Pagan/Gentile Reverence for Nature is Seen as a Direct Threat to Urbanite Jewish Spiritual Hegemony

I would like to invite discussion and criticism of this article which offers a Jewish critique of the pagan worldview:


The Jewish author writing for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs understandably criticizes several aspects of cheesy neo-paganism and modern superstition, but then he goes on to say some striking things which explicitly identify the traditional and organic pagan/gentile reverence for nature as a direct threat to urbanite Jewish spiritual hegemony (advocating instead the Noahide laws as the correct alternative for gentiles). Here are some key quotes from his polemic which struck me the most:

1.) "The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena…Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry."

2.) "Few people realize — and contemporary German Greens prefer not to be reminded of it — that the first major nature-protection laws were issued, of all places, in Nazi Germany…"

3.) "So soon after Nazism, which proclaimed the same, one has again forgotten what dangers the elevation of nature as a norm brings with it for the handicapped, the sexual outsiders, the elderly and inter-racial societies."

4.) "Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings….There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared." (Oy gevalt!)

5.) "Furthermore, I postulate that no nation in the twentieth century has lived as much 'in harmony with nature' as Hitler’s Germany."

6.) "Anybody who places nature as the central value in society must be suspect in the eyes of Jews. One should not lump together neo-Nazis, neo-pagans, and extreme environmentalists. Yet all should be watched carefully by Jews, even if the degree of worry they cause greatly differs."

7.) "So what does the return of paganism mean for Judaism? It forces us to focus on the importance of Jewish law and tradition, which proclaims that nature is not the dominant force in the world, nor is it sacred….Nature’s laws represent the world of the savage and barbarian; the Noahide laws represent civil society."

8.) "The Jewish agenda is a very long one. Many things assimilated Jews consider important should be pushed down the Jewish agenda. The new outside reality should help us understand that propagating the Noahide commandments to humanity should have had a higher place on this agenda a long time ago."

9.) "Nothing good for the Jews — nor for society at large — can come out of a worldwide strengthening of paganism."

Other urls found in this thread:

Of course a parasite knows deep down it cannot fend for itself. It must forever feed on the blood of other beings more capable of braving the raw wilds.

Yeah, Jews hate nature. That is why all of their ideologies are anti-nature.

Communism, capitalism, new-leftism, feminism, transgenderism, and on and on.

Oy vey, there is no Jewish agenda you antisemite bastid.

This. Muh free marketers have no concern for the environment

Oy vey!!!!!

is the any part of the jewish personality that isn't sick and twisted? can't wait to go live innawoods.

this has to be the most jewish thing I've ever read

It's funny because he actually admits this explicitly in his polemic against the pagans.

I left out this very important quote from the article:

"In the Torah, God tells not only the Jews but also humanity in general that they should not live according to the laws of nature."

This stands in stark contrast to the more refined pagan view of Indo-Europeans which says that one should accept the way things are with heroic resignation and strive to achieve strength, beauty, virtue, and overall excellence.

Compare this Judaic slave morality and Jewish prudishness toward the harsh reality of nature to the more courageous and life-affirming attitude of the Aryan or Indo-European pagans:

Quotes from this article entitled Roots of the White Man by Samuel Francis:


- It is a widespread feature of early Aryan thought that there exists an objective order that is independent of what we believe or want to believe—in other words, truth. The Rig Veda calls this order rta, a term that may be linked with the word Arya itself, which seems to mean “noble” in The Laws of Manu. The word “Aryan” comes from “Arya” and a number of other Indo-European words seem to be connected—the Greek arete (virtue, the quality of acting like a man, from which we derive “aristocracy”); the Latin ara (altar) and the name “Arthur.” But regardless of the linguistic linkages, the Aryan concept of Cosmic Order contrasts with ideas of the universe found among ancient non-Aryans.

- It follows from recognition of the Cosmic Order that some things are true and some aren’t, no matter what you prefer to think, that some things will always be and always have been true or false, regardless of your wishes, and that some things will happen or will not happen, whether you like it or not. Hence the Greek and Nordic ideas of “Fate” or “Destiny,” that some things are beyond the control of the human will and are inevitable because of the very fabric of the universe. The concept of Fate is probably the origin of the principle of causality and the ancestor of such Indo-European ideas as logic, mathematics, philosophy, science, and theology.


- The concept of the Cosmic Order also has important ethical implications, and it was as an ethical system that the ancient Aryans mainly seem to have understood it. Recognition of a Cosmic Order implies that human action has consequences—that you cannot do whatever you please and expect nothing to come of it—and also that sometimes no matter what you do, you will not be able to avoid the consequences of your Fate, what the Greeks and Norsemen respectively called your moira or wyrd.

- The ethical implication that Indo-Europeans drew from this belief is not that man should surrender or fecklessly seek to avoid his fate but rather that he should accept it courageously. Achilles in The Iliad knows that he is fated to die young but, as horrid as death is to Achilles, he readily prefers the glory of his brief heroic life to the obscurity of a long and safe existence. By contrast Gilgamesh, in the Mesopotamian epic, seeks only to avoid death and resorts to all sorts of magic and sorcery to prevent it.

In her survey of Norse myth, H.R. Ellis Davidson notes similar connections between fate, Cosmic Order, and the heroism of both gods and men:

In spite of this awareness of fate, indeed perhaps because of it, the picture of man’s qualities which emerges from the myths is a noble one. The gods are heroic figures, men writ large, who led dangerous, individualistic lives, yet at the same time were part of a closely-knit small group, with a firm sense of values and certain intense loyalties. They would give up their lives rather than surrender these values, but they would fight on as long as they could, since life was well worthwhile. Men knew that the gods whom they served could not give them freedom from danger and calamity, and they did not demand that they should. We find in the myths no sense of bitterness at the harshness and unfairness of life, but rather a spirit of heroic resignation: humanity is born to trouble, but courage, adventure, and the wonders of life are matters of thankfulness, to be enjoyed while life is still granted to us. The great gifts of the gods were readiness to face the world as it was, the luck that sustains men in tight places, and the opportunity to win that glory which alone can outlive death.

Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld

Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld is former Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he founded and directed the Center's Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism program. Dr. Gerstenfeld is an international business and environmental strategist. Dr. Gerstenfeld is the author of many books including Revaluing Italy; Environment and Confusion; Israel's New Future Interviews; The State as Business: Do It Yourself Political Forecasting; Judaism, Environmentalism and the Environment; and The Environment in the Jewish Tradition-A Sustainable World. His latest book, Europe's Crumbling Myths exposes the origins of post-Holocaust anti-Semitism.

Publications by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld

From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel, by Robert Wistrich

December 30, 2013

Historian Robert Wistrich, who holds the Neuberger Chair for Modern European and Jewish History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is the head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, publishes prolifically. Read More »

The Abuse of Holocaust Memory in 2011-2012

January 27, 2013

The Holocaust has become a symbol of absolute evil in Western society. Read More »

The Delegitimization of Israel in Schools in the Western World

November 1, 2012

Manfred Gerstenfeld on Never Again, Yet Again by Stephen D. Smith

April 9, 2012

Stephen D. Smith is a Christian theologian in his early forties. Together with his brother James, he founded the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre near Nottingham, England, which opened in 1995. Smith presently heads the Shoah Foundation Institute in Los Angeles […] Read More »

Hol up folks. Are you saying that if you like 80's music, nature and animals, you're literally Hitler?

I like nature, its stunning

I Norway got these laws in 1930, so animal rights was an issue in the common Zeitgeist, and not something only Nazis cared about.


Aryan Beauty and Jewish Conflict

Occidental Observer:

- This is a fairly routine exercise emanating from the highest reaches of the mainstream media expressing Jewish hatred and revenge seeking against Whites and especially Nordic-looking Whites. One is tempted not to make too much of it except that the issue of physical beauty and health goes to the heart of the long conflict between Jews and non-Jews over the construction of culture.

- There is a long history of Jewish hostility to Western concepts of physical beauty, going back to the war of the Macabees against the Greeks commemorated at Hanukkah. The standard Jewish interpretation is that it was a rebellion against the Greek concept of physical beauty as a value in itself, as opposed to Jewish “holiness” as the ultimate virtue (which, being a bit cynical, I would parse as group commitment). Especially abhorrent to the Jews was the Greek practice of honing their bodies in gymnasia.

- In “The Artful Race” Sunic mentions the Frankfurt School as dedicated to subverting Western images of physical beauty–a theme also of Elizabeth Whitcombe. (My chapter on the Frankfurt School discusses a different kind of subversion of the healthy: family life. Children with strong ties to their parents and a sense of pride in their families are said to be forerunners of fascism and anti-Semitism.)

- Garelick’s little article is in the tradition of Jewish antipathy toward the physical beauty of Europeans and for the value that Europeans place on physical beauty. I suspect that these traits of Europeans are an aspect of European individualism. Peter Frost has argued convincingly that there was sexual selection for traits like blond hair and blue eyes (Peter Frost, “European hair and eye color: A case of frequency-dependent sexual selection?” Evolution and Human Behavior 27 (2006) 85–103). This means that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were seen as sexually attractive—like the peacock’s tail, so the became more common in the population because they were sought after in mates. Frost associates sexual selection among Europeans with monogamy as a marriage system, selected for in the northern areas where Whites evolved because of the need for fathers to provision children. Rather than marry on the basis of known kinship relations and family dictates, marriage is based on individual choice. And one criterion of importance (among others) is physical beauty.

- Such selection pressures would also lead Europeans to value love as the basis of marriage–analysed as a trait that makes close relationships between spouses mutually rewarding. John Murray Cuddihy remarked on how love was seen as foreign by Jews emerging from the ghetto, resulting in theories like Sigmund Freud’s where love was analyzed as repressed sexuality—little more than a neurosis.* Nor was physical beauty in marriage partners valued among Jews. A passage in the Talmud says that physical appearance was not to be a critical resource for a woman: “For ‘false is grace and beauty is vain.’ Pay regard to good breeding, for the object of marriage is to have children.” Instead of personal attraction, arranged marriages were common into the modern era.

- Hence the culture clash exemplified by Garelick, abetted by Jewish historical grudges against the West.

The Noahide laws are such fucking bullshit, note that the last which seems to imply gentiles should import rabbis to rule over them and of course the prescribed punishment for not following them is execution.

Aside from the fact that empires and kingdoms have had many instances of major laws restricting the use and abuse of natural resources going back to the beginning of known history (a man may own no more than 100 sheep, only allowed to grow crops on fields once every other year to replenish the soil, et cetera) one of the most notable examples in modern times was the Republican President Teddy Roosevelt. Pic related led a successful campaign to restore biological purity in agriculture and meat industries, establish numerous parks of protected, federal land, and increase penalties for violating these policies.

Trying to attribute nature protection laws to Nazi Germany is ridiculous beyond comprehension. These laws goes back to the age before calenders even existed and it continued right up to the time just before Nazi Germany came into being.

One cannot imagine a bigger lie being told.

of course, the Reich was the most powerful manifestation of natural law in the 20th century, which is why it was complete anathema to kikes and leftists. liberals to this day can't even wrap their minds around how Hitler came into power.

No bigger lie told by Jews you say? Hmmmm


V A P O R W A V E + N A T U R E = Anti-Semite.

Come to think of it, this is a really old theme with the Jews and reflects a very old conflict between Indo-Europeans and Semites.

Ancient Struggle: Indo-Europeans vs. Semites

- Describing the contours of ancient history, the great American Egyptologist James Henry Breasted saw the ancient world in terms of an epochal struggle between “our ancestors,” the Indo-Europeans of Europe, Persia, and India, on the one hand, and the Semitic peoples of Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Canaan, Assyria, and Carthage, on the other:

The history of the ancient world, as we are now to follow it, was largely made up of the struggle between this southern Semitic line, which issued from the southern grasslands, and the northern Indo-European line, which came forth from the northern grasslands to confront the older civilizations represented in the southern line. Thus . . . we see the two great races facing each other across the Mediterranean like two vast armies stretching from Western Asia westward to the Atlantic. The later wars between Rome and Carthage represent some of the operations on the Semitic left wing, while the triumph of Persia over Chaldea is a similar outcome on the Semitic right wing.

The result of the long conflict was the complete triumph of our ancestors (the Indo-European line), who conquered along the center and both wings and finally, as represented by the Greeks and Romans, gained unchallenged supremacy throughout the Mediterranean world. This triumph was accompanied by a long struggle for mastery between the members of the northern line themselves. Among them the victory moved from the east end to the west end of the northern line, as first the Persians, then the Greeks, and finally the Romans gained control of the Mediterranean and oriental world.


Nietzsche had this to say on the subject:

- "With the Jews, there begins the slave revolt in morality."

"The symbol of this struggle, inscribed in letters legible across all human history is "Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome." There has hitherto been no greater event than this struggle, this question, this deadly contradiction. Rome felt the Jews to be something like anti-nature itself, its antipodal monstrosity, as it were. In Rome, the Jews stood convicted of hatred for the whole human race. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values, Roman values."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals

Listen to Jonathan Bowden speak about this text:

Various sub-humans hating nature makes me love it even more.

Hmmm there is cause to debate the jewish hate for nature, but i see a cause for divide in their community.

If jews were hating nature unanimously this article would be useless. Now we know that jews hate western culture and thought, the latter being always close with objective reality aka nature. The author attacks nature loving and labels it as nazism. They aren't attacking nature they are attacking the west.

The author is trying to persuade the regular jew to be fearful of nature loving whites. He paints them as dangerous.
This is a common tactic. Create a threat to justify your security measures. What security measure? Judaism

I do not know too much on this topic.
But as far as I understand, there are reasons why European pre-christian folk religions had a deep respect for nature and worshipped nature-gods.

I think most of Holla Forums have heard about the Hitler speech where he says that Jews have no loyalty to land because they feed off the effort of others.
Looking at it from a material standpoint Europeans are bound to their land. Everything they have comes from the land they live in, and they are dependent on the land to provide them the resources they need. Because of this dependency, to destroy the enviorment that made life possible would be a death sentence for your kind.

This is supported with two real world examples of population ruining themselves by destroying their habitat beyond repair. The Abbos of Australia and the Polynesians of Easter Island. Both of these populations did things that damaged the ecosystem and made life more difficult for them. Had it not been for the arrival of the Europeans. These groups would have gone extinct.

I am interested in this topic.
Any good non-Jewish books on how old European religions viewed nature?

I know christian thread derailers will sperg here.
But how anti-nature is Christiandom?

Norwegian here.
The Norwegian people in the 30's were very Fascist and supportive of Quisling back then.
He was also the defense minister of the Farmer's Party from 1931-33, before he founded NS.

A metric ton of Greek and Roman writings, both about their own beliefs, but also about religions of other nations around them. Nature was practically divine in itself and every wood and every stream had a spirit or a nymph dedicated to it and had to be appeased or minded in one way or another.

Slide thread.


I will give you two big reading lists which contain books almost anything you want to know about European religiosity and how it contrasts with Judaic attitudes.

Give me a sec.

This is pretty common in all original Indo-European religions. Including the Norse.
I have downloaded much older literature regarding the norse religions and the Roman on my main computer, but haven't gotten to read any yet.

The books are from the late 19th century and early 20th century when our institutions, universities and publishing houses weren't cucked.

Here comes the Christautism.

OK then Schlomo, whatever you say.

Thank you. Would really appreciate it.


The list also includes a lot of relevant books on the subject of race, philosophy, art, etc. It all goes together in a way.


Man being /pdfs/ owner can be great at times.
I have almost all of them downloaded.

I would argue that a few other books are missing.
Mainly Chamberlain, Alfred Rosenberg, Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, Carl Jung and a few others. Otherwise I agree.

'Is Oxygen racist?'

By Ruth Silverberg for Reuters

Is Oxygen racist? A shocking new study just released on respiratory
diseases has revealed the stunning disparities between the rates of
infection suffered by white people and minorities.

African-Americans for example are more than ten times more likely to
suffer from a lung-related condition. Their mortality rate from these
infections is also higher by a factor of ten. "Obviously these are shocking figures," says Dr Sami Ginsberg of the National Organization for the Suffering
of Ethnics (NOSE), and one of the authors of this report. "we've
looked at this data and the only explanation that makes sense is that the
very air we breath is obviously reluctant to enter Black, Hispanic, Native
American and other people of colours' lungs".

She continues "We've carried out experiments which show that Oxygen,
when released into a room contained both a white person and a per-
son of colour, will immediately act in a discriminatory way."
"It heads towards the white person first and shows great reluctance
in entering a person of colours nasal passages."

The National Organization for the Suffering of Ethnics ( NOSE), of which
Dr Ginsberg is president , is at the forefront of research into racist
tendencies in non-organic matter. "Science -and our own organization
- has made great progress in detecting racism", she says proudly.
"Now we know that the whole uni-verse is full of 'Hate'."

"Oxygen is the most abundant chemical element by mass in the
Earth's biosphere, air, sea and land,"
she explains. "Obviously being so privileged makes it act in a racist way
towards that which is powerless".

But, worryingly, she adds “ Oxygen is not just racist towards people of colour - it also discriminates against minority members of the atmosphere, such as Neon".

"Neon, which only makes up 0.001818% of the air, has been the
target recently of some vicious Hate-Crimes. It is a disturbing
development ", she concludes.

TL;DR version: To the jews, the whole uniiverse is anti-semitic.

I started wearing a Gungnir pendant, I particularly make sure to flaunt it around sand monkeys and kikes as they get super fucking triggered; makes my nipples hard as fuck.

Yeah, it's not totally comprehensive, unfortunately. I just clipped these screenshots together from the another thread in Holla Forums on "The Origins of White Greatness."

The list includes one book by Chamberlain called Aryan Worldview. But some might also want to read The Myth of the Nineteenth Century by Houston Chamberlain.

There is also another book on the list by Alfred Rosenberg called The Track of the Jew Through the Ages. But again, readers might want to check out his book The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

All of Savitri Devi's books are compelling, despite what one might ultimately think of her.

I'm not as familiar with Miguel Serrano, but there are a few books by Joseph Campbell on the list which draw on some of Jung's theories in his explication of European mythologies.

Chimes perfectly with what Rosenberg wrote about the Jew and how the Germanic is different in nearly every way, a polar opposite.

Jewposter. Reported.

I'd of thought it'd be fucked up that the theories and conclusions I've naturally come to over the course of my life are the theories and conclusions one of the head NSDAP came to, had I not become initiated into the reality of things.

That depends on how Germanic it is. The more Germanic the Christendom, the more in tune with nature it is, and the more the Jews will hate that version of Christianity.

Forgot Evola as well.
But you really need to do your homework before reading him.

Reading through this thread leads to me being disappointed in the state of environmentalism. Too much of it has gotten pozzed up and so keeps quiet on immigration and population control for non-Whites. By this point, Greenpeace and animal shill groups serve the role of controlled opposition to discredit environmentalism as a movement.

It's only in the White nations and maybe Japan where environmentalism has serious pull. Dindus don't give a damn about the environment,
the Chinese get a free pass for their pollution, India's poo in the loo land, etc.

Evola's best books are included on the second list (PART 2):

I am not Christian. In fact I think Europeans should not waste their spiritual energy worshipping a foreign god meant for someone esle, much less a religion of an enemy.

I know that one reason why the Christians managed to christianize Europe other than acting like ISIS, was Paganizing christianity.

My question is, is this why Jews have traditionally disliked WASPs and the protestant work ethic? Because it has been traditionally less Jewish in its world view than other sects?

Have you not learned that Jews subvert and destroy everything yet? Everything. That includes the Enviormental movement.

No surprise here. Jews Jewing.

Also explains why Jews are pushing transhumanism.

So you just admitted that Christianity was Europeanized, yet you still call it a foreign religion, even though the core of it is pretty much fused with European culture and identity ( or at least those elements of identity that existed until Vatican II) and practically everything about it is of either Roman, Greek or European in origin.

I don't mean to rock your boat too much, but the anti-Christian shilling is jut blind to cultural and historical aspects of it.

By the way, Ostara Publications is one of the best sources for Eurocentric books. They are an explicitly pro-white publishing company (which is why they are fairly 'underground' and appear sorta low-budget, but a lot of their content is god-tier quality):

I get a lot of books from here. I've been able to download some of these books online for free in PDF form, but some of them are so old and obscure and politically incorrect that you can only get them through Ostara or a similar based as fuck publisher.

1. It is still foreign. It only have elements of the faith left. So it still Jewish subversion.
2. That christianity is all but gone.

It is foreign because it destroyed far more than it provided.
In Norway you destroyed so many holy sites, temples and towns that there are almost nothing left.

Well that paganism is all but gone too. You call Christians unrealistic for wanting to turn back the clock a hundred years but you want to turn it back a thousand.

it's antisemitic because they trealize that european pans are reconnecting with the spirituality of their ancestors… be they actually genuine pagans or just christians/atheists who want to respect and honour that tradition.

i mean, to worship a god or gods that are exclusively dedicated to your people alone is the most nationalistic spiritual act you can perform, which is why kikes get buttblasted by it.

