would anyone be up to stream some movies tonight or tomorrow so we could shoot the shit and do holloween things together since we don't have friends to do it with?
User-kun can we watch scary movies tonight and eat candy together?
Other urls found in this thread:
we can play youtube videos in plug.dj. music, memes, and educational materials
that used to be a thing. we had like 4 different Holla Forums rooms at the high point of it
I'm going to sleep now, but that is a thing we can do.
if you didn't know - plug.dj closed down for lack of funds but now it is BACK
That sounds good. I'm going to see what acceptable quality horror movies I can find on youtube.
I got quads so you guys have to watch movies with me.
a-are you asking me out on a date?
If I say yes will you go out with me?
If you really want to.
Just saying: Soul Eater is a good halloween-relevant anime we could watch.
if you wear a nice dress, sure
Somebody throw a link up, We can watch the worst Stephen King movie ever, Maximum Overdrive. It's not even really scary, it's just bad 80's horror
back then it was scary
pretty neat beats. i might make an account so i can comment and stuff if we start watching movies later but for now i'm listening.
id is habbiding
skip song sodomite
Nice stream.
I would definitely be up for a late night stream. Someone just drop a link
I want to watch scary movies with you user-kun
who said that?
does anyone have a strong preference for movies to watch tonight? i'll see if i can find them on youtube. i will propose Event Horizon, also that we kick off at 5:30ish.
ice spiders
and it's actually on youtube! with polish subs
well i wasnt gonna join but that flick is tighter than tomoko
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume we're looking for a movie that's in english. I watched the preview for this and it looks cool though.
imo it's a good balance of a cool concept, cheesiness and gore.
I have no scary movies but anyway have a horny halloween you niggers.
What did she mean by this?
responding to op idiot
dubtrack is shit tbh fam
you don't even get an avatar
I'm watching Event Horizon by myself
Please come watch it with me user-kun.
fuck off
t. Holla Forums
Did you just skim through the whole thread looking at filenames so you could respond to a post from hours ago?
Oh boy this sure is an exciting movie.
There are a whole two of us now.
Yeah retard, I was specifically looking for tumblr filenames. And, surprise surprise, Holla Forums is a slow board, so posts from days ago are still in the middle sections of the catalog and able to be replied to. You brainless autist. And stop with that passive aggressive "uhhh, did you just???" reddit typing style.
uhh did you just sage my thread on page one?
Now I'm responding with a tumblr filename and using grammatically correct formatting and "uhh did you just"ing on purpose. u triggered bro?
Do you want to watch Event Horizon or not you fucking goon?
>>>Holla Forums
no you're a goon
Come on, get in the Halloween spirit everyone.
Also what would anyone want to watch?
Sure, tomorrow is a better day for me though.
im down
Killer klowns from outer space
Yeah I'd be down to do something tomorrow as well. But since I'm sitting around anyways I'll probably put the next movie or two that I watch up in case anyone else wants to join. I'll probably be on til 10 or 11 est.
You just forgot to use a grammatically correct formatting.
I did that like once itt and it was in satire.
K, are you the guy that's already in the room? If not 11 minutes until the end of the one that's on now. Good suggestion anyways, haven't seen that movie in years.
In this ITT thread you mean?
neko a cute
I stand corrected.
Most catgirls are cute.
all of them are
Yeah that's me.
Killer Klowns starting now then. I forgot how event horizon ended, it was pretty cool.
Is it too late to join you?
No I just figured out how to start it. Perfect timing.
This was one of the first songs I learned to play on guitar. I still remember the riff.
Anyways sorry it took a minute, it didn't want to play the clips in the right order but I think it's sorted.
Is this response obligatory on any other board or any other site or is it just you?
i feel that my nigger
This movie makes me want popcorn.
The clown hijinks in the town is the best scene.
now im sad.
damn that one got me hard
killer klowns is almost over, anyone want to watch anything else or choose what's being watched next?
ok i'm just starting 28 weeks later
You really really need to stop. Really.
As for OP, if you run into a spot where you have nothing to play; Roger Corman's Forbidden World is pretty good.
I'll probably start with it tomorrow evening if no-one is pulling for anything else.
op here, I'm going to sleep. I'll probably do this tomorrow evening. also goodnight to the user that was in the chat earlier that wasn't active. i don't know if you were marginally watching or afk but it made me feel like i had company.
Shoot, goodnight user, I was switching between the movie and some other things.