Technological Enthusiasm thread

I have been here since the exodus, watching this boards userbase slowly drain away thanks to freetards and drama

Now this place is just a sad, hollow, shell, even the dramafags left.

I think the reason why is that everyone here is so bitter and cynical. You are all so afraid of the world you flock to your dark chambers of dimly lit Bash terminal screens on your old Thinkpads

Can we all please just try to be happy about technology? SpaceX' reusable rocket program seems to be coming along great. New types of both volatile and non-volatile memory are on the horizon. The cost of SSDs are shrinking dramatically. The average mobile processor wastes a third of the energy of the average desktop processor 5 years ago while being equally as powerful. Intel and AMD have even put a great deal of R&D scaling down their architectures

Other urls found in this thread:

>>>Holla Forums

If you say so, OP.

I'm not going to lie, I put this tripcode up with the intent that I'd trigger some sperg today

typical underage Holla Forums-memester
go back to your containment board

What's there to get enthusiastic about? Processors get faster and memory gets larger, but so what, everything gets more demanding as well. That's like being happy about getting a raise from your employer when everything also gets more expensive at the same time.

But now we also have to put up with the botnet everywhere. So instead of just getting a raise and things getting more expensive to the point where effectively nothing has changed, you now also have to let your boss fuck you in the ass on top of it. Fuck it, technology has reached its peak a few years ago and from now on it's only going to get worse by adding more and more shit no one had ever asked for.

Just look at TVs: no one wanted 3D, the difference from full HD to 4K is not worth the extra cost, screens are already large enough and all the smart-TV shit is making TV slow, error-prone and you get fucking pop-ups and loading times in your TV shows. My parents bought a smart-TV because there is was "teh future" and now they never use any of those smart-features.

Be careful what you wish for, because they all did, and now this board is dead

op you are a faggot
ssd, intel and amd are all botnets

same here OP,
I was wanting to ask for another board to go to myself

this is just so perfect, so succinctly explaining the problem.

Holla Forums isn't shit because of freetards or drama, it's shit because most people here talk about things they don't understand and it's painfully obvious when that happens. It has been like this since the beginning because the userbase came from /g/, which had the same problem and probably still does.

Occasionally, an interesting thread appears and attracts good posters, but it dies after five replies because the majority of the board would rather engage in yet another pointless shitfest about programming languages, feminism, systemd, or whatever other topic you can opinionatedly shitpost about without having a single clue.

It isn't really specific to Holla Forums either. The same happens on sites like Hackerjews or Reddit, just with the respective site's flavour. The technology """community""" is full of failures and retards who cling to it because they suck at everything else. Maybe forums were a mistake.

Just end it already.

fuck off shill

It certainly is if you plan on buying a large screen. Fuck, 1080p stops being retina at reasonable viewing distance as low as 32 inches

OP here
I'm not just talking board quality, I mean this place emptied faster than Syria. Thus board used to have decent PPH but everyone was driven away

And yes, freetard shitposting has a great deal to do with it. Incidentally it has attracted some of the lowest quality posters, most notably the ones with legitimate autism. See , and for examples




It never really did
And even last year it slowed down during the summer, dipshit.
We always slow down below /a/, leaving the underage like yourself much more apparent. This is typical of even /g/.

This is basically a metashit thread, so how about you fuck off back to where you came from?

It used to be at least 30-40. This place truly has completely died.

Everything is busy dying. Most of the smaller *chans, ones which I knew of vaguely for a while, are either gone completely, haven't had any posts in months and exist solely by the grace of an admin with the domain name registration and hosting paid for some time in advance, or have been consumed by a metastatic tumor such that every board may as well just be Holla Forums with a sticky from a few years back the only reminder of what was. English language textboards are largely extinct, but their form is at least better suited to a slow post rate due to the focus on writing things of substance; you can have a decent textboard with 1 post/board/week, but an imageboard at that point is essentially worthless.

Even on this website, most of the 10,000 + boards are totally dead and have been for months. The featured boards on the bar at the top of each page is a desperate last measure to spread around traffic, and even that doesn't seem to be working so well. Holla Forums is still a top 20 board. Imagine what has happened to all the ones below it.

even 4chan has been slowly loosing user since 2011 when it reached it's peak of active user
the IRC's are mostly active, but it have been slowing down to lately
it hurt
on board with 20-40 user people just feel forced to post daily because they don't wanna see a part of their life dying
under 20, it's mostly about saying good bye.


reminder that 16chan exists and isn't run by people who steal credit cards and sell pardons

One of 16chans top boards is an atheism board with a furry mascot.