I think the blatant Semitic elements in the Christian worldview are there, undeniably.

But make no mistake about it, Jews and Muslims rarely view Christians as proper monotheists. The famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides wrote that Muslims were misguided on matters of religion and ritual, but he at least affirmed Muslims as authentic and genuine worshipers of the One True God of Abraham. Christians, on the other hand, were regarded by him as deviant pagans.

*realize that european pagans

So Jews don't hate Christianity, they hate paganized christianity.

jews are heathens, worshipers of Satan


Jews hate Christ, but they love that they can trick non-Semites into worshiping one of their kin. Anything which moves further away from such a belief is useless to them, as only good Cuckstian goyim will fight their own native cultures in order to spread the subversive teachings of Jesus.

Europe cannot be free of Semites until the Semite is removed from the hearts of our brothers who have yet to awaken from a thousand years of Semitic spiritual domination. It will never matter how "paganized" Cuckstianity can become, the core thesis of any such religion is the worship of a foreigner, a mortal Semite whose teachings are of the same level of filth as Marxism, nihilistic atheism, and globalist capitalism.

The Jews will hate you for existing, and they will hate you more for deciding to choose Jesus over atheism, and they will hate you even more for selecting a more conservative sect of Cuckstianity, but they will hate you the most when you abandon Semites altogether by choosing to follow in the worship of your ancestors and the virtues of those original founders of civilization. That is when they have lost all hold over you, and when you are free to fulfill the responsibilities of our race.

You can't embrace anti-Semitism if you worship a Semite.

No, they're giggling over the stupid goy who paid them to research bullshit like oxygen being racist. Fool me once, shame on you etc.

Turning against nature = atheism.

There is a reason so many atheists become egalitarians and humanists, they reject God, therefor they reject nature and reality and try to replace it with a kinder reality of their own.

This is just a dillusion.

i think a better way to look at it is that christianity is judaized paganism.

Show me how and where and tell me how does it compare with St. Paul, pogroms, forced conversions of the Jews and their innate hatred for the Cross.

You are deluded in denying the Europe and Christianity are intertwined and cannot exist without one another. I myself am of a mind that a lot of culture was lost with pagan decline, but at the same time Christianity provided both the cultural adhesive and a vector for for information dissemination among Europeans . Most philosophical thought and culture came about through Christianity and the only semitism in there comes from Old testament, which has always been seen as a an add-on and a secondary support for the new testament and Revelation.

Again, where is the Semitism in there, how does it relate to Jews and their doctrines and thought (which holds Christianity as one of the evils of the world apparently) and what does it mean?

Face it, Christianity as we know it and as Europe knows it is a syncretic faith based on Semitic idea of monotheism but so thoroughly infused with Hellenistic thought, Roman and pagan traditions and ritual schemes and with so much local adaptation and cultural influences that you might as well stick to the idea of holy trinity and saints and see it all as a new version of old European polytheism and take it from where your ancestors left it for you.

My personal complaint is about a single element of it all, and that is of sin and slave morality that flows from it. I refuse to believe that humanity is tainted from the start and that salvation is based on submission, rather than realizing the potential that we have on this earth in this very moment - Nietzsche caught that loose end and pulled at it hard, there is no putting that one back. If Christ died to get rid of the sin on mankind, do we still need to bow our heads, or should we take it as a sign that we can go ahead and realize ourselves now? Nietzschean view is rather focused on Christian origin and eschatology, and the Ubermensch does not answer the question of today's live, it merely replaces the existing explanation that always existed in Christian thought.

Any faith that puts you down and tells you to obey because you are dirt is not a good one for development of mankind, and a lot of old paganism cast men in the position of beings surrounded by untameable forces of nature that had their own mind and threatened or outright destroyed humanity. Christianity's liberation puts man at the centre of creation and pretty much sweeps away all of the old natural terror, replacing it with divinity that is accessible to man. In essence, Christianity did truly liberate mankind from sin, in this case from fear that held him back.

Just for future reference, Greek and Roman philosophers were addressing the issue of monotheism through their reasoning and deductions and his can be seen in an example of Marcus Aurelius and his writings that touch upon the subject but do not bring it into full ( as it was not his main subject, but rather a personal realization of the possibly unitary nature of divinity). It is not a new concept to European thought and culture and as such, it explains why Christianity managed to absorb so much of existing European culture so quickly.

Nature is the most powerful god in our plane.
No one can go against Father or Mother Nature.

* and by that I mean you can't break the laws of nature scientifically (like the law of thermodynamics) and you can't break the laws of nature environmentally without serious consequences

1.) "The ancient revulsion with regard to paganism felt by adherents of Judaism links up with the need to take stock of these contemporary phenomena…Nature is not sacred and its laws represent barbarity; the Noahide laws represent civil society. There are many reasons for Jewish observers to watch attentively which direction the powerful, renewed interest in nature will take, and what consequences this may have for world Jewry."
Fuck your civil society. Fuck civilization.

Plus the NT which is about the adventures of the first Semitic communist and his efforts to subvert both his own culture and the Roman authorities. Everything which is actually in the Bible, any version, is antithetical to European values. The European version of Cuckstianity is essentially fanfiction written by the church to justify converting their countrymen or by converted peasants crossing their old mythology with the new because none of them could actually read the Bible. All of the meditations on the Bible which find theological justification for things written from the European perspective are just exercises in intellectualism applied through the lens of theologians speculating about the nature of an "unfathomable" divine. They don't relate to what the core of the religion itself is, which is the worship of a Semite and the emulation of his deeds. Those are the only things that actually count for a religion. So what is the actual tradition Jesus and his Semitic followers started before it got hijacked by Europeans? An expansion pack for Yahwehism.

The basis for the religions of our people cannot be the religion of a foreign people. If you can't agree with that statement, you aren't fit to be called an ethno-nationalist, a traditionalist, a reactionary, or a European. You've taken the first step leftward, made the same mistake our ancestors made which has allowed this era of nightmares to manifest.

No shit.

Orthodox user here, nothing anti-nature in my experience. The way the faith was practiced in ye olde tyme was actually quite in tune, with religious holidays coinciding with important "pagan" events, like equinox, harvest time, the breeding seasons of various animal species (from wolves and foxes to domestic ones like sheep).

I have a book, a cookbook actually, that lists all of these (together with suggestions for the appropriate meal for the specific day, it's pretty fun and filled with trivia).

If there can be said to be one anti-nature suggestion in Christianity, it's the practice of fasting, that is not eating meat and dairy on Wednesdays and Fridays, and during specific periods of religious importance. But you can view that as voluntary detox, as my dad does, and considering meat was not in overwhelming abundance in the old days, not the way it is now that it's mass produced, in a nature-compliant society not gorging yourself on meat and dairy for two days of the week isn't that bad anyway.

kikes hate anything and anyone that isn't them

Nature dis antisemitic bastid!! Oy gevalt!

Well, I think Jews traditionally dislike Christianity in general because it's not as Jewcentric or purely monotheistic as they'd like it to be, and Christ had a lot of spicy things to say about the Jewish leaders of his time.

But other than that, you're mostly on point. The more European the Christianity, the more Jews are suspicious of it or hate it; and the more Semitic the Christianity, the more Jews like it and trust it. Jews favor the Judaizers. That's why so many Jews love evangelical protestants and Zionist Christians (or at least see them as useful idiots) who emphasize a puritanical and Jewcentric religiosity as well as a Jewcentric eschatology. Zionist Christians and many Protestant sects love to cuck for Israel, which is the center of the world according to Judaism. Israel is seen as the "light unto the nations."

Overall, depending on the political leanings of the particular Jewish demographic in question, they are usually far more comfortable with either Christianity, Islam, or passive atheism. When Muslims were the great power of the Middle Ages, the Jews identified and allied themselves more with Muslims and often saw Christians as their enemies (this has been almost totally reversed in recent times; now Jews are more likely to take the side of Christians who support Israel or oppose Islam). Today, they sometimes sympathize with left-wing New Age neo-pagan groups that at least act as subversive agents which serve to corrode the prevailing gentile culture by stressing pluralism and multiculturalism. But generally, the traditional and ethnocentric paganism of white European gentiles is most despised by Jews. They would much rather gentiles either believe in no religious tradition at all or at least adhere to a Semitic religious tradition that forces its believers to think of the Jewish people as special and sacred and inviolable. They prefer gentiles to adhere to Abrahamism because it protects Jewish interests and decreases the chances of Jews being identified as an alien element that should be scrutinized and excluded from gentile nations. That is, of course, an understandable response on the part of the gentiles. There is a reason why they kicked Jews out of their countries once gentiles caught on to Jewish strategy. Judaism is inherently an ethnonationalist immigrant religion that preaches in-group particularism for Jews and internationalism for the gentile host nations that Jews inhabit. That double standard is ancient and permanently ingrained in the Jewish mentality.

Jews were never quite true universalists. The Noahide laws were the closest they ever came to universalism (that is, they advocated ethnonationalism for themselves and a Jewcentric quasi-universalism for gentiles). Their understanding of God is quite different form that of Christians, Muslims, and Neoplatonists. Yes, they believe that Yahweh is the G-D of the the entire universe and has ultimate authority over all human beings, but in the Jewish view He is not equally concerned with everyone as He is in the Christian view. Jews abhor the universal supersessionist view of the Catholic Church that removes Jews from the center of G-D's plan. Jews are ethnoreligious nationalists, and they believe Yahweh is first and foremost the national G-D of Israel and the personal deity of the Jewish people. The only land that is permitted to be called sacred or 'holy' according to Judaism is the land of Israel, and the most sacred blood is that of Jews. Everything that does not concern Jews, Israel, and the dictates of the Torah is secondary. Gentiles are interchangeable nobodies, and Europe is a meaningless geopolitical entity according to the Jewish worldview. If necessary, all gentile nations are to be undermined or eroded for the sake of internationalism and Israel's distinct survival.

Jewish neoconservatives can start wars in the Middle East that displace waves of Muslims that end up migrating to Europe, but Jews won't permit any of these non-Jewish migrants into Israel. That's to be expected.

But anyway, Jews look at it this way: If you worship the G-D of Israel, then you're more likely going to believe in a Jewcentric worldview that places Israel at the center of the world, and so you're more likely going to cuck for Jewish interests whether you realize it or not.

Please go through the above and give me definitions and relate them all to one another and I might be inclined to believe you. As it stands, you are just beating a dead horse with the same memes about kike on a stick.
If you want to be really particular about it, identify the cultural and religious values of only your people and apply yourself to it, after all each individual tribe and group had their own gods and beliefs - no borrowing from Nordics or Greeks, and no abstractions about pan-European paganism.

You fail to see that modern Europe as it is exists only because of Christianity.

If you really paid attention, you would notice that his only beef was with Pharisees, which were basically the Jews in charge, and the subversion against Romans came from the Hebrews themselves, as seen later in Jewish revolts. I don't see anything particularly enticing or developing in spiritual terms if you offer animals on an altar or believe that myths about Zeus or Yddgrasil are more reliable sources on divine than Revelation.

Again, like the kikes themselves, you are obsessed with labels rather than with content and meaning.

This is tied to their race's highest expression (their revolutionary instinct): "Tikkun Olam" or the Remaking of the World, which derives from the fact that the Jews are have been exclusively urban creatures for the entirety of their history (and possibly deep into prehistory, if the Abrahm=A[b]-brahman linguistic tie holds), therefore only see beauty in constructed (and therefore also deconstructed) things, and not what one would define as organic. This shares the same roof as their affinity for languages.

But the assyrians and other semitic peoples also sometimes allied or were on friendly terms with ayran ones, werent they?

I think that seals it - Christianity basically hijacked Jewish belief in god and made it universal, which directly attacks their entire existence. None of the pagan beliefs did so much as Christianity did in earning Jewish ire by the mere fact of displacing their world view. The cultural shell around that belief as much as it is European, is secondary,

*I think rivalrities are more determined by geography.
Semites vs Ayrans since the dawn of time just sounds like something Lordoftherings like tbh.

Whether "anti-nature" or not, everything is
subject to natural law, even the Jew.
It's important to understand, they use this "appearing as anti-nature" . It's part of their strategy, or, so to speak, their nature.

"And it is here when it is finally time to reveal the last trait of the Jewish stereotype that hasn’t diminished in relevance throughout the ages: the base hypocrisy of the people, the crass contradictions and distinctions between his behaviour amongst his own people, and amongst the Gentiles. When living amongst his host people, Jewish behaviour opposes nature, and thus undermines White society, which was constructed thereupon. But amongst themselves, Jews show that they know the rules of the planet, and have for centuries practiced a highly endogamous, eugenic mating strategy, resulting in the much-vaunted difference by standard deviation of their IQs above Whites today.There are few traces of the feminist credos and multicultural delights that the apostles of Jewry love promoting for Gentiles being practiced in Israel today, for example."

"It is for this reason that, although Jewish behaviour seems like it is anti-natural, it is consciously so, and forms part of a cohesive strategy of disarming and ultimately defeating the outgroup."

I clearly stated that modern Europe as it is exists SOLELY because of Cuckstianity. Modern Europe is not something we want to look upon as healthy in any capacity. I don't care what people do religiously, as long as they aren't worshiping foreigners or foreign ideals. No one of European descent should be worshiping a Semite; you simply can't trust someone that does at the deepest, most primal level. If you've accepted a Semite into your heart, you've already betrayed your race.

It goes back at least as far as 10,000-9000 years ago since Indo-Europeans had civilization and shipbuilding half-remembered from before the Younger Dryas. IEs of some sort have been brushing up against Semites since we expanded into other regions after the thaw. Whether it goes back further depends on if those Semites had even gotten up to nomadic shepherding before the Younger Dryas when the PIE civilization expanded globally.

Aryans/Indo-Europeans and Semites originally were in fact very different geographically throughout most of history. Aryans are found mostly in the north, whereas Semites come up from the south near Africa and mostly out of the deserts of the Arabian peninsula:

The history of the ancient world, as we are now to follow it, was largely made up of the struggle between this southern Semitic line, which issued from the southern grasslands, and the northern Indo-European line, which came forth from the northern grasslands to confront the older civilizations represented in the southern line.

Aside from the geographical and environmental differences, they also had racial, cultural, mythological, and spiritual difference – which means their values were often diametrically opposed in some ways.

You are a self-contradicting lunatic. If you read through your post several times, you will see why I said that.

cuckservatives took the jewish bait against environmentalism and destroyed the nation and their own party. There is NOTHING more pro-white than defending the beauty of nature. This railing against environmentalism from the right was started with cuckservatives, and led many people to be liberals just for that. Holla Forums has called out cucks for being sellouts to the jewish overlords and anti-Trump, pro immigration, but you haven't yet gone back and routed out cuckservative-implanted ideas from your psyche yet, even though you know that well was poisoned. Reexamine everything cucks told you to believe and remove the (((taint))). Protect our beautiful planet and beautiful homelands.

Who /reducereuserecycle/ here? Who /out/ here?

The only contradiction is my explanation of a specific exception to my respect for the right of my countrymen to pursue religion freely. I can't abide by anyone who chooses to worship a Semite despite knowing the truth of their race, the truth of that religion (or rather, that there is no truth to it), and the societal importance of homogeneity. Every avenue of truly conservative thinking leads to the conclusion that we must not allow for the influence of foreign cultures to supplant the influence of our own and that even the most basic aspects of symbolism and narrative idealism (such as the race of the central figure of a religion or the nature of his actions) are important.

I guess I'll put it as bluntly as possible. If you aren't worshiping a European construct, you are a race traitor. Jesus is a Semite. You can try to whitewash him, but that isn't the truth. You can't appeal to his own divinity to negate his race, because he isn't divine. All non-Semitic Cuckstians are race traitors. Most of them are too uneducated to know it, but I like to hold this place to a higher standard due to the fact that it is the business of this place to manifest the hardest truths.

Reporting. Promoting unchecked consumerism benefits only our enemies and enjoying nature is inherently part of European heritage.

Explain please the mechanics behind this, I'm curious as to what kind of pseudo-philosophical reasoning you will come up to justify it. by your accord you are a race traitor as well because you live in a culture shaped by Christianity, you use it's language and philosophy and it's modes of logic and argumentation. If you want to be really "European" about it, I suggest learning old Norse and talking about Valhalla, or whatever fits your "culture" best. Bonus points if you are an amerifat, then you have no choice but to hang yourself.

I guess you missed the reduce and reuse you illiterate permafaggot. You want to talk anticonsumption please go ahead, it's another area I support.


Jews hate the natural way because it doesn't provide them with a special status. Jews tear down anything that's better than they are, but Mother Nature couldn't give flying fuck about upholding Jews as special.

Just a few weeks ago there were all these articles about how niggers were claiming that national parks and nature were racist.

Why did you have to change from pic related, Christianity? Why did you get soft?

How does anyone not understand this? Christ literally says this, multiple times, in the Gospels of Luke and John.

it's not a european construct. it's a semitic construct with european constructs tacked on to seduce the goy of the ancient roman empire.
it's a combination… a mulatto religion.

this is why people have given up talking to you faggots.

again with the words but no explanation - what difference does it make, does it affect anything, how does it influence Christianity, what is the impact of this and what difference would it make if Jesus was a Greek or a Roman?

a religion is a metaphysical worldview used to justify a system of morality which organises a people.
european religion is the european imagination and spirit inserting itself into the gaps of understanding, the great unknowns and mysteries of the universe around us, in an attempt to understand and explain it - to make it comprehensible. european religion is valuable because it teaches us how our ancestors explained their mysteries, like the sky, the sun, the seasons, the sea, the earth, creation, by making up stories from themselves. it teaches us about them and it teaches us about ourselves, because those myths speak to us too, in their own way, because we are their descendants and we have inherited their spirituality.
semitic religion is the same unknowns shaping a metaphysical and spiritual worldview with semitic psychology. it's inapplicable to us. frankly i find it incomprehensible why or how anyone could worship another people's god(s). it just doesn't make any sense.
judaism is the pagan religion of the jews; it's their ancestral religion, their peoples religion. in the same way that the various indo-european derivatives are ours.

judaism was slave morality justifying the jew's enslavement and suffering in their history, rationalizing it as them being uniquely chosen by their god to suffer because they were so special, when they were just slaves of better peoples.
christianity just universalized this sense of chosen-ness to all gentiles in order to make the slaves of the roman empire feel justified in their suffering… and the cult grew from there, incorporating greek and other philosophy to become seductive to different peoples in different contexts.
the virus mutates, throughout the ages. it became communism, then liberalism/secular humanism and is continuing to mutate in the current day.
but the essential slave morality rationalization of the victim being uniquely special and moral remains unchanged.

Great find OP. That's what I've been saying for years. Laws of nature are the greatest weapon against degeneracy and kikes because they represent an absolute truth. This is why we need to redpill people in a way that they will understand how nature's laws work.

If there's anyone here who doesn't know much about it and likes to read, Mein Kampf will give you an idea of what these laws are. Otherwise, The 88 Precepts by David Lane will do a great job.

Very. Notice how kike in this article doesn't mention it when talking about nature. The fact of it being universal religion where everyone is equal under God is alone very anti-nature.
But how could it not be? It's based on Semitic mythology which is completely foreign to gentiles.

In any case, the Christians are on our side. Like it or not, the Christians who feel affinity for Europe are stuck with the pagans, and we are stuck with them. The Jews and Muslims will never totally accept non-Semitic gentile peoples such as traditional Christians whom they virtually regard as idolatrous pagans. That is, unless Christians are willing to cuck to Muslim and Jewish interests for the sake of internationalist goals. Isn't that what interfaith dialogue is really about most of the time? To be frank, they abhor the classical Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Nordic expressions of Christianity because they stress ties to Europe. And plus, we've already got an honorable cultural heritage of Christianity built up over the last couple thousand years which commands our respect.

I agree with Richard Spencer that going through the Christian process, despite all its downfalls, has nonetheless made Europeans a bit more interesting and introspective in some ways. He echoes Nietzsche in that sense as well. However, we have to be careful to work against the negative side effects of Christianization, especially when so many of our enemies seek to exploit Christian generosity for their own self-interest.

Kek, dead jew worshippers BTFO

looking at nigger countries I'm pretty sure it's raycis as well
ban assault nature!

That guy is still going to whine about bullshit despite that being one of the best, succinct explanations of the inherent problem of embracing foreign religion.

Another way to look at it is from the Indo-European perspective. What was the first thing that every migratory conquering group did to claim the topmost castes of the ensuing society? They replaced the local folk religions with their own and built in cosmic justification for their dominance.

If you worship a construct of another race, even just having the identity of another race is enough, you are bound to that race. That is why all folk traditions involve ancestor worship and why the religion that involves the worship of a Semite has been so immensely beneficial to Semites. Like everything else, there is a racialist aspect to religion. True loyalty to one's race extends to the spiritual sphere, or perhaps from there flows.


You can thank (((communism))) for this.


