The official pedo thread #1



sup pedrobros? :3


beep beep

No robots

please don't




You aren't even hiding you are using bots.








You have weird taste user.

Bold move.. Very bold.

Fight for what you believe in.



What are you so scared of, sodomite?


fuck vpns



Wut iz dat?


Not bold, I just dislike bigots.





pedos be gone




sage sage

sage sagesagesagesage



sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

? ? ?

Even though heartfinn is my nemesis, I like this thread for some reason at this moment.

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

how that? lel

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage

I'm THAT other finn, who is jealous and triggered of him.

sage sagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesagesage


sage post squats


Not sure if I remember you, heh

Why are you jealous/triggered of him though? Excuse me for not really getting that please~





Oh, maybe we should meet some day? So where yo you live? :^)



Don't i deserve at least to know why? :3








As a gay person, I have to say that your taste in guy pictures is quite poor sorry heh :s






~ ~ ~



nom :3



Somebody really got a fetish for people getting hurt. That's fucked up as hell. Maybe wanna consider seeing a therapist.




I was doing some of those yesterday. Heh… pretty easy. Still didn't get me a loli gf







meow, please seek help before you consider hurting someone .__.




So what purpose does the moderation team serve if they don't actually enforce the rules and only use their power to delete posts that hurt their feelings?



I would contribute but they always ban me. Mods seem to have weird feelings about NN little girls.

meow meow





why would you even save such a picture




nice user
where can i go to be among my own people





someone got triggered



What point are rules that aren't worth protecting?
























this thread was shit before you came



It does not work that way user. You can't incite pedos against by posting their pics. :3

Are you trying to say its not shit now?












Stupid furfag losers cant even do anything riht. Fucking aspies. Post the dog pussy already.






Pls no lewd pics. It's alright if you post your fetish but no lewd please. This thread is about children even if you aren't posting those.









Tell that to the fag porn poster you stupid cuck jew piece of shit. This is fucking Holla Forums


sooo many furries XD







i get it, you're hardcore













why not post some shota-related furry stuff while you're at it? :^))


No need to get upset. There are other posters as well and it was not directed only to you. Just keep it clean and
think of the children :3

I guess.





sheesh :D




What's pedos doing on muh Holla Forums?






how do I operate this














