The problem, in terms of game theory, isn't two players (neo-Nazis and ebul leftist librulls) trying to take each others' guns. Rather, the situation at hand is the government trying to take everyone else's guns. That decision has already been made and you have zero opportunity to reverse it. Remember, "it's not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes" - and nearly 100% of all vote-counters in the United States are either loyal to our cause or have had their loyalty blackmailed, brown-nosed, and bribed into allegiance.
While you're busy fighting dem ebul leftist librulls who, in truth, do want to take your guns, you forget that we have already voluntarily given up our right to the same long ago. We don't want superior rights (not in that regard, anyway), we truly do want equal rights - as in, no rights.
By securing the vote counters we have secured government. Sure, a few legitimate opposition candidates who have the people's best interests at heart do make it in, but their numbers are nowhere near enough to ever win a single vote in Congress - and nobody, nobody, wins the presidency who isn't approved by those in control of counting the votes. Or do you think that Diebold has a soft spot for Drumpf?
Revoking rights from Moonslims is merely the first step. They shouldn't be able to set up mosques, or own guns, or preach their religion freely, or practice it, or come to this country, or own property, or speak freely, or have opinions, or stay here even if they were born here, etc. - it's a very casual, easy progression. And once the people support setting that precedent - which they do, thanks to Drumpf's candidacy - they'll support it when it gets expanded in the opposite direction, towards Christ-stains, effectively banning Christianity, and then towards the entire population.
I know what you're thinking, user. "B-b-but, that can't happen! Revolts! Revolution! Overthrow da gubmint! We da people would b angry!" No you wouldn't. Tens of millions of people in this country voted in favor of banning gay marriage. They won in nearly every single state where this was put to a vote; only two or three legalized it in the entire country. Legislators favored it, governors favored it, and a yuge majority of voters favored it.
Then five enlightened lybyryls on the Supreme Court said no, and overturned every single one of those referendums, repealed sections of state constitutions, and voided the people's expressed will.
Where were the mass protests, riots, revolts, and overthrows? Did even a single politician lose his or hyr life, or even office, because of it? Nope. Did a single one of those Supreme Court justices get removed? Nope. Did even one member of Congress even try to get them removed? Of course not.
Your guns are going away forever, stormderp, and there's nothing you can or will do to stop it. You'll adjust, like you always have, to increasing infringements upon your "rights". That is the order of things.