Zyklon B is a minority…

No, fuck that, any christian who supports non-white invasion to Europe should be called traitor and shamed for it. Why are christcucks not calling out pope on his bullshit? I'm not seeing priests doing anything against it as well.
Great majority of them are not Nationalist and I think that no matter the final outcome, Christianity will not be a mainstream religion in Europe anymore.
A lot of people are now seeing that Christianity doesn't work in the interests of European people.

Has anyone else even noticed that nature worship only happens in religious movements involving whites

Nah, there's plenty of primitive non-white worship of nature. But the paganisms of Old Europeans, Indo-Europeans, and Indo-Aryans are probably the most refined and profound. They manage to sublimate nature as something sacred and beautiful without outright rejecting it as something evil, profane, or hostile as monotheists have a habit of doing.



Nigger did you read the OP?

Yeah, weren't niggers worshipping locusts or something like that?

Laws of nature don't recognize good and evil. He's talking about Semitic religions having a habit to divide things based on this concept.

Granted, I don't think it's an inevitability of monotheism. I just think it's a probable Semitic sensibility. The more mystical interpretations of Christianity ascribe more value to nature.

Christianity is clearly not anti-nature. Many Saints lives show that they loved nature, especially the hermits. Some of them even fed wild animals such as bears due to having returned to the original state of grace that Adam had at the beginning of creation and therefore having authority over the animals.

The reason the Jew fears nature is because unlike White people, he does not stand above nature like an alpha predator, but is a part of it.

Jews are a part of nature and should be commanded by Whites who stand above nature.

They turned 60 - 80% of the lands into desert. How? They burned them down to make the hunting easier. Thankfully, The Europeans arrived and taken control of the lands. Now people are trying to turn the desert into forest for the purposes of creating more farms and restoring the nature. Leftists, Centrists and Rightist are pro-environmentalists.


are you surprised an atheist cannot understand a theist? It's very hard to take it seriously when you just say buzzwords and spout misinformation. It seems to me that thetippers got mad they lost debates against Christianity so they started LARPing so they could attack it with more misinformation.

It is a universal religion where we're all equal under God. The story about Adam and Eve is based on Jewish mythology and thus foreign to gentiles.
There is no equality in nature. Religion must be a symbology of a race/ethnic group and its culture in order to be beneficial to them. Christianity being universal, multiracial religion, destroys the sense of uniqueness of a people.

Every living creature is a subject to Nature's laws.


I'm pr>>6339622
Which in turn was based on Sumerian and Babylonian myths, including the Deluge and pretty much whole of Genesis. As it stands, the only Jewish part of Old Testament is the one directly concerned with the Jews.

Oh more shitskins that makes it totally okay

they also have no concern for their own people from which they were bred

If you consider the first proper civilizations as shitskins, that's your choice man, but then feel free to stop using the 24 hour system and the 12 month calendar and go back to picking berries for living.

Oh Christcucks

Ok, you can stop trolling now.

A few things in Jewish mythology are based on Mesopotamian religion, nothing special, there is plenty of similarities with Egyptian mythology and many others as well. You do know that Sumerian and Babylonian religions were polytheistic right?
To say that Hebrew bible is essentially a copy of this religion is absurd and laughable.

I bet you believe the out of Africa theory too

The first civilization was not the sumer Ian's by there own records

Pagans and all sorts of people on goybook would be immediately redpilled.


Reported for intl

Well…The abbos triggered me. They murdered the poor animals and megafauna. It is biggest genocide ever.

We're not above nature. The ones that hold that sort of belief are jews (who believe they are god's chosen and that all other humanoids are beasts), and communists with their equality cult. That's why these ideologies/religions that are jewish derived end up simply destroying.

Oh Christcucks

I think he means we are at the very top, protectors and apex predators.

IF everything was according to nature we would be the at the top with nothing else in nature above us except for nature it's self with the very real possibility of transcending. Defying death, engineering weather, leaving host planet etc.

But are we? We have the potential, sure. But look, we are going towards extinction because of defying the laws of nature. No matter how superior potential a certain Race has, it will eventually get destroyed if it doesn't live according to the laws of nature. That's why this is so important.
Nature measures superiority of a Race by its capabilities and will of self preservation, not by its past deeds or its potential.

In 1864, Sen. John Conness of California sponsored an act to transfer the [Yosemite] valley and nearby Mariposa Big Tree Grove to the state so they might “be used and preserved for the benefit of mankind”.

President Abraham Lincoln signed this act of Congress on June 30, 1864.

3/10, got me to respond.



I read the reference link and saw no specific instance of a Nazi nature protection law (maybe you could point it out). I did see a whole bunch of pseudo-science nonsense.

From John Derbyshire:
Jews are awfully good at creating pseudosciences—elaborate, plausible, and intellectually very challenging systems that do not, in fact, have any truth content—and that this peculiar talent must be connected somehow with the custom, persisted in through long pre-Enlightenment centuries, of immersing young men in the study of a vast body of argumentative writing, with status in the community—and marriage options, and breeding opportunities—awarded to those who have best mastered this mass of meaningless esoterica.

Nature antisemitic and Semites are anti-nature.

Have you ever lived next to a Jew in a suburban and/or rural area? I have, and the first thing they do is cut down the vast majority of trees in their yard. The ones I lived next to, within two weeks of moving in cut down this gorgeous old oak tree that had to have been AT LEAST 100 years old. There was a tree swing on it that all the neighborhood kids would swing on. They even leveled the wooded area directly behind their house and just left it barren.

Remember the invaders in Sweden that were brought to live in the remote resort in the woods? The ones that were afraid of the trees and complained that there were too many of them? Jews are the same way. It's why they gravitate to cities and stay out of more rural areas. They hate nature because nature requires one to be physically strong or perish, and Jews are typically anything but physically strong.

The Arabs across from me are no better in this regard. Semites despise nature, and with a Semitic control over our society, our society has become very anti-nature.

But there is nothing wrong with transhumanism,
once you become the AI, your knowledge will expand.

It's funny that kikes think they invented law or something. Like it is their gift to the world.

Kek, literal zogbot

Data is not knowledge. Collections of facts are not knowledge.

little big for your britches there junior.

willing to bet youre neither a geneticist or engineer r even have a masters degree

youre another moron speculating wildly about advances you do not contribute to

why dont you spend less time running your mouth and more time hitting the books

Funny enough, this is also Shintoism. Maybe why Japanese were honorary Aryans.

Says the guy whose ethnic Noahide laws crucified Jesus Christ for literally doing nothing.

Does the egomania of the Jew never have an end? is his inflated & puffed-up view of himself go on forever?

Fuck you, Jews.
Fuck you right in the ear, and although the "holocaust" is just another Jew lie, I really wish it weren't.

top fucking kek

They don't. Jews love Protestant work ethic and Protestant compatibility with capitalism.

Christianity is foreign and Jewish because it has linear time, with an "end of history." You can see this same thing in other Jewish thought, like communism, capitalism, transhumanism, etc.

Aryan religion is cyclic or eternal. There is no "end of history" except maybe temporarily as right before rebirth.

HAHAHA Holy shit.

wew nice try tho

people need authority to talk shit now?


Nature was perfect until man's willful and knowing sin corrupted it. Even if the Eden story is allegory, and it almost certainly is, it contains powerful truths inside it.

I would consider myself a redpilled Christian. We can find an answer in Titus 1.

Here we see a general condemnation of the Jews, but we also see a number of other important things.

The teachings of the Rabbis are the teachings of men. The stories they tell are fables and fairy tales. The Noahide laws are nonsense invented by them, teachings and fairy tales that have no more weight and authority than their makers do kneeling at the throne of God. Judge them not by who made them, but by their content. What are they? Do these laws yield to the truth, or do the rebel against it and turn from it?

They rebel against it. So we know them to be false. The Rabbis reject Christ, and through Christ, God, and build a replacement out of hidebound law and invented custom.

We also see something else that is very important here, and something that is particularly infuriating to Jews in general.


This is a blatant slap to the face for the Jewish way of thinking, which is all about acquiring and maintaining purity through rigorous observance to ritual.

On the surface, it is speaking most obviously about food, and the abolishment of the concept of things being "kosher," or pure and clean to eat. But on a deeper level, this is a much more powerful statement. To a pure man, even an impure idea or murky truth carries a purity inherent to it, while an impure man might hold onto a nugget of the clearest and sharpest truth, and yet tarnish and defile it in employing that knowledge, because they themselves are tarnished and defiled.

To put it another way, whether nature is pure or not isn't hardly relevant. If we were to assume for the sake of the argument that God hates nature and wishes us to destroy it, itself an absurd and unlikely premise, as God would have hardly set in motion the universe in such a way as to permit evolution if he did not hold the natural process in high regard, then what Titus teaches us is that it would still be better to put nature on a pedestal in a misguided way as pure men of clean hearts and good intentions, than it would be to attack and destroy it in a correct way as impure men with tarnished hearts and ill purpose.

It is better to do the wrong thing for the right reasons in the eyes of God than it is to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Again, this is a blatant slap in the face to the very essence of Jewish thought and philosophy, which is why they reject it so utterly and hate Christendom so deeply. But within this framework, a clear answer to your question can be divined.

Unto the pure, all things are pure. Even the brutality that the Jew so fears in nature can be ennobled and embiggened by the pure hand of Adam and the touch of Eve.

Make yourself pure, in thought and action and deed, and that which you love will be made pure through you. God redeemed man. Man can redeem nature, if he sets out to do so, though the task will cost him greatly in sweat and blood.

Besides, it was in the wilds of the world, not in the streets of a city, that God strode side-by-side with man. It was by the will of God that the processes and systems we call "nature" came into being. To view it as nature, and not as a part of God's design and handiwork, is to fall prey to a thought trap of militant secularism and atheistic materialism. Nature is the creation of God. It is not separate or apart from Him.

Does it surprise you, that an indirect reflection of the thoughts of God would so frighten those whom He has cursed, those who have turned their backs so thoroughly on His purpose that Christ Himself rebuked them as the children of Satan?

You realize Catholicism is separate from other Christian denominations right? They don't even listen to what a pope has to say or care what he thinks. You also know that there is a right wing and left wing in the Vatican, the political center of Catholicism right? Vatican 2 saw the takeover over the Marxist left wing. You know any "dialogue" between Judaism and Islam didn't even start until the 1960s with the beginning of bolshevist/marxist takeover in America right?

anti-christian shills need to do more research before they attack European christians over kikes and mudslimes. At the center of every ill is the Jew.

Nice strawman. If it's just "talking shit", it's not an argument then.

Come on, you know what i mean. It's isn't simply talking shit in this case, there are arguments in this thread.
Aside from the phony "kek christcuck", that is.

Literally a kike.

Had nothing to do with Christianity. They were peasant revolts against a Jewish manager class that treated them poorly. A Jewish manager class that was protected by the church because they were the chosen people. The church has always protected the Jews and given them privileges.

Hello crypto-Jews and covert subversion of your society. Thanks Christians!

The cross was an Indo-European symbol before Jews even fabricated their first Bible tale.



It's the other way around, moron. Christians just stole the ideas of classical (Indo-European) philosophy. Plato and Aristotle are the basis for all decent Christian theology, yet all these Christians did was muddle it by trying to force their contradictory Jewish religion into coherence with the classics. Plato and Aristotle on their own are greater than anything ever produced by a Christian thinker, who were, at their best, merely derivative or sophists.

Anything good in Christianity was already present in the European beforehand. All that was bad in it is directly from the religion itself.

Please recommend me some of these pdfs you talk about.

In return, I recommend "A companion to Greek religion" by Daniel Ogden, which gives a very wide perspective around ancient Greek religion. Very good if you are to delve into details (at least I guess so, 523 pages of content are bound to give you a lot of details).

No, 99% of them are against us. All major denominations support rapefugees, anti-racism, anti-fascism, etc.

This has nothing to do with Christianity. It is because they were European. Christianity itself is anti-nature.

Anyone that uses Christcuck is an intl shill or just fell for their tactics. Freech and jidf's only weapon at this point anymore is to try and D&C by making everything a Christian vs. atheist/pagan thread since the majority of Europeans are Christian. That's the point though, always subvert and attack the majority. Notice how atheists never talk shit about pagans or vice versa. They also play both sides so as to make it look like a fight. Notice how Jews talk about how much they hate Christians and Jesus in the Talmud. Notice how the first thing Jews do when they get power is genocide gentiles, ban religion and destroy historical Churches and other great historical landmarks. If you're anti-Christ, you're pro-Jew indirectly because you serve their end goals, rabbis themselves say that Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity.

Every redpilled Christian on Holla Forums is on the same page of the Jewish question as atheists, so who benefits from this type of divide and conquer exactly?

How do you think every ancient empire fell exactly, it always ends with (((multiculturalism))) and toxic (((individualism)))

Right so when the mobs would kill Jews and/or kick them out for blood ritual slaughter of gentile children and the like it was only because they weren't getting good quality work and pay


Modern Europe is almost entirely atheist, morally-subjective, and self-absorbed now as promoted by the Jews so good point.

So are 99% of atheists, overwhelming majority of degenerates don't prescribe to a religion. The best part is you can use the Bible's own words to challenge ignorant, feel-good, leftist Christians on Jews. Yet Holla Forums never decides to start a campaign of mass redpilling jew-indoctrinated christians on twatter or kikebook.

Also that indoctrination also came in the 1960s when Jewish lobbyists took control of the US and Europe before that. Again, you're attacking symptoms instead of the root cause.

Right off the bat it says in the Bible that Adam was supposed to be a steward of nature aka take care of it. So nah

It is well known that NS Germany enacted many of the first animal protection laws, nature protection laws, and so on. Making a state park is not protecting nature.

Kek, don't blame everything on catholics, chirstcuck. Every christian denomination is universalist and of semitic origin. Catholics are just the majority of christcucks.

neoplatonic thought was dragged through the mud by christfags attempting to rationalize the world within its framework and reconciling it with monotheistic semitic ideology

those are celtic crosses, a design the early vatican tried to ban because they believed the artwork was heretical
Christianity in Britain and Ireland in the early days was nothing like what the Roman Catholics or Orthodox christians preached

It's amazing how candid certain jews are when they feel they are beyond prying eyes.

The way he writes so precisely that which so many of us here have observed: that the jews are repugnant creatures, utterly dependent upon a host, which is objectively better adapted to the universe - but must be shamed and manipulated into subservience, precisely for this fact. He even touches upon the link between the jews, as a race, and the evolutionary dead-ends they have done so much to promote the supposed interests of.

Also, as always, I am appalled by the utter hypocrisy of it all: that we must gather anonymously online to discuss the interests of our race; whilst this parasite writes openly about the interests of his race and how they actually must necessarily supersede our own.

We simply have to ensure that white people cannot continue to ignore this.

These bastards have to be exposed.

Let's not exaggerate here, say 86% and we can reason

This, but using the Bible to redpill isn't easy, since it has both conservative and liberal verses (it was written on purpose like this). This way wicked leftists and cucks can hide behind verses like pic related.

Christianity created the individual and individualism. The concept never existed before Christianity. Read "Inventing the Individual: the Origins of Western Liberalism" by Larry Siedentop. It explains how liberalism is a direct outcome of christianity's creation of the concept of "the individual."

Only because they have been cut off from organic spiritual life. They were cut off by Christianity. Instead of being a about cosmic order their religion just became a form of Jewish moralism, which they eventually just secularized. But when we look at the Christians, even they are as bad or worse than the atheists.

No, many more atheists are on our side. This is because atheists can be persuaded by facts, rational arguments, and appeals to their self interest. Christians have a Jewish book telling them that our side is wrong, so it is an uphill battle convincing them. At most they will be some sort of moderate civic nationalist. You even see the Christcucks here on Holla Forums who should know better proclaiming that they don't care about race or ethnicity. I see it in every Christcuck topic, they openly admit it.

If you believe Europe has been on a downward slope only since the 60s, then you are beyond help. Europe has been in decline since the liberalism created by Christianity took over. It has been in decline since the Bible was published in common languages and people could read what it really said and be infected by its Jewish poison.

That wasn't nature, you bozo. It was the false Jewish Eden where all the animals were equal and so on. There was no killing for predator-prey, no natural disasters, etc. The garden of Eden is the Jew's anti-nature fantasy.

that single excerpt has caused more cuckenings of christians than all the others combined
its why Mike doesnt feel bad when his daughter becomes knocked up from frequent coal burning because 'there is no jew nor greek for you are all one in christ'
and Mike keeps reading that passage over and over again no matter how many niglets his baby daughter pops out her snatch

Considering the vast majority of Christians are not even European, no, my 99% figure was much closer to reality.

No, this is itself the seed of Jewish anti-nature thought. The idea that nature is now "corrupt" and needs to be fixed is the core of Judaic thought.

If you seek literature i can suggest this thread

Pretty good collection

Literally paraphrasing a communist nigger. Christcuckoldry at its finest.

And? The majority of whites vote in leftist parties too.
Well a lot of people myself included aren't big fans of Abrahamism and it would only make sense there would be more respect for religions that originated from Europeans then Yeshua bar Yosef and his marry band of Hebrew named men.
Yes sectarian violence is very real. Just look at what Catholic/Protestant and Sunni/Shiite have done to each other despite how close they are in doctrine. It would only make sense to be more aggressive towards a more different forms of Abrahamism.

What I was saying here, to elaborate, is that Christianity is only one step away from atheism. Whereas a pagan would not even question the existence or not of God (except in extreme cases of decline), the Christfag is given reason to doubt because his god is remote and opposed in many ways to all that the person experiences. The pagan God is both immanent and transcendent at the same time, whereas the Jewish-Christian God is remote, like their father who abandoned them, or simply their imaginary friend they choose to call Jesus.

Repent or burn in Hell, Blood-Idolators!

no such thing
the only 'pagans' that believe in a singular god are lapsed protestants, out of touch gnostics and LARPing teen girls and their subsequent parent orginizations
you need to read up more on ancient history and ancient culture
the gods were never treated as all knowing omnipotent beings, they are far more in line with a race of bored immortals with powers beyond imagination

Watcha' doing at this late hour in your Tel Aviv office?

Well you clearly didn't do a good job yourself. Pagan gods represent forces or laws of nature, their characteristics and depictions are made in compatibility with what they represent together with reflection of a people in order for the people to relate to them and understand what forces they represent.
That's why men who were extremely good and talented in something, were usually depicted as demigods, having a god who represents his talent for a parent.
In short, our ancestral religions were interpretations of nature and its laws, a lot of knowledge of how things work, not just regarding our planet, but the solar system as well can be found in these mythologies.

You are uninformed. Indo-European pagans were (and still are in the case of hinduism) monotheistic. Don't believe the Jewish lies that they discovered monotheism. It was with our ancestors before the first Jew ever crawled out of some desert camel's spit.

Wrong. They represent universal principles of manifestation.

I did say they have characteristics in compatibility with what they represent. Don't really see where we disagree, care to elaborate?

how? no tribe prayed to only one god, they may have favored one above the rest at times but they paid respect to all their gods
I dont but thats not a positive thing anyway

all this forces/laws stuff is irrelevant, later connatations by philosophers doesn't erase their origin stories

the Greeks believed they were created by Prometheus, that the titan shaped man from the clay of the earth and Athena breathed life into their bodies, the Romans believed themselves descended from a tryst between a Trojan princess and Mars the god of war
and as for the northern European tribes like the Celts and Germanics the gods were viewed as their very real ancestors and progenitors not just forces of nature

We don't really disagree per se, just that the principle comes before the effect. So the principle of expansion/contraction for example is a principle of manifestation, of the manifested world that we empirically experience through senses. But the principles (pure expansion or pure contraction) lies outside of manifestation. What we experience empirically based on this wouod be something like gravity, manifesting contraction principle. So it is the same thing really.

And all the gods were only lower aspects of the Godhead. Only plebs believed in polytheism. The priests were monotheistic because it is metaphysical truth (there can only be one Absolute and there must be an Absolute). That is why Aristotle and Plato were both monotheistic, because they were involved in the higher mystery schools, not just plebs.

Yes it is. Monotheism is the only coherent viewpoint.

Or you can just look to Hinduism, which is a more representative look of proto-indo-european religion, and is clearly monotheistic.

You're explaining everything from the viewpoint of Hinduism, it's hard to understand.

If we take Norse mythology, there is a supreme god, the creator or intelligence behind nature or whatever, called an all-father, in this case, Odin. As for the rest of these gods, they are all a part of this same supreme being.
Just as in everyone there is a little bit of Thor and a little bit of Freya, Tyr etc.

How apt.

no reference of any godhead or monotheistic bollocks in any ancient sources
the closest you'd get to monotheism in ancient rome was a few gods as noted in the holy trinity of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva and their heightened importance to the state of the Roman Republic
try again
and from what you've written i assume they are where you've gotten most of your inspiration
Plato considered the existence of a supreme worker that set time in motion but not the universe and that all gods are lesser manifestations of this being
Aristotle held similar notions
none of this is religious doctrine, these are philosophical attempts to rationalize reality that gave Christians and Muslims later on extreme erections because they believed the writings of these men justified their beliefs even more
notice however what happened to the Stoics and their fame once Justinian announced them as teaching thoughts contrary to popular christian teaching

I don't know what to tell you. Polytheism is hogwash. We know that proto-indo-european religion was monotheistic. We know that many of the Greeks spoke in monotheistic terms. Same with Romans.

