What cartoons aged like milk?

What cartoons aged like milk?

any and all EXTREME 90's cartoons. any 80's cartoons that were toy commercials.

That includes Street Sharks and Transformers G1 ?



Rocket Power was fucking spoiled-ass milk from the get go, I would hate to see what it's like now.



That looked like shit then

What, seriously? What do kids do then? How do they get fresh air and exercise?



I'd hate to see what this would look like after television "fundamentally changes"


Transformers G1 aged the worst of all.


Seriously, that sounds worse than jail.

nice tumblr gif, fag



Fuck, it's like they knew.

Shame they didn't see how shit the Simpsons itself would become.


Transformers G1 has the problem of a few really good episodes and then a fuckton of really bad episodes.

That fucking jet Transformer who got a girlfriend

Wheeljacks reasoning behind giving the dinobots actual dinosaur brains

Find the nearest cactus and fuck yourself with it you gibbering retard.

Really? When did that start?

Also, speaking of Recess, why have kid's shows become so much less rebellious since then? They used to outright mock authority figures, especially teachers and principals, but now most of them seem be about characters struggling to follow the rules rather than trying to get away with breaking them. Was that just apart of the "Attitude Era"? I always thought they it was because kids liked fantasies about not having to listen to authority figures.

Like milk, huh?



Did mommy try to babort you?

Somehow I never noticed the Punisher in the intro before. I don't think I knew who he was at the time.

Me either. I remember seeing Blade for the first time, too, and not knowing who he was aside from a blackula.

I only knew of The Punisher from the Archie crossover which I think came out that same year.

>talking shit about the definitive Spider-man theme

It aged more quick than most of the shows posted so far, and it's more recent than any of them
What kills it is the art style, it got old hella fast

Why do people act like this is was gonna be good?



There's a reason it's hard to take the geewunners seriously. I just find the digitised voices really obnoxious. Plus an episode or two so racist it made a cast member quit.

Gas yourself.

Poochie was making fun of what seemingly every franchise at the time was doing, there's nothing new about it. It was the totally radical 90s after all.

I think they mostly view it in the same way as The Day the Clown Cried: morbid curiosity. If Kathy Kennedy just said "we destroyed that season and a half because everyone involved wasted their time and money, it's not becuse kids would forever see Han Solo as a poopy joke man", that would be fine.

PokeGo, if the paranoid media is to be believed now.

For a splitsecond, I read that as "Superman toon."

So you prefer Beast Wars/Machines, then.

The story is still good, but the animation hasn't aged well. And everyone using lasers rather than normal guns really stands out compared to other cartoons at the time. I will say it has the best Spidey voice., though.

Casey Kasem was asshole with no sense of humor.

It definitely was the one most like the comic. Also, Spidey actually did some growing up in it unlike in the modern comics.

Didn't he demand Shaggy be a vegetarian if he were to voice him again?




He did for sure.

He stopped voicing Shaggy over a BK commercial since Shaggy ordered from a burger joint.

Basically, Casey had "fuck you" money, as for him voicing cartoons was more of a hobby on the side along with his lucrative radio work. He didn't NEED to voice Shaggy, Robin, Cliffjumper, etc. to put food on the table.



Nig, I was talking about Spiderman, so of course I'd post the Spidey one.

Sounds like he had integrity.

Fuck off Seth, nobody wants to watch your shitty Star Wars show.

Reminds me of Tripping the Rift

Man, when I was young I would beat off to that show, good times.

Technically it was George's idea, and I was making fun of something he said

What was fappable in that show O.o


Me too

So Tina was suppose to be a boy? That could explain some things.

Because peole suck at being parents. Certain people thought sticking kids infront of an ipad/tv all day caused them to emulate what they seen. If they seen all the rebellion and bad, then they would copy it. In reality, the kids were never properly taught values and proper behaviours to begin with… cause ya know.. parents today are too vain too admit shitty parenting skills and quick to blame external factors.

Sounds like he was a dick.

Fuck off.

wow rude -3-

This explain how unfitting is it right now. 2 girls and 1 boy doing boy coups doesn't feel right. And they should have stayed with that flash animation and expressions instead outsourcing it and doing zombie simpson style.

Personally I think they just ran out of ideas. That and between the Simpsons and South Park most kid shenanigans seem hopelessly quaint.

