This will show those terrorist hate mongers who the REAL bigots are!
(((Alt-right))) media figures taking a stand against Islamic bigotry
Alt-right more like faggot infiltrators.
I mean:
>nobody else will mention…
Have a bump, O.P.
Bump and reported for intl.
A hawk is felled with an arrow made from its own plume. The left is alienating its white gays, so
why not use them against them? The overton window is too far left to slam the closet shut amyways. Yet.
These are jews and ilfiltrators, they are ketchup and cuck of arcuck. Quench them before you end up oogyboogy :^)
good job you just alienated the christian voters just to pander to faggots
Acceptance of homosexuality is what the establishment wants. If you accept them as "allies", you stop fighting the left and become them.
"Alt-Right" was a mistake, for the alternative of the right is the left.
typical alt-kike fagots
Undercover Jesuit detected.
In other words you want to include the filth you say you fight?
Yes they can serve to help us, but they must not be associated with us.
Quit fucking announcing every time you report a post you insufferable faggot.
this faggot milo also promoted the holohoax at that event saying some shit about "never again like the jews after ww2"
They are falling into the liberal dialectic with this type of thing. They conflate the greatness of western civilization with liberal social progressivism, which forces us to be confined by those narrow parameters.
There is nothing wrong with being socially conservative, even if radical muslims are in their own way.
The difference being how we express that social conservatism; we promote socially healthy ideas while retaining proper autonomy to practice those ideas in a constructive way while naturally having socially unhealthy ideas prove to be less popular when trying to live in a well adjusted white society. For Muzzies they need to act like murderous barbarians against any slightly degenerate behavior, hide their women in black sheets, and yet still act like desert mudhut animals just to retain any semblance of order in their society.
at least they do something in real life
unlike everybody on pol
filtered and reported
enjoy your ban, fagot
They have confused causes and effects. In their view, which is the Whig/Marxist/Enlightenment view, Equality is what lead us to modern technology, comfort, and convenience. In reality, it was the development of modern technologies (by aristocrats, monarchies, wealthy industrialists, militaries, etc) that allowed for the current state of comfort and convenience. The equality came later when people got bored of motion pictures and wanted free stuff.
"Equality uber alles!" is the agonal gasp of a confused civilization.
Go outside and leave us alone summerfag
i do that too user
Is Holla Forums finally realizing le alt-right is a controlled op?
Joke's on you.
I was there.
Whether they are or not is basically irrelevant. They are D&Cing the lefties. This is good for us. Don't give them clicks. Don't worship them. Don't even trust them one bit. Just relish that they are helping us, for now, and go from there.
Yeah I know what a bunch of fucking losers trying to do shit in the real world, we will bring in the 4th reich by shitposting the same memes over and over again while calling everyone a shill who disagrees with this master plan.
Engaging in public acts of faggotry isn't an accomplishment.
a nigger loving kike queer kissing a beta male kike-nigger lover queer ..
Hey Gavin stop twisting up my bible.. we dont support fags round deez parts.. fag-enabler 2.0
Notice how the D&C shill made a second thread about people who don't identify as being part of the alt-right?
Oh, and the irony of the shill putting echoes on alt-right when it was coined by TRS, an explicitly "alt-right" group.