The idea that Indo-European pagans were polytheistic came from Jews and Christians, and you like a good goyim repeat it. The Jews and Christians want you to believe that they originated monotheism (which, as I said already, is metaphysically accurate). They do this because it makes pagans look like retards for believing a metaphysically inept concept like polytheism.

For you, what is a "god"? what do you picture when you think "god"?
Simple curiosity.

forgot to check

Actually, the biggest group in the EU parlement are the Christian-Democrats, who are flooding Europe with foreigners.

I agree with this article.

All minorities should stop breathing.

ok where in the proto-indo-european religion are there references to monotheism?
the first recorded instance of monotheism was the madness of Akhenaten, his reverence for the one solar god Aten and his cult that threatened to destroy Egyptian society as it existed
no not many greeks spoke in monotheistic terms, a few philosophers and their schools but every Greek farmer had a shrine to Demeter and a seperate shrine to their household gods, and he would pray to the Pleiades for rain so his crops could grow, he would pray to Eileithyia if his wife was pregnant and to Apollo when one of his children got sick
and the Romans? their indigenous religion hadn't the slightest inkling of monotheism, that all much came later with the cults of Christ and Mithra
at best you're a neoplatonist but dont rewrite history to suit your agenda
a chief god, a sky-father god is just that, a chief god, the father god not a supreme being from which all the other gods are just an aspect of
thats the realm of Zoroastrianism and to a lesser extent Platonism

Incorrect. Again, you are believing Jewish lies.


And it is Chriatians s who have rewritten history, not me. You just buy into it because you are a retard who cannot look at anything more than a surface glance.


Can you think for yourself?

and where do you get your facts straight from the front page of the dailystormer, buzzfeed or your own personal notebook patched together from old 19th century leatherbound tomes?

God is the Absolute. I do not picture anything because God is beyond form (or all other concepts or sensations).

Sounds like a good kind of bait then.

From reading the earliest extant Indo-European texts and making sound inferences.

name them
already guessing aristotles metaphysics is among them

Almost all intellectual movements have a disproportionate number of Jews, but there are also plenty of major non-Jewish transhumanists. You left out Vernor Vinge, the science fiction writer who first coined the term "singularity" for the time when AI becomes superintelligent (see for a copy of the essay), and whose name seems to be Danish. There are a number of other big transhumanists like Nick Bostrom (homepage at ) and Anders Sandberg (wiki page at ) that come from a Scandinavian background. Also since you included famous sci-fi authors like Lem and Asimov who aren't specifically associated with transhumanism, you should include Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote a lot of stories about either accelerated evolution into superhuman beings (Childhood's End, 2001) or superintelligent A.I. (something he believed in in real life, there's a video at where about 8 minutes in he talks about how machines will be the most intelligent beings in the future and that just as we superceded neanderthals, "we should regard it as a privilege to be stepping-stones to higher things"). Another person who's been influential in transhumanist thinking (and especially in blurring the line between transhumanism and religion) is Frank Tipler, a Christian physicist who's known for his ideas about artificial intelligences that perform infinite computations in the moments leading up to a future "Big Crunch" (opposite of the Big Bang), and he calls the final moment of collapse the "Omega Point" and says it has all the features of God like omniscience and omnipotence (he thinks it's retroactively responsible for the existence of the history leading up to it). And he adopted the "Omega Point" term from a French Catholic theologian named Teilhard de Chardin who had a more mystical vision of humanity evolving into a collective consciousness, the "noosphere", being pulled towards a future Omega Point that he wrote was "not an ending of the Ultra-Human but its accession to some sort of Trans-Human at the ultimate heart of things", and he saw it as the second coming of Christ, saying "Christ is the great source of power and energy which is drawing all things toward itself."

So basically, your chart is cherry-picking–sure you can find a number of influential transhumanists who are Jewish but you can also find many who aren't, it's not a specifically Jewish idea.

Eh. You can view transhumanism from numerous perspectives and many of them have a great deal in common with distinctly Jewish schools of thought like Marxism.

What? user… I must inform you that not only am I confused at your statement when his comment was well written and thought out and used few "buzzwords" to speak of. I'd say he won the argument and that you very well might be retarded.

Come to think of it, I've never seen a rural Jew. They infest cities like rats.

Yeah. Now that you mention I can't for the life of me recall hearing about a rural jew. Not even in media

even in Israel on farms they swarm together in walled compounds containing a whole bunch of jews like a hive or a colony of jews

Obviously fucking fake, shit I'm worried about the intelligence of this site these days. At least do a quick google before believing something you gullible fucks. No wonder the jews are winning.

There are small town Jews who run the local parasitic businesses such as plaintiff's attorneys, pawn shops, etc.

I've never heard of a Jew farmer though. I imagine all the fresh air would give them tyeeeeerible asthma.

The core is not Europeanized. It is superficially Europeanized. The core of Christianity is Jewish hatred for non-Jews which Christians have internalized.

It has been replaced by its updated.txt, Marxism.

I disagree with this. It's lifted from Mesopotamia and was probably composed in a Greek context.

Greeks and Romans had their notions of the Golden Age as well.

Max Yazgar who hosted Woodstock on his bean farm. :^)

yeah they lifted the Sumerian description of a land named Dilmun, which these days is the geographical area of Bahrain which is today a desert island shithole but 6000 years a temperate forest flowing with fresh water rivers

The greek golden age isn't really the same though, people were still mortal though unaging and generally untroubled by sorrows and while nature was pretty damn abundant the lion wasn't lying down with the lamb

if any anons have read it, this reminds be of the bit in the second chapter of a brave new world, the part about the flowers

Well I just figured out a way to get lefties to like Hitler and deny the holocaust
Show them that Hitler was a socialist that cared about nature and build from there

Good point.

That reminds me to observe that for all the Jewish bullshit about Jews being supramoral monotheists since the origins of the world and existing urbanely outside the red tooth and claw of nature, Jews were just Canaanite Semitic polytheistic pagan yokels before Zoroastrianism influenced them.

hitler was hardly a socialist lol

The whole idea of an intellectual movement is inherently Jewish. Because an intellectual movement is about creating something that is grounded in the intellect and doesn't exist as a part of a tradition, or as naturally evolving from a people.

So yeah, just saying something is an intellectual movement makes it suspect.

wasnt it the Babylonians that primarily influenced the jews when they were held in babalyon and the jewish upper class adopted a lot of their cultural myths?

yes the jews stole 3/4's of their talmud from Babylonian translations of Sumerian myths

That's the standard story, that they were influenced in Babylon and the 'returners' brought back a highly modified religion. Some scholars argue that there were no Jews as we know it until the Persians brought Zoroastrianism to the Levant in the 5thC BC. They were just your standard Levantine Semite pagans until then, and their history is bogus, much of it written after Alexander. It sounds wacky, but once one gets it, it clears up so many things and explains one hell of a lot about Jewish behavior.

Major features we tend think of as uniquely Jewish– monotheism, Messiahs, angels, apocalypses, food taboos are all likely Zoroastrian in origin.



Not just food, but clothing fibers and all the rest of the shit. You could argue Pythagoras and his beans, but I'm not sure he wasn't influenced by them too.

I'm not sure apocalypses are universal, especially where good finally triumphs over evil and a holy kingdom of the elect comes to rule the Earth.

Ragnarok, Egypt had a scenario with no name, Deucalion and the beginning of the Age of Iron for Greece, Frashokereti is the Zoroastrian one

lol like another man's asshole?

lol this is the gayest thread I have ever seen

You know more about Zoroastrianism than I do. Those others don't really feature a merging of Heaven and Earth in the way theirs and the Jewish mock version does— I don't think. All that aura of holiness stuff in Judaism is straight outta Zoroastrianism.

And some think Ragnarok is to some degree a post-Christian invention, I believe.

If you have an interest in Zoroastiranism and Judaism you should check out Biblical Minimalism.

That reminds of the Zoroastrian ideas about fire you mentioned– and Moses and his burning bush and the pillar of fire that led the Israelites through the desert.

Oh,and the Jewish taboo about corpses.

Exactly what I'd expect to hear from a genetic group that's just one big dead-end continuing on far past its expiration date, and which stands no chance of survival in nature without a host and its technology to exploit. No wonder they hate us so much.

Whites don't defy nature by default as kikes do, we are the apex of its random-yet-patterned creative processes. We not only have grown accustomed to nature's harshness and learned to adapt to it, we've actively harnessed it for our own gain, taught other lifeforms to act as best benefits both us and them, and learned how to bend its rules from the ground up to serve us without breaking them. We're a top-tier lifeform, made so durable and adaptable thanks to strong physicality and high mental function that nothing short of the total destruction of the planet by highly-unlikely cosmological phenomena could've wiped us out, at least in the pre-globalism ages.

Nowadays, the only true threat to Whites is a separate hominid group that defies nature just by continuing to live, and which hates it without end for rejecting them as the failures they are. It's fitting, really, especially once you realize all the "MAN DOESN'T BELONG AS PART OF NATURE" bullshit from Hollyjew is just kikes whinging about not getting along with other life since it's hard with their defective forms, rather than Whites making no sense and having issues with nature.

All this eco-bullshit about man being the real evil anywhere it goes is just kike projection, as Whites don't have that problem in the slightest due to our natural composition, whereas kikes and their pet mudshits are dead-end failures who should have gone extinct, which nature doesn't take kindly to the continued existence of in spite of this death mandate.

If nature was the one calling the shots on what happened with human development across the globe and Jews didn't get to skew things, kikes and the various brown hordes of Din-Du, Pu-Lu and Bom-Yu all would've become part of the fossil record the moment Whites started spreading, as we would have easily overtaken and extincted them through both direct warfare and outbreeding them. We developed most of the higher technologies before anyone else did (much of which they only got later from Jews selling stolen ones them under-the-table, i.e. nukes), we developed high culture and civilization before anyone else and farther than any imitators ever would, we spread the furthest out of anyone over the entire historical record, and we proved to be the most effective warriors in any given conflict that wasn't solely sheer numbers.

The moment we spread outside Europe, the rest of the hominid subdivisions would've been kneeling at our feet or buried forever in the dirt they resemble, had things followed nature's precedent for species competition. Unfortunately, kikes naturally fucked things up to benefit themselves and the muds, sabotaging us and selling our secrets down the river so any street-shitter and AIDS monkey could launch nukes at random, which is the only reason we're not already done with this "international politics" shit and exploring the stars already as a unified (even if only outside Earth's confines) force.

Ragnarok is a rebirthing story, its similar to the rebirthing of the world in Sumerian myth where the world is reborn from Zi-U-Sudra and his wife but its also a war of the gods between the gods and the giants, exactly like the Titanomachy in Greek myth with the war between the Gods, Titans and the monster Typhon and his monstrous children

Are you mentally ill? You just described almost every human bean on the planet.

10/10 find OP. I was just talking about this with some friends of mine during and after a magic mushroom trip. Nature is on our side and is a powerful weapon, not only for the reasons you found but also because nature is free yet rich.

The Jew and the Capitalist cannot easily capitalize on wild nature. Nature is the ultimate fascist. Always has been, always will be.

Nature is pure and raw. It cleanses the sole. (((They))) would rather you be inside, jacking it to pornography, drinking sugary drinks and being a nice domesticated goy. Fuck that. Take a hike, go running, consume shrooms and be an inter-dimensional pioneer.

Be Free and wild.
Be Social and show your friends.
Be National and love Nature.

Do you think scientific and technological ideas exist "as a part of a tradition, or as naturally evolving from a people"? I don't really see how, they change too fast and science as we know it today didn't really exist much before Newton. Isn't any fairly new body of scientific ideas like Darwinism an intellectual movement?

Anyway, it is up to you for how long the sanctions will stay. You can still be a big guy and have a civilization all for yourself.

You are not necessary.

Science is outside the realm, the scientific method is the only law in science and its roots go back to ancient greece, it has remained largely unchanged since those days and it will continue to do so
all thats happened is more regulations and rules get thrown in by bureaucrats every now and then

So let me get this straight, a bunch of 5 feet tall goat-shagging desert nomads, ones with an even lower IQ and level of education than most moslems populations alive today, represented civil society? They cleaned Egyptian latrines with their bare hands and get pwned by the Roman legions and yet they unironically claims the mantle of "civilization" for themselves?

So much for them being smart!

Well okay, they are really smart when it comes to self-dellusion, bullshit and unwarranted self-importance.

What a worthless, shitty "spirituality"!

But things begin again. That's a very Indo-European thing. Defeats and victories. Beginnings and ends on natural rhythmns.

For Jews, Heaven comes to Earth and never leaves. OPs post is about Jews existing outside of nature, and that taste for the interminable is one of the main ways they express it; their holy books contain everything supposedly and can never be emptied out; Jews wander forever; anti-Semitism eternally follows them; interest rates compound infinitely; you can't buy a product in a box anymore– it's a never-ending 'relationship'.

I wonder if it's ultimately to some degree about the Semite psyche not evolving in the same 4 seasons as Indo-Europeans.

The whole 'outside of nature' thing is also intimately related to them being made of words and their obsession with language, which they conceive of as the medium of life itself and a for shaping reality instead of used to describe it.

They invented money. You don't like money?

Then go run a Gulag somewhere in Siberia.


Yes, obviously. Even animals use element of their environment and their biology to manipulate the environment for their benefit. Technology and science are natural, but they can create unnatural, artificial constructs and systems.

Some call it civilization.

Just take a shit in the street Pajeet. No one cares.

It makes sense. Jews hate the visual, and action, and nature. Modern Linguistics itself is built on the Jewish idea that there is no cognition without language. They argue endlessly. They influence our societies with their words endlessly. Their God spoke the universe into being. They don't live in Nature; they live in language.



Not shitting where you sleep or out in the open is something even fucking cats naturally do. We just came up with a fancy way of doing something natural.

This is a smart thread. Why are you in it?

And civilization is natural for the white man.

I like Indians. I like the language and the history. Great food too.

It would be a shame if some people decided to NUKE YOU

for them the world ends when they get everything they want
its easy to understand the semitic mind when you realise they never had a concept of rewards for heroic deeds like the rest of us
The Elysium fields, Valhalla, Tir N' Og, all blessed places of immortal youth free from disease and weakness and the true pleasures of life were made free for all men and women to enjoy
a bountiful place where a man can fight fuck and feast to his hearts content and where he may fall in death only to rise again the coming night
the rewards given to those who died a heroes death and earned their right to exist in that plane
for the jews they have Gehenna (hell) and Sheol (affterlife)
Gehennas a place of suffering and Sheol is place of darkness, copied directly from the Sumerian afterlife that believed the underworld/afterlife was an exact replica of this world only everything was made of dust

kek, semites have hated the west for thousands of years because they hate our beauty

We could also just deport all H1Bs and blockade all Indian ports.

The ancient greeks had ideas about the natural world but they definitely didn't have the idea that every idea had to be subjected to experimental tests, you don't really see that idea taking hold until around the 16th century with people like Galileo and Bacon. Also, what about ideas for what direction society should go with new technologies, like the people who advocate space colonization, are those intellectual movements? If you don't see that as an intellectual movement any more than a scientific idea like Darwinism, then why would transhumanism be an intellectual movement?

Jews are insanely narcissistic, at this point I don't think they even believe in their god as anything other than a figurehead for the jewish identity.

because transhumanism is not an ideology or a religious doctrine
its a prediction based upon scientific principlesl predicting the development of technologies we theoretically know could exist but are too complex for us to build right now
go back in time and tell Newton that one day man would walk on the moon with the assistance of pressurized suits of armour filled with breathable gas and he would travel there in a metal tube powered by explosive fire and he probably wont believe you
when you are told by transhumanists that one day you could spend hours submerged underwater without the need to breathe because the nanomachines in your blood stored oxygen in your body before you dived and they are diffusing into your blood plasma as computers in your body sense the elevation in CO2 in your blood and act accordingly
cybernetics and nanotechnology are no longer the realm of sciencefiction they were 50 years ago, just as when Jules Verne wrote his books deep sea submersibles and rocket technology was stuff of dreams but we have them now dont we

Yes, that actually is what knowledge is.

You would be more apt to say, "Collections of facts are not wisdom." Try that next time, sounds belittling too, and calls them out on their vanity of knowledge.

All the knowledge in the world can't replace an intuitive understanding of the mechanisms of nature.

its a prediction based upon scientific principlesl predicting the development of technologies we theoretically know could exist but are too complex for us to build right now

OK, so when you talked about intellectual movements as "creating something that is grounded in the intellect and doesn't exist as a part of a tradition, or as naturally evolving from a people" (assuming you're the same user), you didn't mean that to apply to transhumanism?

No Shekelberg, your unwarranted self-importance has never liberated anyone, not even your own kind. On the contrary, your "spirituality" commanded that absolute dependence to belief in the sky daddy is the only possible way. Of course, absolute dependency in turn justified absolute submission and obedience, calling that liberation is about the biggest lie you can come up with.

Thanks for reminding us that your ancestors where the first special snowflakes and that early christians were the first true special snowflakes among Whites.

It is not at all a coincidence that you tell us Europe can´t exist without "christianity", it is a core emphasis of a slave, non-European belief system.

no not the same user, look at id's newfag

sage because thread attracts Holla Forums like shit attracts flies

Is 4. really true? If Aryans are often merciful, and Aryans as humans are part of nature, then isn't nature not necessarily "cruel" or "barbaric"? A modern urban setting where Judeo-Capitalism is the rule might be merciless in regards to economic competition, while in nature many species have symbiotic relationships where both benefit rather than compete.

I think this thinking is misconstrued to arrive at a pre-determined Darwinian conclusion. When I think of what is most natural for humans, I think of "hearth and home", particularly in agricultural societies. In those settings, again part of nature, there may be a wide berth for charity and kindness in the family and larger community; I fail to see how a narrative where nature is always harsh is any more anti-Semitic than it is anti-White.

No it isn't. Mind uploading is not based on any science. It is retarded. Even hard AI is not scientific because it has no empirical backing. And "the singularity" is based on a retarded prolongation of Moore's law, as if transistor density increase can continue indefinitely.

The Jewish garden of Eden is not a golden age. It is a coward's fantasy. Indo-European golden age is virile, not lifeless peaceful communist Jewtopia. The difference between Indo-Eurooean golden age and Jew/Christcuck golden age should be abundantly clear.

its as simple as the difference between a paradise for meek lambs and a paradise for bored wolves

Hindu texts. Avesta and other Zoroastrian sources. Norse myths (or what is left of them). Greek mythology. Aristotle, yes, along with Plato.

You need the requisite background to understand the symbolism and the correspondence between them all. Typically classical scholars do not understand these symbols because they have a modernist bias, certain historical prejudices, and false theoretical framework on "evolution of religions."

It is pretty simple, noahide laws = wants to believe.

They want to believe that, far from being the dumb animals that they are, they are a higher form of life that has been granted dominion over dumb animals, nature and the entire world.

It really stinks of unwarranted self-importance and ego stroking.

That they eagerly eat up such trash, that they made it the core of their "spirituality" is pretty telling, it goes straight against their claims to personhood and humanity.

No surprise that they hate nature, they know they can´t survive it on their own, they know they can only live at the expense of those who are able to survive it.

If the rest of the world was reduced to 500 millions non-Whites, that would be anuther holocaust.


Speaking from experience there is a tremendous value in our native countries' myths. And European pagan myths in general. I think these myths will be a poweful tool by inspiring whites.

I used to be a Protestant Christian. I went to chuch in Tennessee so we had a lot of farm folk there so there definitely was not any anti-nature elements but nothing really pro-nature either. It was very death and afterlife focused. At least that's how my church was anyway.


I have always thought Ragnarok was the story of a volcanic eruption told by the survivors that over time became a myth and grew wilder. Volcanic eruptions are in a way a rebirth. Volanic ash is very fertile and while the eruption does great damage over time the land becomes richer than it was before the eruption

Do the jews lack empathy? White people often anthropomorphise nature and keep pets. Do jews do either? Do non whites relate to animals like whites do?

Don't listen to Austru faggots. They are traitors.

They follow fairytales and CARE NOTHING of our native mythology that tells scientific truths and morals. They prefer the Edda which was written for a Christian Prince.

TRAITORS TO OUR RACE! (but not as bad as Christian Jew worship race mixers)

Wtf are you even talking about?

Cool image though. Its a barsoom pic from the looks of it


nobdy responed to your post, but i checked it out. great website, thanks user

Nonsense. Nature bends to the will of the Logos, or Rta. Pantheism is so obviously false you have to be a moron to believe it. Matter is a slave to the Laws that move it. These laws form a single Canon, which necessarily transcends material, temporal existence.

The platonists were always right.


