Help me

So I'm talking to a girl online at the moment. She seems nice enough and gives me nudes and other degenerate pics whenever I ask and cams with me. I try to act like Chad with her and it seems to work. She's also very attractive and browses Kratchan & Holla Forums, and is literally aryan.

Problem is she lives in near he border of France in Germany so I can't immediately see her, but I do have the money to visit her. She works as a nurse and is busy most of the week before getting many days off in which she will talk to me. She's spoken to me before after work without me initiating it, but not lately.

She has no idea I'm a virgin and thinks I've had gfs before.

Basically tl'dr - Should I message her when she gets time off, or should I message her now?

She's from Iran?


Wait so you don't seem too dependent and eager, but balance that with initiative so she stays interested. It's a hard balance but you'll learn to strike it eventually.

Well I'm currently waiting until the 6th when she gets a 6 day break from work. Should I message her before then or not?

how does one meet qt aryan chan users?

skype groups

Message her before then of course, but not too much. Do it enough to let her know that you're still thinking of her, but not enough to say that she's the only interesting thing going on in your life. It's okay to not message her for a day or two, but at three you start to push it.

i always assumed skype/discord groups advertised on chans were full of men, never occurred to me there could be qt's there too. thanks for the advice friendo

Ah fuck it's been almost a week.