Non American here:
How come that bunch of british colonists, religious minorities, poor irishmen, industrious germans and italians founded the greatest country the world has seen in the last millenia?
The USA was and still is a vast country blessed with great territory, and a lot of natural resources.
How did a Nation of farmers beat the greatest european country of the time?
How did it turn into the safe haven for all the white people that where tired of the bullshit in the old europe?
Why haven't the jews managed to disarm all the population of the USA, when in Europe you could just buy a gun 100 years ago like you buy a loaf of bread?
I mean the Europeans have become a bunch of spineless cucks, and yet the Americans even being at the fallout zone of Jewish Marxism still are the worst threat to the existence of jewish global order.
The Americans started from nothing, and created a White Empire that stretched from Blue Sea to Blue Sea.
The Nations of Ranchers, Cowboys, White Immigrants and Minutemen.
I fucking love the USA, and i mean the pre-jewish supremacy, the one that goes from the late XVIII century until the creation of the Federal Reserve, but even now with all the cuckery the old USA hasn't died totally, it is well alive in some regions of USA.
As a White Living outside of America i fucking hate that immigration laws make it a pain in the ass to immigrate to the USA when a fucking mexican will just cross the border and is protected by the Jewish puppets in D.C.
And above all i love the 2nd Ammendment.
God Bless the USA.
Also a Murica apreciation thread.
Why was the USA the greatest fucking country on the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
Italian/Polish American here, family immigrated in the early 1900's. Such a beautiful country indeed! The only gripe I have is that they made my ancestors change their surnames.
but we never fought a war against poland
name a single country that is better
The Constitution and adherence to it.
Guerrilla tactics, home turf advantage, and French navy help (until we could build our own).
Our ‘whites only; do what you like as long as it’s Christian and productive’ policy.
The Constitution, though they’re trying their damnedest.
Last bastion of freedom on Earth, motherfuckers.
I mean was because now is descending into a 3rd world shithole status, mainly in the mostly non-white areas.
100 years ago was the best country on the world for every white that wanted to live the american dream.
lol what, the Constitution? That's putting the cart before the horse. Look at the Men who created the Constitution.
It wasn't it was irrelevant before the first world war and mostly Brazil tier. The wild west a a violent brutal shithole full of Indians chimping out that has been romanticized. Many of the ideals it stands for are misguided at best and completely wrong at worst religious freedom and democracy are not all that great. The best thing about the US is there was a lot of land and resources to go around so it made a very large middle class. But now those resources have been claimed. It's greatest ideological contribution was its expansion on the concept of personal liberty and individual freedom. Stop kissing ass no one likes it.
yeah I get that, I'm not saying we don't have problems. We're all quite fucked right now. Still, compared to most of Europe we're still less cucked. Maybe you could say some of Eastern Europe is less cucked but I don't really think you could say they're the "greatest", especially considering the lack of nuclear weapons (and thus the lack of geopolitical sovereignty).
They were traditionalists, scholars, and classical statesmen, in the Greco-Roman republican tradition. The Constitution comes from them, as it comes from the theories put forth by the first republics.
I am afraid that the constitution did nothing to prevent the petty tyrants and jewish puppets from ruining the world using america's power.
Such as the Civil War, WW1 and WW2.
If America joined the axis and invaded cucknada and other american colonies the world would had been a paradise by modern standards.
lol, totalitarian cuckold.
Nope, Freedom of Christian denomination.
Nope. Republicanism. EXPLICITLY NOT DEMOCRACY. The Founders HATED democracy.
Your extra vowel names and polack nonsense had to go back, faggot.
You can't take that shit in the club with you
I mean british colonies
the US was not at all irrelevant before the first WWI. the civil war in particular was a hotbed of international relations and diplomacy, which was also another of the instances where Russia was the most bro-tier of all countries to us. Around that time, they also invaded Crimea, much to the chagrin of the British-French alliance…History repeat much?
Are you even trying? “A republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.”
Your comment contradicts itself are you for religious freedom or a christian nation?
Freedom of Christian denomination. It never meant ANYTHING other than that.
Because conservative white people made it.
Yeah it never meant to allow sandniggers to spread their bullshit.
It was meant to prevent white christians to kill each other like they had been doing since the 16th century,
Because this
is revolting against your nation and King to create a democracy inherently conservative? I see this sort of thought on Breitbart a lot, that to be conservative means to believe in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence (the father and the son, I 'spose).
The founding fathers were the hipsters of their day
Your surnames were kosher as fuck.
Wojtalewicz is better than Milka.
Anglo master race reporting in
So you would ban certain religions but this does not at all contradict the concept of total freedom?
If I could conceive that the general government might ever be so administered as to render the liberty of conscience insecure, I beg you will be persuaded, that no one would be more zealous than myself to establish effectual barriers against the horrors of spiritual tyranny, and every species of religious persecution.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the United Baptist Chamber of Virginia, May 1789
The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
The founders were quite clear that religious freedom was important
So you would agree to let the muslims keep their mosques open and you oppose to rooting out the islam from western countries?
Then why do so many Holla Forumsacks claim that Russia is fourteen thousand eight hundred and eighty eight times less cucked than the USA?
NOWHERE. IS. THE. RIGHT. TO. TOTAL. RELIGIOUS. FREEDOM. OUTLINED. IN. THE. CONSTITUTION. Stop repeating shit you were told is wrong.
March 1785.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams arrive in London to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. Upon inquiring “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury”, the ambassador replied:
“It is written in the Quran that all nations which have not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave, and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.”
Islam is terror.
And yet they denied all non-white settlement, so all non-Christian settlement. Oops!
Nope. It doesnt.
All those nice sounding words jefferson wrote weren't meant for mudshits living in sand caves
They were written for white people
The naturalization and citizenship acts of Congress up through the 1900's reflected this
Because the Founding Fathers had the knowledge of government and social philosophy from two millennium ago.
Also the critical idea of Citizenry. We are Citizens not Subjects. An ingrained idea of individualism that strives for dominance.
Oil, coal and other natural resources (but mainly oil) were found (which lead to economic prosperity)
Can the russians legally own and carry an AR-15 with a drum mag?
If yes they are less cucked than USA, but they can't.
They are shills.
History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson: in letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813
Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814,
The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
~Founding Father James Madison, 1819, Writings, 8:432, quoted from Gene Garman, “Essays In Addition to America’s Real Religion”
“No religious doctrine shall be established by law.”
~Founding Father Elbridge Gerry, Annals of Congress 1:729-731
Bacon cheeseburgers, faggot
Get on our level
No I'm totalitarian I think they and all hostile entities should be removed forcefully. These concepts contradict the values of the founders and the concept of personal liberty.
sophistry INCOMING….