I made a thread a few days ago asking some questions, seems to have been deleted (goodness knows it couldn't have been slid). Guess the board owner isn't such a free thinker as he would like everyone to believe. Questions about morality seems appropriate for an atheism board, no?

I've also been here since the Exodus.

I think everyone is still here, just more cynical -- the increase of intrusive data collection kind of does that to you.

The rest of the stuff you mentioned is the steady iteration of technology, which isn't really that interesting. I definitely think that new software, or hardware developments are more interesting. It'd be nice if the board could end up similar to something like, but obviously with more discussion that isn't SJW dicksucking.
See this post:

I don't really think the board as a whole is dead, really. It *is* summer, after all.

I do think this is true:
Most people here definitely don't know what the hell they're talking about, so a lot of the threads that are up right now are ~50% meaningless shitpost.

Maybe we could go to 16chan, but I don't see many people very active on it, so I'm not convinced it's worth it.

perhaps the "freetards" you keep blaming left? Jim rejected the AGPL and new technology, Holla Forums is stuck with the big old wart known as Infinity. it appears that Holla Forums's source code is behind the actual site as well:
considering how low the average IQ of this place has dropped i'd say they were smarter than you

it wouldn't really take that much to make 16chan's Holla Forums as active as this place. just start posting and see where it goes from there.

I'd prefer endchan myself, cozier, and has a 350mb size limit

No more than it has been for at least a year.

The Holla Forums shitposters only made things worse anyway because they drove away what little technologically proficient people we had with le ebin drump faic and le ebic trol hat xDDDDDD and le ebinic NO FUN ALLOWED XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@!!!!!11!!

Seriously, go the fuck away.

I've been here since the exodus, too. Holla Forums never had much of a userbase. The biggest issue is there are too few programmers and a lot of loud non-programmers who want to pretend. That level of stupid scares off programmers who come here. /prog/ was doing ok for a while but Josh and the cripple murdered it.

The programmers who come here rather than reddit are going to be Holla Forums types and you need to deal with that or leave.

This is part of the problem.

If you can contain your autism for a moment, ask yourself who would be ok with hanging out on a site known for antisemitism and racism. Liberal, San Francisco programmers?

This is part of the problem.

You're on a site literally delisted by hand by Google that the anti-defamation league has called out for being a key source of antisemitism and the national media has called out for white nationalism. Get some fucking perspective, user.
This site isn't going to attract people like Pottering but it would attract people like ESR. But chasing them away because you're completely unaware of where you are right now does nothing but run off the only people who would stay. This isn't reddit and that's ok.

kys nigger

Yes, because only liberals and faggots from San Francisco want to hear some fucking retard scream about Holla Forums when they tell you to go the fuck back to your containment board, where "politics" belongs.

In reality, Holla Forums isn't even politics. It's a circlejerking race to the bottom. I remember when I could have a political discussion on Holla Forums. Sure, there were shitposters, but it was never this bad.

Now I don't even bother to go there because there's nothing interesting. I hadn't even seen a "muh social contract" flamewar 7+ months before I stopped going there, for fucks sake. Holla Forums doesn't discuss anything remotely interesting.
Not to mention: one slip-up on Holla Forums, say anything that goes against the circlejerk, you're banned and the mod posts your history, holding you up as a 'shill.'

And let's not even mention the fact that the mods flood threads they don't like, with no repercussions.

It's fucking retarded. Anyone who still visits 8/pol/ is fucking stupid, straight up. You don't understand that the board a worse circlejerk than social justice warrior communities.

It was delisted by google because some faggots posted CP, then reported the CP. This happened multiple times until it was delisted.
No one fucking cares. We come here to discuss technology, not politics. Keep it to your containment board.
Who gives a shit? ESR is a retarded faggot who has made an ass of himself hundreds of times on mailing lists. I can't think of anything interesting he's actually done or said in over a decade.
Yeah, it's not. That doesn't mean you get to shit all over everything and post your pseudo-technology discussions.

The only whining I ever hear is from Holla Forums types. I really don't care what you think of Holla Forums nor does anyone else but you couldn't help but write all that, could you? You've got a problem, user. Address it and don't burden us with it.

So show us what you've made, user.

There we go again. Nigger, I am a fucking hardcore lolbertarian, as far right as they come on the economic spectrum.
You have no real rebuttal to what I've posted, because it's all fucking true. Mods, namely therealmoonman, flood threads they don't like, and there's no repercussions. He's also an anime avatar faggot when he's being called out for who he is, but that's beside the point.
I stopped posting months after all the 4chan second exodus fags came and shit up the place, because they turned it to shit. These are the retards who didn't come the first time around, yet abandoned ship when they got fucked with by a simple CSS change and a few wordfilters for a week, versus actually having principles. That's why the userbase is so undeniably autistic now. Hell, you're probably one of them, you fat autistic fuck.

