Malik Obama Thread.
Malik Obama Thread
God damn Malik is savage
Trump should make Malik the Ambassador to Kenya
Obama 2020
This man is a GOD
Holy shit, I assumed this was a troll.
It's real
And that makes me moist.
Go back to sucking cock sodomite
Based ass niqqa.
Honorary Aryan
My sides.
Dis nigga killin' me.
Read this in deep Ah free kan accent
wtf i like niggers now
I came here to post this.
In my head it's Big Man Tyrone's voice, complete with joyful inflection
This nigga ain't no nigger, nigga
It's clearly a nigger.
What is trying to say is that Africans and black Americans are as different as Eurofags and white Americans.
he has a point
But… niggers aren't human!
This man is absolutely mad.
Obama is my hero.
this man broke niggerness