React OS

Does it have any chance?

Also appearently it can run skyrim now

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pics or it didn't happen

Because searching for it yourself is hard.

Tell me how it's better than using Wine on a proper OS?

When the fuck did I even imply that?

That's deep.

I believe he is wondering as to what niche reactOS is suppose to serve.

Support for Windows drivers (I don't know how far they've got with this so far) and fewer layers between the program and the hardware.

Wincucks that just refuse to get over their babby duck syndrome and use a real OS

it is a windows clone running windows programs native, fast, and with all the hardware compatibility you can expect, so...

No, never depend on proprietary software unless you can outpace it and replace it.

All Microsoft needs to do to keep ReactOS marginalized is make changes to Windows that will cost ReactOS a lot to reverse-engineer and implement. It's a catch-22 situation and Microsoft is in a privileged position.

GNU+Linux was able to replace Unix because Unix was fragmented, stagnant, and tied to obsolete hardware; so GNU+Linux attracted attention and developers.

But the incentive for more free operating systems is not as big as the incentive for the first free operating system.

it's too late, ReactOS came from nothing to a fully functionnal desktop in much less it took for Linux to become some kind of user friendly OS, with Gnome and KDE. There, you have like Windows XP from scratch. I wonder if you realize the quantity of work it represents but it means a lot.

I was gonna try it from a live CD, but apparently it won't boot from a USB drive, so to hell with it. Can't really test it in a VM with my current toaster.

It might when it can be booted from USB or installed.

That pic is ReactOS?

He's a freetard, of course he doesn't. He doesn't realize the GNU OS itself was completely unusable before 2005 at best. He doesn't realize the sheer amount of Operating System research and development Microsoft had to put in to make the NT kernel and Windows OS possible. He doesn't realize what decent interface and api design actually means and why GNU/Linux only became relevant after they started taking pages from Microsoft and BSDs books

I think you're failing to realise that you're not the target market for ReactOS. It's for people with say old windows based certified equipment. Think medical or CNC machinery that are stuck on XP because of driver support.

you are a living meme

wow, they've come a long way.
I remember watching some guy trying to run frogger on reactos and it was just a disaster

Does MS knows about this?

Even if MS knew about it I think there's little they could do.I heard its just Linux with a custom WIne emulator on top.

They know about it, and they're known to watch code of projects like these very closely to look for copyright infringement. As long as it's in no way based on real Windows code, source or otherwise, and only on external behavior, they're clean.

That's not true. They use parts of Wine, but no Linux.

Was it designed by blind people?

Gentoo if you look in the top left corner.

Shame that desktop isn't available outside of ReactOS.

Normies and people who can't leave Windows for whatever reason. I'm certain there's a few programs that seriously have no alternatives, but from what I've seen, WINE does this just fine.

But the terminal says ReactOS and he's got photoshop, paint, and a ReactOS explorer open.

Pretty cool OP. Might have to check it out. I'd like to move my gaming rig but Wine is fucking terrible despite what faggots on here will tell you. And I'd prefer not to have to search and tweak the thing for hours when a game decides to not work for whatever reason and Wine doesn't have documentation of my problem.

Can it run Diablo 1 without crashing? Than it's miles ahead of Wine.

It's eventually going to be a 100% drop in replacement for Windows XP, but completely FOSS and actively receiving patches. Companies can use it if they have old 9x/NT

Mint runs D2 just fine with PlayOnLinux so I'd imagine D1 is fucking easy.

Kill yourself

But seriously, Wine can't run D1 properly, at least it didn't work for me. And being new to Linux and having looked around for a solution if I can't do it most Windows holdovers can't. And you can be a faggot about it all you want but when it comes right down to it Wine is designed to be an emulator for Windows programs and if it can't do that out of the box it's garbage.

No, you fucking moron. It's not an emulator. It's a compatibility layer, there's a complete difference.

Regardless, it fails at it's purpose faggot. What little it does do is peanuts compared to what it doesn't do.

Five stupid assumptions that recur in react OS threads
1. WINE and React OS are competitive and not complimentary
2. 1:1 parity with windows is necessary for reactOS to thrive
3. React OS is a threat to GNU/Linux
4. Winbabby holdouts posting on Holla Forums will ever migrate to anything
5. Videogames are an undesirable byproduct of a platform

and as a bonus:
Windows source code blah blah lawsuit oompa loompa doopity leak.

I've never been unable to run whatever I wanted with it. I'm sorry you lack a brain to be able to utilize it properly. rtfm next time, babby

Wine works fine with almost all software. Just because your VGA era old game doesn't work doesn't mean wine is shit.