Go back to your shitty board, or better yet consider suicide.

I too have been here since the exodus. Never went to /g/.

I'm not good, by any means. I'm actually quite terrible. I come here to learn, and it's great for that tbh.

A year ago, I didn't know any languages and didn't have an issue with Windows, and loved Internet explorer. The sight of the command line would've made me immediately restart my computer out of fear I had a "hacker".

Now I run noobuntu primarily, Debian on a crapbox I use for testing, and I'm working on getting my first Gentoo install out of the way on said crapbox. I'm also on my way to becoming fluent with my first language: Ruby.

This place really encourages a unique type of thinking when it comes to technology. I think the freetards are great, personally. And I like to think there's a lot of anons like me lurking in the background, learning to become anonymous.

a /prog/ revival sounds interesting..

t b q h

Could try. I've helped out a few of the larger programming threads here like that count the letters thread which were some good times. There's enough people here who participate but not enough people taking the initiative to run a thread.

16chan is run by a guy that leaks personal info and sells modships, keep that in mind.

I don't really care about his forumfaggotry, but I doubt it.

cwckiforums had various security breaches where user info got leaked, and josh turned around and actually blamed the users for trusting him with their data instead of owning up to his mistake. He's also been known to use userinfo against people who sperg out or piss him off for reasons both real and imagined.

What happened to claims?

Oh, I thought you meant intentionally.
Okay, so you want to go down this road.
This site is owned and run by a father/son team, who had a data breach of almost 50,000 unencrypted credit card numbers, names, etc.
Yes, as a payment processor, he stored unencrypted credit card records.
But that's not all, for some reason they also stored months worth of posts associated to the credit card information. So basically, you could take posts and associate them to people.

He claimed that his name was "slandered" but the fact remains that it was his company who wrote 2ch premium, it was his company that wrote the payment processing software, it was his company that was admin of the servers, and Jim had to have knowledge of the storage at some point.

I highly doubt that a database leak of hashed and salted passwords with Mediawiki(?) even compares.


I'm not defending Holla Forums's leadership either. As imageboards go, we're between a rock and a hard place.
For proof, just go through his forums and look for threads about forum users, or ask around for old screencaps. I haven't been on in a long time.

So no proof.
Surely you could go ask /cow/? Actually, I'm certain the screencaps of him using user information against people who piss him off would've been spread far and wide by /cow/, which is why I'm sure it's bullshit. They're apparently too busy making up fan fiction about him raping people these days, since they have really nothing on him.

The last thing /cow/ needs is more cwcki posting.

Probably, but my point still stands.

Kill Your'e self

The exodus to 16chan, right? There's going to be another one when this site collapses repeatedly during the americlap election.

When threads start to devolve into meta whining, then a board really has died. Farewell.

Nothing devolved here, this thread was a meta whine from the start.

the people who manage the site and the popular boards rub me the wrong way

thats only the case because they have no users, if they ever get enough users that'll come to an end.

Odli seems based enough to step down if enough people asked.
I think the lads that take care of space are also in charge of mixtape, so I'm not worried about it.

just kill Holla Forums. i want out from this ride.

That whole circlejerk is pure cancer.

Holla Forums is an extension of 4chan which is an extension of 2chan which extended from 2ch. Ride will never end.

>>>Holla Forums


No it's definitely due to freetards.

Top fucking kek, so you're retarded on top of being a butthurt leftist.

no one cares about your deadchan.

no will ever care about your deadchan they will just post on 4chan or reddit instead. Go shill on those sites.

go back to Holla Forums, kiddo


Go back to cuckchan.

This is part of the problem.

Screw this, I'm done. This was the last board I visited regularly on this site. I guess its time to find something else to do with my life.

i do really hate seeing meta whining, nothing kills a board faster than showing weakness like that. It's admitting defeat.


Oh, so you're one of those people who blame one thing and stick to blaming that.

If the shoe fits.

Don't worry, I still use Ubuntu with Unity :^)

But I still have a shitty old AMD, new technology isn't for me, yet.

Holla Forums - meta

Cool game, OP.

You're such a faggot

Yep, it's terminal. Passive aggressiveness totally breeds enthusiasm.

Sweet, so we don't have to deal with faggots who run windows making yet another thread telling me how to license my code. Now we'll get back to good postings. Actually fuck it, it was a psyop to turn the technically proficient back to mainstream politics.

