My argument for the one true faith of Holla Forums

This writing will seek to establish a philosophical understanding of the virtue of faith through defining the self through Christ. What does this mean? Firstly Christ must be established. We know Christ through God's Word. God's Word is the collection of Holy Writ established by the Catholic Church. Where, the Catholic Church is what we profess faith in through the Nicene Creed. The Catholic Church is the bride of Christ. It is the collection of all who profess their faith in fervent love towards one another. This is not to be confused with the roman catholic church, of course, who is merely a denomination within the Catholic faith. Therefore, the texts of Holy Writ, known as the Bible, are the collection of catholic knowledge.

Because this writing establishes itself in the Bible the Bible must be known beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, what is knowledge? Philosophically, knowledge is all that is justifiably true. What does this mean? To know that which is just and true; justice and truth must be defined. Both will be defined classically by the beginning of western thought, the forms and the senses.

What are the forms and senses? Stately, the forms are the collection of all knowable things. In other words, the forms may be understood as an alternate reality in which the perfection of all ideas exists. For example, this place would hold the idea of a hammer. A hammer was not discovered. A hammer was made by raw materials with a purpose in mind for its being. A purpose, or function, if you will.

The senses are that which convince us of the forms. The senses are what shows us reality. It is through the senses we perceive time, space, and all things. The senses are that which dictates our perception of reality. Reality is the collection of all true things. Thus, what is truth? To answer, we will define a true idea, namely, the idea of God. The idea of God is that which is professed in the Nicene Creed. Therefore, we will now profess our faith.

invisible. What does this mean? We believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, and eyes and ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them. To achieve a philosophical understanding of the creed, we must define all parts of its meaning.

Firstly we profess that we and all things were created. This establishes that our existence began and that it was made with purpose. Therefore, we profess an objective purpose to existence. Secondly, we profess that our self is dualistic. We are made of body and soul. This means we exist and realistic and spiritual beings. Or in other words, our bodies are temporary and will die from sin temporarily. But, our souls are spiritual and therefore eternal (through Christ of course, but we're not to Him, yet).

The soul is not observable. Meaning, the soul cannot be perceived through the senses. The soul is the invisible that we we believe God, the Father Almighty, has made. We have eyes and ears and all our members so that we may observe and perceive God's wonderful creation. Lastly, we profess our gift of reason and senses. The senses are well defined; what is reason? Reason is that which gives us faith. Reason is the ability to perceive the spiritual in a rational way. By being reasonable, the spiritual is real in that it is true; therefore establishing correspondence to reality, if God is real.

To be real, is to exist in reality. Reality is all that is knowable. Where, knowledge is all that is justifiably true. Thus, is the idea of God justifiably true? It is, through faith. Therefore, faith is that which justifies. We believe ourselves to have faith through Christ. Therefore, who do we profess Christ to be?

We believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. What does this mean?

We believe that Jesus Christ true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed us, a lost and condemned people, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with his holy precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, that We may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as His risen from the dead, live and reigns to all eternity.

We are the people. Thus, who are we composed of? The person, of course. Therefore, who is the person? The person is the simultaneous existence of the reasonable and sensible self. The person is you, and I. And we profess the faith of the Catholic Church. We believe in the Holy spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. What does this mean?

We believe that we cannot by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called us by the Gospel, enlightened us with His gifts, sanctified and kept us in the true faith. If the faith is true, then it must correspond to reality. The truth of the Catholic Faith is that we will suffer. That is our reality. Sin is our origin and we are conceived in it. The wages of sin is death. We will all die. Therefore, we all suffer original sin. Again, we will die, but, only temporarily.

For in the same way, the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. For in the Christian church he daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believes. Lastly, on the Last Day He will raise me and all the dead, and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ. This is most certainly true.

Fuck off with your leftist globalist church, cuck.

Nice metaphysical theories - too bad you try so hard to view them within the context of Christian dogma. The truth is much more elegant and simple than you realize.

You also seem to be making the mistake that the senses are only reveals some kind of separate objective reality to us, when in fact our senses both CREATE and experience our SUBJECTIVE reality.

