Pretty Disgusting

Is it an unwritten rule here that every thread has to be praising Trump if not it'll get shilled, spammed and then bumplocked by mods?

What the fuck happened to this place? And anyone who has a problem with this speak up for fuck's sake. You're getting drowned out by the braindead sheep. Are there any level headed people left here?

This thread broke no rules. It's a current political event and one that directly effects Holla Forumslacks. Re-open it and remove the spam.

Other urls found in this thread:

Archive of this in case it gets conveniently deleted.

If you want to make an anti-trump thread in the trump board, you don't start it with "GUN GRABBING TRUMP FAGGOTS BTFO"

Pretty much this. Regressives don't know how to raise valid points. Only emotionally spaz out all over everyone.

Yeah, it is getting retarded. I have seen two or three topics I have been participating in get bumplocked or deleted for no apparent reason. Meanwhile cuck porn bait topics are on the front page for a whole day with hundreds of posts and no moderators in sight. This place is turning into cuckchan.

This is now a dubs thread.


Let's go over why we do this

Now get out.




Shut the fuck up already. The thread you linked doesn't effect us in the least. We knew this shit without them having declared it to be true. So your claim to relevance means nothing, and we're then left with "GUN GRABBING TRUMP FAGGOTS BTFO" which is just a stupid, pointless thing to say on a board full of people that actually have the intellectual capacity to realize that Trump is EASILY the best candidate we have at the moment, so those flug-out insults in the fucking title of a thread just serve to show off said thread as likely some kike or Hillary supporter (one and the same, really), who never have anything of value to say.

In other words, the thread you linked was shit and you're shit. Go back to plebbit.

Not the greatest roll, mate.

Well, since Halfchan/pol/ is getting overrun by shills, retards and newfags (more of each than usually), we are naturally going to be careful, since we don't want that shit to hold onto that place.





Nice trips, lad.

Forgot to sage. Might as well roll again.



Poor bastard, you aren't having the greatest luck.

This is an urgent appeal to check my integers

Your integers are not of the dubs variety. Better luck next time, mein freund.

Shills always say "Waaah my thread got bumplocked/deleted when this thread about Milo/cuckporn/whatever the fuck else I don't like got left open and the moderators didn't do a thing!!!" but the shills know exactly when to post shit like that when there's the lowest chance of a mod being around and the highest chance that it will linger for hours before a mod comes back on duty and locks it. Nor do the shills ever acknowledge that these types of threads DO get locked and deleted every damn day.

If you don't like it, leave. GTFO, go to reddit, go to cuckchan, go to endchan, or masterchan, or freech, or you can plain old go to hell for all I care. Nobody gives a fuck for all your whining you double nigger.

Hopefully when trump is elected shilling will be outlawed. Any organization that actively employs shills to influence free discourse on the internet should be hunted, round up, and put behind bars.

There's some shady shit happening on the internet and it needs to be investigated and the perpetrators arrested.


take your anti-trump shit over to >>>Holla Forums

this tbh


Wow its almost like you're a shill.
Not to mention faggots like you spam other threads with "LE TRUMPCUCKS ARE SLIDING THIS PLEASE BUMP MY SPAM XD".

This thread is also a nice example, imaging what was slide when you made this? Maybe a book discussion? Maybe a news thread? You don't care you just want to flap your wrists scream oppression and get attention.