Hello Holla Forums.
You all post on this place…why?
Why would you choose that?
You all have free will, you can go to another place, choose something else.
Why you post under Holla Forums? The name is a long lost memory.
Is there something here that can be seen as "Catharsis"?
Is that what this place is about?
Talk to me if you wish Holla Forums. I would like to listen.
And if i see it fit, i would share a word or two…
Hello Holla Forums
Multiple subjects are more fun in my eyes than a more linear discussion path. Why would I prefer talking about only anime?
prove it
That's why you have something called "recipe"
You wonder about something really simple.
If you can ask me to prove it, you believe me wrong, you believe yourself wrong too…no one wants to be wrong, just different.
Your question doesn't really matters in the end…we are here and that's all we can say.
Anything else?
fuck off
Can you give me a reason?
A good, well written, logic, meaningful reason?
"fuck off" is just the easy out.
Funny, but not even close to be relevant…my answer made you more relevant than what you wish to be.
But why i done it? Why i gave you an answer?
Because i want you to have be meaningful.
Once again, there is but one answer my childrens.
Why are YOU here?
well meme'd 5/5
love the music
Yeah, pic-related
Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
I want to do something positive today
No reason so far…there's a little amount of determination…but no reason
Is it time to ask: Is that all you have?
Or should i wait you waste more time?
well what do you have?
We owe you no explanations.
We owe you nothing.
Go get fucked by immigrants and die.
The meme that never stop.
I never said i was Death from Discworld…
I work here.
are you retarded?
Ids fun.
Fuck off nigger
Look at this…
You all say i'm a fool and i talk nonsense…
Even so, you're a small group that saw my words…a little peculiar moment. But that is enough to make you all special…
So, i could sit here and read more meaningless words or you all could come up with something better
Your choice…as always.
Being Scared of Death is so 2015.
Also, Reason is overrated. I'm here because I love it.
Now you…i like you.
Could you tell me more about why you love this place?