Do we have anything anymore?
Jefferson and Adams certainly knew European history very well. They also knew Greek & Latin, so they were very well read in the classics.
What about the Freemason connections, though?
You really do have an amazing education system I'll give you that.
Which common law? It was definitely part of English common law which we derive laws from.
He doesn't want a theocracy?
Hey supercuck. What makes Islam really really bad for someone so stupid is that.
Islam. Wants. To. Conquer.
Islam wants to establish itself as a theocracy with absolute rule. Our friend the founding fathers would fiercely oppose such a "religion" of destruction. Calling it a religion is a wrong. Islam is used as a figurehead and commonality for violence.
No they fucking don't you retarded autist.
Tired of eurocuck bullshit such as extreme adherence to hierarchy, state religions, constant dick waving wars between euros.
This left room for innovation and for people to become self made men through their own industry. Unlike today when regulations and taxes act as a barrier.
One thing you learn about the US military as you examine history is that they are extremely good at fighting defensively. I.E. not charging headlong into danger without cover. When Americans are forced on the offensive they usually only advance after bombing the hell out of the enemy with artillery or under covering fire. At the time the redcoats still fought with the same strategy of chinese human wave attacks.
The old wealth families staved in Europe. People with brains or courage left for better prospects.
Americans in general hate change. Hence why we still use the imperial measurement system.
I always get a kick out of Euros who say we have no culture when we have one of the strangest cultures around and a culture that has seeped into the entire world.
Name one other country that allows you to keep and bear arms faggot.
I was thinking about moving there at some point but I think I owe it to this country to see how it ends.
Too bad the freemasons today aren't some super patriotic organization. Basically a bunch of old fuckers dressing up and LARPing.
toppest kekle there you go again chaim.
because the inter-dimensional aryan space muslim contributed to it's fundation
It wasn't only the U.S.A… the other Anglo colonies, Canada, Australia (incl. N.Z.) also were miracles.
I could tell you why, but you should put aside your biases and find out for yourself, O.P.
Not at all, they just had to change it I guess.
There are Poles that are fucking Jews yet they have no jewish blood. Hardcore LARPing if you ask me.
I bet that they changed it because it was very hard to say.
Pick one nigger.
They made you? Or you cucks weren't assertive enough to make sure it was spelled properly and proceeded to keep using what they told you to use?
So canada?
How's faganda?
Because the empire had let itself fall to decadence combined with poor military decisions that raised the taxes on the citizenry to support failed interventionism. TBH the British Empire could have survived if they just cut the colonies loose rather than force the Revolution.
every single rebellion were suppressed. Many province were forced to join agains't their will mostly because of mcDonald wanting to make cash out of a railroad that he was one of the investors. The union ended up being ottawa circlejerking with everyone's tax money and decided to impose multiculturalism to everyone.
it never been good.
We embraced capitalism and the power of freedom to the greatest extent of any technological civilization in history.
Basically, we told the government to fuck off and we made America great. We could do it again, in an instant.
The empire survived until the 1950's bro.
So you wouldn't be better as part of USA with the God Emperor as president?
If you invite pedophiles into teaching positions for the sake of forgiving criminals, you're being counter productive
There aren't any jews in my family (I know about), deeply catholic family. I'm not afraid to tell you guys what the name was, I'm proud of it and it's not like I still have it anymore. (I might change it back because I like it though)
It's Wojtalewicz, and the farthest back I've been able to trace, it was Tokarski, belonging to some Prussian natives.
They changed it when they came to America, so before I was born. It was quite hard to say.
That's my best guess.
Still a larger population of whites than any EU country.
So what do you make of
Early USA got away because England was busy fighting the French Empire, which was attempting to conquer the entire continent (and possibly the world).
Later USA got powerful because of the greater Mississippi river network, which links a vast region of American land together via extremely cheap water travel and makes an enormous, efficient industrial & agricultural economy possible.
This paired with a very large population allowed them to continue Britain's "keep Europe divided" policy so they could stay on top at the price of endless bloodshed and now genocide.
changes never hurt. All I want is all province to decide for themselves what is best. The federal should just print the money and handle the millitary.
my roommate is "white"
the white half is Norwegian, how fucked is he?
Why no anglicise the first name?
Wojtalewicz to wojtalic or something. I dn't know, I guess go by pronunciation.
Kikes made up surnames from the language and surnames of their hosts. Plenty of legitimate European names sound vaguely jewish, but it's actually the other way around.
I keep closing the image, then scrolling back to open it and laugh again.
That's like, EXACTLY how I feel when I'm talking to Holla Forums and somebody's getting angry in a way that's pissy rather than strong.
Also, my last meal was a burger.
So you where in a Mc Donald and there was some obese ninja mall open carrying a AR-15?
If so, this is why i love murrica.
But should stop eating that trash it ruins your health.
I'm not sure, I just looked through some of it again, Milka/Mitha might have been an even older family name that they changed it to because it was simpler.
It should be understood that our obesity statistics, like so many other negative statistics, are inflated by niggers.
Anecdotally, those are most of the obese people I see, as well.
Also, I've never witnessed somebody open carrying unless they were security. There's a STRONG preference for conceal carry permits.
We're a country born out of rebellion, and we continue to this day to rebel and speak our minds. Our country was made by men standing their ground and standing up to the globalist machine, and even though we're on the border of being swallowed by it now, there are plenty of American's that are against it and want to be left alone. We don't want to be ruled over, we want to be our own.
pic related
Well in my mind americans who live in open carry states will see people with a gun on the belt plainly on view.
At least on the southern parts of USA, because it is too hot to wear a jacket just to hide your gun.
I would do that on summer.
We have guns. Period.
Get wrecked, anti-white.
Start memeing the splitting off of BC and Alberta.
The Bill of Rights started the meme
BC is chink territory
How many countries do you know that had the balls to tell their motherland to fuck off and actually fought for it and succeeded?
Latin American countries?
Portuguese Colonies?
Only the GVRD is. Rest of the place is white as fuck, not to mention Alberta will not survive without a port.
friend I went to school with immigrated and changed to Wojcik
Why do you bother with that other user.? He is clearly a self-hating white anti-white who cannot see past his own shadow. Find some better conversation or other potential ally, he's a lost cause if there ever was one.
Letting you people in was a mistake.
I don't mean that to insult you personally, but by opening up our 'European' definition, we let in a bunch of Jews, who immediately went about trying to subvert and push their narratives.
Know that it cost us a lot to get you - make it worth it.