Maybe Federal Communications Commission? Channels were basicly forced by the US goverment to create a little bit of educational stuff and entertainment without anyone getting triggered.

probably the same reason that today it's cool to see who is the most progressive and tolerant whereas before it was cool to say things like nigger or spic

Gotta get the kids to follow authority, be good slaves who fight intolerance.

Seems a more recent trend, especially Gravity Falls and Adventure Time, is a lack of responsible authority figures at all.


Eh, not really. The episodes that are most faithful to comics really just feel like watered down, censored by 90s conservative group versions of the comics. The ones that aren't faithful to the comics are more often than not completely ridiculous, like for example Vulture being a villain who leaches youth off his victims, or Electro being the son of Red Skull named Reinholdt Schmidt/Kragov.

People like the show for its having continuity, but everything it did in terms of having a continuity, Spectacular did better. In terms of animation, the MTV series was yards better. I feel people overrate the series because they watched it as children. It's not like the DCAU stuff which is truly timeless and truly all ages television. The Marvel shows really do feel like 'Saturday Morning' cartoons.

I marathoned it a couple of year ago, get fucked.

You poor bastard

Go back to Holla Forums, retard.


What the fuck does liking that Spiderman cartoon have to do with Holla Forums?
Can you at least change up your thread derailing tactics?

any incarnation of scooby doo

Least they actually put effort into that Spiderman Cartoon series.

Unlike all the others.

Around 2007


As an eastern European, I have to ask, since I never really understood the concept/importance of recess:
How is a school day structured in America?

Where I come from, a kid would have 4 to 6 classes every day (8 in one day at absolute extreme most), 45 minutes each, starting at 8:00, with ~15 minute breaks between them (not standardized, but almost never goes below 10 minutes) and one longer - ~20-25 minutes - break around lunch time.
If I were to base my knowledge of American education from cartoons, you guys only have one break a day.

in k-5 for me, there was one single class. It taught different things but you only had one teacher. There was two 15 minute recess breaks where we go out into the yard and run around doing whatever. Then a 30 minute recess in the middle of the day and a 30 minute lunch after.

In 6-12 its six 1 hour classes with 10 minute breaks between them to get to the other class and a 30 minuet lunch in the middle of the day.

We do only get one break past elementary school.

That would also include the glut of environmentally conscious cartoons where the villains were weird, not-quite-toyetic monsters whose schemes always involved polluting and not separating recyclables.

When I was in elementary school, we'd go to class from like, 7-11 or something, and then we'd go get lunch for 30 minutes, and whatever time we had leftover from lunch we could use to go to the playground and do recess shit. So we'd be back in class by 11:30 and stay until 3:30, and then we'd go home.

Weirdly enough the second season, which had crappy-looking nearly calarts graphics also had way more entertaining and engaging writing.

I still don't know why they change the art. It got worse. They can eat dick.

The worst changes were done to Susan Long and The Huntsman. Susan was changed from having a thick, curvy figure befitting a mother of two into someone that looks like they're fresh out of college, while The Huntsman went from being a badass, intimidating villain to a weakass ninja/Shredder knockoff who looks more like a lowly henchman than a main antagonist.


Well, the Huntsman was barely the main antagonist anymore in season 2, if I remember correctly. But you are right, his design did get really silly and pathetic.

I heard the artist who did season 1 got fired for drawing porn or some shit.

This isn't a joke, but don't most cartoonists draw porn, too?

Well considering the fact that Beast Wars manged to expand the canon and took itself a lot more seriously in the later seasons, yeah I'd say it's the better show.

And then Dan Didio came along and raped everything with Beast Machines.

Good job user, here´s your (you)
Now get the fuck out and kys

This got a movie

Cartoonists do a lot of things.
My guess is whoever was in charge of him had a grudge and was looking for an excuse to axe him.

Of course it happened in 2007. Come to think of it, wasn't there an episode of Recess where the schools get rid of recess and the kids all started to act like zombies?

I'll fucking cut nigger, you better not make me do it.


They got rid of Recess and made the children do endless tests. Then when the children started failing the tests they brought back recess but pronounced it 'Reck-ess', recess being an acronym (or I suppose a backronym) now.

Sounds like he was a butthurt vegan.