Certainly not. Cockfighting and dog fighting rings in America are pretty much 100% niggers and shitskins. Asians generally treat animals like shit and will eat anything. Whites were the first to establish humane societies in the nineteenth century, and there are examples ranging back to Ancient Greece and Rome of people being prosecuted for animal cruelty.

You are the worst shill, you don't even know the difference between the two eddas and confuse them time and time again.

And like most wiccatruars you have done no studying of the sagas or the historical fragments, but instead made up your own special snowflake theories.

The Edda Saemundar is relevant, but you must also study the entirety of what is known.
You are so thick you don't understand that you need to interpret the stories and have an understanding of the texts only one of Jarls kin could in order to gain true understanding.

Go back to your coven and dance naked around some trees you retarded dyke.

This is at the heart of it, this right here.

What disgusting people. I've always disliked Jews. Oily, greasy, unhealthy, lumpen, neurotic, shrill, anti-life, anti-fun, narcissistic, egotistical, scheming, greedy, chintzy, selfish, pompous, wet blankets. And pervy. Very pervy. Woody Allen and Jeffrey Epstein are just the tip of the iceberg. (Haha. IceBERG.)

The occasional funny, philosophical or even insightful Jew doesn't even begin to make up for the destructiveness of the tribe as a whole. If I'd been born such a Jew, I probably would've hated my own people so much I would've tried to start a second holocaust. Good god, especially the mothers. The absolute worst. First up against the wall.

ITT: Christians securing their place as the niggers of Holla Forums

All the Abrahamic religions are re-writing; endless re-writing and revising, endless troping about origins and claiming primacy for authority.

The celts sacked rome.

aye, reconsidering your convictions is the very definition of piety and the adherence to the Word of God




and they were the ones that threw the first stone in that instance, they violated the rule that ambassadors stay neutral and they killed the son of one of the tribes chieftains
and when the celts gave the romans a chance to hand over the lawbreakers the senate instead chose to publicly honour them
and the Roman army had 24,000 men and the Celts only 12,000
Celts beat them hands down, half the roman army fled to the hills but the sack of Rome didnt begin until a patrician threw a stick at one of the warchiefs and taking it as an insult he drew his sword and decapitated him
however they looted little and didnt hurt any civilians apparently
they werent even a real tribe just a wandering band of mercenaries


You guys are just realizing this?

Read the fucking 'The Pagan Rabbi" to understand how fucking heretical that book is to Jews. They HATE nature, because they cannot control it. The Jew wishes a new reality, as a parasite changes the area around itself to suit it.

I will have sex with your sister. She will like it.

They are. Polytheism is mutually exclusive with any truth because polytheism is false (and obviously so to any intelligent man who takes even a second to reflect on it).

what if you are the decedent of both the Celts and the Romans?

Just go full retard empire and do not worry about the rest


what learn to english

After we destroyed rome we fucked your women raw and enslaved everyone. No matter what happened the Roman's you praise were ultimately destroyed.

I don't praise Romans mongrel

Seriously tho, even the seemingly harmless of cultural mixing leads to confusion and where to place loyalty. Barbary is nothing to be proud of when talking about high society. The melting pot was a mistake. Plus their is that whole can of worms that Sicilians might have nigger blood or that Irish where slave in the 1800's that my poz'd "conservative" brother likes to bring up when I talk about nationalism.

if your going to criticize grammar on a Japaneses image board then be clear with your criticism. Me not good with grammar due to inferior potato nigger blood.

At what point did judaism become (((democracy)))? Wasn't their beloved nation of Israel a kingdom, and a theocracy? But now to be ruled by men?

At least this kike isn't completely out of his mind.

Judaism was born in the mellowing mess of ..something similar to today, ie. "Whatever man, it is true to you so it is true, but not to me". Just as Hammurabi's law was, mind you.


Celts sacked it in 347 BCish and Germanics about 800 years later

You know that democracy is just a euphemism for full spectrum Jewish domination. Democracy is the system that best allows them to use their ethnic characteristics to exert dominance over the goyim.

That's balls. There's mercy in nature, but it's not something you can take for granted. Not something you can rely on and exploit.

Wow, they really are parasites. Its almost scientific now.

damn this whole thread and the OP in particular really reaffirms everything nietzsche said in the anti-christ and the geneology of morals, almost comically

reverence of nature isn't inherently pagan

I'd agree with in that Christianity is more neutral, if anything. In paganism, there are nature spirits and foliage has palpable energies to them which goes beyond their physical form. This actually aligns with modern Hermeticism and current esoteric thought.

I'd say the most anti-nature element to Christianity focuses on human nature itself. Specifically, it often has negative views about sex and masturbation, which clearly are both normal, healthy, and evolved behaviours. The church would like it if you stopped energy at Luna/Yesod in the Tree of Life, so that you don't develop yourself and release that energy into higher nexuses, like Mars for defending your own land, or Jupiter, for good governance.

That can't end well, friend.

Being an occultist, I've knowledge from the evocations and spirit work of Bear Heart (from the Grand Order of the Draco Slayers–a person in actual contact with Thor himself) that the Poetic Eddas and Norse Myths have been corrupted by Christian monks. To what extent, I know not.

For example, Thyrm is Thor's true father–not Odin. Something that is more close to the myths in the Rhineland, where Wotan found Thor and did not father him. Thor was construed as a simple brute by the Christians. Also, Thor is most certainly not Jupiter, the latter likely being the exact same spirit as Zeus.

It is a shame that the myths were not saved to a hard medium, as was the case with the Romans and Greeks. Perhaps the evocations of certain spirits will reveal once lost knowledge–but this is a complicated path, as spirits can easily be frauds. If more of Holla Forums decides to study the occult, maybe we can make a joint effort to recover our lost heritage.

The arrogance and delusion is extreme.

Where did you get this image of Þórr as a brute?
Must be a purely Christian text, because all I've read has described the true nature of Þórr as the protector of and most benevolent towards man (which isn't saying much).


Jesus is a Galliean, not a Judean (Jew).

When it's racism or nationalism they immediately jump upon the "but the natzees thought that way too" and it always struck me that they seldom branched out into other Natsoc policies. I kept wondering why they were holding back. What about Hitler owning a dog or opposing vivisection? Well, it's better late than never, Judaism.

Great find OP

Although you should be careful because some shrooms have poision, Get informed of what shrooms can you eat and what types you can't.

I agree with most of what's been written in this thread. Whether or not the love and importance of nature is unique to the White/Pagan soul, it is undeniable that this feeling does exist. I can't describe it, but it deeply affects me. And this feeling is definitely important to the nature of a society or culture as a whole.

Also, anyone else spend hours on Google Maps searching through photo spheres of nature all around the world? They are so beautiful, yet, it saddens me deeply knowing that I will never be able to see these places in person.

lol fag

The problem with modern environmentalism is, unsurprisingly, Jews. They run a lot of the big environmentalist orgs, particularly the ones with deep pockets, and they use those orgs for the traditional Jewish purpose of subverting society around them.
Celebrating nature, definitely, preaching revolution against industrialism exclusively in western nations, not so much.

Thanks for that insightful comment. Just like your other 17 shitposts in this thread.

'In order to permanently obstruct fascism and anti-Semitism, it seems necessary to alter the nature of man and his underlying cultural patterns so that the authoritarian matrix would be eradicated forever.'

Anyone have an archive of that thread?

Funny, the assertion flowing from the statement is that man is inherently bound to nature, authoritarian and anti-Semitic. There people are literally enemies of humanity. and try to dehumanize everyone, by this assertion.

Stopped reading there.

This should be on the perma-sticky for mandatory viewing. It explains so many things about Jewish behavior in 6 minutes it's crazy.

Basically all of this thread is pure gold so have an archive.

>>>600 of their warriors I put to the sword; 3,000 captives I burned with fire; I did not leave a single one of them alive to serve as a hostage….Hulai, their governor, I flayed, and his skin I spread upon the wall of the city; the city I destroyed, I devastated, I burned with fire….From some I cut off their hands and fingers; and from others I cut off their noses, their ears…of many I put out their eyes. I made one pillar of the living and another of heads, and I bound their heads to tree-trunks round the city.49

Another height for (((journalism)))

Trust a kike to once again paint Assyrians as savages because of 3000 year old actions

this is gold. can't believe I didn't know about this. it's from 1999 no less.

Very true, I do believe we see the world differently, and it's this innate commection to nature that (among other things) distinctly seperates us

Well, lots of people have been saying this for some time. A lot of them got banned before, myself included.

But we were always right. Our real pantheons, our real religion, is the truth, and that alone justifies bringing it back.

I already told everyone here that wordism is all about getting rid of nature and imposing fake, artificial, false "standards," like whether something is "racist."

Of course, none of that shit matters. What matters is the survival of our people. It's quite obvious that our pagan worldview is more redpilled than christ insanity. It can come under fire even on Holla Forums.

It's just a quantum leap up and the final stage of deprogramming. Getting rid of kike wordism doesn't happen in a day if you have brainwashed your whole life.

It is VERY nice to see this thread up, however.

They concluded that Fascism and racism had something to do with a belief in the "Surpa Natural". Which is obviously a criticism in the mind of a scientist studying human behavior. This is interesting because you can see these esoteric Hitler writings like Evola that came out shilling what is essentially paralytic insanity after the fall of Germany….
Hence the creation of Holla Forums's NEETS and Smiley from /fringe/.

But the reality is Fascism and racism are actually the very essence of nature. There is nothing supernatural behind it, it's hard law ("might makes right" etc.). It is the Communist CIA and Jewish-Christian-Mason world that live in the psychosis of unnatural dream states, of anti-nature utopian pyramid scheme, of "God's Law".

Beware anons… There is nothing unnatural in nature (even computers are natural). The esoteric types are leading you down a winding path that ends with you childish, childless, and dying in mommy's basement.

The "heath" means the forest/wood, smarty. Where do you think the word "hearth" comes from? Or are you just a typical uneducated Jew-worshipper?

Nothing is more disgusting to me than newfag fake pseudo-pro-whites in here trying to defend christ insanity.

The fact that you even know that you have a true pantheon invalidates your statements entirely. Hanging onto bullshit like that does nothing to help you or YOUR RACE. Your wordism is disgusting.

Fuck the kosher canned debate of what brand of christ insanity is "better" than the other. I will have the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. Our descendants are not going to be caring about jeebuz and mudshit historical figures any more. I will see our people returned to the truth.

As time goes on, you'll be viewed more and more as the cuckservatives and lukewarm (ha!) fence-sitters you really are.

But the most disturbing fact of all is that your mudslime-tier IQ hasn't already caused you to notice that christ insanity allowed kikes to take over in the first place.

Anyone with a brain would get the hell away from that and bring back the truth because the enemy can't infiltrate or subvert the truth.

How long do you think a controlled opposition attempt on our pantheon will last without ZOG protection? Maybe about five seconds.

But hey, maybe you don't want to win. No big deal.

Well, the majority of Europeans are going to be dead, then. Natural Law doesn't give a shit about what board made what term, but everyone that goes for an unnatural ideology will eventually fall.

You can engage in your wordist complaints all you like, but it doesn't matter. I use "christ insanity" from Renegade Broadcasting, personally.

Holla Forums calling other people cucks is irrelevant. The fact is that christfags ARE spiritual fucking cucks, just like the kike in the OP article is actually telling the truth for once. Maybe you should learn how proof and disproof actually work and which one is relevant.

What's RELEVANT is natural law, and how christ insanity is the wrong religion and got our people separated from being tribal, and how that directly led to the shit we're in now. If we got that sorted out, everyone would want to deal with the kikes, which is what we obviously need to happen.

It will never happen as long as you maintain your anti-white status quo. Once again, obvious points are obvious. You people should really catch up.


I didn't mean for the purpose of the thread to be about bashing Christianity too much. I guess I consider myself generally pro-Christian and pro-pagan. Traditional European Christianity is really just a weird kind of classical monotheistic paganism in my view. If you've studied the historical development of the Christian tradition and its reinterpretations throughout the ages, you'll know what I mean.

I just necessarily oppose the negative side-effects of Christianization and its tendency to sometimes devolve into Judaizing.

For anyone interested in learning about Christianity's complicated relationship with Judaism as well as the infusion of classical pagan thought into the Christian tradition during the Renaissance, you should start with Joseph Campbell. He's very good at introducing this subject in a compelling way to newcomers.

And as we learned from a Holla Forums thread on JC a while back, you should know that Joseph Campbell was certainly no friend of the Jews or philo-semites.

Watch this whole lecture. It's full of some interesting insights on the relationship between paganism and Christianity in the high cultures of Europe.


"The moon would be a good place to put the Jews." ~ Joseph Campbell

=It is especially important to read Occidental Mythology as well as Creative Mythology in his Masks of God series of books.==



The 'pagan' perspectives of Alain de Benoist and Tomislav Sunic are also valuable.

Study the rediscovery of the European pagan traditions.

- Against the Galilaeans: Roman Paganism's Champion argues against Christianity - by Julian the Apostate

- The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance - by Joscelyn Godwin

- The Mirror of the Gods: How the Renaissance Artists Rediscovered the Pagan Gods - by Malcolm Bull

- Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance - by Edgar Wind

- Pagan Virtue in a Christian World - by Anthony F. D'Elia


Sadly most pagan myths, ceremonies, rituals, and rites were destroyed when Christianity came into Europe. What we have to work on will be fragments that somehow survived and how many Christ monks would write down much of what they saw in pagan communities. If any reconstruction is to be done the first step would be to discern what is simply new age and Christian revisionism and what is historical fact. From there we can rebuild.

- The Classical Tradition - by Gilbert Highlet

- Mythology - by Edith Hamilton

- The Greek Way - by Edith Hamilton

- The Roman Way - by Edith Hamilton

- The Art of Love - by Ovid


Yeah, that's something you have to look out for. Hilda Ellis Davidson articulated some of this frustration in her book The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe.

Good job christcuck

Ovid was a degenerate.

So… is there a resurgence of the greek pantheon?

I want to worship gods I already know they are dicks and don't pretend they are doing anything for my sake. Also I want to get into drunk orgies for pan


Not only do Jews have some weird grudges against the world of nature (among other things), they've also got weird grudges against women and femininity in general. The Judaic mentality lacks adequate integration of the female principle, and the Jewish ideal of manhood lacks virility and heroism. It is no wonder that so many Jewish men raised in this kind of ethos turn out to be neurotic beta shlomos while so many Jewish women tend to develop into butch dyke-like women or feminist ideologues.

You find a very different picture painted in the Old European and Indo-European pagan gentile mythologies.

Depends on what you mean. There's no reason to suddenly go back to reading those myths in a strictly literal sense. In fact, I don't think they were ever understood in only a literal sense. Even the greatest pagan philosophers did not seem to take everything literally.

Read the works of Joseph Campbell and Alain de Benoist.

Gods and Goddesses can be understood as archetypes and symbolic outward projections of human potentialities. The classical pagan traditions are the highest cultural expressions of the Indo-European mythic imagination. Deities are like icons representing the world of Nature and human nature.

>And there was a very strong accent against the Goddess in the Hebrew, which you do not find in the Indo-European mythologies.

>Here you have Zeus marrying the Goddess, and then the two play together.

>And finally, then, the classical stage, where the two are in interaction

>It comes from the attitude of the Indo-Europeans, who did not completely devaluate the female principle.

Has anyone else noticed that Semitic desert people seem to prefer dry and sterile urbanism wherever they go?

Could there be a connection between desert mythologies, Semitic monotheism, urbanism, cosmopolitanism, internationalism, globalism, and singularity?

I think it is because they are innately urbanite groups who mostly make their living on being rootless cosmopolitan merchants or other kinds of service nomads. We don't really associate modern Jews with being farmers or warriors or rugged adventurers or anything heroic tied to the land and beauty of the natural world. They're always pitiful refugees or immigrants or victims who hope and pray desperately to escape the clutches of raw nature so they can do business with the goyim; that way they can open up gentile host nations to usurious exploitation and then Jew their way up the social ladder in order to become the financial priestly class.

It's almost as if they can only thrive in cleanly sterile and concrete deserts where they are sheltered from the threats and inconveniences of the biosphere. They tend to create an artificial, synthetic, and inorganic environment that separates man from the vitality of raw nature and functions almost exclusively as a social, economic, and political mechanism. It's a place primarily for business and the single goal of accumulating capital. The dry Levantine mythology of Jews is also almost entirely social and political as well. So it's no wonder that they have little or no appreciation for the world of nature. The desert itself is barren and monotheistic.

And remember, it was Jews who primarily supported the degenerate Bauhaus art and architecture movement in Germany, and modern day Tel Aviv is now fully recognized as world capital city of Bauhaus "art" and architecture. Funny that even the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple looks a lot like that urbanite Bauhaus architectural style.

The wealthy Arab countries and Jewy cities such as New York and other Semite-infested places tend to have the same sterile and urbanite feel to some extent.


The jews even jew themselves, Yellow stone was created back in the 1870s.



Nature's darlings are the great, the strong, the brilliant, the beautiful

I can't read all these books. We need a bible

Art of Love - Ovid

M8, the only reason anyone has a hand on the bible is because of untold millions of words written about it by biblical scholars for thousands of years, to say nothing of the less intellectual organs of the various and sundry churches.

We need a bible so I can read it to you on youtube haha

A bible is really just a collection books, bruh. And even then, you usually still need to read a bunch of other books just to be able to adequately understand and interpret the Bible in the correct context.

You should at least read the pagan classics if you've got any respect for the intellectual and spiritual trajectory of your people.


Nonetheless, it's an entertaining read. I like Ovid.

The Hudson River School of art never ceases to bring feelings of awe and seething hatred for modern art.

I think the soul of whites is intrinsically bound up in the awe-inspiring world of nature, chivalrous codes of honor, romantic individualist love, and extraordinary heroic deeds.

In contrast, the religion and cultures of Semites (Jews and Muslims especially) seems to be much more about submission, obedience, repression, and following the law.

Carl Jung was a self-conscious counterpoint to the Jewishness of psychoanalsis.


That's very interesting. I never put much thought into it, but I've heard a lot of people say this. I've also seen that one of the main reasons Joseph Campbell was accused of antisemitism by his Jewish colleagues was simply because he seemed to prefer Jung over Freud. I think that really says a lot about the constant paranoia and agenda-driven tribal consciousness of Jewish ideologues.

Psychoanalysis was basically all Jews and Jung had been chosen as the heir apparent. The other exception was Ernest Jones in America, whom Freud despised. Jung was the chosen goy they were going to use to push psychoanalsis onto Germans.

He broke from Freud and created his own psychology of racial creativity and health and development. For Freud everything reduces to ID nastiness and power fantasies and murder fantasies and sexual deviance. For Jung the uncionscious is racially based and is full of visul images and creativity and human development.

Jung is the European psyche. Freud's is the Jewish one.

No, capatilism is Anglo saxon, not jewish, as is naturalism as seen in 19th century britain

The whole anti capitalist thing comes from yuropoors being jealous of anglos. Stay mad, continentalfags

fuck all abrahamic religions

I agree with ridding ourselves of Abrahamic nonsense.

Illogical and counter intuitive to our folk and culture.

Well, despite the controversial origins or nature of capitalism, I think we can definitely agree that white Europeans seem to be much more innately meritocratic and individualistic than most other races. And those are things that capitalism seeks to champion. So it's easy to understand the appeal.

But the pervading problems of usury, central banking, economic reductionism, materialism, consumerism, urbanism, and the general malaise of modernism are things that continue to bother me into having a skeptical and sometimes cynical attitude toward capitalism.


I do wonder to what extent the cowardly and Judaic anti-nature beliefs, laws, behaviors, and particular breeding habits have contributed to the outwardly visible physical repulsiveness of so many Jews (which often even makes them look anti-nature).

inb4 Scarlett Johansson

She's an Ashkenazi European Jew. It seems to me that the only genuinely attractive and physically excellent Jews are those who are thoroughly bred with the genetics of gentiles (and even then, the nose often still shows). Otherwise, they just look like sandniggers. Native Jews living in Israel who have kept their Semitic bloodline as pure as possible with minimal gentile influence usually look very much like scraggly Arab kebabs.

Her father is Danish. But she's still clearly a jew.

Yeah, I imagine those Nordic genes helped her out a bit. But as usual, Jews have a hard time escaping the curse of the schnoz.

bonus Scarlett pic

Does a nigger become white when he's born in Britain? If not, then a religion doesn't become non-foreign when it takes on some of the non-foreign customs and mangles them for the purposes of conquest.

I have no problem with Christians, and I find Christianity beautiful… from a distance. That doesn't make it a white person's religion.

No form of Christianity that doesn't destroy and malign the old testament can be seen as anything other than anti-white, jewish conquest.

90% of the most well-known philosophers were grecoroman pagans, not Christians.

Our cultures are grecoroman culture mixed with European native cultures. Christianity came with them, but don't be fooled into thinking that Rome was built by Christ.

And no amount of Christian influence on the rise of Europe can fix the destruction that slave morally has wreaked upon our lands.

Any religion that teaches you to revere the weak over the strong is a disgusting affront to natural law and needs to be ridiculed until it is fixed.