The spirit of Europe
Greek philosophy and Roman law
Anglo greed, in a context that wasn't limited by the boundaries of the British isles and which therefore consolidated its property across one continent instead of all of them
The right melting pot at the right time. The northern and southern of thr 13 colonies developing independently was a huge factor in creating America as we know today.
True, I assume your family has lived in America for a very long time?
America was great because of its pagan foundation. It broke free from the patriarchal oppression of the abrahamic/babylonian system.
deal with it
My ancestry is entirely Celtic and German.
Since before the US existed.
I mean, if you're trying to pack a sawed-off or some shit you'd need a jacket, but otherwise, if somebody's decided that they want to always be armed, they usually just buy a compact gun with a little shell holster or something and attach it into some spot inside their clothing.
And yeah its a meme, its a steriotype, THAT'S FUCKING TRUE; BURGERS ARE AWESOME
unusually warm
executing all chinks or shipping them all back are the only two options. We can't have a potentially hostile and intelligent group of racial foreigners occupying our coastal regions.
Back then, the eye of the storm was Britain.
Now, it is the USA.
The world power always moves WEST.
200 million white people = super power. It's a certainty. "Russia with Ukraine is empire"
Mix in land space like Canada, US, Russia or Australia and you will have a solid middle class for most of your history.
they're going to mingle with our "elites", it's all part of the plan
So they chose to spell it phonetically in the English language? How is that changing your name?
Dirk nowitzki is the same as nowicki.
The French spent enough money to bankrupt them fighting that war. The result was this little squabble known as the "French Revolution"
wont work, they rack empathy
No they changed it completely to Milka.
Who said the chinks have to stay, they all have to go back.
Friend of mine in BC had seen some graffiti that said "British Columbia First, Not Canada, Not China". Apparently that has caused some asshurt.
Look at these ballers. I was born in the wrong era.
freemasonry was corrupted by jews like everything else. it's not inherently evil. There's a lot to be learned from their esoteric knowledge, in fact.
but shh, don't listen to me. just be afraid!
The Declaration of Independence is far too egalitarian for my tastes
Free Market capitalism also leads to global multinational corporations
The USA aren't the "good guys"– World War 2 could have been won if it weren't for them
Fucking no. The Jews fought tooth and nail to drag the US into the wars and by the time they managed to brainwash enough proles to get us into them most of the damage was done in both cases.
Also, slavery was bullshit and flooded the US if pavement apes. The Civil war should have happened sooner or Boothe should have used that bullet on his own dumb ass so Lincoln could send them niggers back like he had planned.
You mean, America fought tooth and claw to provoke Japan so they could get in on the action?
Is a strongly worded letter, not a legal document.
Was only within America's borders and it was great that way. Make Tariffs Great Again.
I disagree. Invading Russia during winter has always been the "just fuck my shit up, fam" button. Even if Hitler did win in a no America scenario, it would have been a Pyrrhic victory at best.
No, I mean the Jews fought tooth and nail to drag America into the war.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution are
Do you actually believe this? The major impetus for American independence was reaction against British mercantilist policies that prevented free trade
always been the "just fuck my shit up, fam" button.
B-b-b-but Hitler did nothing wrong??????
Was Pearl Harbor a false flag?
Because they're white, and they had a lot of free resources with only shitty natives to contend with over them.
Because the French (and the Spanish, and the Dutch) joined the American side and after that the war was almost entirely the will of Loony George III. There was basically zero popular support for keeping the colonies back home. A few Lords even resigned over it.
By being founded on and maintaining the European prospects of Liberty (Inward and respectable independence, freedom of research, and the quest for knowledge) rather than those of the foreign elements which have infiltrated and corrupted our country, who believe that "Liberty" means the freedom to deracinate all of society in a quest for abhorrent self-indulgent hedonism. Of course, it was inevitable that without strict controls levied on these foreign elements they would seek to corrupt and destroy our ideas of liberty and thus turn the country into the sorry show it is today, where every restriction of personal, hedonistic freedom lifted is met with a cry of "How American!". Read your Alfred Rosenberg.
This one is very simple. Guns are still a huge part of life in rural America. We don't live in tamed lands and guns are used as the tools they are. Combine that with our ridiculous murder rates because of the dindu-infested hellholes that our cities became in the last half of the 20th century, and you have your answer. It's a lot easier to convince people that they don't need guns when the most danger they've faced is drinking coffee that's too hot in a homogeneous city of beautiful architecture, culture, and safe streets. I expect gun laws will become much more lenient in Europe over the next decade as the feeling of safety further diminishes.
The Declaration also permeates our enitre philosophy. The US should have been explicitly written for a specific people, not "man".
No, by the definition of ‘false flag’ it was not.
It was a Japanese attack on the US. It was simply ALLOWED to happen by zionist traitors. It was a response to illegal US sanctions and attacks on Japan in its SOI.
Both of these statements would be probably too reactionary for our founding fathers (who are sacrosanct and cannot ever be criticized) – Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Jefferson especially in different respects
This was before it was filled with niggers and Jews.
The empire dwindled into the 1950's, then died.
So the alternative was to what– intercept the Pearl Harbor attack force?
If history had gone a different way the US could had seized all british colonies, invaded and annexed canada, invaded siberia along with the japanese and sent lend and lease to germany.
British colonies in the caribbean i mean.
Actually after the American Revolution Britain continued to get stronger
It wasn't till the rise of Nazi Germany that it became a second rate power
By 1939 Britain had more land and people than the USA.
the response was delayed, soldiers were in the middle of their Sunday morning routines when the bombs started dropping.
The alternative was to remove FDR from office as soon as he showed interest in entering the war on the allies' side.
Yes, that was peak control but the great depression really fucked them and militarily they had lost their edge
Don't change the goalposts. The preamble to the constitution specifically mentioned white people; i.e. not [current year] egalitarianism at all.
Free trade back then was not (((free trade))). Anyway, it was folly for me not to simply ask you to specify how free trade necessarily leads to globalism.
Not an argument.
World war 1/2 happen, Europeans became complacent.
The alternative was never to elect a Jew-puppet cripple in the first place.
then everything you wrote following that makes you a cuck and a traitor
Nothing explicitly about white people. Sure, it's implied, but that's not enough for a legal document
What's the difference? You put echo commas next to one and not the other?
I was memeing
Probably not but we still shouldn't have gotten involved
It was a mercantile outpost from the start and has become a hyper mercantile country through the years. At first it was a place for Britain to trade specific goods to and from, all for the benefit of Britain. It may have been religious reasons for the early settlers, but the freemasons were the ones who pushed for political positions and of crafting a nation for their new era of ideals like equality. While being vague with equality, it branched out over the years. First, only land holders could vote. Then all men could vote. Then it was blacks who could vote * 3/5. Then it is women who can vote. Then women entered the workplace in order to push industrialization further. Women pushed for rights, minorities likewise. We are here today where some new snowflake wants affirmative action.
