrace it.
Most of these aren't even disadvantages
It'd basically be Serial Experiments Lain IRL
Most software would be written hobbyists and academics with tenure. Although right now big companies contribute to open source, they rely on having proprietary code on their servers. If they had to release all that code, they wouldn't bother in the first place and probably wouldn't exist.
Some mostly non-corporate open source software (Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikitlearn, Jupyter) is great. Others (LaTeX, Gimp) have a shitty UI. A lot of core infrastructure like compilers, Linux etc. is corporate sponsored (or people contribute partly because it will help them get corporate jobs, which won't exist) so they will go downhill.
tl;dr people are strongly motivated by money, and if you make it much harder to profit from something by forcing them to give it away free, they will stop doing it.
My personal information is not for free. There is no guarantee that proprietary software being non malicious. All that legitimacy come boils down the source codes of the software.
They could make non-functional data (icons, sprites for video games, fonts, etc) proprietary and sell the software with it.
Free software doesn't mean working for free. There will always be end users and consumers. Opening up source just means a piece of the pie for more content creators.
Is their own software running on top of that (the really interesting stuff) libre?
How is what you said contradicting what I said? I am simply saying what I think will happen if there is no proprietary software. You are saying you don't like proprietary software.
Yes they could. And restaurants could give away their food for free and make money selling condiments to go with it. But to make up for the cost of making the food, they would have to charge extra for the condiments. And there is nothing to stop people from taking the food and buying regular priced condiments somewhere else.
He will still bitch about the GNU/Linux naming controversy because there will still be people calling it Linux.
I'll bet that this painting was done with proprietary software.