That attitude died in September 9, 2001

I still have the first 3 seasons saved, I liked all the cute dresses they put on P. Boobsglegum

we did only have one break. When I was in elementary the day started at 8:00, we would have one class, and one teacher which would go through each subject for about 45 minutes.

around 11:30 we had recess, and then would go inside for lunch at noon. which lasted until 12:30. then we would go to the rest of our subject until 3:30

Anyone else wants to argue that it was not an inside job?

The 90's was awesome.

It has to "simpler" characters to reduce the costs of animation. And if the porn thing did happen, there also would have been secondary character designers to back up the main one.

The only other way I can think of would be if the fired character designer had some fucking crazy contract over the design of the characters and firing him while still using his designs (for 2nd or future seasons) would be some sort of contract breech. So they redesigned them to get around that.

That 2nd Huntsman is terrible. Couldn't they have at least kept the glowing red eyes? Makes him look more mysterious/inhuman instead of a human in costume.

Well, truthfully, huntsman IS just a dude in costume. He did not have any magical powers.


The fuck is this shit? because it looks like a watermelon slice? seriously nigger?

I think hes implying you're some type of nazi because you said "gas yourself ".

In all honesty it was probably just some kid from 4chan's Holla Forums responding you to.

That makes no sense though, because it implies that the holocaust happened, which a Holla Forumsack wouldn't believe.

/o/ meets picrelated

Street Sharks was far worse.

How fucking fitting.

I think their position is 'It didn't happen but it should have'

Liking best Spider-man is Holla Forums now?

4chan's Holla Forums seems to be leaking a lot lately. Did something happen over there?

Like others said, in K-5, you have one teacher who teaches all subjects, all day. You have one or two recesses. Kindergartens are only half-days, either mornings or afternoons (I think they changed that? I think they may be full days now), others are all day and you'd, say… Have one or two 20-minute recesses, and a 20-30 minute lunch.

After that there's no recess. 6-12 you have, like… 7 periods a day. Different subjects, lunch, and usually a gym or health class. I only had three minutes between classes. You get off one class, you immediately went to the other without a break. I remember one year in high school being late every year to my German class because it was on the other end of the school from the gym, and having to get dressed and everything after, I'd never have enough time.

Also, it's just in general very… Well, let's just say that the school's always terrified that they'll get sued. The teachers watch you like a hawk. I remember even in lunch you weren't allowed to leave the lunch room, much less go outside and get something from somewhere else. In Middle School I remembered it especially bad. You'd get in trouble for walking too close to a member of the opposite sex and you weren't allowed to bring your backpack with you anywhere, you had to keep it in your locker and bring your heavy-ass books to each class.

Which is exactly why American kids grow up and go to college and either get obsessed with their Safe Spaces and privilege, or go fucking crazy and drink themselves to death in frat parties.

You're not the only one to notice. I've realized recently that there's plenty of assholes defending shit series and not understanding how 8ch works.
Jesus. Every time we get over one invasion, another starts from somewhere else.

We'll have to fortify 8ch like Cadia and defend ourselves from these xenos.

It's a guilty pleasure at best.

I remember some user saying that Holla Forums is like the Constantinople of the internet awhile back, so it makes sense that it would come to this.

ITT: shit I hated as a kid

Not even trying to be edgy but the gulf between something like 90s x-men and BTAS was pretty tough to miss even in elementary school.

TMNT always hurt the most. Such a great concept, such great toys, such great video games, about five good episodes… then a decade+ of a crappy sitcom where Michelangelo has a fucking grappling hook.

But did anyone ever see that cartoon where black people were cockroaches? Still relevant as ever!

don't worry they'll come back slamming the door open when trump gets in

Do schools no longer do a half hour lunch?

In my school, lunch was a period that took the place of a class. So you got 8 periods, one of them being lunch and which one you got was dependent on your schedule. All of them were in the middle of the day
Middle school was trash really. It doesn't prepare you for high school and it's way too different from elementary to be a step

Can confirm that it's a warzone for the teachers too.

I went through middle school from 1997 to 2000 and even though I remember the backpack bullshit (I was exempt from it because I took the short bus) I don't remember anything about the opposite sex thing being enforced. It certainly wasn't enforced once I went to high school.



The only thing I know about this show is that it's Danny Phantom/Jake Long but with a ninja.

Funny enough this show got a lot better in season two, it's a shame by then nobody was watching the damn thing and it got shit canned with a cliff hanger ending to boot.

I kinda wish they didn't use flash to animate this because Vasquez's style is so unique and it kinda needs to be fluid and most of the time the animation was your typical stiff flash animation.

