Seeing lots of cuckchan style threads.
Are we getting cucked?
Seeing lots of cuckchan style threads
Cucked into oblivion
Prime example
Its a fag who posts shitty threads and bumps old threads.
Just use [-] Hide Thread
Can we just ban him for being a complete cuck and posting the most cancerous threads imaginable by mankind.
This IS Cuckchan, you cuck!
Since yesterday
We are getting cuckchan refugees from half/pol/ because saying Benjamin Fischbein will get you an automatic two-week ban there, as will posting images of him taken from social media. It is pretty ironic how they act like halfchan used to be a bastion of free speech until they got wordfiltered.
What the fuck is the date on your monitor
Since like 5 months ago when jim took over actually, nice try though
It wasnt meant to be a joke. I made it a few months ago as a prediction to what 8/b/ will look like in a year.
oddly enough the usercount and post rate have both gone down considerably
so either 4chan is flooding in and scaring oldfags away (if this is the case you fags are pathetic)
or… we are getting trolled by Holla Forums users
either way we're losing users
grammatically correct formatting
fuck off pedo fag
==My daughter lost her virginity last night.
She was great!
What a trooper - hardly a struggle at all!
I'm very proud of her.==
fuck off sodomite you dont fit in