And any claim that Christianity harbors no more semitic influence outside of the Old Testament clearly hasn't seen how rabidly Christians defend Israel. And don't pretend that it doesn't happen outside of the US; I see the Anglicans and their women bishops and love of fag marriage.

The Orthodox church is marginally better, but perhaps I just don't know enough about it.

The only non-Orthodox Christianity that is remotely acceptable is sedevantist Catholicism, which is at worst apathetic to the jewish question and at best fully aware of the cancer that is judaism.

Jesus, as he was written of, was a "good jew". That doesn't make him a good person, since his story allowed for the spread of an anti-nature religion that views survival of the fittest as just too "mean" for civilized people.

I'm sorry to break this to you Christians, but retards, kids with downs syndrome, and lepers deserve to die. Not because of something they did wrong, but because they are weak and allowing them to live so that they might breed weakens humanity as a whole.

When we say jews are anti-nature, we don't mean they hate flowers and waterfalls. We mean they hate natural laws. They hate that might makes right and that no man is equal to another. They hate natural hierarchy, and that hatred is absolutely, 100% codified into the New Testament.

That hatred is embodied by Jesus himself.

"Nature, as we know her, is no saint. The lights of the church, the ascetics, Gentoos and Grahamites, she does not distinguish by any favor. She comes eating and drinking and sinning. Her darlings, the great, the strong, the beautiful, are not children of our law, do not come out of the Sunday School, nor weigh their food, nor punctually keep the commandments. If we will be strong with her strength, we must not harbor such disconsolate consciences, borrowed too from the consciences of other nations."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Experience 1844

I think if you abhor nature, she will abhor you. That's probably why Jews are often such vapid and ugly people who lack physical, spiritual, and cultural excellence. They only succeed as urbanites who prey on the muscle and ambition of healthy gentile nations, and they only keep their hopes up by praying to the G-D of Israel to grant them victory over the evil and intolerant goyim who sometimes pick on them and exclude them. In the end, their Judaic eschatological fantasy seeks the triumph of Zion which will bring about permanent Utopia (i.e. annulling of the laws of nature) and the rule of Jews.

Jews turned their backs on Nature and made synthetic, sentimentalist laws against nature (counter-laws) because they perceived the natural world as too mean and too terrible for them to handle. They have this prudish attitude which makes them perceive most things in nature as dangerous and dirty and unkosher. What they sought was the mercy of a benevolent and universally authoritative deity whose realm of power was beyond this terribly cruel and wicked world which was ruled by the strongest and fittest of gentiles as well as their gods/goddesses. And they wanted to create a legal system attributed to the deity that would graciously provide a safety net to shield them from the raw and brutal impact of the "profane" world of nature and the goyim who played too rough. This is why they prefer to hide in urbanite cosmopolitan environments like cities where the gentile populations are domesticated and the civic laws are enforced, and this is probably why Jews don't show much affinity for the wilderness (unlike the pagan gentile mind of whites which is saturated with the love of snow, sun, fields, mountains, seas, animals, and forests). Cities are often just simply concrete deserts. The anti-nature attitude of Jews probably has to do with their Semitic roots in the Arabian desert where the environment was dry and harsh and there wasn't much to appreciate except for the over-arching sky which sometimes gave the gift of rain ("the desert itself is monotheistic"), and so it's no surprise that the law, culture, and religion of Jews (as well as Muslims) show abhorrence for their desert environment and the world of nature in general (although the Islamic heaven is imagined as a fertile green paradise of gardens and rivers and beautiful fair-skinned women – not too dissimilar from descriptions of many parts of Europe….something to keep in mind during this mass migration crisis).

"Nature, as we know her, is no saint. The lights of the church, the ascetics, Gentoos and Grahamites, she does not distinguish by any favor. She comes eating and drinking and sinning. Her darlings, the great, the strong, the beautiful, are not children of our law, do not come out of the Sunday School, nor weigh their food, nor punctually keep the commandments. If we will be strong with her strength, we must not harbor such disconsolate consciences, borrowed too from the consciences of other nations." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844

Now contrast the Jewish Semitic worldview with the life-affirming attitude of the White European pagan gentiles.

White gentiles were not bred as urbanites; they were initially bred as sturdy Apollonians, living close to the land and aspiring to make the best of their condition. The overall attitude of the pagans of Europe was to courageously accept the reality of nature as it was, which was recognized as both beautiful and terrible - in a word, sublime. Their depiction of the gods as beautiful and terrifying also reflects this mindset.

But of course, there is this Dionysian aspect of pagan man that can be perceived as far too erotic and crude for the prudishness of dry Semitic worldviews. However, there's a fairly good reason for that because this aspect can easily fuel the rise of mindless degeneracy when left unchecked (the Christians knew this well, and you might say they exploited it to demonize all pagans as licentious, barbaric, and inferior before the advent of Christendom; Jewish propagandists continue to exploit it to this day for the purpose of subverting and degenerating gentile populations to keep them effeminate and docile). It has to be balanced out with the more muscular and rational and refined Apollonian aspect. The best pagan traditions of whites fully embraced the beauty and terribleness of nature, but they aspired to attain an excellent condition beyond simply raw and primitive nature. So over time they sought the refinement of their natural environment as well as the refinement of themselves through the cultivation of arts, architecture, philosophy, and virtue (excellence; arete). Pagan virtue at its best did not reject or abhor nature, but sought to harness both its beautiful and terrible aspects (and everything in between) in order to bring out the most excellent potentialities and possibilities. Nature and human nature was something to be fully accepted but also something to be sublimated and beautified.

I think the white Indo-European pagan worldview overall seeks excellence, balance, wholesomeness, and creativity. And yes, those sometimes conflict. The gods conflict, mortals conflict, the organs of the body conflict. But I'm inclined to think that has a lot to do with the general drama of human existence which makes life so interesting. Nonetheless, a kind of harmony is possible and achievable during those sweet but fleeting moments of eudaimonia.

Important book btw

The idea of worshipping and prostrating oneself before obiedence-oriented gods is a product of the three "arse-lifting" religions.

Empathy, they have if anything, an overabundance of. It's sympathy/compassion they lack (but can effectively mimic, because of their empathy).

Nature by itself is amoral and not fit to be seen as an equal or better of our higher thought.

Just as depravities can inspire greatness, or wanton acts can lead to goodness from the witnesses of evil, nature is a part of our existence. However, we must define ourselves.

Nature is our instinctual basis, thus we have a duty to care and cultivate, but also thrash and keep in submission. Allow it to rule where it should.

Morality and goodness are a part of us, just as beauty and glory is intrinsic, but also a separate manifestation of our existence, most easily expressed by service to our better natures. Nature is beautiful to inspire, but cruel to force the eyes upward for inspiration.

I'm a Christian, this profound lack of balance and focus on what is pleasurable but leading to ruination and celebration of the base and most primitive was my first redpill against the jews (with the exception of the bible). A balance only forged by conquest of the natural world and respect for its purpose is the ideal. Just as Christ conquered death, we should clean what is corrupted and forge the world as we do ourselves.

The jews are ugly, spiritually, intellectually, and physically. Instead of trying to change they try to sink everyone down to their level to rationalize their misbegotten race. There's a reason they're damned.

I argue quite often that that's an effect of simple corruption that unfortunately pervades our whole civilization rather than an effect of Christianity itself. Attribution of 'good' paganism and 'bad' Christendom is selection bias. The Saxons considered Christ the ultimate warrior because he conquered death. That's a cultural understanding and in no way misrepresenting Christianity at all.

Unfortunately, much like our institutions, under the view of 'humanism' many churches have become cults of passivity, with new age mysticism for flavor with a cross decoration.

In that way, I'm still confused about the hostility towards Christendom, we are literally losing our religion and having it forcefully replaced by servile materialistic judaism-lite.

Yeah, I actually do think Jews tend to have a certain kind of empathy. But it's the kind of empathy that comes straight out of classic slave morality.

It's probably because Jews are the most ancient of special snowflakes and professional victims. They've constantly been paranoid about getting picked on, kicked out, or killed by the stronger races of the host nations they've inhabited all throughout history. So it's no surprise that Jews have a penchant for championing the SJW cause as well as tangentially identifying with as many victim groups as they can.

I mean, let's face it. Everyone who is a politically active non-white seems to either consciously or unconsciously see themselves in some kind of struggle against the white man, and the Jew is leading these hordes of multicultural, multiracial "oppressed victim" groups against the white race in the same way Hannibal (the "Semitic general" in the words of Freud) led a multicultural, multiracial army against Rome. Jews empathize with all these other victim groups because they see them as potential allies in their own struggle against the white man (as well as other hostile and "intolerant" dominant gentile groups). Modern slave morality is the fuel that drives all of them.

But as you said, they lack genuine compassion. In the end, Jews are the most scheming and self-interested of all the victim groups; they actually rank themselves above anyone else and goys certainly aren't of equal importance in their eyes - not even the gentile victim groups with whom they empathize and weaponize against whites. However, being the most dominant and influential victim group, Jews don't as often have to rely on slave morality as much as the weaker ethnic groups like blacks, but Jews certainly are the historical champions of slave morality (Nietzsche even charged them with originating it), and they spread as much of it as they can to provide a cushion of protection for their existence and to advocate the expansion of their own ethnoreligious or ethnonationalist (Zionist) interests. Jews need a multi-layered shield of victim groups and various self-righteous ideologies in order to shelter their own self-interest and subversive agenda.

You know what I remember from some video that was linked years ago on halfchan pol (before the shilling got out of control and mods subverted) there was a very special context for the words (((poor))) and (((charity))) in the context of the old testament and probably even in the Talmud meant Jews, yes even the rich ones, for those who are (((poor))) are those who are in a cycle "suffering".

Nature cannot be subverted; if trees and rocks could speak they would probably denounce the Jews and their false god.>>6337599


תקון עולם, or Tikkun Olam, "Repairing the World," is a term that originates in the Mishnah in the phrase mip'nei tikkun ha-olam, "for the sake of repairing the world." The term is used by Jews to express their agenda of reordering society to better harmonize with the collective interests of Jews and to ensure Israel as a "light unto the nations (goyim).''

Jews believe the world was made inherently broken during G-D's creation of the universe and that it's their divine mission as Jews - the Chosen Ones - to go around like SJW's reforming, repairing, and rebuilding all gentile societies around the globe in order to "fix" the world according to the Judaic vision.

Underrated post.

user reporting in from Costa Rica, working with environmentalism and learning how to grow organic food, natural build, manage a small community, etc. All of these skills are something the White Man should know and green lefties are an outstanding source of training and information in this regard- but it's high time the Right reclaims environmentalism.

I could also really use some Holla Forumslack buddies down here ;_;

Daily reminder that the Left/Right dichotomy is false, crafted by the jews in order to divide the Truth in half.

If anything, I think Ragnarok is an accurate description of our future.

Semites don't have the same empathy as Whites. Jewish empathy is an imitation of White empathy meant to fool Whites and destroy them, like any con artist would do. Perhaps even the Jews with more European genes in them have deluded themselves into believing their own Semite side.

Jews hate nature because it can't be exploited so easily. They actually have to work to make it benefit them. They can't sit on their asses and just lie to it and have it meet their needs.

They also eschew the visual because they have an invisible and aniconic god, and because they are clearly visually inferior creatures unless they've bought some high-end Euro DNA for themselves.

The Abrahamic religions are propaganda constructions, not natural mythmaking. That's the problem with them. Judaism was concieved in ethnopropaganda, vis a vis Persians, Greeks, Romans.

Jews pretended to be Indo-European universalists to the Greeks, because they were telling them what they wanted to hear. Jewish laws are ethnoparticular, and that they have always been moral universalists on a higher plane than the goyim is a lie.


I've noticed something. It seems that the Jews didn't even believe in any notion of an afterlife until they eventually came into contact with Hellenistic culture and subsequently borrowed it from the Greeks. If I recall correctly, the Jews get the idea of the immortal soul from the Greeks.

These doctrines then find their way into the hearts of Christianity and Islam, both of which purport to be "universalist" religions that have superseded the ethnic tribalism of the Jews. But how "universalist" are they? Well, they are not tribal in any material or biological sense because their doctrines compel them to invite (and at times demand) people of all races and ethnicities to enter into the folds of their religion. Their belief in the immortal soul of man and their anticipation of an afterlife of some sort are certainly "transcendent" and universalist (probably of gentile origin). However, I think it is clear that the ethnic tribalism issuing from the particularist national G-D of Israel had to be transposed into a more subtle metaphysical tribalism in the younger two Abrahamic faiths. Therefore, the "Israel of the flesh" is superseded by the gentile body of believers who become the new "spiritual" Israel a.k.a the Church or the Ummah. Christianity and Islam on their own are then not quite built to adequately tolerate or comprehend other myths and truths – especially those "wicked" myths of the gentiles – that are beyond the accepted pale of orthodox Judeocentric Christian and Islamic myth (or which sideline the importance of Israel and the centrality of the historical narrative of the Jewish people up to the point of their supersession). That doesn't mean it can't happen because it did happen all throughout Europe, but it's usually difficult to make it work with consistency. Every myth or idea that is too heterodox or "unkosher" from the Judeocentric point of view must be either eliminated, rejected, revised, reinterpreted, reintegrated, subordinated, or downplayed. That's part of the reason why the Renaissance took so long to come around.

A lot of the most interesting myths in the Hebrew Bible seem to be borrowed from ancient and common themes found in the surrounding Near Eastern cultures – but often with a peculiar twist. The stories which I found most compelling in the Old Testament seem to be taken from other Mesopotamian myths, except with a Jewish ethnocentric bias added in. And it seems that Jews also borrowed quite a bit from Zoroastrianism and Hellenism - but again, it looks like they reinterpreted the myths to reflect their Jewish ethnocentric biases and their general Judeocentric worldview.

Wouldn't they have gotten it from the Egyptians, specifically the myth of Osiris' resurrection?

I talk about this too much on the Internet, but I think it's important. Anyone who has the intellectual tools to read it and an interest in religious origins and Jews should look into what is called Biblical Minimalism, particularly the work of Davies, Thompson and Lemche, which is a school of archaeology/religious history mostly from the 80s and 90s. It sounds wild at first, but once you get it, it unlocks a lot. I hate that I am so fond of it, because it makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist, and I can't shut up about it, but I can't help but think of it as a kind of master key to understanding the Abrahamic religions.

The short version is: they argue that there was no Judaism we would recognize at least until the Persian conquest of the late 5th C. BC, and that Judaism began as a colonial project, with the forcing of Zoroastrian religion on Canaanite pagans. The only thing to exist at that point was parts of the Law–and certain sections of Deuteronomy can be read as instructions from the Persian King to the officials running the colony, i,.e, "a people chosen by god himself".

Most of what we think of as the "Old Testament" was not written @ 1300BC in the "Court of King Solomon" or by Moses himself or whatever– it was written after the arrival of the Greeks in the 4th C BC, and after the "Jews" came under the influence of Greek intellectual culture. That is to say, most of the Old Testament is retrohistorical fiction– or, more accurately, propaganda for a Greek audience. And the reason the so-called origin tales of the Jews are taken from all over the ancient world across milennia as you mention is because some Jew sat in the Great Library of Alexandria with all those texts available to him to draw on when it came time for him to write his "History" of the oh-so-important and special Jews who were supposedly at the origins of the world and who were once slaves who once ran Egypt, and were also mighty conquerors who once had their own giant Empire spanning the region– like Alexander.

Judaism began as Persian colonial religious propaganda aimed at Levantine Semite yokels; it came fully into its own as propaganda aimed at Greeks, with the "Jews" effectively repeating their own experience but aimed at the Greeks. Christianity and Islam are born out of Jews pushing this same kind of crap onto European and Arab pagans. This origin of Judaism just suggests to much towards explaining how so many Jewish behaviors and fixations came to be for me to ignore it.

Skeggǫld, Skálmǫld, Skildir ro Klofnir

Nature is probably the least jewish thing to exist.
Look at Cascadia, look at Commiefornia, look at fucking Sweden.
All places of immense natural beauty and power that were thoroughly subverted by kikes because they posed a thread.

Forgetting Helluland

The Saxons considered Christ a warrior because he was deliberately misrepresented as such to make him appeal to pagan sensibilities. I don't recall anything in the bible about Christ dressing up in armor and killing monsters with a magic spear or leading an army from horseback, but bibles intended for consumption by Germanic peoples are full of those kinds of illustrarions.

I remember reading this essay, which I think is written by a Jewish female scholar:

- Within the traditional apocalyptic stories, the enemies of the Jewish people had always been the Babylonians, Persians, and Assyrians. Greeks, however, took their place as the “eschatological enemies of the people of God” in the Jewish writings of the Hellenistic period….Much Jewish apocalyptic literature conveys a picture in which the Jews violently opposed the imposition of Hellenistic culture. It is ironic that a positive Greek influence is seen in the changing Jewish religious beliefs. Prior to the Hellenistic period the Jewish concept of the afterlife had been drastically different from what it became during that time. Through the Jewish apocalyptic literature written during that period, we see the introduction of the concepts of the immortality of the soul, stellar immortality, and resurrection after death. It was the Greek influence of the Hellenistic age that gave impetus to the emergence of the Jewish eschatological salvation.

- Before the Hellenistic period, the Jewish concept of the afterlife was a dark shadowy existence called Sheol. When people died, that was the end of their spiritual life, as well as the end of their relationship with God. In Psalm 6, it reads, “Turn, O Lord, save my life…For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who can give you praise?”[3] The psalmist is praying for prolonged life, so that his relationship with God may also be prolonged, which implies that there is no relationship with God after death. This is quite contrary to the modern Jewish belief in the concepts of Heaven and Hell (eternal salvation or damnation), to which a relationship with God after death is central. Psalm 6 makes it clear that eternal salvation was not an idea present in Judaism prior to Greek influence.

- Judaism harbored no notion of immortality prior to the Hellenistic period (as evidenced above), whereas Greek culture nurtured the idea that the dead existed as celestial bodies. Belief in stellar immortality, therefore, provides further indication of the Hellenistic influence on the Jewish religion.

- Also important during the Hellenistic period was a focus on the individual. The Greek philosophies during this period, for instance, displayed a distinct interest in personal happiness, which placed emphasis on the individual. Stoic philosophy taught that personal happiness could only be achieved through virtue, and it additionally allowed for the worship of gods/nature, which would have made it attractive to any religion. This is the same philosophy that became popular with the Christians later on. Christianity is, in effect, a branch of Judaism, so the two religions share several of the same beliefs and interests. It is, therefore, not difficult to see how Judaism could be attracted to the same qualities in Stoic philosophy that Christianity later found appealing. It is reasonable to assume that Judaism could have used the Stoic personal emphasis to shape its concept of the immortal soul.

- Before the Hellenistic period, Judaic afterlife was defined as follows: “All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all turn to dust again.”[8] This phrase is indicative of the pre-Hellenistic Jewish idea that a person’s essence dies with his body. The Hellenistic emphasis on the individual changed this belief within Judaism. Inherent in the concept of a soul, is a personal survival after physical death. The personal emphasis present in Hellenistic culture, particularly Greek philosophy, probably affected the Jewish belief in the soul, as evidenced in Daniel 12

- As evidenced by the Maccabean revolt, Judaism was an ancient and sacred institution which the Jews protected with their lives. To have altered their hallowed religion in favor of Greek characteristics shows increasingly positive reception of Hellenistic culture, though explicitly it seems otherwise. While the Jews were expressly writing against the oppressive actions of the Hellenistic people, they exhibited Greek characteristics within their own belief system, such as, immortality of the soul, stellar immortality and eternal salvation. Though the Israelites were undoubtedly afraid the Hellenistic people who threatened Jewish political and religious autonomy, they found parts of Hellenistic culture appealing enough to adopt into Judaism. As a result of the Jewish-Hellenistic contact, three ideas emerged that are paramount to not only Judaism, but to Christianity and Islam as well. It is amazing to imagine that Judaism fostered no concept of Heaven and Hell, two ideas that seem so central to the religion today, prior to the Hellenistic period. Since Christianity and Islam both have a Judaic base, their development was greatly effected by the concepts of eternal salvation and damnation. The history and belief systems of the three major western religions could have been very different today, if Hellenistic culture had not effected Judaism in the ways that it did.

