Dennis Richie is unimpressed
and that… is a child
Fuck off to hebe or masterchan
kill this site
Just censoring the guy's head is stupid.
That girl can be identified much more easily and then they just find her and compare those man nips to her daddy's nips so they can arrest him.
got it
this has been up for half an hour now, I wonder if the mods just don't care anymore
go away
exactly. I got banned for two weeks for posting a picture of a topless adult woman, but this kind of crap is apparently a-ok
that´d be great.
find and hang em!
FBI has an agreement w/Jim that their honeypot threads stay up until a certain amount of clickthroughs on that link. Just click it to help get rid of it faster.
There is another pair of adult legs in the left side of the pic coming out from under the blanket. Is the mom asleep or awake?
Daily reminder that zerosugar is a pedo shill
Meh. I say keep this thread bumped until someone bothers to delete it. I already did a global report and it's getting close to an hour and a half since being posted now.
former mod here
i used to delet these threads because all the other mods are asleep at this time
then Batman became BO
*dysn(((word filter)))omia
You were a pedo mod none the less. Even pedo mods would delete actual cp.
Are you retarded?
That's a doll.
Not a real human.
i wasnt a 'pedo mod' dude
i just never sucked jims dickin irc
so, you're full of regrets?
Don't lie to me nigger, you would hang out in the pedo threads. Maybe "pedo friendly" is more apt.
nej, i was just saying that this thread wouldnt exist if i was still a GV ;- ;
We'll dysnamblia said he works full time now, depending on his schedule or where he lives he might be asleep or at work now. It's not like we couldn't just report and hide the thread instead of getting all assblasted over it.