Jews should be gassed TBH
it was until stalin lul
i can smell the mental illness from here.
holy shit.
it was till the end
stalin only killed a few kikes. he made others all powerful like ehrenburg, kaganovich and litvinov (Finkelstein lol) Beria etc.
how do you think the jews could LOOT the ENTIRE russian economy when communism "fell" (aka jews launching a privatization scheme to rob the russians of ALL their wealth). I´m talking about the jewish oligarchs who took over russia after communism "fell"
Usually I would agree, but why shouldn't white people pre-emptively strike against others? I'm not sure if you've noticed but "white males" ihas been a pejorative for the past few years.
ahh yess the roaring 90s, great times in russia! Great times for neoliberalim!
Seriously though who are the main guys that were fucking dismantling russian infrastructure and auctioning it to each other? Berezovsky comes to mind, but it becomes hard to find info on the others in english.
I would retort to your claim that you arent wrong, but you have to give that murderous lunatic stalin a little more credit, he got rid of a lot of fucking people, including his enitre officer corps pretty much. obviously this wasnt just because of the "jewish menace" but he knew something was up.
I would say it was more a case of..them finding their way back in if you will, case in point this:
right here, perfect example of how they operate and I can vouch for most of the info on these two images, based on watching from the sidelines for a solid decade now. I dont even "hate" jews
I dont know enough about the whole mess tbqh, not my area of expertise, I will look at the names you mentioned. Its still good to be aware of the fact that this seems to be the mainstream established narrative amongst "respected historians": they will admit Communism had a huge jewish influence, until stalin.
Mental illness is a serious problem plaguing Jews and this thread is dedicated to them, which is probably why you can smell it.
Ironic, dontcha think?
People around these parts seem to often claim "Israel did 911" without really knowing what the fuck they are talking about.
this right here is a relatively rare exception, particularly the first image.
attempting to look into 911 nowadays has become a fucking minefield of looney tunes and mental retardation, the amount of mis/disinfo in relation to actual research is like 20:1
If you actually want to get an inkling of wtf happened, a good place to start is Ryan Dawsons film, which actually has to spend a good half an hour debunking a variety of retard claims made by legit crackheads like "A plane didnt hit the pentagon" or "hurr durr muh building 7"
anybody that starts down that road is already lost. the place where you actually have to start talking about 911 is anthrax. this is pretty much where it begins. Anybody that doesnt at least mention the whole fallacious anthrax thing doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about. you can go back further to the Cole and of course 93 but you at least need to start with anthrax. lot of niggas dont even fucking remeber that shit and it was such an obvious provable scam
anyhow watch this fucking movie people, its badly edited but the research is solid, pretty much the only film out there worth its salt that doesnt dive nose deep into speculation
Gavin McInnes Rekt by Jew-Hating Female Shitlord
and you watch this.
this is REALLY good as well
and here the best documentary on jewish globalism, especially bolshevism and freemasonry.
he doesnt name all the people as jews he talks about here but in the book "under the sign of scorpio" he does.
its probably the best documentary on all of jewtube thats why the shut the version with 200.000 views down
damn so this goes all the way back to OP sussanah to show a..precedent I guess, I will watch it tonight
it has LOTS of information in it
What an original opinion.
Emil Kirdorf,
Gründer und langjähriger Leiter des Rheinisch- Westfälischen Kohlesyndikats, schrieb am 31.
