I'm in love with a full-blown lesbian

I'm in love with a full-blown lesbian.
What do guys?

You wouldn't be able to get her if she was straight.

that's why you're here

Murder suicide.

Become a trap and you might get full-blown too.

pretty much this

I've been there, OP. it won't end well

You retard.

You know, not everyone's attracted to the same things you are.

Lesbians aren't actually real lad, shes only like that because she was raped as a child. Ask her what her relationship with her father is like

Look like a threesome waiting to happen.

Look like a threesome waiting to happen.

well congratulations, user. you get my vote for Holla Forumstard of the month.
i suggest you offer to clean her house and cook her meals and wash her canvas panties, free of charge and dressed in chains.
after a year or two of this, you can beg for a handjob. don't forget the latex glove.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean you shitspewer?

I asked how the fuck did he manage that and that he is a retard for doing so.

Either move on with your life or wait two years for her to grow out of it

This is my fetish

There are actually two types of lesbians, neither of which is a result of "lol I was just born like this."
There are butch, bull-dyke lesbians who were raped as kids and hate men as a result. They get fat and bulky and dress like men in order to make themselves as unappealing to men as possible. Then they make it their mission in life to try to turn as many normal women away from men as they can. These are your Rosie O'Donnell, Hillary Clinton, and Ellen Degeneres types.
Then there are lipstick lesbians, who buy into kike propaganda and believe they need to "experiment". They also sometimes turn to a brief lesbo fling after being dumped by the man they're in love with. They always get over that after a few months and get back on the dick train. Lipstick lesbians are fed upon by bulldykes until they either grow out of it or get beaten nearly to death by their tolerant, loving, enlightened LGBTQ partners. Seriously, lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence of any group.

kidnap her and keep her as a slave girl.

also stop frog posting

Manage what?

Manage what?

oh dear. try craiglist for a career in slavery. gays are rich so they drop you a load every friday, right in ur wallet. lesbians just want another pizza.

Depends on what America achieves in their plans for world dominance. You keep it clean and tidy but after a while you get lazy and make a mess everywhere. Backups are good. Some people remember it only when HDD crashes. A man of European ancestry puts a paper on a car - it's floaty and I see myself as 16 in a hallway in love with a girl like Allison Reynolds. Teenage rebellion is a myth pushed on parents starting in the 50's, and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because it preaches that they should never have a strong hand in raising their children. A lot of kids are just doing this kind of thing because they simply don't know any better, not because they're rebelling against their parents. Raise your children with a proper set of morals for them to understand the world with and they won't have to flounder without guidance in their teenage years making a fool of themselves. I might go scouring for free furniture, fix it up and try and flip it on ebay. Dive in and bring back what you find. Reading in bed right before you are about to sleep is also good for remembering (10-20 minutes of reading), but only on Holla Forums? You must take out the funny bone without touching the sides. The male body is more than willing to sacrifice itself for the slightest chance of impregnating some female. It's like these sodomites who simply won't understand the legal implications of 19th Amendment prohibition, and want to undermine it's disenfranchised constitionality! The fact the transgendered people that get sex changes exist should imply that bodies do imply gender. Yes, if you get up off your ass, eat more fibre and don't spend 30 minutes on the toilet to take a 30 second dump. I can improve anything about myself that it's changeable, but I cannot change those around me for those that I can't. To impregnate her with my seed, so that my genes will live on after I die - sort of like nature's way of reincarnation. Just don't get too emotional about it, neither don't get too excited or too furious. The logical thing to do would be to give back the medal. So, if you want to be to be truly fulfilled during the short time you exist in this universe, I would recommend you seek to know yourself and who you are, and resolve to undertake a personal journey to that end. And may you find enlightenment along the way.


OP, paid a 8/10 prostitute to be your gf, then offer her to your dyke plus lots of booze, let her enjoy your prostitute and you do the same with her ass. Talk with the prostitute first, she knows what to do, if not your beloved dyke will use your prostitute and you will fap to it.

You want her because you can't have her

step 1: give her the rape because lesbian whores deserve it. be as brutal as you like, it's not going to matter after step 2
step 2: bash her head in because fags are still fags and should still die, regardless of sex
step 3: to the same to her partner if you're feeling particularly salty about the whole thing
step 4: write all kinds of anti-gay stuff on the walls and bodies

also, don't fall in love with fags you fag

Become a lesbian.

become a woman and tell her she's bigoted if she's not attracted to you

who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

this is good, you should write a book

I can't have Ellen Degeneres does that mean I want to fuck her?

vote for her?

Full blown you say



Become a tyranny

Become a tyranny