I hope everyone here knows that Ethipians are the most based black people with a lot of culture from the Ethiopian...

I hope everyone here knows that Ethipians are the most based black people with a lot of culture from the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church

Other urls found in this thread:


They have a unique style of iconography and one of the oldest gospels in the world

Therefore we should be encouraging blacks to actually turn to the culture they have as a solution to the problem of their existence

We should be encouraging blacks to turn to a one-way boat ride for Africa.

Black people are violent because they have lost the connection with their culture and are also poor. We should encourage them to return to their culture which makes them more peaceful and gentle.

This will help by making them have a reason to go back and also by providing a cultural structure they can be fitted into

Except that they are from NE Africa and are separated by the Sahara and the Equatorial jungle from the Bantu admixtures that make up most of America's blacks. Its like advocating that the Japanese are white and Russia would be improved by adobting Shinto buddhism.


I love all blacks, in their native lands.

Ethiopians are honorary… humans.

They even have some impressive women.

Hopefully this thread will prove that Africans can be a cultured and gentle people if they live in the right conditions under their own ways. They are a very ancient and noble people and the Garima monks are an example of peace-loving Africans who could benefit and improve even white culture.

A lot of American blacks aren't aware of where their ancestors are from or aware of anything in general so it wouldn't be too hard to sneak the idea past them.

I'm going to admit that out of all nigger "civilizations" ethiopia was the most advanced and that you are the only blacks in africa that should be allowed to live under subjection of the whites ofc

But we never try to make any propaganda to sell the idea of going back to them. We don't even encourage them to turn to traditions other than African-American traditions like stealing and rioting.

Imagine if instead of rioting African Americans all went to the Abba Pantelewon feast day instead.

Ethiopians also once had a wonderful monarchy but their country was subverted by communists like many African countries which has contributed to the poor state of Africa today.


Reminder that Ethiopians have a significant amount of Caucasoid admixture.

That would be nice but impossible because the feral and savage african "american" is completely dependent of muh gibs therefore blacks will NEVER leave america unless forced.

Sure OP, Ethiopians are great. That's why their country is utter shit and they've accomplished nothing of relevance.

Your thread belongs on cuckchan. Take it there.

So judging from this information:


What we have here is basically a mixed black-white class that could rule Africa

this, I'm 90% sure OP is a shilling nigger or /leftypoz/ operative.

Even mixed blacks can't be expected to approach the levels of white culture and their country was hit hard by communism like Russia.

True, but if you agree that you can't have Western Civilisation without Europeans, it follows that you can't have a Coptic Amharic civilisation using junglebunnies instead of Ethiopians. It would work on the Somalis if we could break the intergenerational abuse and inbreeding, but dropping grid power to Minnesota for 2 months of winter would be quicker and cheaper.

They taught the Italians a thing or two.

Christcuck nigger thread.

Even the Out of Africa theory doesn't support 'we're all Africans' propaganda

If there were a such thing as based Africans it would be ugandans

Sage for shit thread

Redpill on somalis and ugandans?


Here we have an example of the beautiful simple architectural style of a rural african church

pc related - Still a better pope than Pope Francis

I haven't read anything about Ugandans being based so I don't know what this is based on.

Sounds like a competition to find the least stinking turd

If we want to deal with a problem we should know a bit about it. There are many varieties of blacks and not all of them are immediately pozzed

Nigs are clearly a problem in America and we need to find ways to approach it before the "day of the rope" rather than ceding all this ground to Jewish propaganda

We need to work on the African problem before the "day of the rope" as well rather than ceding all this ground to Jewish propaganda

Great, so far we have established that Ethiopians are honorary humans and that North Africa can be made great again if Islam is removed.


Anyone know anything about the history of sub-saharan africa?




Do you know any other examples?

Why do the Nigerian Igbo tribe have such high IQ?

Beyond Igbo & Ethiopians, are there any other not-subhuman blacks?

The Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia.

Why didn't the Ethiopians use to subdue the Eritrean rebellion?

Why doesn't Israel steal it back and use it's powers to create greater Israel?

Did any of the monks guarding it ever open it and have their faces melt?

Questions, so many questions.

According to the Igbo tribe they have a high IQ because they are "Jewish", being descended from one of the lost tribes


Into the oven it goes.

top kek

Not everywhere in Africa is bad just because it is not white. What about Egyptians?

pick one

Also there is already some established history of Afro-American Orthodoxy such as Fr Raphael and the Brotherhood of Moses the Black (patron saint of non-violence)



You're obviously unfamiliar with the high art of neo-coptic iconography which comes from the Coptic Egyptian tradition. Its the fault of Islam that Egypt is bad today. In the time of the Desert Fathers Egypt (especially Alexandria) was very advanced.

I don't see how all this makes Egypt less of a shithole

Well if Islam conquers your country it will be a shithole too. That doesn't your countries culture is worthless.

*doesn't mean

there's your problem


Was Jesus black?

Islam is about to conquer all of Europe so you might want to be careful about who you mock and for what reasons

So much nigger worship this morning.

Reminder you can tell who isn't from Holla Forums easily because they say 'black people' instead of 'niggers'.

How else do we differentiate between Bantu (niggers) and more based Africans such as Ethiopians (black people 40% caucasoid)

Get fucked OP, niggers are niggers. No such thing as a black person, they aren't human. They're niggers.

This is why the Jews will win. They spread their agenda through all different people while people like you refuse to fight them on every front.


No Jews win because they push their shit using everyone including chinks and niggers and white people can barely even convince their own people to care about their heritage let alone said chinks and niggers

(btw I've probably been on Holla Forums years longer than you and this is a serious problem with our movement)

btw this was jokey no lynchey plz goi-kun

yeah nah, I live in one of the European countries with functioning border control.

