How does nationalism deal with the problem of high-IQ, highly educated people being overwhelmingly left wing?

How does nationalism deal with the problem of high-IQ, highly educated people being overwhelmingly left wing?

For instance the Trump campaign seems to have broad appeal among the rich, the poor, the middle class, the workers, the business owners, even students. Conspicuously missing are "intellectuals" (for lack of a better term) such as doctors, scientists, authors and artists. This is not to say pro-Trump people from these groups don't exist (I consider myself one of them), but they are extremely rare.

In the long term, it is necessary to have a functional community of people with above average intelligence and education. These guarantee, among other things, steady technological progress. But it seems like the redpill has not reached many of these people.

If you'll excuse the absurd thought experiment: Suppose Trump became president and everyone who voted against him left for Canada. Would we have enough engineers, academics, doctors, lawyers, scientist and so on to maintain the US at a 1st world level? Given how overwhelmingly anti-Trump these groups are right now, I suspect the answer is no.

Of course, these fields have a very high populations of (((certain groups))) which are intrinsically harmful, but surely there will be enough white people of sufficient intelligence and competence. Currently, many such people are also non-white immigrants, who are understandably anti-Trump. However, even if you take the white segment only, there is still an alarming preponderance of liberal leanings.

Is it that smart people simply see a path of least resistance in parroting the liberal mainstream consensus for the sake of their career, and once Trump and right wing ideas took over they would just as quickly turn conservative as well? Or is there some other solution? How did Germany deal with this issue?

Other urls found in this thread:

If that's the case then why is Holla Forums so stupid?

Commie hate thread? Since OP is a faggot.

You seem like the faggot to me.

Alright you pinko.

Schools/academia are the source of the problem. Children are taught/expected to embrace leftist dogma all the way throughout primary, secondary and tertiary education.

The "intellectuals" you're talking about are not intellectual.They're the cronies of academia, who insert themselves and their kind into certain spaces at the exclusion of any real intellect. End of.

come on user

Make them perpetually unemployed. Unemployment will naturally redpill them within just a few years, and permanently change them within a decade or so.

All the more when they see that their Jewish 'friends', who ever push for diversity in academia, curiously don't get the same treatment.

Oh, wait, it's already happening.

Are there any intellectuals at all that are pro-Trump? Aside from political writers, I don't really know of many.

Leftists seems to be in the 100~115 IQ mark. They are smarter than the dumbest, but they think there are none brighter than them.
The Geniuses types are all Right Wing Autists, who clearly see the world for what it is, but have no willpower to do anything about it, because they understand the ignorance of the Human Nature and then they keep humbling themselves, thinking that there are better people than them, and that they're the worsts.
To explain why the Dumbest are also Right Wing is very simple: They're controlled by Instinct and unable to be convinced by any type o rhetoric, only swayed and fooled.

Also, remember that before the Left become, everybody was Right Wing, regardless of intellect.

They blow with the wind
The emotional bend to the authority, and will not raise arms in self defense
The sociopathical bend the emotional, and are overwhelmingly libertarian and thus harmless and unorganized except in positions of monetary power. I.e. the practical effect of jews
The emphatic, the slightly sociopathical but basely emotional, the middle path, that is what natsoc is. It happened before, just read about the National Socialist rise to power, it can happen again

By gassing the jews

Yes, quite alot of us, but not openly if we want to keep our jobs in the government or the university.

You're right. Once people's IQ's exceed around 125 or 130, they see through the Jewish charade pretty easily, even when they keep their mouths shut.

I'm left wing.
Doesn't make me a faggot or someone who encourages immigration, nor feminism, etc.
And I don't think it's actually accurate to say most high-IQ people are 'overwhelmingly' left wing.
Mainly because "left wing" lost a lot of its meaning during the last decades and "partisanism" is more retarded than ever.

I'm left-wing, right-wing, both wings, knowing.

I'm common-sense and compassion applied wisely, realistically.

Everyone with half a brain and a bit of intellectual honesty is aware of Zionist lobyism and the Jewish Supremacist opinions voiced by some. The issue isn't simply intelligence, there's a lot of brainwashing going on and the weight of History.

The same applies to many other professions, yet we have seen many people come out and support Trump openly.

Why have no academics come out and openly declared their support?

In fact, since tenured professors are legally protected from being fired over politics, many of them have very little to lose. Being old white men, often old enough to have lived through Vietnam, they should also be indoctrinated far less than younger academics. Yet none have used their protected position to announce support for Trump.

Fixed it for you.

Medicine, science, and media has all been co-opted by (((you know who)))

If you want a carreer in any of these fields you pretty much have to play the good goyim game. Especially in academics and media today.

That's what I define myself to myself and anyone who genuinely asks about it.
"left wing" and "right wing" are only tendencies and are highly dependant on the current circumstances.
Those are essentially buzzwords that shouldn't serve as a compass for honest and realistic political debates and issues.

I've seen this meme in a lot of places, but I'm growing less and less convinced that it's true.

The Nazi party, along with several other right wing organizations, are well known to be the host of exceptionally brilliant minds.