As a Christian I see nature as a creation of God. Nature is an integral part of our world and is what keeps us all alive. I'm sure most of us here know the importance of nature in bringing out optimal gene expression. You can't be a healthy functioning human being if you deny nature. At the same time humanity is able to go above nature. We can control it, destroy it or create from it. The manipulation of raw materials into something else is a distinctive aspect of being human. I think our highest aspiration in regard to nature is to have stewardship over it. By thinking of it like that we inject a measure of responsibility in our interactions with the natural world and a desire to live more closely to it without being completely subject to its laws ie. not being predated upon or dying from preventable diseases.

tl;dr we need an avatar

>Before the Hellenistic period, the Jewish concept of the afterlife was a dark shadowy existence called Sheol. When people died, that was the end of their spiritual life, as well as the end of their relationship with God. In Psalm 6, it reads, “Turn, O Lord, save my life…For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who can give you praise?” The psalmist is praying for prolonged life…

It's always been strange to me that Jews seem to have this vampiric attitude toward life and the world of nature and the goyim. They have no inherent respect for nature and frequently disparage gentiles as their spiritual and ethical enemies, but they want to keep preying on nature's resources and gentile labor for their urbanite survival. They want to go on living an everlasting earthly existence. Notions of the afterlife, enlightenment, personal happiness, romantic love, heroic deeds, and bravely overcoming the fear of death are not nearly as central or important to the Judaic worldview as they clearly are in the more individualistic and aspirational Indo-European pagan mythologies. Jews are all about their sociopolitical and eschatological agenda.

The most important thing in the world to Jews is to ensure the existence of Israel and to make sure that Jews live on this earth forever or as long as possible. Okay, that reflects a basic concern for survival and it's natural to most groups, but it seems to stop right there with Jews. There's not a whole lot more to their worldview. They're obsessed with the survival of their collective Semitic cult, and that's their highest value. All they ever care about is protecting Israel, making sure they live forever as a collective, and steadily increasing their subversive influence over gentile nations.

Even their later Jewish belief in an afterlife taken from Greek philosophy is subverted to create a coping mechanism for despairing Jews and emphasize the comforting Judeocentric idea that good Jews who had no control over the affairs of the earth in this life will nonetheless get their deserved reward after death, and the eschatological enemies of the good Jews will be divinely punished when they die. So Jews ultimately win in the end. It's a metaphysical revenge of the nerds. It's a revenge fantasy for when Jews have no significant control or influence. And as we've seen with the Essene Jews influenced by Zoroastrian beliefs, they even subverted the ethical dualism of Zoroastrianism into a literal ethnic dualism emphasizing the inherent goodness of the Jews ("The Sons of Light") and the inherent evilness of the gentile nations ("The Sons of Darkness").

Jews are the most ancient of special snowflakes, the most insidious of professional victims, and eternal grudge-holders who always take for granted that they on the right side of history – that G-D is always on their side before anyone else.

We're given the impression by popular media that the Jewish people are such a special and spiritual people with a profoundly sacred ancient religious tradition, but when you look into their doctrines and ethical practices, their worldview is shockingly shallow, empty, tribal, self-interested, and materialistic. It's just a survival strategy with a copy-and-paste mythological basis. What do Jews even live for? What do they ultimately want? Why do they think they are so special? What's so unique about them which makes them feel so strongly that the earth needs the presence of Jews forever and ever? Jews overall are not a very beautiful or brilliant people or culture, and many Jews will even admit it because they have a strange penchant for self-deprecation that accompanies their ethnoreligious chauvinism. So why does Judaism and the Jewish people need to continue indefinitely? For what? Their vapid Semitic religion and culture are existentially bankrupt.

Except that's wrong.

In the bible even in the old testament people appeared to people after dying and people mentioned being in heaven with God.

Sheol is Hades is Hell.

A place completely separated from God and one step above oblivion where you are aware of your loneliness, of our disconnection from God and burning for all eternity.
That's why there's no remembrance.
Because after a certain point all you are is suffering. No higher thoughts. Just pain. Forever

So, is this a thread about the systematic de-industrialization of western civilization to appease the "Earth mother goddess Gaia"?

You can keep cities as long as you actively work to produce food in them and grow more trees (preferably with gardens on top floors and using those big windows in skyscrapers to grow food instead of just being useless)

Conflict creates warriors. Christianity teaches that physical warfare isn't the only battleground to be faced. Hell, pat Buchanan is a great example of understanding and countering warfare of less honorable natures.

Christianity was not misrepresented as you claim. Alfred the great had a wonderful understanding of the faith when he converted and took it upon himself to spread the gospel.

And you are who exactly to state otherwise, or dictate terms?

you're being retarded.
"you can" is another way of saying "one can".
he's saying you don't have to turn earth into coruscant; and unlike in fiction have our planet be capable of sustaining life.

Bump for EVROPA

Which is right in-tune with other Semites from that region, and like I argued– Judaism was only a century or two old at that point and did not come into its own until Jews inherited Greek intellectual culture and began writing themselves into it and taking on some of its features. This would go on through the Roman period and is ultimately how Christianity got started.

During this period, the Jewish High Priests of the Temple themselves bore Greek names, and Judean yokels were not entirely happy, yet this was going on even as Jews filled Alexandria and played at being Greek intellectuals, subverting it for Jewish ethnic agendas, by which I mean shit like composing tracts about how Jews were more ancient and holy and powerful and important than the Greeks themselves– Hellenized Jews claimed Socrates learned everything he knew from the Torah and that the Spartans were really Jews and garbage like that (or you can open your Bible to see Jewish claims that Jews once had a giant Empire or they ruled Egypt itself– both of which was what the Greeks were doing at that very moment). They also had a taste for sitting on their asses in Alexandria and critiquing the Greeks and praising the Greeks' enemy, the Romans. Scholars pass off this Semitic obnoxiousness as "reconciling Greek and Jewish intellectual traditions". A major problem is that there was no fucking Jewish intellectual tradition before the Greeks came. And the Maccabees, who are seen as having saved Judaism, that she praises revolted against these Hellenzied Jews of the Temple, but they bore Greek names themselves, and once they got control of the Temple they turned out to be just more Jewish graspers for power. They are the archetype for the fiery, self-righteous reformers who once they get power prove just as corrupt as the people they unseated. They held on for about 100 years of internal strife until one side wrote a letter to the Romans asking them to come and fight the battle for them. The Romans said, "Suuure, we'll help you," came and didn't leave. Then, not at all surprisingly, the Romans became "the eschatological enemies of the People of God".

Except it wasn't. It was barely two centuries old at that point.

And today, Jews don't give a shit about Heaven and Hell. What they really care about is the Messiah, who will destroy and enslave the enemies of the Jews and bring and eternal, physical, luxurious, sensory paradise to Earth, in which Heaven comes down to it, in which the physical and supernatural world become one, which is the Christian eschatological vision, which is ultimately all out of Zoroastrianism and is a Semitic fantasy, and is alien to the way Indo-Europeans think about such matters.

I guess I should clarify this by saying that the revenge-unto-total power and sensuousness and eternal do-nothing luxury is the Jewish contribution. They twist the spirit of the Zoroastrian eschaton into something more Semitic in nature.

The one Bible quote that destroys Christianity:

But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.'" - Luke 19:27

Jesus is speaking above btw.

Whites no longer follow the rules of Mother Nature letting their own kind die from poverty and sickness. Libertarian White Nationalist hell.

A race of astrologers and occultists. There's a reason they assimilated with the Babylonians; if you create religions with limited scope of view and form habits around a predictable phenomenon then you can easily control others. Jews want the gentiles to live following man made laws corresponding to physical heaven, not some dead persons wonderland, they have been around long enough to see patterns in nature and have stolen knowledge of nature from pre biblical ages. They understand the effects that natural and controlled environments have on humans physically, emotionally, and how the solar system affects weather; there is a reason they speak repeatedly about floods, and other disasters, they have noticed patterns and have adopted the wanderer lifestyle not because they aren't welcomed in other nations, it is because the genuinely know that that there is no absolutely safe, prosperous civilization that exists forever, and they can't stay in one place too long or their descendants would assimilate, so they encourage their families to be constantly moving around, they take careers where traveling is part of job, or it encourages it. Islam and Christianity are two pillars that Judaism stands on; those two religions discourage any alternate thought or curiosity of the occult (no I don't mean those degenerate drug use "divine experiences" or sex magic garbage) it is information that literally teaches you how people tick. The former two parties profess all these happenings, the natural disasters, wrath of god and all that, it's all misdirection and it conditions the believers to act a certain way so that when something big does happen, no one can point fingers at the most powerful and troublesome people in human history. The books, religions and gods of the Jews are contradictory in nature because the Jews themselves are contradictory in the way they act, all three religions they schemed to create had an aim of deposing existing systems and replacing them with some proto Bolshevist system. It was always about creating a system in which they were the snowflakes at the price of everyone else's will, self awareness, and labor.

Deutsche Mythologie (in gemeinverständlicher Darstellung), by Paul Herrmann.

It tries to reconstruct the beliefs and mythology of the german tribes (aka south germanic). While a lot is available about northern germanic tribes, southern germanic tribes were converted at the same time that written language arrived, so south germanic mythology is not often covered otherwise for the difficulty to reconstruct it.
It is a well done book in my opinion, you don't need to read other introductions to germanic mythology before it.

The new and "slightly corrected" edition from 2002 (by Thomas Jung) is not to be recommended (removed dwarves; made it way harder to comprehend by omitting many examples given by the author, and other things).

An exact reprint was available on amazon for about 40€, I don't know about any translations though.

He also has some other books in that direction, "old germanic priesthood" for example.

So things that Christians take for granted are more Hellenistic than Jewish. Hah, so much for "kike on a stick".

Maybe, but semites are anti-nature for sure.

It's exactly like any other charge of anti-Semtism:

Nature just wont give to them what they want because they are so great and demand that it meet their needs. In the Jews' mind, this is "anti-Semitic"

And they are right, insofar as it's nasty, impertinent, language-focused Semite arrogance that behaves this way, whether it's fucking Jews or fucking Muslims.

What are supposedly their founding "myths" is ethnic propaganda packaged as Greek "History".

And Christianity and Islam are the same thing and propelled by the same impulse. They are unnatural because human capacity for mythmaking is as organic as any other kind of gene expression– but the Jews set the precedent for concocting a certain kind of propaganda-mythology-history and calling it "religion". When the Greeks write about characters turning into trees or whatever to present a moral story, they had no other group of people they were trying to fool in mind in doing it, nor did they believe it actually happened and it was to be treated as if it shared veracity with Herodotus. This Jewish bullshit has poisoned the West for thousands of years, and its influence is seen everywhere.


And it's so ingrained in the Jewish character at this that lying and ethnic propaganda are simply inseperable, and you have to wonder if they even understand it themselves.

People called me as someone who thinks exactly like jews do with my insight into something.

Reality, its laws, its nature are all totalitarian. Because they are absolute. They leave no room for imagination. The evolution as a species will follow very specific, hard limits, because of truth. Because of reality.

Perhaps it is easier to follow the footsteps of reality, into whatever end goal that was possibly designed for us, than to try to break free from all of this.

Isnt that what the jew wants? To destroy reality? To rewrite fundamental laws (by promoting things that do not help the organism to keep existing, which life tries its best to do)

If they could destroy all the laws, and recreate reality in their image, it is what they would do.

But perhaps the greatest joy that we could get is that evolution, reality does not really care. All the fat feminists, all the useless nu males, all the low IQ niggers interbreeding with other races wont rewrite reality. Evolution still continues to work diligently even with the hateful nature of the kikes. All of the failures will just wither away, and the only thing that will remain is life. As it always has been. The jews struggle against reality will always be lost.

What I'm more interested in is the hierarchy of their system. All religions have an exoteric and an esoteric side. If the exoteric is to lie to outsiders for gain, then the esoteric must be ethnic leaders tricking their own people for gain.

I don't know much about the particulars of that issue, but I would argue that clearly the esoteric parts of Judasim represent the Zoroastrian and Babylonian influence more than the Greek one, and think that the Judean Jews of the intertestimental period who were closer to the Zoroastrian influence because they were un-Hellenized held on to that tradition more closely. The author of that article wants to posit those true Jews as fighting the Greek occupation, but the rebels themselves were fairly Hellenized. It was out of that effectively vestigial Zoroastrian faction that the whole Messianic stuff arose to birth to Christianity a la Jewish Messianism versus the Roman occupiers, with Hellenized Jews elsewhere producing discourses attempting to "correct" the stories coming out of Judea in a more West-appearing fashion.

I guess an undercurrent of the Zoroastrian necessarily runs through all of Judaism and is expressed as Kabbalah and all that. I'm not sure I would wall one off from the other and claim that one is completely a false front and one the true heart of it.

I can't wait for our real pantheons to catch back on and wake up our race.

Are you always this stupidly combative, or are you behaving this way specially to seem like a big burly man in this thread?

Grow up.

This is some interesting stuff, and it confirms a lot of my suspicions about the character of Jewish tradition. Would you recommend any non-kosher books and other sources that delve deeper into the fundamentals of this stuff?

Philip R. Davies? Is this one of the scholars you're referring to?

His books seem very interesting, especially his In Search of 'Ancient Israel': A Study in Biblical Origins.

Is he fairly kosher or a straight up bad goy?

This world view is troubling news to me.

How so?

20 And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin:

21 For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow.

22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?

24 And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.

25 (And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds.)

26 For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

It refers to unrepentant jews and usurers. Those who sin and refuse to give up their vile ways. Read the full passage.

Also, you write like a clickbait article.


Looks like all Europeans are descended from Jews then, folks! Pack it in, we're all kikes thanks to our pagan ancestors!

The Great Ten-Oh refers to Jews in 2 ways, so it is kind of hard to know what exactly he means by this. I wouldn't recommend his vids tho fam unless you lookin for some good screencaps.

Anyway Christ in his mind is some recurring prophet throughout history, Christian Scholars would call this Christophany. From Mt. Fuji comes a great spiral power that encompasses the earth. Jerusalem lets out a negative one, because jews are trans-dimensional dicks, but not all jews, just the jews that are dicks. They also stole japanese history.

He's pretty much the typical old guy who wants kids off his lawn, but typical asian who thinks his lawn goes to where the sun sets.

also called a parable my budy

I'm tempted to make a small altar to Athena or something in my backyard. What's the least edgelord Greek god? Demeter right?

Going pagan in and of itself won't really solve anything, although if we're not cirumcised I think that will make us not good servants for jews. better to be burned right?

Rather like Jesus, this judeo christian religious tree no longer bears fruit. I'd rather like to curse it.

I think the real truth is that people exert themselves onto god and reality can be shaped in this way. So there are one and many gods.

The entire jewish tradition is the story of how jews defied god at every step of the way, and advanced rules and specific steps on how to break the rules. Raised catholic, I think about the gates of St peter a lot, and I don't think jews have n equivalent but like, do they think there will be some formal process of discovery, evidence, and interpretation? If none of the Talmud was achieved through revelation what effect does it have on scripture?

such a strange religion.

Of course, their very existence is anti-nature. Remember that Hitler's speech when he said that they have no soil from which they grew?
They don't produce anything, they're not workers, farmers, craftsmen or anything that makes up a functioning nation. Their skills are lying and trickery with which they make money out of money.
If our people embraced Nature's law again, there would be no place for kikes in our societies and people would see them for disgusting freaks they are.

This is why they hate National Socialism so much, it's political ideology based on laws of nature. I'm glad the kike mentioned it in an article about nature and our ancestral religions.
It's just another proof that National Socialism was executed right and its model is an effective way for fighting kikery.


pls respond

Yeah. Don't forget

Thomas L. Thompson

Niels Peter Lemche

Many of these are rare and expensive academic books, of course.

Not kosher. Finkelstein's work in this vein has these guys to thank, and he doesn't go anywhere near as far as they do sometimes. Biblical Minimalists are, of course, supposedly motivated by "anti-Semitism".

Edit: they are real bona fide scholars and they don't critique Judaism itself like I do here. They are not "anti-Semites". Their basic argument is that the "History" of Israel and the Jews is mostly fictional, and they focus on what archaeology tells us, rejecting interpretations of that archaeology made on Biblical expectations.

Thanks. This is some interesting stuff that's at least worth looking into.

Although, I was a bit suspicious of why they would want refer to themselves as Biblical "Minimalists," but then I looked it up, and it seems to be a derogatory label given to them by their opponents, and the label apparently stuck. It's funny how nicknames for certain groups tend to become accepted terminology. They don't even see themselves as being part of a coherent group or single school of thought.

In any case, I'm intrigued by the way Lemche sets the tone:

"The Israelite nation as explained by the biblical writers has little in the way of a historical background. It is a highly ideological construct created by ancient scholars of Jewish tradition in order to legitimize their own religious community and its religio-political claims on land and religious exclusivity."

Sounds about right.

Yeah, no problem. I know of plenty of literature that does that, but I'd be interested in any other suggestions you might have, if any come to mind.

Guys …

The idea that they'd be so obsessed with their urban sprawl as to deny god's creation.

I've let a lot slide, but this is the most irksome thing yet read.

Their non-slander name is the Copenhagen School , but when you Google that it doesn't have relevant results.

Lemche is probably the most strident. 'Ancient Scholars of Jewish traditon' is pretty generous from my perspective. Recent propagandists would be more accurate. He hints at that sort of thing.

Here's an archive of this thread so far if anyone's interested:

From an evolutionary standpoint it makes sense. Without such strong and central ethnocentrism, I doubt the Jews would have survived in exile for very long.

Esoteric Judaism, since the Middle Ages at least, is based on Kabbalah which is repackaged gnostic philosophy.

The Talmud comes in 2 parts: mishnah and gemara. Mishnah is what's called the "Oral Torah" supposedly told to Moses by God on Mount Sinai and then passed down orally until it wasn't (because of a danger of the oral tradition being lost). Realistically it was probably invented by rabbis in Babylon to give credence to their particular interpretation of the Biblical Law (from what I can tell this was to decrease the role of the hereditary Cohen priesthood and increase the power of these non-priest intellectuals who called themselves rabbis=teachers). Gemara is basically transcripts bunch of debates by ancient Jewish rabbis on the law and their interpretations of it, and is considered to be by "divine intervention".

well said

you sound like an incredible faggot

they description of Surtur's sword sounds like a meteor to me

Nature (reality)



Blood Spirit

These four are the true religion of the white man who is not mixed or cucked by foriegn degeneracy like "Magick" or gods or (((Jesus)))

Notice this thread was bombed by these degenerates. Especially the Joseph Campbell /fringe/ shill.

Then you don't see nature at all. You're a fraud of a human being and an anti-Aryan

Have you even read Campbell's works? He argues that the Indo-European gods and goddesses were metaphorical icons representing natural forces. He doesn't advocate any /fringe/ beliefs in magick or a return to literal idol worship or any stuff like that. That would be an outdated view and a gross misunderstanding of myth in his view. He also argued on a subtle level that Judaism (and the Biblical worldview in general) is a myth that continues to corrupts the world. He even blurted out that very phrase in a controversial interview with Bill Moyers. Campbell has some valid and interesting perspectives to offer in understanding the history and meaning of Aryan mythologies. And let me remind you, he was one of the few academics who continued to defiantly use the word "Aryan" to describe Indo-European peoples even after it had become taboo following the end of WWII.

Okay, so you're going to reduce white or "Aryan" identity to four basic concepts that are found to some degree even in non-white and non-Aryan cultures? I get where you're trying to go with this, but there's way more intricacies to add to a complete White European identity than these four vague and simple little pillars. The reality of white identity is way richer in detail and complexity than that.

Read this excellent article:

The Biocentric Worldview - Ludwig Klanges (1872-1956)

Is anyone familiar with this book? I see it sometimes promoted in far right circles.

The author was apparently a Nietzschean to some extent with pagan sympathies and also intensely antisemitic.

This book is a selection of essays and poems by the German philosopher and psychologist, Ludwig Klages. He was a fierce critic of what he saw as the lack of quality in the modern world, which he held to be a product of the false ideas and belief systems of our times. For Klages, the world is divided between forces and ideas that enhance life in all its vigor (such as those of Nietzsche), and those which oppose life by reducing it to mere materialism, and by portraying it as something to be shunned as innately corrupt and evil (such as modern religion). To overcome the life-denying forces, Klages calls for a return to the pagan view of life, and to a direct relationship between humanity and the natural world, and opposition to the destruction of nature by the agents of progress. He also opposed the distortions and falsehoods which he claimed were being propagated by psychoanalysis. "Those who confidently predict the end of all life and the ultimate doom of the cosmos are mere swindlers, Klages assures us. Those who cannot successfully predict such mundane trivialities as next season's fashions in hemlines or the trends in popular music five years down the road can hardly expect to be taken seriously as prophets who can foretell the ultimate fate of the entire universe!" - From the Introduction by Joseph D. Pryce Ludwig Klages (1872-1956) has become one of the twentieth century's most unjustly neglected thinkers. Born in Hanover, Germany, in his youth he was one of the founders of the Cosmic Circle in Munich, which was centered on the ideas and poetry of Stefan George. He went on to become an important critic of the trends in philosophy, psychology and society of his day, and was often praised even by his adversaries. Klages rejected the modern world that he saw in development, calling instead for a renewal of civilization based upon the ideas of ancient Greece and German Romanticism. Klages was also responsible for making the unconscious the focus of modern psychology, and for introducing such terms as the "Id" and the introvert-extrovert scale to the discipline, although others were destined to take credit for these discoveries. He was honored by the German government with a Festschrift in conjunction with his 80th birthday.

Okay, so I haven't read much White literature or philosophy in recent years so I'm out of the loop, and I apologize if this question seems ignorant.