Until the 1960's it was largely a Christian nation, but now with these internationalist imports of race (no longer north europeans since 1800's) and recent separation of Church, rise of communism and other things, the old fabric of what held the nation at its roots is gone. The country is a hollow husk that which the only drive is individualistic profit, at the behest of the average citizen.
A lot of the Europeans have pointed out that we lacked culture and history in the 1900's. The agrarian society fell after the Civil War, so there was no more honor or tradition that was passed down. This is the history in a nutshell. The first settlers had hebrew and latin engravings on their tombstones along with english, this shows how religious they were. Maybe if the freemasons had some international experience with other races they would have known what needed to be done to maintain national racial stability. Anyone of us could have convinced them back then.
Liberal (traditional liberal enlightenment democracy) and Holla Forumsism are incompatible
Even on economics, not many here actually like capitalism
Whoops, that's just most immigration laws throughout this nation's history I was thinking about. My bad.
The difference is we used to make damned sure we were profiting from foreign trade, whereas today ZOG makes damned sure we are hemorrhaging wealth and opportunity.
Never said we should have. My only contention was that America is not to blame for the Jewish wars on Europe.
dont undermine your role
British, French and German men died at the hands of american made bullets and american made guns
you didnt start WW1 but you didnt mind the nice steady stream of blood soaked shekels you made from arms dealing
and lets not forget Americas reasons for declaring war on Germany were ridiculous since you'd already ignored your alliance with Britain for the past 2 years beforehand
Bullshit. The founders were white nationalists, though they had no reason to refer to themselves as such because none of them could have imagined a world in which men didn't look after the interests of their own people first.
The point is they went through because there's really no true rebuttal an anti-immigration person could give. If america is supposed to be about meritocracy and individualism
Who is "we"? That's the real question. America as a whole does benefit from foreign trade, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. But where do those profits go to?
to whom?
There's not a single goddamned reason I should give a shit about the lives of the British, the French or Germans, as I am not British, French nor German.
Tip top kek. America is not your fucking mother.
Irrational behavior is a symptom of Jew infestation.
That's only true if you're fucking retarded and don't understand history, law, genetics and/or risk management.
Anglo-Saxon males.
Somebody hasn't been paying attention.
your own nation you cuck
The founding fathers probably did not believe that lineage completely determined outcomes, as for risk management I'm in no way arguing that they'd let a billion Muslim refugees in
But they would certainly look at the individual instead of barring all from entry
Dunno how law or history would make that clear, since they were well versed in both
Even Holla Forumsacks can't defend this because they've shied away from being so specific on race. Otherwise Based Putin would be a subhuman manlet
It does. Huge multinational corporations are still in America. See what I'm trying to say? It benefits America, just not "everyday" americans
hes no better than a yank LARPing for Germany because hes mighty keen on national socialism
pic related its OP
I bet he could get away with it too, the madman
The USA as "originally" founded by the constitution(there was that whole 'Articles of Confederation' that fucking failed beforehand) integrated every major governmental philosophy whites had spend the last few centuries killing each other over. Things like:
Rule of Law
Separation of Church and State
Freedom of Speech/Press/Religion
Equality Before the Law
And of course, everyone's favorite, the Right to Bear Arms
Today, America is in decline as these most important rights are chipped away. Just about all of those above have been either severely diminished or been rendered null entirely(Rule of Law).
meant for op
Name one way these rights have been chipped away. All of these are responsible for america's position now
I'm sorry, user, You seem to be infested with Jewish memes. Here's some chemo for that cancer;
Not talking about race, I'm talking about ethnicity. America is inarguably an Anglo-Saxon country.
It fucking doesn't. It doesn't matter what dirt these multinationals rest on. They export jobs daily, pay no fucking taxes and receive billions in government funds and back taxes. America just doesn't win anymore.
Dude I ate a burger today. Homemade with cheese, pickles, and tomatoes.
I don't care if it is a meme, they are delicious and why should I stop liking the things I like because some assblasted kraut thinks it's an insult to mention something I like. Do you think Germans would get offended if I called them Muslim Cocks?
Have a burger and relax, friend.
Pointing out the objective truth is not LARPing ;)
You're not American, also why do Italians always breed with the Polish?
What would you say was the best time to be living in the United States?
Roaring Twenties?
Post WWII?
welcome every shitskin, sandnigger and liberian war lord into your arms then
As long as he can say america is best in his broken english it doesnt matter, give that illiterate son ova bitch a welfare check and a gun and who cares what he does with it
giving everyone a free pass for blind patriotism is why america is less than 60% white
Holy fuck. You are genuinely retarded if you don't know how fucked with American's rights have been.
You're also not a fucking Holla Forumsack if you think it's anything but Jews and their pet shitskins that have ruined this country. The constitution would be literally perfect if it expressly limited citizenship to northern Europeans and forbid entry of the Jewish scourge into this country.
I thought it was self-evident, but OK.
Its the idea everyone at every level within a nation ultimately serves the Law, and that no one is above the law. I think this is probably the most important one, and its fairly easy to see how its not really the case anymore. We have an entire political establishment that regularly either circumvents or outright subverts the law to their benefit. See: the Clintons, Obama, etc.
I don't think this one is in danger of dying in the US just yet, maybe if/when we have more Sharia-zones like the places in Europe. But its a foreseeable eventuality on the current course.
This should be obvious, PC/SJW culture in addition to the privatization of common forms of communication which are outside the scope of the 1st Amendment have severely weakened the idea.
The major outlets that shape the narrative are of course safe, but the smaller publications and sources of news are subject severe repercussions if they step outside the approved mode of thought. Holla Forums, for example, one that hits close to home for us. Although I don't know where an image board rates on the scale between press and individual free speech.
See: "Hate crimes," the differing sentences of blacks and women vs white men, etc.
I hope this one is obvious, too. The Second Amendment has been battling for its life for nearly the last century or so.
Objectively untrue.
You also seem to be operating under the assumption that best = flawless. Probably due to your aforementioned aspergers.
Late 1990's was peak American power
For actually living in it? 1900-29
They're both heavily mongrelized with Terks.
[Citation Needed]
But it doesn't and it's character prevents it from doing so
It's a dilemma
Yes, you have a point, but realistically the rule of law is always more lenient to the people at the top because money buys power and power can always exert influence. Obama and especially the Clinton have done shady shit but they certainly weren't the first to start this.