To put it simply, reality exists within your head (your experience), and your head exists within your reality (The universe), in an infinite perceptual feedback loop.

Pick one and only one.

sage d+c

Well Aristotle defined truth as that which corresponds to reality. I don't see how it can get much simpler than that, eastern cuck.

Anything you perceive as being an objective truth, you perceive thought a subjective lens. Nobody has ever proved anything objectively exists, and nobody can.


The bible is dead words on dead pages.

Christianity lost its vitality when it succumbed to dogma, which is the death of God, for God is living and eternal. God cannot be confined within the narrow scope of text, as God is infinite.

THE APOCRYPHA MOTHER FUCKER: biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture. Meaning, the roman catholic church really didn't want to give up the writings that funded their hypocrisy. Those writings are not apart of the canon of Scripture we popularly know as the Bible. I go by the English Standard Version translation my self.

O.P. is writing this from the Lutheran perspective, though. It's valid Catholicism in its own right.

t. Catholic

that literally is NOT what the bible says. For God tells us He reveals Himself through His Word and His creation (somewhere in romans I think. meh). And again, the bible literally tells us it's a living thing as it is constantly changing. Just like you and I, user.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Despite the Bible's ability to change with time, the message of the Gospel resounds true and clear. That the purpose of man is to be loved by God. What greater love is that of your own father, anons?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.

Kill the Jew inside your mind. It's so unhealthy to think within a Jewish spiritual prison.

Fuck off back to your containment board


And the only way to know reality is to look inward.

user., you should remember that Hell is forever.



Religions aren't actually real you know. Especially not Judaism-lite. You would be better off just making something new up that wasn't Semitic.


It's forever,

and ever.

It's Hell


indeed. For through the sacraments, when we seek far enough inside ourselves we find our essence. And this essence is Christ through baptism and communion.

Given that you're talking to a place that's keenly aware of the importance of two-parent households, you seem to forget all about a mother's love.

Christianity is Judaism for cucks just like Islam is Judaism for niggers.

lol scrub get rekt God is outside of eternity.

Never read anything like that in the Bible. You seem to be using your Aryan imagination to add to it what isn't really there.

When people realize that the only reason Christianity was ever anything other than cancer was because of the infinite creativity of the Aryan mind, then they can realize that the Bible and the Jew were never needed to begin with. The Aryan could pull metaphysical truths out of a comic book if he wanted to.

Good try OP but the idiots on Holla Forums are determined to go straight to hell like a speeding bullet. Most of them are unrepentant scoffers and mockers. You got blasphemers and Jew and atheists and lots of faggots and other perverts. You are fishing in a polluted well and trying to pawn something off on people who don't want anything to do with God.

The gospel begins with preaching repentance. Tell the idiots on Holla Forums what their sins are and tell them they are damned to hell for them for all eternity. You don't say that, and you're not saying why they need Jesus Christ at all. They don't know why and they don't care. Hard hearts.

And you can't offer them a religious system. You've got to tell them about Jesus. And they don't particularly like holy people. That's who Jesus is and that's why they try to dirty his name and dirty all discussion about him - because he is holy.

Your dealing with filthy idiots who are unclean and full of devils. Dialogue isn't going to work. You got to preach the hell out of them. Tell them to repent with tears over their filthiness because Christ is returning soon to burn up all the wicked including them. They don't believe that and they aren't going to believe it just because you tell them. Getting saved is a choice, and they've chosen to burn in hell. It's their choice. Your zeal for a religion of disgraceful pederast priests makes everything you say suspect. You have to a moron to be a Catholic. A well-meaning good-hearted dumb bunny that doesn't have an once of sense. Preach Jesus. Rave about Jesus. Brag about Jesus. Not some creepy religion full of hypocrites. People don't want that. People can see through that. They need Jesus. He doesn't let us down. He is a friend of sinners and yet holy. Brag about Jesus and you won't go wrong. Tell people they are sinners and going to hell if they don't trust in him and you can't go wrong. God bless you, you're trying. Keep up the good work.

-explore consciousness
-avoid delusion
-discover ultimate truth

-literally believe this book of Jewish fairy tales unquestioningly

Which of these sounds more Aryan to you, user?

