There are posters on this board right now who don't believe meme magic is real

There are posters on this board right now who don't believe meme magic is real

Other urls found in this thread:

4cucks cannot even begin to comprehend our memetic energy, fellow magician

I'm just here to praise Kek.


Fuck me and my overenthusiasm with equal signs

Yup, I grew out of my Chuni phase around 2011 personally.


meme magic

Meme magic is simply the cosmic correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. Synchronicity often seen in memes is an undirected and chaotic version of this. With practice we can learn to direct the cosmic correspondence. This is what is known as magic.

Don't make me deduct your per post salary again.

I will actually do it.

Your what, weeb? Want to say that shit in English?

Prove it's real



shitposter pls go

There is no hand on the arm that the eagle is sitting on.
That's subtle.

I hope Trump-senpai sees this.


I believe in meme magic, but I only believe that it works when you don't take it seriously. If you start making sigils and chanting in a circle it doesn't work. It also doesn't work if you try to force it, else you end up with forced memes that have no magic.

WW3 shall be won with memetic warfare.

What a way to go

Holy fuck. If I could have peeked into the future to see this when Donald announced he was running in 2015 I would have shit my pants.

It's over. President Trump is happening.

Now we just need to shape his policy with memes and name the Jew at every opportunity.




4u weeb boi

With enough thought power, things begin to materialize in the astral realm, and can even begin to influence reality.

This is meme magic.

Frank Herbert was one of the greatest meme philosphers in recent history even though the concept of memes was not yet discovered.

read all his books lads

If meme magic was real you would've memed yourself a gf by now.




Nigger I did in fact, do just that recently.
Shit's cash.


This is how it begins:
First they creep in with slightly off-topic threads that seem innocent enough
Then they spam more and more, with more individuals becoming used to it
Finally, barely any discussion is left, replaced and reduced to shitposts and shitty threads

Don't fall for jewish shills

This was a PSA brought to you by Holla Forums

No, you're not paranoid, that's a thing.

What's also a thing is when we discover OUR GREATEST WEAPON, in the form of meme magic, it is highly predictable that shills would come out of the woodwork to shit all over it.

Saging, however, because this thread IS a bit shitty and irrelevant.


Is that cave painting real? I assumed some drawfag drew that(recently, not 10,000 years ago).

meme magic is SATANIC

What makes you say that

Magic isn't real. Magic was never real. Magic will never be real. These three inescapable truths can be rejected as violently as one desires, but that will not prevent them from being true. The nature of the world is immutable.

Memes are memes. They are simple reflections of the thoughts of humankind, and it is their nature to be reflective. Much as a mirror can be turned to reflect things from different angles, or used to blast back rays of light, they can have some power of alteration. But there is nothing magical about it. Everything is completely mundane.

Deceiving yourselves, and choosing to believe in mystical forces at your own fingerprints, is essentially the same as taking your fate out of your hands. You can trust in God, but you can't become passive as a result. The same applies for all of this. Don't fall into the trap of assuming victory is assured.

Eat shit heathen
Heil kek
Heil the god of Holla Forums

Everybody on the party bus! Jews ride for free!

I don't get it



It's Tyr, named for the Norse Warrior God.
Just Dag.

There was some behind the scenes stuff from a photo shoot (I think it was Time?) that was put out with Trump and a Bald Eagle, and the Eagle was hostile and nearly bit him.

They put it out right after something good happened for Trump, I forget what, but it was like they were trying to say, "b-but wait… he can't be America Incarnate! Bald Eagles don't like him!"

Does anyone have a copy of the hieroglyph with the PC in the fourth pic?

It's called prayer.

Fuck off northfag


You can't stop the rise of the Egyptian gods. Memetic magic will bring the world to its knees. All we need to due is keeping memeing optimally and not take ourselves too seriously.

Can I meme a girl into liking me?

Just gonna leave this here….

Jews did 9/11 :^)

"As above, so below." is right.

But don't forget, logically, it also follows that:

"As below, so above."

You will get a girlfriend.

And you.

And you.

Girlfriends for everyone!

your wife.

praise kek

really try to hone in on this one guys

Maybe if you stopped praising frog pictures on the computer and went outside, user.

You might think this is bullshit. But I can guarantee you there is a higher force there that will grant your wish if you do certain specific things.

nice dubs, what things are we talking about?


I don't think it's entirely bullshit. I think we tap into a collective consciousness of sight, not action. You lose me at the MLM/Secret shit though.

You just have to wish it. And do sacrifices in the name of the force your want to grant it to you.

maybe I'll share my story one day. But it's real. I was granted the wish. Was not expecting it, but it was like how I imagined it.

But this was before kek and knowing about meme magic and anything.


tell me now

lol. fuck off, LARPer. your personal story impacts your beliefs and impressionable minds only. not reality.


nah, maybe i will write a book or something as more happenings pile up.





I was a weak follower of long dead magical carpenters, blue skinned faggots with multiple reincarnations, bald fatty nothingness seekers and tanned bomb making tolkien dwarves. It's time for truth.

And truth lies within the cosmical frog.

I'm with Kek, and I want to merge my soul with his memetic maelstrom and be part of the new era of chaos.

There are posters on this board right now who are shitting up my catalog.

Does anyone know where I can get a good frog statue or whatever to put on an alter to worship?

Fuck the nonbelievers, Kek has done more to positively affect my life than any other "spiritual" or "religious" figure ever has.

Kek is great.

'Top Kek' is our version of allahu akbar

someone should take the time and put pepe over the midget

The memes are real

The memes are all within your hyperborean blood. Don't race mix and expel the Jews and their Oriental Despotism!

I feel like I shouldn't post this image and reveal the truth

It's not magic, it's science.