This is a test to see if you're a meninist. The two pictures posted here represents what a meninist is. So here we go…
(Failure to admit to any of this will automatically give you a +1.)
20/20 = A True Meninist. 19/20 = A Meninist. 18/20 = A True Loser. 17/20 = A Loser. 16/20 = A True Idiot. 15/20 = An Idiot. 14/20 = A True [email protected]/* */ 13/20 = A [email protected]/* */ 12/20 = A True Loser. 11/20 = A Loser. 10/20 = A True Troll. 9/20 = A Troll. 8/20 = A True Bullshitter. 7/20 = A Bullshitter. 6/20 = A True Hillary Supporter. 5/20 = A Hillary Supporter. 4/20 = A True Libtard. 3/20 = A Libtard. 2/20 = A True Liar. 1/20 = A FUCKING LIAR!!!
For those of you who scored 0/20, well done!!! You're a winner. You get laid more than these idiot meninists.
Noah Long
>[email protected]/* */
Eli Smith
1) No 2) No 3) No 4) No 5) Yes 6) No 7) Yes 8) No 9) No 10) Yes 11) No 12) No 13) No 14) No, but fags shouldn't be allowed to marry 15) No 16) No 17) No 18) No? Fuck Games anyways. 19) Yes, who doesn't, it's 2016 20) Probably.
Score: 5/20 = A Hillary Supporter, despite that I said I support Trump above.
Levi Gomez
If I use the actual word, it turns into sodomite. Moron.
Most Trump supporters are bigots. If they're not, they're too liberal to be Trump supporters. Hence why there's the Hillary rank.
Bentley Cox
it would be "masculist" retart
Jaxson Carter
No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No
4/20 blaze it I actually am a libtard.
Lincoln Sanchez
I am a skelly for >1 no
Cooper Morgan
yep i have been told nope nope +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 +1 distrust 3DPD 0 +1 0 I am bi kinda shota 0 +1 kinda lolicon 0 0 +1 cuz paying for shit makes me a winner +1 10 11/20 = A Loser
Connor Rogers
no no yes average no of course no yes no I don't support any political party kind of i know a couple of cool niggers no i'm not afraid of them but I still think they're sodomites I don't have a basement. I live in my grandmothers kitchen. no unregistered no anime, games, music, programs, fonts, and pictures. i hate losing.
Jace Edwards
Confirmed manlet. Nobody who's not short answers average you manlet fuck.
Landon Ross
Jeremiah Mitchell
the question is subjective.
short compared with what? with the tallest person in the world, the shortest? I'm not tall or short.
Dominic Fisher
Short as in below average height. Like if you're 5'5 and below or some shit like that. I'm not sure what the average height is.
Jose Reyes
anything under 6' is short tbh
Zachary Collins
I'm not sure what average is either. I'm in USA if it helps you find it.
Lucas Morris
but how can we tell when short ends and tall begins?
it's entirely unquantifiable.
Luke James
no probably sub par yeah 6'1 no no no rather 6.5" no yes by normalfag standards, not by Holla Forums standards yeah no rather no only 2d no no used to music, not for a few years yeah
Nicholas Fisher
I'd say under 5'9 is notably short, 5'9-6' is unremarkable to me.
Jose Martinez
The average height is 5 feet 9 and a half inches for men. 5 feet and 4 inches for women.
These numbers are based on a sample of 5,647 men and 5,971 women over age 20, and is representative of 96.2% of Americans over age 18.
Angel Fisher
Logan Adams
what does this mean?
Connor Morales
This thread is utter shit and 4Chan cancer, I will now proceed to post animal porn.
Charles Carter
Brody Lee
Elijah Ross
Aaron Myers
Jeremiah Reed
no no? yes no yes yes no yes no yes yes no yes no (sodomite) no no no no yes yes
Juan Parker
Wow you dumb fuck you really filled all that out? Pathetic.
Connor King
Robert Gonzalez
William Ortiz
Gonna continue to bump this thread just for you.
Isaiah Myers
Now this is some sage spam I can actually get behind. This thread is cancer.
Bentley Cruz
Hello there
Jonathan Harris
Hello Is it me you're looking for?
Sebastian Gomez
I believe so good sir.
Henry Parker
Wyatt Baker
I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your smile You're all I ever wanted And my arms are open wide
Dominic Thomas
Thanks for bumping user, I was beginning to worry no one would see all this bestiality and gore.
Aiden Stewart
My beloved, could it really be you?, the one my heart aches for in the burning passion of m soul?
Zachary Ortiz
I'm getting the feeling you're not familiar with the song "Hello" by Lionel Richie
Ian Lopez
I guess I'll always be alone. ):
Angel Martin
I don't know. I pulled it from some website.
Kevin Brown
At least you have your impressive collection of bestiality.
Luke Jenkins
that i do.
Levi Jones
Carson Sanders
Keep it coming. I love padding my gore folder.
Anthony Thompson
Are you a poopy foreigner? Go back to "mehicko" or learn English, you tard.
Nathan Clark
Ayden Foster
Luke Nguyen
Aiden Nguyen
Leo Turner
Connor Ross
You do realize saging doesn't actually contribute to the bump limit on Holla Forums right?
Asher Ward
I refuse to contribute to this thread in any way.