Christianity is a foreign semite religion that ruthlessly destroyed true European traditions, histories, and monuments; and killed all those who didn't convert. It teaches prostration and weakness, black and white thinking, embrace of ignorance, hatred of sexuality, and every other ill the west currently suffers. If every people should have their own nation of their own kind, why should they also follow a foreign system of thought?


t. Aleister Crowley

I don't mind the idea of Jesus at all. But he is not unique. It does not dirty him to observe that he is one meme among many.

Christianity, the Aryan spirit is not prone to naval-gazing, but joyful participation and action within Creation.

Why should it matter what the bible says?

It is a dead book, containing dead words, written by dead hands. That the book says it is the word of God, does not make it so. The Truth of God may be hinted at through religious texts, but never captured in the whole of its majesty.

Hell is a state of mind, not some mystical location that people are spirited to after they die.

Implication: we're in hell without knowing because we aren't Christian.

This kind of weak, yet insufferably pompous meme is why your religion has declined. Friendly advice.

hell is the absence of God, as darkness is the absence of light.

muh dick

what is this nonsense then? why is there some papist on Holla Forums? who is to blame for this?


Praise Kek you christ kuk


I know the talking point on the subject.
The problem is this:

You have put yourself in the position of declaring that another person is in hell without knowing their mind.
For all you know, any given non-Christian is one who walks with God under a different name, no name, or without engaging in ritual and worship.

At that point, your grievance is petty in the extreme and your judgement driven by hubris.
Gods care little for how we dance about for their glory, those practices are for OUR benefit.

The Aryan acts without acting. Full renunciation. Read the Bhagavad-Gita.

The Christcuck acts while worshiping a literal Jew.

wew lad

Because OP is a faggot, I want to make a parallel point, which doesn't quite deserve its own thread:
How a christian, who is comfortable with a little heresy, can make peace with the rising worship of Kek, aka esoteric memetics, aka Hermeticism.

Now, I'm an agnostic by inclination (not an agnostic atheist, an agnostic) who has lived within the memetic framework of Christianity.
What I mean by that is that because of my culture, I always think about religion in christian terms, even though there are loads of other religions, and this gave rise to a nagging worry about going to hell and such that would irrationally transcend logical refutation.

So along comes Kek and the meme magic, and now I'm doing things that are supposedly "satanic", but that notion has crossed the line from irrational worry to absurdity, so I feel the need to make peace with my culture (which constitutes strong, "sticky" memes within me), and this is where our paths might meet, good Christian.

God is a meme. This is not heresy. The notion that God demands worship is a meme. Whether god literally exists as a metaphysical being, he is still a meme. His power is independent of "literal existence". However, as a meme, he is one god among many. In this way, even if the Christian vision of God is the only one that exists, it is still true to say, "The christian God is the enemy of Allah", as they are both memes.

Here is where the issue gets thorny: I would not be so unkind as to say, "The bible is dead words on dead paper", however, what the bible IS is a memetic record of how God was at the time of recording. The fact that OT God changes his mind on a few occations, plus the fact that a new covenant is forged in the NT demonstrates God's ability to change.
With that in mind, your loyalty should not be to the RECORD of how God was (The Bible), but the LIVING MEME as he is experienced by his worshipers.
It is not a bandwagon fallacy: A billion Christians who feel in their souls that God the Father has become a kind, all-loving, no-longer-cruel entity are not wrong. And if that is the case, why do you think he is still a "jealous god"? Have you really examined that assumption?

Obviously if you're still entertaining what I'm saying, you'd be talking about dropping commandants. Its not a small thing. However, it should also be noted that it is only by freeing your worship of Yahweh from his Desert roots can he also be freed from Judaism and become, in true essence, a European religion, by living not in middle eastern books, but in EUROPEAN MINDS. And under that paradigm, god is distilled down to his purest essence of fatherly goodness, wisdom, and 1500+ years of beautiful European tradition.

Praise Kek you fucking christcuck

and also sage.

Hinduism/ buddhism is the only correct philosophy.

The west is not defined by christ though. It existed before Christianity and at times it is even anti christian.

Oh man, I've never seen such garbage.