Can i try it with bootcamp? My macfaggotry is so old it actually has a dvd drive.

I want to play skyrim without paying the MS tax.

I'm more interested in longene desu

The chinese are pretty damn good at ripping shit off.


If you can convert the "muh" games to a better platform that can run said games then you have lead them in the right direction then Windows.

Well if you want to try it first know:
1. upgrade feature non-existent
2. I believe only integrated graphics will work fine
3. There is an RC Iso for version 0.4.2(future release) use that one of you want to try out games
4. Have fun finding drivers that work
5. 32-bit only
6. Just use a VM to save you from the trouble.
7. Have fun crashing ;)

Try it in a VM or an old PC with integrated graphics, it's as stable as ME on most new hardware.
Also it doesn't use wine.

Someone should replace that behelit with the Berserk 2016 bluray when it comes out.

Almost fucking everything user mode in reactos is using WINE code, faggot.

Has been watching it for some time.
Development is starting to pick u fast, now that important code chunks are starting to be put in(Pareto principle at work)


Unix was expensive and ran on excellent hardware idiot.
I'd rather use AIX running on POWER, with PowerVM and PowerHA and cool stuff like LPARS and WPARS for my business-critical shit any day of the week.
POWER broke 5GHz first.
POWER was 22nm first.
However that stuff costs lots of $$$, Linux on shit-tier x86 by Chipzillah is massively cheap by comparison.

Kill yourself, literally. I am the "winbaby" and every other computer I have has Linux on it.

You're fucking retarded.

Nice argument. Next time suck start a shotgun and you'll really show me!

Well then Wine is garbage, isn't it?

This isn't even a matter of getting good. It's like you're a retard who's too dumb to figure out how to walk.

This is the level of discourse you intend on having, and I will not fuel it.

Stay mad, cuck. If you really were able to figure shit out, you'd have WINE properly configured to work with the software you're trying to use with it. If you can't do that, you have no valid opinion and/or post on the subject.

lol butthurt

Windows itself can't properly run all the shit that has been written for windows. Why should a compatibility layer be held to higher standard?

I am not sure I need a reason to call you retarded anymore, seems pretty obvious now fam.

Specifically for "configuring properly", the fact it's such a huge pain in the ass for such an old program speaks volumes for how shitty a program it is. The fact someone like you who I am sure worships at the alter of RMS can't see that isn't too surprising.

I've never had a problem running something designed for the Windows system I am running. Literally never. I have also had very little trouble with legacy programs, and that usually amounted to clicking a checkbox or two.

I am not sure I've ever used a program on Windows and not been able to get it to work.

I remember needing to patch/get patched version of several games (no, clicking "run in compatibility mode" did not work), because they didn't work on higher windows version with the 98 -> xp or xp -> 7 switch. And the fact that people went out of their way to make the program work on higher version of windows has little to do with quality of windows and a lot to do with its market share.

Maybe, but that's not really the point.

Well, MY point was that whether some programs work or not in Wine/ReactOS isn't necessarily indicative of their quality.

Hasn't been updated in 2 years.

Actually it has 0.4 came last Christmas 0.4.1 came before summer and 0.4.2 will be coming out soon

Jesus fuck, I hope you're trying to bait and aren't actually legitimately this fucking retarded; either way, don't blame a compatibility layer which you don't have any understanding of for your incompetence.

Or you could just be some nigger that is the product of some tech diversity scheme, which would explain a lot.

Gee it's almost like more unnecessary layers reduce what you can do with software.

> least it didn't work for me.
Hm, gee, I wonder...

By the way D1 works perfectly when you set up your Wine profile properly, as do all Blizzard games (save for Overwatch, because no DX11). In fact, the older the game, the better it runs (better than Windows). You should probably stick to PlayOnLinux, it eats up more disk space, but it'll hold your hand until you learn enough to use Wine properly.

this tbh

This makes absolutely no sense at all.

I will blame shitty programs for being garbage until they clean up their act. You faggots wouldn't think twice of accosting Windows/Microsoft for THIS EXACT PROBLEM, nor would you think twice of calling all programmers for Windows pajeets. Not that it isn't just, but the moment it's a Linux program/developer all of a sudden they should be given all the leniency in the world.


Maybe, maybe not. A program that doesn't work out of the box is garbage anyway, especially on older games.

Nah, I'll stick to PlayOnWindows until Linux devs get their shit together. Or maybe ReactOS when I get around to testing it.