I thought he just did uncredited character design work

Might have been just in a really obnoxious middle school. Though at the same time I went to middle school a few years later than you did.
It certainly wasn't enforced in HS. I actually wished it was, with the amount of kids feeling each other up and making out in the halls.

They seem to be making the lunches smaller and smaller. I remember in HS a typical period would be 40-something minutes, and instead of a 40-minute lunch, you'd have a 20-minute study hall, and then go to your 20-minute lunch.
It was always a pain in the ass for me to finish eating on time. Always felt like I had to rush.

My school had a half hour, but I went to school in the middle of nowhere, so I might be the exception.

Spinelli was a wop.

I don't know about your middle school, but mine also had a gigantic step down (and I mean health code violation sized) in food quality.
I remember a bunch of kids got sick as shit because the retard lunch ladies did something stupid with the PRE-COOKED chicken patties one day.

Back on topic I'd say the 80's/90's TMNT cartoon in particular aged like shit.

You still planning on spamming the next AT Jojo General?


Not this shit again…

I don't understand why they kept making dialogue and plots which would have fit better in a 20 minute format.

Recess instead used the 10 minute format and because of this all the characters had to speed up their dialogue to insane measures. Never leaving even a second of silence between breaths and always speeding up dramatic moments which should have had more impact.

Yeah but at least the art style was good and Peter Parker wasn't a virgin 14 year old with teen issues. Spectacular was good in the animation and choreography, but the storytelling was DC teenager tier.



A bit late to this one but I have to point it out. The Vulture stealing youth from his victims, that actually did happen in the comics in fact it was happening at around the time the show was airing so, that's why he was like that.


Occam's razor says that the dad was cucked by a chink.

That was like one three parter. The show made it his entire gimmick when there's much more to the Vulture than some one shot story that wrapped a frankly shit arc.


Is this like a lamer gurl powuh version of Jake Long?



God, the theme song was awful.


It was better than Jake Long, but got cancelled first.


what is this from?

Why did it have to be an inside job for people to take advantage of it?

Read the filename.


Couldn't agree more

KND was goofy as fuck from day one and totally owned it.

no it didn't.
Watched it no more than a month ago, and it was great.


Is that female Clarence?

It depends on the school but breaks are slowly but surely being cut into oblivion. God American schools are terrible, I bet they put them into cartoons to try to normalize it.

I think the problem isn't that it aged poorly, but rather that it was deliberately spoiled with 'Chronicles'.

Why would they do this? Did they not watch the show?

I would argue that it was never good to begin with

Why isn't decimating Scooby Doo fans legal already?

It was never great.

Titans aged well enough, when it was serious

What is it with the lame Jake Long hype? Not only is the show ugly as shit, but it also comes of as some deeply fetishised fanfic garbage fresh from the furry fandom, from the tryhard slang and acting cool to the transformation to the fire farting to the awful story.

So Tina, the best character in the show, didn't even exist in the first draft? What happened there?!

Which is like… the few episodes with Slade as main villian.

50% of the show is serious shit. Certainly all the series finales

All I remember is aged Sailor Moon expressions, which Murrica thought are "kewl" because "animu". And they kept ruining the tension with it.

Same with TNMT (also, because Mike is a flaming faggot, sexually confusing me with his freckles, which turtles can't have anyway).

The anime stuff didn't age well but the extent to which the show is wannabe anime is probably overstated by people who have a raging hate boner for it. The influence lessened over time.

The animu stuff was aged when Titans came out. The bandwagon pissed me off so hard, it kept proving America had zero clue what made anime interesting back then. To me, it was the animated equivalent of yellowfacing.

I'll never look at that show the same way

Turtles can't be teenage mutant ninjas either

Except I actually fucking love Clarence
This show can go and fuck itself

The first season of AD has not aged well at all but it got better when they dropped the politics in favor of surreal bullshit that makes no sense.

As someone who actually watched the entire G1 series because a friend got me the entire collection. I will say that the cartoon was hit and miss with episodes. But, overall it was satisfying. Though the final season hurt the cartoon quite a bit the final season was shown to be dying down the war. What I mean by this is that there were Decepticons that abandoned the civil war to do their best to do blue-collar jobs on Earth or out in space. It was quite interesting to see this view in a cartoon. See the post-war and seeing former soldiers trying to live a normal life and sick of the fighting.

