8 days guys. It's going to be a trendsetter. If Britain leaves and does well on its own, other wealthy non pozzed UN countries will follow. The immigrants that they're imposing along with bailing out Greece and Spain once more, Europe is sick of it.
Wish the brit bongs the best of luck (pls no rigged votes not again)
Jacob Hall
Brexit is never going to happen. Even it people vote yes. They will repeat the vote, invent laws, bend contract or whatnot so that britbongs remain within the EU.
It's like you guys forgot what happened in Ireland, Poland or other countries with similar referendums.
David Ortiz
Best of luck to you obnoxious faggots.
Love, your younger brother that kicked your ass so hard; America
Chase Diaz
Oh (((you))).
William Reyes
It's all about showing all the normies in Europe how corrupt, fake and illegal the EU is and defeat all their propaganda about why the EU should exist. Fighting is already victory, as the kikes can't stand any more delays to their plans.
Austin Johnson
Oh (((you))).
Great. Look who's back; Could not write to alacrity daemonAlacrity HTTP post error
Jaxson Murphy
I can't wait to see how they will Jew their way out of this one.
Jack Foster
They will try. They will also try to rig the vote. It might not work for them this time.
Aaron Howard
It will but I don't think you laddym80s are giving the britbongistanicucks enough credit.
I could see a riot. I don't know if it will go big enough though.
Luke Morales
56 Tory MP's Tell Osbourne They Will Reject His Post Brecky Budget
Eat shit Cameron and Ozzy
William Diaz
What's that?
Lucas Harris
Oh, that's what I'm talking about. If people do vote for leaving and the politicians try pulling some shit like repeating the vote it could get fun.
Robert King
My bet is a second referendum, after they stalled the actual exit after the first successful one. They will be like "ok, you voted yes last time, but before we actually exit, let's do another one, after all the propaganda in the meantime, preferably during another happening, so people are distracted".
Worked every time, since the dawn of the EU. That's how 90% of all important decisions in the EU were made: repetition, distraction or not even reporting on it (e.g. TPP).
Lucas Lewis
Even if that is the case, it would put in motion a very anti-EU spirit in the UK since apparently even exiting isn't allowed.
We might see mainstream Whites rioting for the first time in ages.
Justin Martinez
i don't think so. There was never a pro EU spirit in ANY country to begin with, yet they put this shit over our heads.
I think we'll rather see calls for regional secession than nationalist riots. Spain, parts of Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Denmark and even fucking France has regions which would rather split away and stay small but disconnected from EU.
Camden Smith
I like this, we appreciate your support kiddo's
Josiah Miller
All the cuts they will make to punish voters for going against globalism if they vote leave
Jayden Gomez
And two years, hopefully
Lincoln Walker
time is running out
Gabriel Bailey
What are you britains doing to sway the 13%?
Henry Turner
The people will vote to leave but the (((vote count))) will say to stay. I hope you're jihad body ready, lads. It's gonna get rough.
Nathaniel Smith
Remind me, which countries have sacked the white house?
This wont be able to happen, this is one vote and one result. I can see them rigging this election with postal voting but thats their only option.
Isaiah Brooks
If people are undecided now then they are retarded. These are the women who say they dont know enough when they cant make up their minds.
Idk what would sway these people.
Isaiah Reyes
Michael Rivera
Justin Richardson
Ryan Morgan
Also other son of Britain, New Zealand. I know you poms can do it. Rule Britannia!
Ethan Wilson
Fuck off Putin shill you not gonna destabilize Europe again.The brits are smarter than that they dont belive Putin shill propaganda
Matthew Gonzalez
and nothing of value was lost
The other other son here, New Zealand.
This vote is more than just choosing to remain or leave the EU, its really a decision between the EU or the commonwealth.
Dylan Howard
Daniel Miller
Burger here with a question. Will this Brexit thing really solve most of your problems? You still have a lot of shitskins in your country and one of them is the fucking mayor of London. Unless the government goes full Trump and kicks them out, I don't see anything changing.
They're all jerking their little gherkins to my accent, I need some help.
It's a question of where to start.
Leo Butler
Keep going, Anglos. It's not over until it's over. Put up your yard signs and hoist your flags. Britain ought to be a sea of union jacks on the 23rd.
Blake Williams
Its the first and most important step. As it is we are like a state trying to sort itself out with the federal government saying how far we can go. This is a vote to remove the federal government.
Hunter Young
I can guarantee Remain will win by the smallest of margins. I won't even be surprised, just sit there chuckling knowing that the kikes have rigged it again.
Globalists will never, ever let nationalism win again. Many of these people have been working towards globalism their whole lives.
Brayden Nguyen
Former colony in Singapore here.
Time to uncuck yourselves, boys.
Austin Jenkins
It will drastically slow down the growth of new problems and create an opportunity to solve old ones, which is utterly impossible while being a member of the EU. It's not a silver bullet, but it's a vital first step in the right direction.
Cameron Cook
Then God bless you Brits and keep fighting on. America believes in you.
Dylan Russell
Do you have your own version of dutertes there?
Levi Jones
Iirc it's all counted by hand and open to the public. Every Holla Forumsite gent ought to conduct exit polls and monitor the vote riggingcounting process. Show up before the polls open and leave when the votes are counted. It's good idea anyway to show your colors at the polls if you're a respectable member of the community. If you're a reject you should put on your furry costume and wave the EU flag.
Anthony Morgan
Just look at the recent election in austria, where all other parties together won against the anti immigration candidate by 50.3% He won easily before they started counting the (((postal ballots)))
EU gives zero fucks about democracy, the only hope with brexit is that it wakes up more people to that fact.
Thomas Cruz
Which countries again served as outlets for chocolates and hosiery social distributions?
Nathan Peterson
This thread is full of defeatist shills. Funny how they always show up when talking about Brexit
Don't brits still suck the teet of the Queen still? She's already said she's for leaving the EU, so why aren't brits standing up, yelling "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN," and casting their ballot to leave?
Can the queen legally step in and tell them to fuck off? Goddamn, what a time to be alive if the queen takes power back from the cucked parliament.
Brody Sanders
Did she really though? I think people don't buy that or care.
Andrew White
Ausfag here.
Don't fuck this up Britbongs.
Angel Martinez
More than likely if they pull some legit shady shit people will just become demoralized and it will be forgotten about. I really don't know how we are meant to wake the sleeping normies.
Adrian Robinson
Good Luck, Britain.
Good Luck, Brexit!
Britain for Brits!
Luke Brooks
You homos have an open invitation to do it again prior to the investiture of Trump.
Adrian Barnes
Does anyone have good propaganda to quickly throw out while it's 8 days away? Maybe quickly make something that could sway a few? Second one is captioned by me using a freeware program inkscape. can do pretty good simple graphics if you know how to work it and better if you've got more time and know how.
Pol should step it's propaganda game up using freeware more often.
Brody Rogers
whoops, huge export, pardon me while I do a smaller one Polite sage