Former CIA, NSA directors, retired generals, launch gun control group
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Former CIA, NSA directors, retired generals, launch gun control group
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Traitorous scum
Mentions both of these tribal trophies.
So there it is then. I am now positive they are anticipating/planning for mass civil unrest in the near future.
All they are doing is making it easier to identify the traitors when Obama starts his civil war.
They already pulled it down. That should tell us something but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Judea Christian G-d I hate these liberals with their "common sense". Its so Irony that if they had any common sense they would know first the 2rd amendment shall never be infringed and our founding fathers knew and said this shall not be infringed as well. Oh but then they'll pull the old "but they only had muskets they had no idea we would have these guns and blablabla so that makes all your points invalid" argument out of their ass. Again if they knew shit they would know fully and well their was restrictions before in some colonies and well for alot of 1st world countries with cannons, puckle guns, staged muskets(basically layered powder,cap,and ball in a single barrel musket), and that really crazy good air rifle(forgot name). I.e you had to get a certificate. So the founding fathers knew of "gun control" and of how weaponry was evolving and yet they passed full and well the 2rd amendment.
I'm gonna guess none of these limp-wrists ever had to hold a gun in their lives, much less see active duty
See if this link works:
B-b-but patriotards told me that the military was based and would never take our guns!!
The US military isn't your friend. It's an arm of ZOG. I'm sure you know a couple guys who are alright. They won't do anything – they'll follow orders like a dog would.
I don't know how anyone could look at the US military's track record from 1914-present and stupidly assert that it's a force for good or at all an institution from which useful nationalism and anti-zionism could spring.
Patraeus attends Bilderberg meeting, then launches gun control group shortly thereafter. What a surprise.
This fucking traitorous trash is spying on all of us and now they want to take our guns. Fuck no. Patraeus was just at Bilderberg too.
NO GUNZ Eurofaggots to invade this thread soon.
Remember how much Trump keeps sucking off Petraeus in speeches? Like it was so awful his career was destroyed because he slipped classified information to the kike he was fucking?
hang them
Obama purged many military guys so it's different now.
Petraeus is a con man.
McChrystal may be a military genius in his own way, but he's probably lost in the civilian world.
A lot of flag officers are ambitious to a fault and are morally bankrupt.
wanna save lives? remove kebab, niggers and spics.
don't put jackals, apes and coyotes in with the lions and sheep and expect peace.
don't expect any of them to follow the same rules
you won't need to point a gun towards your own flock if you would just keep the fucking wild dogs out in the first place.
Yuropoor here. I liked guns. We like guns. It's just that your cocksucking nation keeps occupying us so we can't rearm. God forbid you ever fucked off and stopped sucking yid cock for Europe to actually sort its own shit out. Buy hey, you wrecked our nations during WW2, and lend-leased Russia to victory, so I guess it's everything's peachy.
Have a nice day, my burger friend.
There are even lower ranking officers int he service who cuck for this shit (and this cunt's a senator IIRC)
USA controls EU. And they're rabidly anti-gun.
Can't have their serfs rebelling.
Fucking crypto-kike
I think it's time for reasonable regulations on homosexuality!
When the founding fathers wrote "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" they clearly did not mean in public. If we as American people are to progress we cannot have this disrespect for Islam. Therefore it's only sensible to ask all the faggots to keep it in the closet.
At this point we're equally occupied friend.
Its funny how they willingly populate the lists for hangings
We dont even have to dig anymore
They're definitely going to take the guns. There's no stopping it peacefully. This government is WAY past due for a violent revolution. I still don't see any real spark aside from a bunch of weak fuck-ups like us on the internet. With every second their power and reach grows. Their grip on the internet is constantly tightening. Free speech and self-defense for whites is pretty much outlawed. The longer everyone waits, the more well-armed the enemy gets and the more defenseless we'll all be. People don't care enough and by the time most will, it will be far too late.
There won't be hangings and you know that. They won't suffer a bit.
lmao, is he going to personally pick them up?
They got told that too many active and retired soldiers would see it as treason, and when told the arguments, they understood?
What a coincidence and by the former CIA and NSA directors themselves.
Not just in days, but mere hours and before the shootings themselves.
It's a message then, if you buy it's a false flag.
Welp, if it wasn't clear to you all who orchestrated this past week of false flags, you now have their specific names.
This man has now been identified as a confirmed oathbreaker.
oathbreaker meme is not a meme
Are we witnessing a behind the curtain civil war?
No I don't and judging by my 1 minute of searching it looks like Trump only said Hillary Clinton did a lot worse than Petraeus.
And Petraeus is anti-Trump.
Anti Slide
Fwiw aren't these the same generals that started that "american action counsel" or what ever it was called in 2012 and it turned out to just be a propaganda ruse to get reactionary patriots to out themselves?
Your digits say yes.
Hopefully it starts dawning on a lot of posters that the US military is the problem, not the secret solution waiting in the background to sort this all out.
Nothing happens in the United States without the full and total control of the US military. They have been running the entire show since WWII. If you want a White America, they all have to be killed and a new military built from scratch.
Bump - this is huge
military has been overtly infiltrated by satanic influence since before vietnam. look up colonel michael aquino and his rise in the intelligence community.
Yes, I know all about him. On this board we still have conservacucks who shit up threads sucking milfag dick who are in complete denial about the source of America's problems.
This is what the oathbreaker meme represents.
Oaths are memes, so oaths can be unmemed.
You only need them to understand that the military need a white America to survive.
The military doesn't need a White America at all. It will collect taxes all the same and has no problem whatsoever merging itself into a Saudi-Israeli colonial defense force.
for the world to see….
this thread offers a fuckton more info than all the false-flaggot spam threads that just spam "MUH FLASE FLAG" every 2 posts. Bump for relevance fuck the kikes AND the muslims
United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment:
United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office:
Notice anything in these oaths? Also, FYI, neither of these oaths are set to a specified period of time, it could be argued that once taken, the individual could be held to them indefinitely. I don't really know if I believe that or not, but it could be argued….
Kill yourself, you fucking pussy
Speaking of alphabet soup…did anyone else see the article on that CA would-be homocauster claiming it was a set-up? I can't link or archive on this shitty device, but search James Howell stopthebs or some shit like that. I tried to post this twice in another forum (via proxy) and both times was instabanned.
How do you do, fellow Holla Forumsster?
I kind of expected (((wesley clark))) in on this.
Even if people took them seriously, which is rare, it means that it is entirely up to how you feel about interpreting the consteetooshun