On one hand, yes. On the other, I think it has the Family Guy syndrome of Roger doing overly violent shit which is completely ignored and stays unpunished.

It basically kickstarted the "CalArts grinning potato tumblr" tend

What are you, Mr.Ender?

Spectacular Spider-Man disagrees.

And it was about trying to stop a former secretary of education from causing the apocalypse via ice age by moving the moon. All of these movies made for "gang of kids do random shit" series were great, the tonal shift of "let's get the favor of the jungle gym king" to "oh fuck it's Mr. Freeze and he's trying to kill us" never fails to make me laugh.

Nah I can back him up, it gets infuriating when there's an "untouchable" character or one who only gets a comeuppance in any way, shape or form in one episode so they can point to it and say look there's times he's been punished. Even in a comedy it just makes it annoying to watch.

He never talked about American Dad, so no. That's just something that annoyed me as fuck recently. It's always Roger now and I hate Roger. And him either beating people up or killing them. It's just not funny. When South Park does it, it's funny. But the Family Guy/ American Dad authors just suck at dark humor.

How do you figure? It's not topical in the slightest and it actually gets better if you watch it as an adult.

Jimmy has been sentenced to hell either by mistake or because he's done something unspeakably wicked and hides it with his chipper demeanor.

Nabiki Tendo says hi.

Fuck You. Just Fuck YOU.

This shit used to never affect me, why the fuck does it affect me now?

Wow, howowowowowowow did they know???

Why is his chin and shoulders so much smaller?

At least AD doesn't have a character preach the moral of every episode also you hate the fact newer AD eps focus on Roger yet I don't hear you complain with newer SP focusing on Cartman.

Kid vs Kat

Finally, someone with a GOOD example
Then again - this show ALWAYS sucked

I like it when an "untouchable" character never gets punished.
I wish they did this with cartman on triggerpark, but I guess you always have those fags who think cartman is wrong.



Cartman is easier to work into new situations and ideas, Roger is just always Roger with little real variation.

That and it's more fun to watch Cartman get brutalised.



If you think otherwise, then let shine some light on you.

Come to think of it, pretty much anything and everything by Butch Hartman has aged like milk.

The rumors are true

That was rad as fuck and it had a plane crashing into a bridge
Fuck you

It was already fucking awful. I can't imagine it being any worse.

Dave the Barbarian

Whast is there to fondly remember about this show, I have no idea.

You're lucky to remember it at all, seeing how lost in the shuffle it was

Because when you were a kid you probably weren't terribly concerned about catching diseases.
Now that you're older you know that doing disgusting shit tends to lead to suffering and/or death.

I bet this felt dated in 2006 too


I'm confused about what this thread's about.

Is it about listing shows that started dandy but went downwards? Shows that l might have been alright back then which are hokey or campy or whatever nowadays? Or shows that were shoddy from the start?




That and bodily functions lose their novelty once your body is no longer getting better every year.

I will rape you.


I want to like Reboot again, I really do. I remember fucking loving the shit out of the series, being absolutely fucking stunned when Enzo got his fucking eye torn out and Andraia kept them in the game and Enzo turned into Matrix, that shit was so cool. Even now, I have fond memories of the various shit that went down, like every fucking thing Megabyte did (including the creation of Gigabyte).

But fucking hell, the CGI is abhorrent and the voice acting is awful. I'm not a snob by any measure of the word but Reboot is too old and shitty for me to enjoy anymore.

I always started from Painted Windows on any rewatch I did. Cut down on a bunch of filler and let me start watching the main plot.

also, Hexadecimal a best

I remember this show exists.
I also remember my mum was a huge fan of it.



why was this allowed to happen


Doing memorials every second, instead of doing something important

I still got the coffin toy.

It was an inside joke from Skype.

It always affected me since I first watched it.

Does that man look like a cuck to you?!


Occam's razor says shes just tanned from playing outside all day erry day



occam's razor says that it wants to stab you both in the ribs
I know, it talks to me, and to me only


be careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge

It was shit then

I know it's a running gag but man, ACME-tropolis is really jumping the shark.

On wait…

Once this decade is over it's humor will feel twice as aged.