I'm talking about rule of law for most americans
Europe is the one with hate speech laws, not the USA. The fact that this site exists and we can type these things means that it's still alive and well
Not from the government, which is all the constitution guarantees
Hate crimes are crimes motivated by hate. They're still crimes. Blacks usually get longer sentences because niggas gon nig
Gun ownership has never been so prevalent, and the power of the NRA has grown thankfully
Southern Italians have Middle Eastern admixture, not turkish
Poles are just pure slavs which is almost as bad
George Washington attributed it directly to several Divine interventions by the God of the Bible.
As he was there present at the time, I'll take Mr. Washington's word for it OP.
No it doesn't. There is absolutely nothing in the bill of rights preventing us from enacting racially discriminating laws or amending the constitution. Stop spreading Jewish memes.
daily reminder that the USA was founded as a white ethnostate for englishmen that means GET OUT SWEDES AND KRAUTS
Power? In what sense? Military? Economic?
By all accounts America was at it's greatest height in the 1950's and 1960's. It's been downhill from there in many ways user.
I don't wanna go back
His Freemason Providence probably wasn't the big jew in the sky
In plain English, for better or worse, "All men are created equal" means that. The constitution is shit m8
When it was facing off against another superpower and frantically fighting proxy wars? In the 90's america was the only superpower and king of the world until 9/11 shattered that
Thanks Bush and (((Company)))
I think its due to linguistic evolution and short-sightedness.
I mean, shit man… These were basically a bunch of Holla Forumsacks who DID Start the Fire, and then tried to sit down and write a document about it, and they kind of fucked up in using language without DEFINING THE WORDS they were using.
As the meaning of the words changed, so did the ideas they expressed.
There is much to be learned from this.
Needs work.
There's still hope for that.
Yeah, its a real bummer how things played out…
… but we can't live in the past, and you shouldn't blame Americans for how that went down.
We made a mistake.
A terrible, terrible mistake.
We've done that quite a few times… We're a young nation, but man, did we make some fucking mistakes…
Things are kind of batshit now.
But we aren't dead yet - and apparently, neither are you.
So hang in there.
And maybe we can still turn this whole mess around.
Its unfortunate, but very-likely true.
The majority of those over 65 are white.
Once you factor them our, the US is effectively in that range.
Just as they put Arabs and North Africans and spics into the 'white' category to boost white crime stats to camouflage non-white crime, they likewise work very hard to keep the proportional contribution of the white population on behalf of the over-65 population.
0/10 it comes from jews
But user you see all the major gains has thankfully been made by hispanics, many of which are illegal
Trump will deport them
Based Big Ben.
One word: Freedom.
Government = Domestication = Mind Control
I no longer consider America free though. Its free-ish.
The Declaration still was an assertion of the national character of the nation that the founding fathers wrote
Unless you actually believe that God himself made everyone to enjoy the same basic rights you're disagreeing with the basis of America
Objectively true.
they couldnt have worded it worse tbh now that every pajeet or mohammed or tyrones opinion is protected by that shred of withered paper
totally not just a big middle finger to the British Parliament and an attempt to look legitimate in the eyes of the courts of Europe
They were too convinced of our superiority to think we'd ever let this happen.
America as a whole is not less than 60% white, that's a fact
The Declaration actually explicitly states that they had no quarrel with parliament as a whole and most of it was directed at King George III
But then they released the verbiage was gay and filled with vagaries and kept most of that trash out of the constitution. They still failed to realize their vision but thankfully we can change that because
who at that time was incapacitated and confined to quarters because he was a lifelong sufferer of porphyria
dont forget eventually Parliament conceded and gave Americans elected representation and Franklin threw it in their face and chose war because he was an assmad republican who'd rather bow to the French instead of his own king
The Bill of Rights still makes no mention of race and things like freedom of religion explicitly protect shitty things like Islam
Also lay off the redtext it doesn't make you look more authoritative
The major impetus for the separation was not about representation but rather backlash to English mercantilist restrictions
Georgia has more niggers per capita than Swaziland
and half of the southern states are majority spic since you took that land off mexico hundred or so years but forgot to move the mexicans away
No, faggot. Most Americans couldn't give half a rat's ass how patriotic a beaner says it is it isn't. The only reason they haven't been kicked the fuck out yet is because of neocohens and democucks fighting hard to prove which one of them can ignore the law the most. Conservatives would love nothing more than to kick them to the curb and libshits only want to signal.
That isn't true. New Mexico maybe. All the other ones is because we let the spics back like the cucks we are.
I think libshits honestly want them here. Blacks probably don't. I wonder what happens when the Republicans can't be the release valve for white angst anymore.
american trade with England affected the american civil war and the war of 1812
its like every international conflict america got in in the 19th century was at the whim of British trade interests
the confederacy could have won the civil war but they didnt and one of the main reasons was because France was afraid of supporting them because they didnt want to go annoying Britain because Britain didnt want the american supply of grain interrupted by 'a petty squabble' and the north threatened to restrict trade if France supported the confederacy
Dude that really depends on the class of person. The masons at the top wanted their liberal white Eutopia, the business class wanted freer trade.
This didn't rebut my statement
Also, a Jew embezzled from the confederacy, lol.
That's an oxymoron, user.
The confederacy would be even more indefensible to the founding fathers, because while they held unsavory views of niggers they were all pretty much very anti-slavery
thats a 2010 estimate before 6 more years of beaner influx, nigger breeding and mudshit fugees
Honesty is never unsavory. Remember that.
sure all of them except thomas jefferson?
Bunch of niggers were released in the south. Granted, the first generation typically stayed with their owners because they had no desire to leave (beating a slave was like beating one's dog is seen today, not to mention niggers were expensive so you better make sure he ain't gonna run off on ya). The north was nice though, they got a lot of wealth and spoils from basically ravaging the south (see: Sherman's March) and getting the economic upper hand over the south (damned carpetbagger kikes). The South in general sucked. In Dixie's land we still see the effects. Not a lot of old buildings down here, except maybe in Rome, Georgia and a couple other places. Most stuff was built fairly recently.
Seems interesting, but the Federal Reserve had been seized by the kikes so the economy was bound to tank soon (hence the Great Depression a decade later, mainly the fault of debts and central banks).
The 50's definitely seem to characterize a lot of how people see a Great America, and to be fair it was nice. But the kikes had successfully invaded us by then so we were on a collision course with cultural marxism. American traditions began to be undermined in the name of "liberty" and "freedom". Progressivism began to pick up steam and there were lies in the history books. In his speeches Sam Dickson often covers this issue a bit.
