Be honest, would you have sex with this woman for the purpose of procration?
Be honest, would you have sex with this woman for the purpose of procration?
Why not?
Yeah, she looks like a creepy Japanese mask.
no, i would never betray your mother
Yeah. She has incredible teeth. In America, genetically superior teeth will save you enough cash you'll likely be able to put your kids through college easily. Also her skin color is lovely, although I think I'd like to see her hair straightened to see what it might look like. Or cut short, not a big fan of huge curly hair in general.
paying for medical care
paying for education
is she the nigest?
Forgot a 'g' you edgy sodomite
Would I flush my genes down the toilet? Not a chance, i'd rather let my family tree die with me than create a mongrel.
Also it would be pretty embarrassing having to walk around with a niglet in tow, everybody would think you're a cuck.
procreation more like genetic mutation lol amirite