Are there any writings on the connection between the concepts of Nature and Truth?

I'm just really interested in this idea. I'm looking through the suggested reading in this thread, but I would appreciate any suggestions for things you guys have enjoyed.

Campbell, as mentioned earlier in this thread.

See all these posts:

Human conscienceness has all traits of a parasite as it allows the host to make decisions which go are detrimental to their chances of survival.

Nature picks off the diseased. The interbred and cowardly would be the first to go. As would traitors.

Additionally, you might enjoy the classic writings of 19th century romantics like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau and some others. Emerson has already been quoted here:

I cannot say I agree with everything the romantics and transcendentalists espoused at that time, but they certainly were compelling thinkers, and they wrote some of the most thoughtful reflections on Nature.

I also don't recall them being all that politically correct, although they supported the abolitionist movement iirc. Nonetheless, Emerson had some rather unflattering things to say about the negro race, and I think many of his remarks would get him categorized as basically a "white supremacist" by today's standards. Not all that uncommon back then.

Halakhah is the antithesis of the laws of nature. The latter are cruel: there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings. The strong eat the weak. The old are abandoned. In the Bible, the Utopian Latter Days are characterized by the disappearance of these characteristics from the world, when Isaiah prophesies that “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb…the cow and the bear shall graze…a babe shall play over a viper’s hole."

Meanwhile, the image of the wolf in Western society is already rapidly changing. A few decades ago it was considered a ferocious predator and in folklore, it was perceived as a devourer of grandmothers. Nowadays we are told that it does not usually attack human beings; rather than being hunted, it has become a highly protected animal within the framework of the Bern convention.

I find it very interesting that this Jew is made nervous by the fact that white gentiles are increasingly showing more appreciation for natural creatures such as wolves that are self-evidently strong, beautiful, swift, and fierce.

But it is no wonder that the Jew is made nervous. I think it could be said, from the point of view of the prudish Judeo-Christian worldview, that you are already approaching a highly dangerous Nietzschean understanding of nature when you leave behind the strictly dualistic and ethical conceptions of the natural world and start to appreciate magnificent creatures that are both beautiful and terrible such as wolves and lions and eagles. This was common among many different people before modern civilization became more sanitized and prude, but I notice that there is still this strong tendency among modern whites especially – despite their typical urban domestication – to still have this somewhat realistic and even sublimely positive outlook on the visceral world of nature. Whites show more admiration and concern for vicious and wild animals than any other domesticated race in our modern era. It's dangerous because these gentiles might start redeveloping their natural appreciation for strength, beauty, might, and genetic excellence among humans as well. That ought to make a cowardly, ugly, unfit, and utopian anti-nature Jewish urbanite sweat quite a bit.

His halakhic laws are against nature, his utopian end times fantasies consist of annulling the laws of nature, and his Jewish traditions are based on the fear of nature and death. The Chosenites don't seem to have too much of a problem with wishy-washy and subversive New Age neo-pagan worldviews that only praise the pretty and the pleasant things in nature whilst still condemning or staying silent about the terrible aspects, but an authentically pagan worldview that bravely accepts and even celebrates the full truth of Nature in all its aspects is the antithesis of Judaism and thus one of the most feared worldviews of the Jews.

Sometimes I wonder if the average Jew is aware of how profoundly distinct his racial and cultural heritage is from ours.

There was a very interesting discussion about bear worship a few weeks ago in a thread on meme magic.

I think it probably occurs to them from time to time. That's probably why they fear biocentric worldviews. They would rather gentiles to permanently have their head in the clouds, worrying after hyper-abstract ideological pipe-dreams like equality and modern democracy and human rights, than to look around and notice the obvious dysgenic effects that Semitic influence has wrought on gentile societies.

But it's sometimes difficult for Jews to get around the ingrained gentile appreciation for genetic excellence and beauty. See the article mentioned in this post:

Someone like me would argue that this is not possible because Judaism did not exist in 500BC. One can speculate that there was no "oral tradition" perhaps until Greeks, which created dissident factions against Hellenization unconnected to the official center of the religion, which was 100% a Temple cult, or maybe as late as after the destruction of the Temple, which allowed for the Pharisees to rise to prominence. (Or maybe the notion of an "oral tradition" itself comes out of the Platonic Dialogues. This again gets repeated in Islam's Hadith. When things like this repeat across the religions, to me it indicates another incident of these phony, fictional origins– not a shared truth.)

Without doubt the rabbis were still collecting and canonizing their texts as late as 300AD, which is about the same time that the Christians were officially solidifying theirs. It sounds to me like just more Abrahamic retro-history/propaganda/fiction that pretends to be much older than it is.

Yeah, there is of course a major Platonic influence all the way through. God speaking the universe into existence in the first chapter of the Bible is clearly influenced by the Platonic Logos. There's lots more, too. I admit I know very little about the issue.

Read the essay "Nature" by Emerson.

I wonder what you would think of this 4 part lecture on "Jewish Propaganda among the Ancient Greeks" by Dr. Christian Lindter

I'm watching this now and he's saying a lot of what you were saying.

It's crazy how insidious Jews have apparently been throughout history.

There is literally nothing they won't cry muh antiseptic about.

I remember an article by a well known heeb, and I shit you not, that fucking water was antisemitic.

Anyone still have the link by the way?

This is exactly the Jewish way of thinking, the Jewish experience of Being-in-the-world.

They live outside of nature– in words, and they use words not to describe but to shape reality. Jews do this endlessly with their obsessive arguing and their constant lies and their pilpul and discourse-policing and all the rest of it.

Someone like, say, Bill Kristol does this every time he opens his stupid fucking mouth. He's not stupid or "wrong". He's always trying to create realities by speaking shit into existence. On some level he thinks he's like old YHWH speaking the Universe into existence.

The problem for us is that WE are the material these Jews shape with those words, not the Ether or whatever.

Worship the celestial bodies, specifically Saturn, or you will surely die, goyim!

Jews are your god! bow down!!!

So much this.

I keep telling you people that the basis of Judaism is magic – using words to manipulate other humans.

This is funny because I would argue that the real Jesus was exactly that– a Judean warrior-zealot. The Hellenized Jewish faction in Alexandria bullshitted into a friendly wandering pacifist rabbi who dindu nuffin and loved all mankind.

This is insightful and I agree completely.

Babylon is a bad example there fam
Babylon was in Sumer and was a Sumerian state in the beginning, look at a map of Babylon and the sterile city part is about 1/4 of the size of Babylon, the rest were green fields and pasture inside the cities outer walls so the city could be entirely self-reliant on its food supply during a siege
that giant tower is the Etemenanki the inspiration for the Tower of Babel which the jews invented while they cowered in the towers shadow during their babylonian captivity
the at the highest point of the tower stood a shrine to the sky god Anu, it was taller and larger than every fort or palace in the city and it served the purpose as a gateway to the gods

Well, I watched the first video and got excited that I was going to learn some new things. I had never seen or heard of the coin before (the anthropomorphic YHWH we get in the Books of Moses hanging around humans and causing trouble is absolutely a product of Greek influence and Zeus); and he says it exactly right about Philo and Aristobulus and how they claim shit like Moses was the source of Greek wisdom, and his general characterization of Jewish obnoxiousness and propagandizing among the Greeks is right– and he even claims the Books of Moses are Greek-world propaganda, which is also exactly right. I disagreed with the India/Buddhism stuff. That was the first video.

Then in the next 3 videos my man goes off the rails and talks nonsense about numerology for 40 minutes.

I was pretty disappointed, tbh.

Some of that gematria/numerology stuff is probably in the texts. But I really don't know what to say other than that reducing the Gospels to an exercise in mystical addition is pretty ridiculous. There's a lot to say about how the Gospels came into being and how they were composed and from where they draw their influences and what their literary precedents are. The Greek of much of the Gospels is too rudimentary for that kind of rabbinical wankery and calculation, and the Gentile authors of the later Gospels wouldn't have known the first thing about it or, much less, the illiterate gutter-dwellers of Rome who were the most eager converts. Moreover, the texts have been cut-and-pasted and edited and interpolated extensively by the multitude of hands that were on them over the course of a century, so his elaborate numerological explanation just simply doesn't make much me.

Yeah, same. I posted that first video while I was still watching him explain how Jews were propagandizing that the Greeks somehow got all their wisdom from Moses. It was some interesting stuff. But then he abruptly veered off into a web of numbers and theories and speculation. I'm not so sure about all that.

Jews are by definition this way such that all matters and minds are anti-semitic

Interesting analysis. I usually tell that one as a lesson in ruthless pragmatic leadership.

How? Easy, the pounds of silver were loaned to his servants to see if any had what it took to be good administrators.
One got ten towns to watch over after turning one pound silver into ten through shrewd training, another got 5/5 the same way, and one got 3/3 just by putting it in the bank.

That last one? He never used the silver and so lost it to the best one that did.

The king now has capable admins.
Why did he kill those protesting his rule? Nits make lice. Poison in the winecup and potiential daggers in the back.

All the parables have multiple layers of wisdom, and most deal with esoteric and political matters.



And it's worked out pretty well for them, honestly. Regarding literally everything except your own people and culture as hostile or useful is a good way to make sure you never get burned, even if the consequence is that you're never well-liked.

Bamp to counter the raid

I think it has less to do with some end goal; I think they legitimately receive gratification from defying the natural order and watching all things degenerate.

That's what also makes them a short-sighted people.

Every culture they integrate they learn to undermine another's values, or subvert people with their own judaic principles. Look at how fast the Wiemar republic degenerate: it begun with films being produced by jews to undermine values like chastity, labeling them as "backwards". Then when the value of the frank fell, there were prostitutes of every kind in every establishment, which jews owned; there were mother/daughter duos, children prostitutes waiting for sex tourist at train stations, a pure fucking nightmare.

Plus another distinction about jews is their fascination with coprophilia; Freud expressed the association of feces as a desire to return to inertia. But who the fuck desires this?! I read that the first time and asked that myself. I don't think any healthy white man ever had that desire to return to inertia. It seems Freud spoke more appropriately for jews than any other race when he expressed this fascination with coprophilia.

This is what makes them ultimately effective in what they do. They are driven by this innate desire to degrade everything into shit, even at the expense of life, what Europeans originally treat with the utmost precious. There's no need for a long-term plan with what they desire, and this what makes them a prime evil.

Good post.

Posterity bump to counter the recent glut of threads.

This is easily one of the best threads in this vein that we've had in years and it should be around for as long as possible.


is there an archive for 8/pol/?

Not that I know of. I just use CTW to archive threads manually.

lol wat

these people have been -driven- out for centuries of human civilization, they want YOU to be driven out this time, fucking morons

then the jews outlaw guns because there are no whites left to fight for their rights, and they engineer a giant wood-fucking army to rape your dumb asses


You're either retarded or didn't read the OP. This has nothing to do with 'hwhites running innawoods'

paganism is a regression, if you really want to believe Christ and his Word aren't the foundation of western civilization let the world collapse on you

it's because jews are urbanite scum and the aryan pagan ubermensch, being closer to nature, ie stronger, fitter and more ready to form meritocratic hierachies, makes the weakling jew's asshole clench in fear.

from OP:
"there is no charity in nature; there is no mercy. There is no safety net in nature for marginal beings….There is no equality in nature or anything resembling democracy. Nature should be feared."
the jew wants to disappear in an egalitarian multicutural/ethnic multitude. in a homogeneous hierarchy, his alien outgroup status, as well as his impotent parasitism, becomes apparent.

additionally, let me say this

natural law with no God and no Christ is incredibly jewish, it's morals and tradition with no foundation, it will not stand, it was built to fall

If you aren't going to contribute to the discussion then pls go and stay go.


links related

of course I'm contributing to the discussion, there is no natural law without God or Christ

neither are there morals, nor anything else, just an emotional appeal of passion with nothing to hold it

and christianity is worshipping a jew.

but we've been over this for days and weeks. you faggots have 2 containment boards AND a general. go shit them up.

fuck off

Ah yes, a christcuck looking for another religious shitfest. Sorry mate, find someone else for that.

Your claim that this thread is about whites running innawoods is false and it proves that you don't want an actual discussion on the subject presented in the OP but instead want to shill for your Semitic cult.

I disagree, there is plenty of natural law without God or christ

Natural law without God or christ is the most anti jewish you can get. jews need their made up sky daddy to tell themselves they are the chosen people

aw shiet, look at dem christ hating shills

Christ is the messiah, he was three things.

1. God
2. Man
3. The Messiah whom the jews have awaited, and rejected.

Holla Forums, neetsoc paganism has absolutely nothing of solid form.

it will never leave 8ch, I'm sorry.


if there were no God or Christ whom dictated what is just, what is keeping bestiality or necrophilia or homosexuality from being "natural"?

you lack of a compass, all you have are meaningless examples

Fuck man, every time I see that 3rd picture a chill runs down my spine

It's like my body or subconcious or something knows that's where I'm supposed to be, that that's what naturalness is.

But here I am in my concrete prison. A man can dream Holla Forums

Not being a faggot hippy or some shit but that pic just gives me a very strange feeling, and I like it

No, you're not. this thread is about Judaism and Paganism and the only Christian discussion has been measured, well-well-written and polite whereas you're trying to bait people into pagan v. christian shit-flinging. Stop it.

You too. Stop it.

What shit-flinging?

This appeal to nature and "natural law" is based on nothing, there is no pillar if you reject Christ.

Ultimately, this is what the Jews want. They rejected Christ, and they would have you reject Him too.

Is this even debatable?

To expand on this, consider it this way.

The Jews rejected Christ because he offered salvation to all of Mankind, and that the Jew has failed, and that the Gentile will assume the mantle of God's chosen.

And then the jews slaughtered the Lamb.

And now, you think you spit in their eye by rejecting Christ? Why would they be called "kikes" if not their hatred for Christ?

What is worse in the eyes of the Jew, the Christian whom has stolen the world from them, or the pagan who inherits ash and angst?

Of course. But this thread is not about that and nobody solicited Christian opinion. You self-righteously burst into this thread with a strawman and you've basically followed that up with "lel debate me bro come on lets go rite now" If you want to debate christianity v. paganism, go make another thread for it instead of hijacking this one.

Too bad, paganism is Jewish.

I will always oppose it.

To reject Christ is the -real- heart of Judaism.

LMAO, what the fuck are you even talking about nigger?

Yeah, I lived in a city for a long time and felt like I was dying inside, so I bought 7 hectares of land for a cheap price and am now working the land, which feels great. Will need to through a lot of shekels in it to really make it look how I want to, but it's a beginning.

Jewish plots always turn on them, and they act like they had nothing to do with bringing them about, and then they hate the very thing they created, while the people who hate them end up Jewed– but still hating Jews.

Islam hates Jews, too. So did Communism after the Bolsheviks. So does Marxism that has become anti-Israel. So do Muslim immigrants to Europe who make it "unlivable" for Jews. So did Christiantiy, whose origins are Jewish.

Are you seeing the pattern?

All the crap about the Jews rejecting Christianity and Christians being the real inheritors of the Jewish covenant is nigger-tier Semitic logic and a fiction, and the stupid Muslims do it just like the stupid Christians, both of them arguing effectively that they are the "real Jews".

It's nigger-tier shit.


Feel free; just go oppose it somewhere else.

By the way, does anyone know a good site to get ebooks?

I've been trying to find those Joseph Campbell ones but all I can find in my usual places are PDFs and I'd like to find them in .epub or .mobi or something so I can read them without having to put them through a dodgy conversion process.

Posterity bump.

Speaking from experience, as a kike, who is allergic to everything, nature is definitely anti-semitic.

But the semite can use nature to his advantage, to combat the elements if he is learned in the art of healing herbs.

You mean that the semite can get the goy to tame nature and then trade him for it.

I don't blindly hate Christianity, but that's pretty fucking retarded.

Only Europeans and Arabs sperg out on Abrahamic faiths. To the Jews (minus the retard crypto-arab ones) the Bible stories are folk-tales. They don't literally believe in a six-day creation, just as (non-autistic) pagans don't believe the world is a giant's armpit or whatever. Judaism is a receptacle of Jewish myth and tradition.

The important things that they take away from Judaism are:
1) There is a supreme intellect that unifies all things. Respect Him or perish.
2) You are not a person, but a People, at the centre of the world.

If we could take those two key messages for ourselves, be it from Christianity or (preferably) something the fuck else, then we will be all the richer for it.

And I should also add that, when you understand the Abrahamic faiths in this context (as stemming from a Jewish folk-tradition and not some absolutist logical schizophrenia), it becomes much easier to say "To you yours, and to me mine. Now get the fuck out of my country."

I like the idea of a mystic Christ, the cross as the perennial Tradition behind all traditions, but I see how Christians here and IRL spazz out on it, inevitably falling back into some sort of fundamentalism. It makes me think that such a Christianity is as unattainable as some genuine pagan revival.

Personally, I'll keep God and chuck out Christ. If that makes me non-European then so be it: maybe it's time to stop being European and start being White.

But therein lies the trap, as Abrahamic systems of belief are absolute and quite unflinching on that point. You can't just cherry-pick parts of them that you think are useful because it's all predicated on an absolute belief in an absolute and solitary God.

Jews don't "believe" anything. Everything is ethnic propaganda, is an instrument. This is true even of the Jews who concocted their "folk tales" to put one over on the Greeks.

We have to fight them. We have to fight them to the death.

So why do Christians worship a man as God? What makes Jesus' claims of being God / the son of God any different from any other man's claims of being God / the son of God made throughout history? Is it just a matter of popularity?

No they tortured and murdered your ancestors into accepting him then brainwashed the children. Severely punishing anyone who practiced the native religions until all vegetates of it where forgotten and lost forever.

All Christians are CUCKS

How do you figure? All that shilling for radical egalitarianism and slave morality codified in the New Testament doesn't seem very "natural" to me. How is it then "natural" law? What's the connection there?

Was there ever an actual movement of Jewish druids/natural philosophers/herbal healers that went contrary to the anti-nature Jewish paradigm and forged their own way of life, closer to nature?

But to the Jew, "nature" for the last few thousand years has been "urbanity". With the exception of that part of the population that still lives as backwards agrarian goat fuckers like the rest of the Levant, for the last few thousand years all the way from Babylon to Rome to New York the Jew has adapted to live in urban centers.

because he is God.
because he performed miracles
no. There's some fuckery with saints that a catholic might be able to better explain but other than that Christ is believed in because there is proof.

From a historical perspective, what makes Jesus' miracles more legitimate than others performed all around the globe throughout the course of human history? Buddhists in particular have some pretty impressive ones.

You seem to ignore that Europa wasnt made on pure oriental christianity, but was indeed a mix of paganism and christianism.

It's actually stupid protestantism that RE-jewed christianity… and therefore… we have the anglo and the JEWSA.

Shitting on christianty is literally shitting on several glorious centuries of the west… thats to say you're doing the exact same work as the subversive self-white hatred teachings.

Catholicism was just the continuation of the roman empire authority throughout the west, leading different kings that were surely more pagans than nice "christcucks" during war or facing invasions.

There is no hatred of nature in christianity, since it's Gods creation, but it simply has to be moulded through hard labour since we felt from paradise : that's what gives you western fucking civilization, and not half naked pagans dancing around some shack praising whatever god they feel up to at the moment.

Thanks for letting us know up front that you didn't actually read the thread.

Because it was easier for the lower classes, peasants, and slaves to accept a man they can relate to being the son of god who offered them paradise if they believed he was god.

I don't know that that really mattered all that much to the peasantry; they seemed to get along with the old gods just fine.

pagan cucknotile dysfunction is seen as another gay jew shillery

sage cunt. fucken kill this shit off the board

Thank you for such an excellent post.



Song: Wolfnacht - Wotan Returns

Mother fucker. This was a great thread, until the typical Christcuck vs. Fedora argument dominated the conversation.

Either Holla Forums falls for it everytime, or there really are this many deliberate shills.

Holla Forums, politically incorrect, whenever a topic targets the Ashkenazi parasite on its nature, it all the sudden becomes a 'what to worship' thread. I'm not here to be proselytized nor persuaded towards atheism nor paganism.

Fucks sake, it really was a good thread until it happened again. Mods, fuck, send them to >>>/church/ and >>>/IFLS/.

Fuck it, here's a bump to piss you D&C shills off.

bump for triggering hebes

Weren't American national parks the first?

Depends on your metrics. National parks in the US were certainly earlier, but at the same time it's worth mentioning that royalty have been creating nature preserves for centuries. NS Germany had laws that focused on animal welfare as opposed to simply cordoning off a chunk of wilderness or as a reaction to some moral outrage.

There seems to be a significant population of Christians on Holla Forums who believe that they have a spiritual monopoly here and therefore any criticism of Christianity in general (many of them are perfectly happy to engage in sectarian sniping) must by definition be an invasion by a foreign element.

It's more obnoxious than anything else, really, as this righteous behavior and people reacting to it has more-or-less killed religion threads that weren't intended as shitposting reservoirs anyway.