Vigil for Orlando Shooting Victims HIJACKED by BLM

What a fucking joke…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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It's happening. People will look back at events like these in the future and wonder why we didn't speak out, why we just assimilated all this bullshit and allowed for the demonization of the white race. It's fucking happening, it started with the changing of the definition of racism mean something only whites can do, it started with BLM movement spreading hate speech, it started with all the college campuses in America making this type of bullshit required learning.

I warn you, it will end when all of us are corralled into re-education camps. Do your part. Fight for white rights.

They're really struggling to stay relevant, aren't they?

Why would a government funded organization struggle?

what a glorious world we live in

Somehow, someway, the people who suck dick aren't the biggest faggots at the vigil.

Rival groups of Crisis Actors are fighting for turf now?

This is beautiful.


He didn't even shoot black people lol.

I seriously hope this is having the opposite effect and redpilling the dumb fucks.

if it makes people see BLM as retards that use events for another purpose to promote their own agenda we get a little bit closer to victory.

nigga stole my mic

Even better with the choice that the left now has to make. Gays or Islam. They're causing a social fracture right now. I can only hope they keep driving splinters into it.

So the homos got massacred and are now losing their victim cards thanks to niggers and muslims. I don't know which dimension this is, but it's too fantastic to believe. Social Justice Civil War when?

well maybe if someone shoots dead 50 niggers then people will show up for your BLM demonstration….. only one way to find out!

The shooter… specifically spared niggers…

The shooter effectively WAS a BLM supporter!

This shit is a lot worse than a joke, user.

it's like D&C and we don't even have to try
meme magic is real

they already did, remember Chicongo on memorial day weekend? 69 shot in under 3 days and no one talked about it. Why? Because that number was only 13 more than last year. There's been 250 (probably more now) people killed in that city so far and we're only halfway through the year.

Someone with a plebbit account post this there. i want to see the ass hurt.

If anyone needed proof that faggotry is a mental disorder here it is.

I love the fat white Fembots clapping for their own genocide

Imagine the shitstorm If a white went on stage.

"there is a lot of blacks here, let me give some statistics you wont understand… 'cause you're blackies"

It's not faggots, it's liberals.

Conservative faggots are calling out this shit hard.

I fucking wish. Her intro too, "I was really nervous to get up here today because there's a lot of black people in the crowd." lol it sounds like a comedy show opener Jim Jeffries would pull in Harlem or some shit.

I mean it's nothing new really

must've had a brainfart
my apologies, you are completely right
the most obvious answer is always right in front of me


if only the ancients could see how western civilization ended they'd have never imagined shit like this in their wildest nightmares

Greece has more mudslimes than that destroying infrastructure every day and poland recently had an actual 1 million man march to the capital in protest of the kikery of the EU not long back and they still didnt see martial law


The power of Identity politics

(summary) they divide a class based on eye color. within days the segregated groups grades fall and they start getting into fights

How do we resist?

Daily reminder that the left always cannibalizes itself

that's the plan to keep obongo in office… i laughed when I read it too

nigger is as nigger does

Its called the "Eye of the storm" or "A Class divided" too new to embed

This is definitely heresy.

This is pure mental illness.
So they're protesting the vigil since it was their operative that shoot up the place.

What if they changed the race of the shooter and the original was black. Omar may have been killed with the rest as a actual victim since he was gay and frequented the place. Since he was muslim and afgan everyone believed it
And BLM knows this and shows their support for the action but are just too fucking stupid what that shows.


A vigil to who? What god? Isn't a vigil a religious ceremony of prayer? Is there a fag god? Was it Thor or Odin who sucked ice giant dicks? These fucking leftists don't know what they believe. I've seen multiple videos of flaming homos yelling at ebil bigots to "go to hell". It's like, nigger, you're the one going to hell you degenerate freak. Even Dante's Inferno depicts faggots in Hell. A "vigil". What a fucking joke.

what you spoilered is pure unadulterated 100% could happen nightmare material
never underestimate just how stupid niggers can be

look at
looks like female pastors of some cucked low-church protestant "religion"


No, that's not what he's saying. The 8000 niggers are for shutting down Trump rallies. The plan is to have chimpouts through summer and fall to create a climate of fear so that Obongo can safely declare martial law at the election.

this guy gets it

what are they gonna do disrupt the supply of colonels family buckets to the ghetto?
get grape soda pulled from walmart for discrimination?
pull dextromorphan hydrobromide from chemist shelves and re-classify it as a schedule 1 narcotic?

Like what happened with the "democracy spring" shit? The oh-so-grand Soros-funded chimpout that fizzled out so hard it didn't even make the news? Niggers are worthless and will never accomplish anything

yeah, don't imagine they can do any kind of running like that


I want to see the libcucks of reddit perform some mental somersaults

I posted it to /r/news which got in trouble after shielding the muzzie shooter from criticism. Dis should be gud.

they think that their massive chimpouts will cause a martial law, which will suspend the elections

for what purpose

I see no flaws in his argumentation.