Januar 1934 in der „Preußischen Zeitung":
„Im Jahre 1927 bin ich zum ersten Male mit dem Führer zusammengekommen …In der
Erkenntnis, da$ nur die Politik Adolf Hitlers zum Ziele führen werde, habe ich mich in der
Folgezeit ganz seiner Bewegung zur Verfügung gestellt. Kurz nach der Münchener
Unterredung landen dann als Auswirkung der vom Führer vertagten und von mir verbreiteten
Broschüre mehrere Zusammenkünfte des Führers mit leitenden Persönlichkeiten des
Industriereviers statt, in denen dann Adolf Hitler in knappen und klaren Worten seine Ansicht
darlegte. "
Fritz Thyssen in seinem 1941 erschienenen Buch „Ich bezahlte Hitler":
„ …praktisch führte ich die Verbindung zwischen Hitler und den maßgeblichen rheinisch-
westfälischen Industriellen herbei. Es ist allgemein bekannt, daß am 27. Januar 1932 - ein
Jahr, bevor er die Macht ergriff- Adolf Hitler eine zweieinhalbstündige Rede vor dem
Industrieklub Düsseldorf hielt. Diese Rede machte einen tiefen Eindruck auf die
versammelten Industriellen, und als Ergebnis floß eine Zahl von bedeutenden Zuwendungen
aus den Quellen der Schwerindustrie in die Kassen der NSDAP …In den letzten Jahren vor
der Machtergreifung leisteten die großen industriellen Verbände laufend Kontributionen. "
Die Einflußnahme der Rüstungsmonopole beschränkte sich aber keineswegs auf finanzielle
Zuwendungen an das Nazi-Regime. Sie fand ihre Krönung in der engen personellen
Verflechtung der Monopol- und Bankbeauftragten mit dem faschistischen Staat. Vertreter der
mächtigsten Konzerne waren in allen zentralen Regierungsstellen zu finden. Sie nahmen dort
Schlüsselstellungen ein.
So war der Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende der IG-Farben-Industrie AG, Carl Krauch, gleichzeitig
„Generalbevollmächtigter für Sonderfragen der chemischen Erzeugung" und Leiter des
„Reichsamtes für Wirtschaftsausbau". In dieser Funktion war er praktisch der staatliche
Befehlshaber über die gesamte chemische Industrie Hitlerdeutschlands. Führende IG-
Direktoren nahmen ebenfalls Funktionen im faschistischen Machtapparat ein, z. B. in der
Deutschen Arbeitsfront (Christian Schneider), im Auswärtigen Amt (von Maltzan), im
Ostministerium (Felix Prentzel), im OKW Abwehr Inland (Christian Schneider,
Hauptwehrbeauftragter der IG-Farben), im Rüstungsministerium (Ambros, Bütefisch und
Wurster), in der Reichsbank (Schmitz), in der Reichsgruppe Industrie (Schmitz), im
Wirtschaftsministerium (E. R. Fischer), im Länderausschuß für Afrika und Sowjetunion (W.
R. Mann als Vorsitzender), im Sonderausschuß für Südost-Europa und Ungarn (ligner und
Reithinger als Vorsitzender), im Wehrwirtschaftsstab Thomas (Krüger und Erich von der
Hey de).
Dazu kam eine große Anzahl mittlerer und unterer IG-Farben- Angestellter, die in
verschiedenen Staats- und Parteidienststellen Hitlerdeutschlands sowie in den besetzten
Gebieten bei den Militärbefehlshabern und Reichskommissaren die Interessen dieses
Mammutkonzerns durchsetzten. (Vgl. NG, IG-Farben-Prozeß, Dokumentenbuch der Anklage,
Nr. 62, S. 253 ff.)
Based E. Michael Jones.
His books are highly recommendable.
She is retarded and doesn't understand that a lack of white kids up for adoption is a good thing because nuclear families are more common among whites.
i think isearl should take in refugees ^^
There are allot of nails to the coffin, indeed.
i like how she acknowledges that there are sub species of human.
Jews have no problems saying they have a higher than average IQ but then they turn around and say all races are equal
Jews tend to use doublespeak a lot
Israeli jews are mostly arabs, arabs are part african negroid, hence their low iq.
The HC religious group uses these arab jews in their military and has them do all the labor.
They themselves are exempt from military duty.
haha wait so you're saying that the jews who are smart are the one's who are part white?
no the ones that are dumb are part african. the smart ones are european ashkenazim
What % of the population in Israel is genetically Jewish? And what % of that portion is Ashkenazi?
If you only counted the Ashkenazi Jews of Israel, which rank would it be on the country rankings of IQ scores?
if you only took the scandanavian scientist who would be the highest iq.
Im thinking there are not many askinazi jews i believe they are a minority with in jews.
i also think most are in the states and europe
Requesting webms similar to this
Elect me for president of europe and this fucker will be driving in to the streets every morning at 7:30
what a fucking idiot. She literally doesn't know what gavin is talking about.
but it totally didn't happen, right? yeah…
Jews are the enemy of humanity. They really are the synagogue of Satan.
Anyone have a copy I can use of Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together in cyrillic?
>>6348192 >>6348199
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>>6382962 >>6382990