The Paris Club

They are the most powerful men in the world, and Holla Forums barely knows of their existence.

The Paris Club are who world governments are forced to negotiate with when their country can no longer pay it's dept owed to the central banks. Their goal is to parasitically leech as much of the wealth as possible from the host countries of the planet, without killing them.

The combined debt owed to the Paris club is an amount (self reportedly) more than the yearly GDP of over 170 countries, and this number is growing. The entirety of this debt is comprised of interest on endless un-repayable loans, which are eventually passed down to the "public" of the words economies (you) in the form of taxes.

The club runs as a kind of "informal" financial Secret society, with secret rules, practices and meetings. Its former chairman - Christian Noyer was the former chairman for the Bank for International Settlements, Another former chairman - Jean-Claude Trichet was the president of the European Central Bank.

All financial debt paths globally lead to the Paris Club and its affiliates.

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(This post will be shilled - learn to spot them)

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yeah yeah totally, esoteric pedos and rich fags rule the world

not the suppliers of children and dicks

not the media controllers

not the heads of world banks

not the people alllllll world learders fear

not the people who destroyed 4chan or and pretty much here too

not Jews

ever Jews

just like white men are to blame for killing fags in a nightclub — because NEVER Semites.


only Jesus and Fuck you fedora

When did I say this?

Well if you're counting all Zimbabwes it's not hard to get to that point. Anyone know how much in numbers?

tits or gtfo


Total amount of debt owed to them - 583billion$

Total amount of agreements - 433

Number of debtor countries - 90

However these are only the contracts which are agreed on publicly.

tits! or GTFO!

I know you have big sloppy tits Alex!

What on earth are you on about? How do people not know about them? They're REAL, unlike a lot of other bullshit. And the fact of the matter is there's nothing that can be done unless the central banking system and all its actors are destroyed.

An interesting excerpt from the wiki about one of the previous chairman


How often do you see them talked about here? Holla Forums tends to shy away from global financial history/news because everyone here is so poor.

Not even remotely true. It's just the social issues are at the forefront currently due to all the happenings. During 20012-2014 on Holla Forums it all economic shit and we talked this shit to death.

What the fuck are you on about?


How difficult would it be for a country to send its elite operative units to (((suicide))) these cucks? I can't imagine that a couple dozen fully funded, armed, and briefed commando units would have trouble taking care of a bunch of limp-wristed cucks, no matter how rich. Sure, the fuckers hold huge economic power, and can stranglehold entire nations, but wtf can they do against invisible bullets and ghost soldiers? Especially when there's no one to pin the blame on?

To be fair, launching anything of the sort would require clean and non-traitorous politicians, which are rarer than a fucking unicorn.

Just food for thought…

I think OP struck a nerve. Bumping because shitty shill damage control.

What are some recommended books on this?

I've read Confessions of an Economic Hitman but it seemed like a limited hangout if anything.

This is some sort of Jew misdirection right? I guess the Jesuit\Islam cards have been outplayed.

Debt isn't real.


Less believable than the no nukes theory.

What I said is correct. Currency is fictional and so is debt.

Why the fuck are people trying to shut down a topic that is political and politically incorrect? Shills really are out in fucking full force atm.

Perhaps in a world without violence. Anyone who refuses to pay debnts is faced with existential danger. The idea of debt may be abstract, but it's made real by warfare.

We are being attacked by half chan niggers

Freemasons by any other name

Reported for obvious raid.

Kikes by any other name.

They don't typically go to war over it. They use sanctions. So as long as you are fine being poor, there is no problem. The only reason they control anything is because of these nations wanting a "good economy."

Best Korea shows us the solution.

Best Korea falls under China's sphere of influence. If a country like Austria or Denmark tried to ditch debt, they'd have US troops (((liberating))) them in a matter of days.

Are you a commie?. You don't like when people earn money?. Fuck you asshole.

Reminds me of that documentary. Ah, here it is