Logan Flores
Justin Lopez
They're idiots. They just continue bumping this thread. Sage is nothing more than a bump for this thread.
Thomas Diaz
no no …maybe? +1 no no yes +2 no no no not applying cause not 'murican wtf no yes +3 no no maybe +4 no no yes +5 no
I'm a Hilary supporter. yey. Do I win a prize?
Colton Thompson
Probably. Maybe I should upload masturbating videos of Kat Von Tease as a prize, since she was trying to sell them for 30 dollars on Instagram. I'll upload them later though, since it's Halloween and I'll be busy.
Blake Walker
she looks horrible so I'm not in a hurry.
Aaron Turner
So that's 6/20, a true Hillary supporter, which I most definitely am not. I was really hoping I would do better.
Gabriel Martinez
BTW, do any of you fine anons happen to have the complete set of these Uncle Jesse pictures? I am missing a couple.
Adrian Fisher
does that take age into consideration?
what are the ages of these men.
Charles Jones
Seconded. I love those Uncle Jesse pictures.
Hudson Miller
not yet, I'll grow a well groomed beard when the time comes
between 2.5 and 3k per month working in sales. commission are very good to me
depends. I'm not going to pay for something that I don't need or that is shit. I've never payed for music or movies online. I have been to the cinema which I did pay for.
over Hillary? any time. over Hitler? not a chance, SIEG HEIL
realist. which is sometimes the same thing
race doesn't exist. culture does. and I do think there is such a thing as a superiour culture
do I have an IQ above 80? yes.
I don't care about what genitalia you put in your mouth
unregistered :^)
not really, I just don't really see the point in having them. brother has a PS4 and some PS exclusives are good. The Last of Us for example
depends on the artist. small talented artists I pay for, idiots I don't listen too. as for movies and series, fuck them I watch it online
Jason Cruz
PC is the better gaming platform, does this make me "master race"? and just how does being broke relate to this shit?
and what does this have to do with anything? modern atheism is sodomitery, okay, but then don't fucking generalize it like a theist sodomite
and what is the fucking result shit? just because i'm not a homophobe racist yada yada i'm a libtard? the fuck? since when does "not giving a fuck" make you a libtard on those issues you fucking moron?
Joseph White
no, realizing and accepting differences between male and female and embracing them without discriminating isn't sexist
the soviet union didn't put women into front storming infantry doesn't make it fucking sexist
agreed, the socialist culture in content, national in form, the way stalin teached us, is superior to any bourgeoise and nationalist "culture"
but how comes you'd be a hitlerist and deny race? why even deny race? whether you claim there to be differences or not, just acknowledging them doesn't make you a racist
Ryan Collins
true bullshiter
Oliver Phillips
well it's "sexist" in the sense that you discriminate against them because they possess the female genitalia. that being said, why would discrimination be a bad thing. doesn't mean we don't love them and care for them. I just don't want to mothers of our children on the front line.
because humans have been fucking other humans since the dawn of time. even hitler was 1/16th Berber. there is no such thing as "race" to bind you since you have no choice of genetic code. you DO have a choice where you loyalty lies. who you fight with and who you fight against. who you care for, what values you hold on to and those thing can bind you as a group. fuck socialism as a whole btw, it's weakness. it doesn't inspire success as a nation.
and Im not hitlerist. he just got closest to the right point. he just made up BS science etc to make it easy. he chose the easy way. he didn't have to fuck up all jews, just the ones who were manipulating things. there were also jews who were loyal hardworking citizens that were loyal to germany. he fucked them too and I think that was a mistake. but again, that's the easy way.
Xavier Bell
No! No no no no!
Henry Reed
i don't know, doesn't seem like "discrimination", in the commonly negatively connoted meaning, to empower people according to their abilities rather than bullshitting them with ego stroking declarations of "equality", but that's just hairsplitting i guess.
hitlerist racism is made up bullshit, yes, but in general, it is a thing. disputed, but still. since you can kinda categorize people just by first glance. i do recognize if someone has family origin in western, northern, eastern or southern europe. central is a mixed bag, but you can often still tell. doesn't equate to much, but seems weird to me to entirely deny it.
why'd you be against socialism tho? what good does strength if not to protect the weak? it's a very positive chivalric trait imo
Samuel Cook
Gavin Richardson
I don't deny that people can look alike. its just not really relevant to my. I associate with black dudes that are in the military because they're loyal men that understand hardship, effort, etc and I think Semitic looking fucks (like myself) that extort western countries should be burned to death. I don't really care about exterior as long as you put effort into it.
Caleb Morris
I'm pro national socialism. not entirely the way adolf did it but you caught how I would do it in previous comments. socialism as a whole though seems to misuse the whole compassion thing and gives free shit to people who don't deserve it and doesn't inspire hard work, it inspires laziness as we have seen with every social country in history. it doesn't work.
Ryan Hall
Adam Murphy
agreed, but that was the social democratization of the communist parties, something stalin did warn of. he heavily criticized the "equalizers" that wanted to abolish different wages and other stupid shit like that, basically everything that was enforced after stalins death.
Luke Murphy
okay. Well I'll think of something else for a prize then.
Jeremiah Moore
huh I scored 6/10 what a unimpressive score
James Reyes
Jeremiah Garcia
Saging only bumps the thread up you idiot. Let this thread die on it's own.