Sage this stupid fucking nigger bullshit

Nice job outing yourself, you fucking shitskin. Just leave, you're not welcome.

There are actually loads of hidden redpills in this thread

lol, I'm Russian-Anglo bro. Why so butthurt?

Yeah I'm sure a white person would separate himself from the white race by saying "white people can't 'x'"

You cant fool me Jamal, fuck off. You're subhuman and you know it.

Right because it makes sense to say "my people" on an anonymous image board. Seems like your the nigger here unless you just have a nigger iq

It's assumed the board is white, you fucking newfaggot. Subhumans don't belong here, this is a white nationalist board.

For the last time, go away.

haha, lol he thinks there is only one white race hahahaahhahahahahha


This is how you turn a wild animal into a peaceful loving neighbour in one easy step!

They look like Semites, the real Semites, but not 100%.
Maybe Semites were just the Old White Mediterranean Race + Ethiopians?
The Whitest ones on this mix became Semites and the Blackest ones Ethiopians?
It makes sense, the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of the Semites, is very close to Ethiopia.

Did you read this?



Even though Africans are dumb, they are mostly anti-degeneracy and have the potential to be our allies. (see Idi Amin)

Whats the redpilled version. All I see is muh human rights aboos

mongrelized after the arab conquests
The only group that could be said to be more pure, and closer to the old Egyptians would be the copts

webm related

Yeah copts have great culture and art. I love the work that Dr Isaac Fanous in created a revival in coptic art with his neo-coptic iconography

Thats what communism does to a country.

They actually have very interesting art

pic related

Ethiopians are more closely related to Europeans and Middle Easterners than Sub Saharans, even with their black skin color

Additionally they have strange lives of saints such as St Belai who was a cannibal before he converted

Bro, Mussolini destroyed Ethiopia the same way Lincoln destroyed the south.

So hypothetically if we got rid of Islam, the Middle East, North Africa and East Africa would be mid-tier racially and culturally.

Tham means we are still left with the Bantu problem. What to do with them?

Sterilization. Africa is rightful White land.

reminder that ethiopians have the lowest IQ in all of africa

That's a baseless statement. Elder Ethiopians that have lived under Mussolini remember him fondly today, he built a lot of infrastructure and monuments as well as severely improving their educational system.

This thread is full of shills for no apparent reason, whatever.

Ok, I'm back to not posting again

*tips fedora*

South Africa is white land but the rest isn't (by legitimate claim).

Probably because they lack food when they are children and do not develop properly. They seem to be genetically superior to Bantus. Even if they were inferior this would just prove that all Africans can be civilised.

Hush, this thread was only intended to be 50% bait. There has actually been some interesting stuff posted.

That's very smart post, user. Thank you.

Wrong. Niggers aren't humans and most of African lands aren't settled.

This is why I can't get involved with orthodoxy as soon as africans get involved with something it is trash

North Africa has a very big influence on white European culture through Blessed Augustine and Ethiopia has an interesting culture for its genetic level so as I said before this mostly leaves the Bantu areas.

Now we know that Bantus and Whites colonised South Africa at the same time but whites have a bigger claim due to their having built permament settlements.

I don't know much about West and Central Africa other.

Blessed Augustine was from North Africa and had a huge inflluence on the West so I guess you'd better not get involved with Western culture

Take a look at Uganda and their churches/pastors.

I'll get involved with what I like I don't care what the nigger did you cuck. MUH AFRICANS MADE WESTERN CULTURE. No they didnt, western culture was best when we didn't treat them as humans.

aka Arab men fucked negresses

Too bad, you said you wouldn't get involved with anything touched by Africans and Augustine was from North Africa. I guess your probably just a historically ignorant nigger

lol, when cucking benefits a nation

Uganda is proof of what niggers can do. Under Idi Amin, they piloted fighter jets and tanks. Of course, cultural Marxism and communism does the opposite.


Uganda is majority Bantu so perhaps there is a chance for this breed of niggers as well.

Has this thread refuted the Holla Forums narrative on black people?

Are marxism and islam to blame for the state of Africa?

How can we counter jewish narratives that manipulate africans into being our enemies?

Enter this thread and find out!

top kek

Augustine was a fucking BERBER you idiot
not a NIGGER.

Berbers are half-white, like northern Arabs. Same race as Mediterraneans.

Yeah, i know he was a Berber but he still lived in Africa. The guy I was arguing with should have been more specific.

We wuz jesus n shit



Holla Forums really sucks at trolling.

Niggers thrived well enough under colonialism. They certainly proved their capability to serve as the low caste of societies, if not rulers. But the most of any country's people won't be fit to rule.

The state of Africa now is definitely the result of international jewry forcing the end of colonialism.

Here's a question: where would independent India be if not cucked by marxists? I remind you, it was one of the few (or only?) British colonies they willingly deemed ready to take their own reigns.

The only based nigger is a dead nigger.

implying photoshop

zulus were the best niggers

Not in all of Africa's history have they done anything but be monkeys mimicking men, I'm not sure how you think their ineptitude in political fields and inability to learn from mistakes are somehow convincing arguments as to their potential.

Your pics are irrelevant, you're confusing bantus (niggers) with Ethiopians (40% Caucasoid)

That they had pre-colonial culture of some value is proof that they have some potential. Africa for Africans (including Boers), Asia for Asians, the rest of the world for White people

pic unrelated

Just like SJW warriors have so-called "allies", white nationalists also need to cultivate allies among the sub-races.

Potntial allies include:




Various Middle Eastern races

All of these people are negatively effected by the Jews and therefore they can all be useful in destroying Jewish power which relies on subversion of groups including non-whites.