Yes his name is Anus the Impaled.


and you think the EU riot control tactics will be bad, you should pay attention and take a closer look at what your democratic government wants to begin testing on you

The niggers said it themselves.

They're going to try to "shut down" (oy) both conventions with typical dindu tactics. Target every Trump rally, cause violence with attendees, try to jack Trump's stage - a Chicago for every fucking rally. All this time the MSM will be pushing the narrative the country is teetering towards civil war, Trump is hitler, Trump is a racist, BLM are edgy cool heroes. The cycle of violence and narrative will reach fever pitch at the election when Obongo will step forward and declare martial law for "national security", to "protect democracy". If that works its finished. America will literally become the next Rhodesia. Maybe its a hoax or the nignogs will fail, but I've always found it never hurts to be paranoid.

Hopefully. Maybe Democracy Spring was just a test or training for this. There's a difference between Soros' usual kikery and a federally backed coup de'etat following an apparently organised attempt at destabilisation. This is what Yuri warned us about: the Crisis.

There was a whole thread on this btw. The first thing you can do to stop it is make sure they're the ones outnumbered at the convention.

Hi there new(fag)friend,
I'm doing my community service here at Holla Forums and would just like to inform you as to the proper way to link to another thread

if you wanted to link to a thread on another board you would use
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If you have found this helpful please reply to this post with "praise kek"

And they wonder why the cartels have called for "ethnic cleansing" in their L.A. territories. If nigs who have drank the SJW kool-aid think they're going to get some gibsmedats by guilting spics, they're sorely mistaken.

there cant seriously be anyone rational who believes that

When they were pushing the Duke/KKK stuff so aggressively, I was certain there would be incidents at polling stations at the very least if not an outright attack. I'm still amazed it didn't happen, and now Obama seems to becoming more unpopular every day to the point where I'm not sure there's any scenario that allows him to stay in office no matter how "legal"

never forget this shit

Zuma used the same tactics with his redshirts to 'persuade voters' to vote for the ANC

At the very least, the ancients would know their beliefs are vindicated

*their beliefs about women and blacks turned out to be correct

With enough repetition from all the MSM clickbait most can be at least slightly influenced who do not have a rigid adherence to an opposing position or genuinely think for themselves.

If this martial law shit is legit it'll all depend on how you can react to it. If he pulls it off it won't matter how unpopular it is. The U.S would be an open dictatorship. The whole point of this strategy is to make the normalfags so afraid they accept him on bent knees as their savior when he steps in to declare martial law.

The point is, how are we going to stop this?

where did these known truths become sexist/racist lies?

everybody knows that stereotypes are only stereotypes because they're true

leftards, everyone

Being black is intrinsically higher on the victimization scale than being gay, so they can supersede gay events for their own causes. It's the law of victimization. However, the BLM overstepped their bounds when they failed to recognize that this wasn't just a homo pride gathering, but also a gathering for mass-shooting victims. The pity value of those two categories together is higher than just black people alone. Of course, when prioritizing victims, the primero, top of the list, most victimized, is the 6 gazillion.

As I see it, the scale is rated like this:

Survivors of the Jewish Holonot - 100 points (untouchable, god)
General Jews - 50 pts.
Slaves, esp. sex slaves from Africa and the Middle East- 25 pts.
People escaped from war-torn Africa, esp. Somalia - 20 pts.
Blacks - 15 pts.
Muslims - 14 pts.
Victims of mass shootings, and advocates for gun control - 12 pts.
Childhood rape victims - 10 pts.
Illegal aliens - 8 pts.
Fat - 7 pts.
Brown-skinned people - the darker, the more points - 5-10 pts.
Hispanics - 6 pts.
Homos - 5 pts.
Women - 4 pts.
Children - 2 pts.

Of course, then we get into negative realm: those whom are intrinsically incorrect by the existence.
Men - -5 pts.
Blonds - -15 pts.
White men - -20 pts.
Heterosexual blond/blue-eyed healthy Aryan white men - -40 pts.

Had the BLM usurpers been able to do simple math, they would have known that they were going just a wee bit too far, over the line by 3 pts., and thus they shouldn't have taken over the event.


dem nogs gonna need dolphin time to figure that problem out

basic arithmetic
if all niggers only knew how to get a 40oz o' malt liquor by pointing a glock sideways at the vietnamese checkout twink you'd never see an open 7/11 anywhere

never forget dolphin time

This is awesome, honestly. All it will do is redpill more normalfags on BLM. Also it'll piss off one of the most lefty/"tolerant" groups of all (gays), and they're one of the few groups out there that can openly criticize BLM bullshit and at least have a little protection from media calling them racist and (((shutting down the conversation))).

If attention whoring faggots hate blm. You know they are cunts.
Friendly reminder people dressed in fursuits and gimp costumes showed up at the orlando shooting funeral

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand rows and columns

nigger level


Who the hell even talks like that???? I swear in just the past 3 years the colleges have turned into the wussiest collections of people known to mankind.

we are talking about niggers here so…

loud noises trigger them

this isn't reddit fuckface

That fucking vocal fry jesus christ.