Who is this semen demon

My schools were slightly different from some of the other guys in this thread
In Kindergarten and 1st grade, I had 1 main class that taught all subjects, with a 30 minute PE class 2 or so hours after school starts, 30 minutes for lunch halfway through the day, and 30 minutes of recess right after. I went to a different school for grades 2-5 that was mostly the same, except we had 2 main teachers; one for math/science, another for English/history. I think we also had Spanish lessons once a week.

We had 7 classes, 45 minutes each, except for 4th period, which was about 1 hour 30 minutes long. During 4th period, 4 separate groups of students got to eat lunch at different times. After 4th period we got a 30 minute "Homeroom" period where we basically just fucked around and chatted for a while. We get 5 minutes between periods to get to the next class, or go to our lockers if we have time.

My high school was a little different. Instead of 7 45-minute classes, we had 8 90-minute classes split over 2 days (A days and B days). 3rd period is 2 hours long with 4 groups getting a 30-minute lunch break at different times. We got 7 minutes between each class period.

My old high school used to have an optional Study Hall class where nobody actually studied. They just used it as a free period to take a break. It was pretty sweet from what I heard. Unfortunately, I never got to take it because they took it away the semester after I heard about it because they said it wasn't productive.

at least this wasn't as extreme as Blazing Dragons S1>S2 or Shimmer and Shine S1>S2

latter is worth it for qt sorceress who wants to conquer the genies. Way more exciting having her around. Now literally the star. NAZBOO


good choice.

oh come on man that one was actually good.


I rewatched this recently and I will fucking fight you, son.

I never realised how quickly they ran out of ideas.


Towards the later seasons yes but the earlier ones were pretty good.


I know I'm talked about this series faults in a previous thread a while back. ML seemed like it has potential to be a really good series but faulted considerably with it's repetitive "once an episode" content.

If this series get a 2nd season that as repetitious as the first it deserves to be here. If it goes and solves the faults of the first season, it could finally be seen as living up to it's true potential.

Basically it's too early to judge right now.

But fuck who ever let the comic book series adaption of this show exist. All it consists of lazy set of still images from a single episode with speech bubbles and comic sound effects slapped in.

Didn't they do the same thing with Evangelion and Akira

Eva's manga was hand drawn by the series's character designer. Some scenes used the show for reference but they never used screencap

Akira was long thought to have been screencaps but the manga itself predates the movie. The misconception comes from that the Epic Comics international release was fully colorized (color artist handpicked by the series creator) and some shots from the manga are reproduced 1:1 in the movie. Compounding this, for whatever reason a screencap comic retelling the movie's story was released in the mid-90s

damn thats one of those shows I watched years back but completely forgot about.

Just looked up the English intro and it gives me some nostalgia but I can already tell it didn't age well





What this show needs is

1) Follow a goddamn plot for once
2) An actual villain aside from Hawkmoon that lasts longer than 1 episode


Good toon, great character. Dan posts on /r9k/ and Holla Forums.

Kinda funny that Reboot gets away with primitive CGI because the cast are literally computer game characters.

Dan is way too proactive to be /r9k/ and not dogmatic enough to be Holla Forums. Holla Forums, definitely.

He's had to have screamed "JEWS!!" or "NIGGERS!!" to the heavens at one point.

Nice try, dipshit.

But also Canada. Dan is very equal-opportunity in his hate; he will hate absolutely everyone and everything given the opportunity.

Anyone /r9k/ and Holla Forums together just screams awful

Dan is an awful and spiteful person with antisocial tendencies.

And that's why it's awesome (as a cartoon, of course.), you whiny little bitch.

Go back to jacking it to MLP, you little ponyfag.

I never said it was a bad thing, you presumptuous waste.

That show was bad from the get go, with its lacklustre writing and horrible character design.

That plus how topical the episodes are means they only get worse with age.

I don't see how a face is any simpler than a simple pair of red eyes.


Good for angry porn, and that's about it.

I'm sure Mimi's got a plan for that.


Funny because it's true.

I maintain that anime got so big partly because it gave the impression of shit actually mattering. Basically no running cartoons had ongoing plots when the anime boom started, and suddenly here's these cartoons starring people who take things somewhat seriously and there's actual plot progression and changes every episode! They were made to be watched in order, not episodic enough for networks to run as reruns whenever they can't get something else.

And it's not like cartoons couldn't do that, they just refused to because of the rerun deal. Anime demolished that. And of course they thought the kids must like the big eyes and sweat drops.



Cartoon mumblecore
