Aside from this movie being rather boring, why the fuck did they cast Chris Pratt for this role?

Aside from this movie being rather boring, why the fuck did they cast Chris Pratt for this role?
Wouldn't this have worked ten times better if the engineer would have been an overweight, unattractive but likeable neckbeard?

[✔] Never watch this

I was entertained while watching it, but then again I had severe diarrhea and vomiting from a stomach virus while watching it.

What, simultaneously or did you take turns?

Hey we tried to call you but you wouldn't answer so we had to go with Chris Pratt.

jokes on you i'm not likeable.

Took turns. It was like that episode of South Park where Kenny gives his dad birth control pills by mistake.

I won't even pirate this movie because Jennifer is in this, fuck that.

Because Chris Pratt is a handsome man that would get women to watch the movie.

Now you're projecting quite a bit huh? Plus Lawrence wouldn't romance a fat ugly guy.

Nearly fell asleep watching it.


1st 1/3rd or so was great,
the rest was pretty pathetic

especially the black dude who dies in 5 mins lel

just read the plot summary. pretty dull-sounding for sure, and the trailers made it seem like there was a big conspiracy plot instead of asteroids smacking the ship a few times, why couldn't they have figured out energy shielding if they have fucking cryo chambers. what's also pathetic is how small the cast is and yet how unnecessarily large the budget is, had they stuck to spaihts' original budget, i'm sure it would have made a better return.


Why the fuck is she getting paid more than him? He's a much bigger star than she is, a lot nicer and a lot more likable to boot. She's just a straight up bitch that complained about making "only" $50 million compared to RDJ


Better question: Why did they cast Butterfloppy McThundercunt for this?

B-b-but w-wage g-gap

This film had the perfect setting to become a really original sci-fi thriller/horror. Instead they turned it into a mediocre romance.

Also, Chris Pratt worked just fine for the film. He's a pretty decent actor.

She got paid $20 million and Chris Pratt got $12 million

I liked it, its a nice small story with a decent ending. It doesnt try to be something bigger like "oh my god we are the last human beans and we will be extinct if this ship gets destroyed". Its nothing special and will be forgotten in time but thats ok.

She gets a percentage of the backend too.

It's not bad, it's not good either.

It's kind of pointless really.