The concept of Rule of Law specifically refers to those in charge. You're absolutely right that our current regime is far from the first to be scumbags, though.
I reference the idea of free speech as much as the constitution's protections. Legally, you're right, I'll fully concede that. I suppose this is one of those "intent vs 'how its written'" type deals. I'd argue that if it doesn't even take the signing of a law to weaken it, the first amendment is inherently not strong enough in its protections. This website, as you and I reference, might be one of the most "free" places on the internet, and that's largely due to being able to post anonymously. Again, yes legally, the first amendment is more or less untouched. There are exceptions, like the "dangerous speech" as interpreted by the supreme court, see:
I think the same thing applies here as freedom of speech. The jews have cultivated a social pressure external to the constitution, thereby circumventing it.
That's how hate crimes are written, certainly. How they're applied is almost universally whenever a white does something against a black.
Blacks get longer sentences on average because they're repeat offenders. Because niggas gon nig.
jesus washington, district of columbia is only 34.8% non-hispanic white
thats worse than sweden ffs
Where are you getting that?
And detroit is probably less?
All the white people in DC live in rich suburbs like Arlington in VA or in MD
Notice spics are missing. They are included in "white"
Also probably doesn't factor in the 25 million illegals in the ones that count non-Hispanic white.
from here
Well, would you consider someone like Lyin Ted' a mestizo or a white person, irrespective of his political views or not?
Not really, also
Come to CA sometime.
California is now about 40% white and falling
Not really wasn't an answer
I'm fairly sure that is classified as a non-white latino
Good let commiefornia burn
obamas generous estimate only puts that at 11 million illegals currently wandering the american plains
He's cuban, so spic or "other"
There's 11 million illegals in CA alone
and thats commiefornia where they dont bother hiding it
how many Horhays and Hesuses are currently walking around Houston with badly printed ID cards reading 'Bill' and 'Martin'
Well, that's better. Trump can deport them and I'd actually be far more comfortable with 75%
Really? I thought Trump there were 12 million total
that survey he is counted as white
Nah, he was dropping redpills at the beginning of his campaign with a 30 million number (read Ann Coulter's new book) but has since backed off. Probably just taking too much heat already idk.
It's very good and well researched despite her dubya days.
The alternative was to not fuck up our previously healthy trade relationship with Japan and allow them to remove commie in peace.
It wasn't. America has never been great.
America caused the war in the pacific because protecting a collection of corrupt chink republicans and commies mattered more than Anglo/American-Japanese relations and all of Britain and Frances Asian territories
The founding fathers were retards.
Moron. Every curry nigger, sand nigger, octoroon, etc. is considered white. The real white population is less than 50%.
White people don't practice Islam (and if someone does practice Islam, they immediately cease to be white), and Jews aren't white.
The Founding Fathers were badass geniuses - but even geniuses make mistakes, and not foreseeing attack via linguistic contextual evolution is a mistake even a genius can make tbh fam.
disregard shills, Eurobros are welcome
Fuck that. Like we need more filthy mudslime scum coming here
And I could see that coming, because I am not a retard like the founding fathers. It is also easy to see universal suffrage happening, but they did not prevent it. More ways they were just totally moronic.
No, you jackass, you could see that because you exist in a world wherein Jews pretend to be white and actively attempt to act in that context.
Nobody in the late 1700's would ever think anyone would ever consider a Jew to be white.
That's the point.
Linguistic evolution can easily transpire in ways even the wisest cannot conceive.
you think that one up all by yourself, faggot?
Forgot my pic.
America was pretty shit for most of its existence, mate. Only when the 20th century came around that things started to change and things didn't start really changing until after WWII, when everyone else was so decimated by war that the US looked better by comparison. Even then, the US is headed the same way if not worse than the US is. It is literally following The Fate of Empires word for word currently. It's all over.
No, jackass, you couldn't. Hindsight is always 20/20, and a total moron like you can always count to climb to the peak of mount stupid and build a cabin there.
The founding fathers did, and they allowed them to live in the USA. They lived Jews. Ben Franklin helped build the first synagogue in Philadelphia.
wew i knew that he was a good goy but wew thats pretty steep
Ha, no. I am not dumb enough o believe the tenets of liberalism and never have been. That puts me firmly above all of the founding fathers when it comes to intellect. I also know how to construct relatively air tight formal documents, which the downs syndrome founders couldn't even manage.
Yeah, in the 20th century, the USA somehow managed to get even worse than it was before.
Aggressive state-sponsored eugenics from the 1890s to 1970s.
More like dysgenics
hahahaha ok you sure convinced me champ 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Now let's see how you'd write the constitution using only knowledge available in the late 1700's. Go on. I want to see your beautiful mind at work.
Seems it was the British who let that go down tbh fam, and the Americans were somewhat less than keen on it depending on where you went.
Plus, I mean, Ben Franklin was kind of a faggot tbh fam.
That said, if anyone can find a copy of
or specifically page 24 thereof, I'd be most interested to see that information.
Read inventing freedom. Basically anglos are the definition of modern civilization. You'd all be nowhere without us.
They gone through the industrial revolution era during 1800 and 1950s, check em. There's no single country have experienced twice honorary era which made the country great.
oh please, read more
besides america circa 1800 was largely a backwater being ignored by the rest of the civilized world because of the madness gripping the european continent what with the French revolution
It was never the greatest country in the world great does not mean "strongest" or "richest", if you think it was then you're a traitor to your country and you should go hang yourself
Bear in mind always that the Jew was in the shadows making deals and trying to create their next 'Bolshevik State', there were communist jews in the UK as well as zionists trying to buy British support. This is an important back-drop to the era (indeed most eras), but let us not pretend that Britain (or the US) was a willing servant of the Jew back then. There were still Anglo-Saxon men in charge and making the calls.
Now the problem for all your krautophiles is that 'White Power' came under direct attack because of National Socialism and Germany's rise to power. Germany wasn't doing anything explicitly wrong, the purging of the jews would solve a great many problems. However to Imperial nations like Britain and France, Germany's military and economic ascendancy posed a direct threat that needed to be dealt with. Nationalism is a direct threat to Imperialism (see Ghandi, Mugabe, even freaking Israel), and after WW1 and the Napoleonic wars, Britain was struggling financially. Lots of factors at play as to why they were struggling, largely the Jew; but WW2 would end Britain, and with Britain destroyed it would end 'white power' over the globe. The US (or its jews) are largely at fault due to the obscene debt they piled on Britain which I believe was only paid off in late 2006! Point is the main exporter of the 'white culture' of; stoicism, the pursuit of knowledge, empiricism, Christianity, medicine, common law and civilisation in general was replaced by the US.