OP, you're a fucking kike. I don't give a shit about new hardware as long as it doesn't support foss firmware. "freetards" were the users who were keeping this board alive and we're now moving somewhere else because of the poor coding choices this imageboard has made

Fuck it, I'm still excited.
I thank Glob daily for OSS. Just recently muh xmonad (of which I am hugely bonerd to the point of "fuck any other interface forever") lost weather data (Temperature). Come to find out NOAA dropped their "web service". Welp, I found their back-end ftp(?) address. Opened the source tarball for xmobar, replaced the address, recompiled, BOOM. Temp data.

Now, this may not seem like a big deal but think about it. It is to me. Something similar may be to you.

Anyway, as far as botnet goes, it doesn't depress me too much. And no matter what anyone here or there might say, if you're oldfag enough, you know there are ways to maintain true privacy/anonymity. IDGAF about dirty firmware or etc. I have long ago accepted that nothing is bulletproof. BUT: where there is a will, there is away.

What's taking you so long nigger?

The userbase has declined because most of Holla Forums has migrated to greener lands knowing that 8cuck datamines it's users.

8chans userbase itself has been steadily rising again after most of the bugs were fixed

Holla Forumss death was more of a suicide. Given that the mods/BO supported an exodus and encouraged people to leave. Wouldn't be surprised if they were just goons.

Also, you've been saying you were leaving since early 2015 and you're still here. BO is definitely a shill if they side with people like you

Fuck off, Jim.
Go and make /tech2ch/ and feature it on the front page if you don't like it, dipshit.
Watch your userbase drop even further.
And by the way, active users is down across the site, and especially on Holla Forums

Also there was no fucking reason to bump this 13 day old thread, other than shitposting.

like me, but i learned to shitpost thanks to you guys

You're wrong, its mainly only on Holla Forums actually

Bump ;)

16chan has been dropping in overall users. I'm pretty sure people are moving elsewhere because Josh is a faggot. Endchan never had any users.

People with any technical knowledge probably stopped posting altogether. Deciding to get something productive done with their lives rather than shitpost on the internet. And this isn't a problem just for the chans either.

Holla Forumss numbers are actually up slightly more than usual. But usually it hovers around 10-15 pph, which isn't too bad. Holla Forums isn't dead, the worst shitposters simply left. I for one am glad they did. It's been much more comfy here since they left and if you really want a lot of shitposting there's always Holla Forums, or Holla Forums, or /n/, or Holla Forums, or etc. The people screaming the loudest about Holla Forums's "death" are usually the same types who came here for a month, got told to fuck off, and are now completely salty.

I have snapshots showing that user base counts is down dramatically even compared to the times when performance issues were the worst, across all boards.
So no, you fucking retard. And the owner of this board is a gvol so I'm not sure how he would be a "shill" you stupid piece of dogshit.

Fuck off and go leak more credit card information, Jim.

People aren't posting because the performance on his single core vps, which is all he has the ability to pay for, is shit, along with some other change he recently made. It wasn't as bad before. Or maybe someone is DoSing the captcha endpoint.
Which leads to slow page loads and double posts.
Has nothing to do with Josh, or people wouldn't have gone there originally. You fucking retarded faggot.

The reasoning is completely moot. It's still happening "You fucking retarded faggot." :^)

Please show me then you retard because I have evidence of the complete contrary.. The one making the claim has to provide evidence so please, feel free to show me these so-called archive links
Holla Forums - Down more than 1,500 users since last year
Holla Forums - Down more than 1,500 users since last year
Holla Forums - Barely down 300 users since last year, it wasn't a big board to begin with.
The rest isn't even worth mentioning, they were all shitty slow boards.

You're on a site run by a credit card fraud enabler who leaked 50,000 unencrypted credit card records, and refuses to publish changes done to the source, I'm surprised Holla Forums just hasn't fucking died.
It's well on it's way, though.

The PPH is nearly the fucking same as its always been across the board and we're up users from 6 months ago. Your archives themselves can tell you that

Keep saying this site is dead while continuing to post here. Please, if this place were dead you'd have no reason to be here as there is no audience to see your weak shilling

No, it's not.

And also, you'd expect that now with posting not being error-prone and fraught with peril, and not prone to errors, you'd expect PPH to be higher, not the same or less. The fact that it's steady despite losing a shitload of users confirms it.

And the truth is that the site is far from stable: 502s still exist and the site was shitting the bed for two days straight and took five minutes for posts to go through.

No one's shilling, dipshit. Go start another business where you can irresponsibly handle tens of thousands of people's credit card and deanonymized posting information, Jim.

And actually, no. User counts are down compared to six months ago.
Holla Forums down around 300 from six months ago.
Holla Forums down 500 from six months ago.
Holla Forums down 1200 from six months ago.

You can't lie when I just linked to years and years worth of board stats.

It's genuinely difficult to be excited about technology when the entire field is owned by SJW faggots.

a-are these real???