A few years back, every once in a while you'd get a thread where OP was in favor of Islam becoming the west's main religion. They'd argue that it prevents things like homosexuality, trannies and women voting, and while they weren't technically wrong about that, the problem with that theory has become pretty clear recently. What I want to know is this; what happened to all of those posters? Did they realize how stupid their position was and abandoned it, or were they actual shills and never believed it in the first place? Are any of them here right now?
What happened to all the Islamists on Holla Forums
I am a atheist certainly don't consider myself a Islamist but if I was ever going to join a religion I would be mudslime for exactly what you said they keep women in there place, access to loils, ect. I still think that way
They're all raping white women in European cities.
For sure some of them were for real.
They don't have sense of humour and are rampant homosexuals, due to the constant inbreeding, and leave because they can't handle the bants.
Where do you think all the Ginger muslims are? Why do you think 4pol has lost a lot of its shitposters from the UK.
They're preparing for the Final Ramadan.
Allahu Akbar Ramadan has only begun!
they lurk here because every time a moslem chimps out and and starts killing people you see these faggots pop up saying its a false flag every single time because moslems can do no wrong according to them.
Once they got their plant, that shitskin imkampfy, as a mod, now they're all gone. He monitors everything and reports back to base.
Islam is pretty much the worst choice even if you are pedo-neet neckbeard fat waste of space.
Do you seriously think they'l just let you to jerk off to chinese cartoons?
I'm not fat
But you are pedo-neet neckbeard and a waste of space considering the only point you tried to refute was you being fat.
So please kindly, fucking off yourself.
I don't feel like it sorry
you evidently can't read because faggots have been shilling islam a fuckton lately and it's only picked up with omar
He has a point though, gook doodles wouldn't exactly be tolerated under Islam. If you have to pick parts of the world to exclude from the religion because you like the things they produce, you have to admit it's a pretty shitty religion.
Oh yes I definitely do. There is a reason why I said "if I was ever going to join a religion" there is a reason I haven't converted. That being said its not like there is much competition in the faith realm.
Most other religions might as well be atheism with some extra flavor unless you live in a place where people take their religion very seriously like Poland for an example.
I remember a period about 1.5 years or so in length, when this was a meme. You forgot also "muslims hate jews too!".
They were wrong because it's retarded for western, white people to adopt an inherently Arab supremacist religion.
Many people argued against this over and over (see for instance the cartoon of a valkyrie kicking both muslim and israel sheep out of europe, very popular around that time). I suspect most normal people on cuckpol realized that this was stupid after the first 2-3 reposts, but the shills were very determined and kept up an illusion of a sizable polack population that was pro-Islam.
They mostly stayed on cuckchan with other assorted faggots such as MGTOW and "traditionalist traps". For all the bitching, some of 8chs technical features ARE effective at deterring shills (although not totally effective) and their low-level shilling would be immediately obvious with IDs. They know it won't work here.
Also lately liberals have moved from a cautious acceptance towards mudslimes to outright taking them under their wing as a sacred cow demographic. The past 2 years it has been practically impossible to say anything positive about muslims and maintain any credibility as a non-liberal.
Those girls are qts I like really like the one with the pink bow.
Exactly I don't see the need to follow a religion unless I get some direct benefit from doing so when it can't be proven if god is real or not.
fuck you, traitor
You have shit taste in weebshit son.
have another one
A couple of reasons OP
1. They've been busy in Brussels and Paris.
2. They are dour and humorless goatlovers, could not handle the shitposting, and promptly left.
I would never want such a thing also shes safe in Japan from anything like that.
just a little
That would be first choice if it ever picks up steam again.
no u
Reported for shitposting
You're a backstabber, out of all you would join THEM? You're aren't white, you are not western, the blood of our ancestors spilled fighting these bastards and you praise them for fucking kids.
I used to like ISIS somewhat. Then Trump happened. Then Kek happened. Then I witnessed video related. And I witnessed the ATGM executions, the RPG execution, the cage drowning, the tank crushing, the detcord beheading and so on.
I mean, I understand executions and I can understand ritual killing too, but getting clever with how you kill people is just fucked up.
I still cheer on happenings for their redpilling value, but developments on this board and in the real word give me a glimmer of hope for something better than sandniggers and their religion.
Its not for fucking kids but a child marriage is pretty much the only way to get a virgin in le current year. You could wait until shes as old as you want.
A shit load of my ancestors blood was split fighting kikes, Christcucks and in all honesty probably other pagan tribes as well. It just depends what you consider the cut off date for your ancestors are. If you want to join a religion with little to no western blood on its hands you would most likely have to look at lot farther east the middle east.
Remind me of that one black kid that got shot in the lung. Are those his brains coming out his mouth?
Its getting pretty obvious ISIS is running low on funds
They converted to Holla Forums
Yes I am sure a pedoshit like you would wait for that pussy to come into fruit, just like the other dune coons
Leftists literally use that to talk about how we all came from Africa
Just admit you're a degenerate dune coon lover and get of my Holla Forums
I'm not gonna change to some shitskin foreign religion so that I can justify acting like a man. That's fucking weak, friend.
I respect your taste but you really shouldn't even be considering sand religions. Maybe they'd be acceptable if every Arab dropped dead, but not any point before that.
And? I'm not seeing anywhere in your post why being a mudslime is any worse then any other Abrahamic religion.
Other religions might not give you anything but Islam is even worse in it that it not only gives you nothing but takes from you what little you may have.
These pictures… every time i see them it's like something is seriously off in the way they are drawn.