The US did not export such culture. They gave the world a twisted version of 'freedom' known as 'rebellion', alongside a desire to be 'unique' and 'do what you want'. Combined these things have created mass degeneracy. These things were not 'US culture', they were distorted parodies of it that were exported through the media. The US never bothered with an 'Empire' in the style of the Europeans, preferring to simply destroy their enemies and then fence off desired resources like oil; and never actually try to civilise the savages.
The US did have a pretty great culture, but having their ideology of 'independence, freedom,self-reliance, self-determinism, etc' boiled down into 'rebellion' is I think one of the greatest crimes in history.
The nation is white, and 'our posterity' means their specific ancestors: the white nation.
The Constitution was made by white people for white people.
I'm fairly sure most whites in America aren't even purely one ethnicity, let-alone anglo-saxon. Most are of German stock.
Fuck off, you are neither Italian or Polish, and your ancestry means squat if you don't cultivate it and got effectively forcibly assimilated to the rest of US.
To the rest of americunts in here - it does not matter if your grandparents are from Europe or China, if you speak English only and lived your whole life in the US, you are American. This shit where people say "I'm Irish" or "I'm German" and they or their family three generations back never saw that country is retarded and it pisses me off. You are culture-less shits of a culture-less country that instead of being a melting pot became a scummy broth of all the nations of the world with Jewish garnish on top.
Real America, the white Anglo-Saxon one that was created in 1776, died in 1913.
Fuck off Eurocunt. America was made for whites. Not chinkshits or any other non-white. We were never meant to be race-blind civcuck nationalists. If you're a chink and you were born in America, you will always be a chink. Just like if they were born in Britain they will never be British.
When people say this they're referring to their ethnic ancestry, you shit-for-brains idiot. They don't actually mean they're "German" in a cultural sense. Recognizing where you come from is perfectly valid and has no bearing on whether you view yourself as an American or not.
What you've described is post-WWII America, which is just as cucked as any Western European nation. By your logic, I could use any nation in Europe today as an example of how you've always been, but this is blatantly wrong and idiotic.
America was already populated by many different white ethnicities prior to 1913, primarily German. America has always had Anglo Saxon culture, but in terms of ethnicity, whites in America are largely made up of multiple European backgrounds, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing illegitimate about forming a larger white identity in any way.
copy paste from some post I saved
My vision of the White identity is not one defined by the cheapening of European culture and civilization into something lesser, but instead the culmination of it into a single unified identity, built on the collective European struggle and history we share as a race, and grounded in the greater European civilization all white nations belong to. I envision a single pan-European identity for America that draws its strength from the larger culture of European Civilization to which every European ethnicity has contributed in some way.
The American identity is capable of being the synthesis of the greatest aspects of the white race from every corner of Europe into a single entity. We can know and stay true to its roots in the old world, yet be something new entirely; something uniquely American yet European at the same time. I believe such an identity, grounded in the collective struggle of all of our ancestors has the potential of being greater than the sum of its parts.
Thanks, Ameribro. We were always intended to be white, because the idea of a multi-racial society actually working defies every fiber of common sense, something which has just been almost entirely jewed out of the average American at this point.
Look into the thought processes that went behind the Anti-Immigration Act of 1924. Look into the likes of Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. If the 1924 act hadn't been overturned by traitor whites and kikes in 1965, this country would have remained a beautiful amalgamation of mostly Anglos and Northern/Western European countries.
I know your frustrations because America has been the jew's goliath for the past 100 years, but always keep your eyes on the real enemy: the jew. There's no time to put up petty squabbles between our countries now.
Again, you let that idea die a painful and drawn out death in the 20th century as you let Jews, commies and negroes into places of power.
But before that, you broke the heart and soul of that idea in 1861-65 to pave way for industrialized hives and centralized government of the North.
And no, acknowledging your ancestry does not consist of saying "I am X" because that is not patently true, unless American English, being the mongrel language that it is, does not recognize the sentence structure of a statement "My ancestors are from X." Ethnic origin without a cultivated culture means nothing and you don't even have the traditional American values to fall back on any more.
You had a culture and you had a working model of civil society that blended all of those people, but it worked only because people were expected to fit in and drop their ancestral labels.
Sadly, the European dream in America is dead. Nothing, short of RWDS will bring it back and even if you did pull it off, it won't be a golden republic, but an iron autocracy.
Most likely. But I'm not so interested in maintaining the country and its original ideals at this point, just maintaining the blood and the potential for the future.
European peoples are at extinction levels worldwide, and the growing hordes of billions of shitskins is not going to stop. We're going to reach a tipping point and forced responses. I think we'll start to see Balkinization within 30-50 years here, and that a higher white civilization anywhere in the world is probably a number of centuries off. The results of World War 2 fucked things up way too much. It's almost like karma for us committing such horrendous crimes against ourselves.
Nope. Americans loved Jews. Thomas Jefferson only had minor problems the religion (but would still allow it because he was a fucking moron as previously stated), but loved kikes like Spinoza and his ilk, completely missing the ethnic/biological character of the Jewish problem. That is why USA has been so much more Jew-cucked than anyone except maybe the British.
I said has been. British quickly grew to be some of the most philosemitic people in history after Jews were allowed back in. Even today when they are being cucked out of existence openly and blatantly by their Jewish masters, they will still shill for their beloved kikes.
theres a difference though init
jews in the USA is due to egalitarian utopian fantastical oversight
jews in Britain is the work of amoral traitors needing more coin with the objective of murdering more of their fellow countrymen for staying loyal to their king
you know this board is bblue pilled when they worship a country created by Freemasonry and are proud that the founders rebelled against lawful authority. A country that only took 75 years before they started to kill each other, all becausethe North wanted to exploit the south. Thank God we btfo them in 1812, I would notwant to be part of that Golem. Republicans are fanatical idiots who will defend a country that was corrupted within 200 years (it was corrupted much before that, but I'm being generous.)
I am an advocate of Any European who comes here to relinquish their individual Ethnic identity and become fully American in spirit, which includes accepting a pan-Euro white identity.
This doesn't mean that we can't at least recognize where we all come from back in Europe. I agree that Americans who try to identify with their European ethnicity are idiots, but recognizing at least where you come from is hardly bad.
You mean the last century.
There have been many great countries of equal peer.
None of which steeped to this level of tyranny in it's dying years - well aside from pre-revolution France.
Which funnily enough the downfall was instigated by the people leading the US nation right now.
Oh how they've come full circle.
And they will collapse because deceit never conquers.
