TL:DW: People that make parody songs are degrading the movements. We need to stop being positive and optimistic and sit around larping Evola and watch out civilisation burn.
Those are the weakest cigarette drags I've ever seen
Connor Adams
Daily reminder that Millennial Woes is a bubonic butt-blaster.
Christopher Murphy
Sounds like a britcuck
Ian Morris
This guy should just kill himself and get it over with. He has no redeeming qualities and obviously hates life. MW, drink a bottle of pills with a bottle of vodka and just end it all.
Camden Gutierrez
Then why's he speaking at Dicky Spencer's 2016 fagfest?
Jack Watson
Hudson Bell
Has Woes gone the way of Peter Hitchens?
Asher Lewis
His original part 1 video has more likes now, but it originally got blown the fuck out with dislikes. I haven't watched it all yet. Seems like Woes embarrasses himself a lot.
Henry Barnes
Eceleb hack
These guys have no philosophical training and no grounding in broad themes of civilisation.
they cherry pick writers who tell them what they want to hear and produce "just so" stories.
Ducking pundits
Samuel Parker
Probably for the party favors and ladyboys.
Parker Roberts
Samuel Hernandez
Is woes a Jew who pretends to be a cuckservative so as to subvert his host society?
Isaiah Rogers
Nobody cares about Millennial Woes or whatever their names are.
Tyler Young
Did you even watch the fucking video? He said populism was necessary, positive and perfectly fine.
MW is based as fuck.
Lucas Richardson
Fuck off Sinead.
Logan Thompson
All the buttblasted posts ITT prove the point about the community becoming full of trigger-happy simpletons.
Parker Brooks
You don't have anything to say about Cologne if it takes you more than hour to say it.
MW among others are also fervent antipedos that lack basic human behavior knowledge, meaning they fail the independently gathers own information trait of higher intelligence.
Jacob Russell
Blake Lewis
miscegenation woes
Isaac Baker
Jaxson Harris
He needs to lift.
Lincoln Young
I frigging hate it when the intellectuals don't get it that it's the low brow stuff that opens up a niche for the high brow stuff MW loves.
It's better to be a pro-white intellectual when the pro-white base is large enough to support people like MW.
Aiden Gray
You fucking people. According to you assholes literally everyone is a Jewish shill. Woes is fine.