I'm with her
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Draft my possibly pregnant wife so she can get raped and/or blown up in some hell hole overseas!
But user that isn't the type of equality they want.
Its funny cause Russia's military has drafted far more capable female soldiers than the US will ever have. They have military schools for women only, they acknowledge women need special training and can't be carrying around 400 fucking pounds of equipment shouting like rednecks while firing 500 bullets a second toward empty sand.
In a girls only warzone Russia would annihilate the US's "stronk independent womyn" before they had a chance to bitch about equality. It doesn't hurt that they're easier on the eyes than most women, let alone feminist
Even if it's fake we should draft women. Into separate units of course as they ruin the cohesion in male units.
Drafting women is fucking retarded, women are more biologically valuable to society than males so have always been protected.
1 man + 20 women = 20 kids a year
20 men + 1 woman = 1 kid a year
If you want to argue with fact you are no better than a feminist.