I always hear Holla Forumsacks talking about the collapse of the United States. It won't happen my friend. Yes, soon we will burn ourselves to the ground, but from the ashes will rise a new power, one that does not care about political correctness, the new United States will conquer all of North America, and possibly the world. Freedom is in our blood, once we wake up and realize what the kikes have been doing it will be like nothing the world has ever seen.
British and Dutch colonists.
They beat Britain because the Dutch element made them un-British and unable to accept their overlordship. Could anyone imagine Australia, New Zealand or Canada rise up against Britain? For what? That thought is absurd.
And BTW, Trump is a typical Amsterdammer, like Theo van Gogh.
Because England and Holland are refuge areas of Old Europeans, those before the Indo-European invasion.
Largest resource base of the time period and the collapse of all potential rivals
Also, the US was nothing until the 1900s
They didn't, the French and Spanish armies and fleets did
We're the best goyim the jews could ever hope for
what a retarded theory
well not entirely, Britain only became geographically isolated from the mainland about 16,000 years ago
No. It's a retarded theory. That guy's comment was in response to
which is completely unrelated
meme magic
Country was able to pull ahead when the rest of the developed world was bombing one another, that helped hugely, plus all the territory
It was never isolated since people move by water. The British relationship with the NW corner wasn't interrupted 16000 years ago.
Because Jews redefined it to be that (Lazarus: Give us your etc etc)
Gadsden Variations are the best
Guns and balls brah. Guns and big fucking balls.
free market, property rights & christian values.
The US was never great, it's a country of hypocrites, it's dying by the same "values" it supposes to espouse. Taking chaos and destruction everywhere, bombing foreigners with "bleeding heart".
Doing away with the dollar will be a service to the world.
Cool shit gets done when kikes aren't regulating the fuck out of everything.
Why? Because freedom. Simply put.
It's also romanticized by calling it a violent brutal shithole, the wild west wasn't actually as bad as advertised.
I don't want this visuali-
Fuck. Ted Kennedy destroyed the USA.
May he burn in fucking hell.
It's a natural reflex our work culture has ingrained in our society.
Not a pederast.
US is ogre. It was more palatable 40/30 years ago.
Now it's just insurmountable, it's cancer that must be rid off. Unpozz!
How? The Enlightenment, which was about running away from the darkness that was the Jewish/Christian god. But this is not something many people will understand.
Fuck you faggot you don't know where I've been.
If you want to think about when America really started going to shit it was in the 1960s. Now ask yourself what one event happened in the 1960s that could be connected to the exponential growth in degeneracy, race mixing, homosexualaity, and athiesm?
It first began airing in the United States in 1964. Since then the culture of the United States and been sliding down that slippery slope faster and faster. With the popularization of the Internet following Web 2.0 the decay of the USA has gone into terminal overdrive. Every leftwing wackjob cultural marxist SJW twat is familiar and involved with weeb culture to one degree or another. Otaku, the Japanese version of weebcucks, are the reason that their population is falling to the point where they will go extinct. This is Japan's revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A Kamikaze cultural attack on America. Though cuckime may being killing their own people, it will at least ensure the destruction of their most hated enemy US.
If weebcucks had any sort of self awareness they would realize that this is the exact plot of the anime Outbreak Company. The Japanese government seeks to destroy a fairy tale world of Superior White royalty ruling of the subhuman shitskins by introducing anime, video games, and manga. Near the end of the series you can see the spread of the corruption in that beautiful and noble White society. Madness, greed, sloth, ignorance run rampant while all the while beyond the great the bucktoother nips gleefully rub their hands at the destruction of the gaijin.
My ancestor was one of the Dragoons pictured here hacking Tarleton's Legion at Cowpens.
Hitler failing caused blowback, and things fired back too hard in the opposite direction. I honestly blame Hitler. I know it's not what your supposed to say, but it's the honest truth.
it went down the shitter in 1965 when we let in immigrants that weren't from northern and western europe
Better to blame the kikes in the US government like Morgenthau who were out for goyim blood. The US state department was full of commies, jews, and commie jews.
Based Joe McCarthy got rid of most of them, but not all.
Nice try, quite possibly schlomo. The jew Norbert Schlei wrote the bill (and also the Civil Rights Act), and the jews Emmanuel Celler (pictured) and Jacob Javits (pictured) championed it alongside Kennedy (pictured).
Fuck off from Breitbart concerning anything jewish.
every single Portuguese colony got lucky because some sort of shit happened in Portugal that made the secession easy. the perfect example is the Colonial War in Africa, Portugal was winning but the communist revolution happened and ended the "fascist" regime.
but yea you can find many examples of rebellious nations
I sometimes eat burgers like that and they taste better for some reason. I think it's psychological
Freedom encourages innovation. We are the way we are because of shit tons of inventors, scientists, and businessmen that sold you all products you couldn't resist. That made us rich, and so when it came time for war, we had the technological infrastructure to kick everyone's asses.
Guerrilla tactics and allying with the French. Also, we were more willing to play dirty. Christmas time? Is this a time for sitting around celebrating? No, this is a time to cross a river, sneak into an enemy encampment and kill them while they are waking up, hung over as fuck.
Because we were willing to take them in.
European countries don't have anything quite like the US constitution. From the very founding of our country, we explicitly enumerated what government can and cannot do. What the constitution does not say government can do, it cannot. What it says it cannot do, it still cannot. While we haven't been 100% compliant with our own laws, it has been quite effective at keeping nonsense off the books.
The founding fathers were a couple of lolbertarians that got sick of being called gay and went and started their own country even though they were all laughed at.
Like everyone predicted, libertarianism failed miserably and they all descended into poverty and…. oh wait….
Down with the patriachy
>Our country was made by men standing their ground and standing up to the globalist machine
>We don't want to be ruled over, we want to be our own
Nope. And NS Germany is the proof for this.
Remember burgers. Half of your arses belong to Germany. Never forget WW1 you fucking rats. Fucking traitors.
Calm ye butthurt.
You gonna provide some fucking examples to suggest that Nazi Germany was exceedingly innovative?
We won both wars. You seem butthurt that you got your asses kicked.
Wew lads.
>team up with the oppressors Britbongistan
>helping their fucking oppressors
Merican History. A+
Rockets, Highways and so much more
Merican evolves to Mexican.
Yeah because of 2 false flags. First in WW1 were the german Navy supposedly hit you. Second time Pearl fucking Harbor.
Then a Zerg Rush on central Europe. Both times creating Vessel states in order to control Jewery. Fucking traitor!
Get in the fucking shower you puppet.
5/10 for so many replies