Like i dunno… no soul or such shit?
I think it's this shit
Again I'm agreement which is why I brought up in the first post why I wasn't rushing out to join any religions.
I'm definitely not I was just saying if I had to join one.
You literally can't be this brain dead, all you did is muh dick about fucking kids, kill yourself
I dont see it though maybe… probably the fact that the guy just copy pasted some shitty "let's draw manga!" for his own propaganda needs without actually wanting to make it… how to say… capturing or stuff.
Like when SJW's try making their own memes or vidya or cartoons, they fail horribly because it's only an outlet for their degenerate propaganda.
Sounds like every other other Abrhamic religion except
I could care less about incest and the west is in dire need of some "sexism" right about now.
Defeated by shitposters.
not an argument
literally kill yourself, or go to the dune coon nations and go kiss their hairy feet like the pope
It certainly is if you wish to convert someone to one of those religions or away from one.
I tip my visor to thee and checketh your dubs
no it isn't an argument, you didn't address anything I said and just compared them
yes they have similarities, but christian nations don't have a medieval islamic legal system, or islamic governments, where you can get whipped and killed for leaving the fucking religion
you think i promote feminism? in islamic countries women get stoned to death for adultery or literally never get any legal rights, how are supposed to protect your own race and people that way? women are children, but you'd have to be a complete edgelord to not scoff at their barbarism
Islamic countries are shitholes for a reason, go
I live in a Christian nation and its pretty fucking crocked, authoritarian and dangerous its the US .Again I'm not supporting Islam that's why I'm a atheist not a mudslime but the way I see it if I had to join a religion I would get the most direct benefit from it.
Did you see that thread about the German girls covering for there rapist, the west was at its peak when women had no legal rights the US and the entire west for that matter took a nose dive right after women suffrage.
Stoning for adultery is pretty alright though. Totally justified. They should stay in the house tbh fam, it's where they're happiest and society is healthiest.
Simple, we started winning.
I used to believe Islam could be the answer, but I saw it as a desperate last resort. Basically, given a choice between Islam or leftist globalism, I'd choose the one that lets us keep at least some of our traditions since I saw no realistic way to preserve all of them.
The past year has been a whirlwind though. Trump is winning, the EU is collapsing, nationalism is rising across the world, and I'm seeing hope where there was none. For the first time in as long as I can remember, it feels like we can actually pull this back. Who needs Islam when we're on track to fully restore western civilisation?
They fucked off because we made it clear that we hate them as much as we hate Jews.
Yeah, Islam is not really too bad in itself. Just that it comes packaged with a couple billion shitskins is the problem. Like the other guy said, if I had to choose between globalist liberalism or Islam, it would be an easy win for Islam.
He's a mudshit shill pretending to be objective, don't engage.
The same thing that happened to Holla Forums, they kept getting btfo so hard that they simply ran away to a safespace somewhere.
anime is technically haram under Islam. simply they don't bother enough about it to get triggered, ironically
i hate arabs but i gotta admit they make some great religions. i agree with most of islam's teachings. i think a country of white muslims would be pretty much perfect IMO.
You will hang.
Is it really? What makes it haram?
Is it really? What makes it haram?
Arabs didn't really make Islam. It is pretty much all stolen from Judaism with some added Arab violence on top.
Who gives a shit?
Kill yourself.
They're still here. They're the ones pushing the ORLANDO WAS A FALSE FLAG narrative.
LARPING as an ISIS supporter isn't fun anymore so they moved to something else alt-right
or probably got b& by CIA like ryne goldberg (pbuh)
I don't know about all those radical traditionalist christcucks on here who support Islam's policy towards women but I'd rather my wife had some freedoms and was a fun girl (like American girls in the 20th century pre 1960) rather than be locked up inside the house, living in fear of being tortured to death for even the slightest of mistakes, unable to wear anything less than a fucking plastic bag, unable to go to the beach, unable to go out of the house by herself etc.
It's easy to tell you guys (the radical pro-Islam christcucks) are either virgins or completely inexperienced with women.
American girls pre 1960 were the "radical traditionalist Christians" you fucking retard
Is it really? What makes it haram?
Fuck, how did that happen?
Islamic State shills stayed on cuckchan because they were there to recruit. Why migrate because SJWs are against your standards when cuckchan itself is already against your standards?
By now those mudslimes have probably been killed by Russian bombs anyway, or are currently raping German women instead of shitposting.
they got replaced with atheist posters
Most likely the first two paragraph of this screencap.
Back on 4cuck Holla Forums there were a time where you almost couldn't make an anti-Islamic post without being called JIDF.
Maybe islamanon was the guy who shoot up the gay bar
Every muslim country is a shithole. Whites who convert to Islam are traitors and will die.
Ever wondered how the posts 60s happened
They left. Good riddance. What kind of cuck shit is that?
just look in the mirror OP
you're still spreading the message but pretending to be against it
their feelings got hurt by drawings
nah many islamists are weebs now, it's the consequence of this modern time.
Much better to be a weeb than a rapist - you can always wait for your waifus in Heaven!
Zensunni is ironically an abomination invented by a proto-weeb
Islam is not bad per se, certainly less cucked than christianity.
Islam is a threat now because jews made a threat of it, by inviting illiterate mozlems into Europe to incite war. We knew how to deal with Islam for millenia, sword and bullets kept them at their homes.
We havent learnt how to deal with the jews though.
You can see from the posters here that they would willingly sell out western society in return for Islamic medieval violence and rule, meaning that pol still has austic retards who are no better than the autists in r9k