What stops the Bad Goy Removal Ray from being defeated by a 50 cent space blanket? All I could find were suspicious comments saying "that won't work goyim, but I'm not going to explain why hehe" with no evidence.


Why did people applaud her?

they were applauding the fag yelling in the crowd

I can't hear him ;_;

thats why they provided subtitles


This negress is probably the least charismatic speaker I've ever heard hijack an event.

Under rated post

remember to upvote the video so more people see it.

"Soooo many whiiite peeeeeople. Thaaaat's noooot aaa jooooke."

I'm tired of these whiny niggers hijacking shit that doesn't even fucking concern them. If i see them at my cities pride i will be going to jail for breaking some necks.

Yeah yeah i know… pride is degenerate. I'm honestly just going so i can hold of a few signs that say "armed gays don't get bashed" "trump2016" and other Holla Forums buzzwords to piss off the leftist crowd there. I also want to get into a fight. You all we be seeing me on the news/yt videos soon.


Dubs agree with your stance.

Good on ya user, get out from behind your computer and actually bring the fight to the real world, using their passive aggressive methods against them.

Myself, I just threw all 3 bundles of the local "Weekly" leftist leaning free paper in the back of my truck to pain the inside of my garage door. Smacked a "Diversity means less white people" sticker on the newspaper holder as well.

Praise Kek




I like where this is going, mudslimes and faggots are at each others throats and Holla Forumsacks are stepping into the light to spread the word of Kek.

Fire Monkey Year.
Best Year.

does anyone have the full set of these conversations?

yeah exclusion is a great way to win elections in a 2-party system, keep bashing people who agree with you there, user.

I will be a one man right wing gay death squad.

Don't get any poz blood on you user.

topkek, sir. jolly well done.

I hope you're not as fat as that armour makes him look, lad.

would that be a problem?



Praise kek.

But I was taught what you should have posted is
Depending on whether or not you are an oldfag or just personal preference.

I'm not really clear why simply having police do their jobs and control these crowds of niggers and beaners isn't an option, but going full nuclear option national martial law is….


that is the full set that i've seen
sorry for the 3 hour late response
it was on infowars

This is such a laughable plan, and I doubt it is real. If 6,000 niggers interrupted the RNC, do they really think that would create enmity from normal Americans to Trump?

I think all that these "protesters" (more like "destroyers") are achieving is making trump look better and more civilized.
They're too stupid to even realize that even if their plan did work, which it won't, the elections would just be postponed. They think king nigger would stay in forever or something.

Ever notice how the most successful nigs in school and the real world try to act white.
Probably because they have better role models than pic related.
Funny how the fear of being called uncle tom has resorted them back to the stone age of GROG SMASH.

This is fucking awesome. Watching niggers and fags go to war.

do people need to bring tomatoes to every speaking event?

I didn't bother watching because I don't want to listen to sheboon screeching before a dental appt.

But I fucking hope people bring tomatoes to speaking events for shit like this. Get the gays in on it to tomato paste the fuck out of blm.

And kek's will be done.


I always wonder why cops show up and act like assholes to the people that don't hate their guts?

Like they're basically fine with BLM dindus preaching for them to die but if someone goes against this then they crack down hard on them.


Okay, lets me get this straight…

Liberals allow mudslides in…
Mudslime shoots fags…
Godless fags have vigil…
Dindus invade fag vigil…
Fags pissed at dindus…

Sounds almost like a self correcting problem.

This is what happens when jews don't take into account the people they're leading are unpredictable retards.

Grab a coke and a candy bar, the shows just starting.

Cucked again.

I'm not even really that mad about the white jabs but that shit was hilarious since they're cannibalizing themselves.

What fucking universe is this? Have we left Bernstain and gone straight to Berstaxyzin?


Already happening. See Progressive Stack

The greatest irony in all this is that niggers and sandniggers hate homos.

In fact, it was the nigger vote in US states like California that prevented gay marriage to begin with.

You will burn kike


This really is blowing up. I think this needs to spread some more though.
>inb4 stupid shills try to pretend D&C doesn't exist

BLM has a rich and vibrant history of cucking fellow leftists

This is a good thing, user

Oh shit, even better!

The shooter was a BLM supporter so why didn't they kick her out? It's like that they wanted to die. There's no telling when the BLM operators strike.

BLM are homophobic

BLM really are dead set on making everyone hate niggers.
For what purpose though?

Maybe they knew the summer are coming so why not make Ramadan and chimpout even more interesting.

Do it! Fight them like a man, let the hatred flow through your veins.

HAhahahaha stupid fucking niggers.

Been trying to hold back those feels but it seems like i will have to start doing so.

do you know what game that is??

I believe it's come out that they're ordered to from on top. We'll have to get to Sweden levels where they quit faster than they can be replaced and things go to shit before they'll stop making them enforce this leftist bullshit.

niggers being this stupid bahahaha

He was a BLM supporter so why didn't they kick her out? She would be a blm terrorist operater.