So consider the culture of academia. It's been deliberately infiltrated as part of the "march through the institutions". This combined with the tendency for people to go along with the crowd, along with the added the tendency for people to make an active effort to portray themselves positively to their peers, it's not surprising that professional intellectuals should choose to align with left wing interests. This is particularly true for those who live in cosmopolitan circumstances while having the benefit of not having to deal with the lower folk.


They signal that they're anti-Trump because it's the hip thing to do. Only a select few will make good on their promise, and those who stay will probably realize that things aren't as bad as they anticipated. But, supposing for the sake of argument that they do all leave, it would still be possible to rapidly train up youth of the country to fill the slots. Consider how many NEETsocs there are on this board; they may be lazy and lacking in motivation, but they aren't stupid. They could be trained, and would likely be eager for the opportunity.

But what about funding? Future book deals and publications? Or just general reputation bashing?

They are not protected from these things.

Academia is so fucked.

I'm neither Jewish nor am I a philosemite and I'm not a Trump fanatic. You can't explain that.

Never said you were.

But if you are truly a professional "intellectual" then you should know first hand how in-group those fields are and how having the wrong opinion can ruin your career, especially in academia and media.

There are older professors who are hardly doing any real work, teach the one class, and spend most of their days reading and serving on committees.

Coming out as right wing might get them booted from said committees, but then most professors would consider that a good thing.

Yeah. Like how actual left wing economic academics are practically banned from supposedly neutral think tanks in France. It can go any way and it's politics in a nutshell.

Would you sign my petition?

It's interesting to me that there is a limited range of intelligence (~100-115) which is most susceptible to the victim parade that yanks the Western Nations around by the nose. It's analogous to the terrible 80's who are so prone to crime.

Yes, it is. But it can be unfucked in a generation or so.


Answered your own question.


Why do communists think people are going to be happy with it? Like they actually think once they implement communism they won't have to enforce it.

Completely false.

That's just not true. Its just the Humanities. The natural sciences aren't particularly left-wing. Also, there are lost of high-IQ people who don't necessarily have a lot of education.

So, your premises are wrong. Don't be retarded.

By getting rid of public schools and universities. Private education is inherently right wing.

fuck off spastic. being intelligent does not mean you have been exposed to genuine information. expose them to reality and watch their opinions change.

Sign my petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog

A great point. How many people start off red pilled? (or green pilled, if you're into that thing)

These things rarely overlap user. When they do it's usually STEM.

Most of the PhDs I know are in the 95-115 IQ range.

The people I know 130+ IQ none have PhD, some dont even have a bachelors.

Usually all those fancy degrees and certifications are compensating for a lack of raw intelligence.

The man with the highest IQ on the planet is a supporter of eugenics.


You're not talking about intellectuals, you're talking about famous people. You really think smart folks who speak their mind are going to be promoted when all of the media and academia is ran and owned by a handful of people? Why are the same "geniuses" promoted over and over again while ignoring the hundreds who made their work possible. Marketing is perception and you are letting propaganda dictate reality for you. You only think folks are smart who you are told to think are smart. Just look at the image of the smart Indian doctor and compare that with a demographic that is six times more likely to lose their medical license.

Because it takes years to learn how to be truly stupid.

How does the left-wing deal with the problem of all previous high IQ individuals being right-wing? Literally for the entirety of human history.

pic related

I am already talking about specifically STEM. Most of these are still left wing, and those who are not are usually centrist/moderates or left-leaning lolbergs. Almost all are against Trump, from what I've seen.

How do you arrive at this number?

Most young people are leftists. Most low IQ people at college are leftists, most high IQ people at college are leftists.

If you're talking average IQ though, then it's something different, and the average college leftist does not have a high IQ, and it would be lower than the average IQ of Republican identifying college students.

The leftists have to have a means to infect people while they are young with the poison of their impractical thinking. People who are living a practical life earning money are not going to stop and listen to their BS, and if even they do they are going to quickly recognize that it is shit and reject it out of hand. So the only audience that the leftists have a chance with are captive students - who are already smart people, and immune from the practicalities of life in the school bubble. They have to listen to the BS day after day and regurgitate it. Unlike in real life where regurgitating impractical nonsense produces no reward, in the artificial school system there is a continuous reward for spouting BS back to the teacher: praise and high marks. The only group of uneducated leftists are rich kids who also can live impractical lives smoking pot all day - but their parent's success indicates they probably inherited high IQ also. So leftism has self-selected to indoctrinate a higher IQ demographic. Capturing these people they have a steady supply of "experts" spouting bogus opinions to lead the sheep into believing the idiotic mindset is wiser. Those that aren't educated into leftism and are not willing to accept liberal 'experts' are attacked by dumbing them down to the idiot level through TV and Hollywood.

Pretty much this OP, they're smart enough to learn a second language but don't really understand where it came from or how it relates to the common man.

I personally know a few leftist PhDs, they're really not that bright and it's actually quite embarrassing to be around them. The problem isn't even related to their field of study, I know a few involved in science - typically thought to be high-IQ only - and their only understanding of the field is "it's just a fact", an argument which comes out when confronted with opposition.

"Intellectuals" aren't really all that intelligent. They're subject matter experts in one technical field, but for the most part they're still just as sheepleish and easily-brainwashed as anyone else. The way you brainwash an intellectual is to play into his elitism; you just repeat over and over again that anyone who holds the wrong opinions must be dumb, and since the fragile ego of the intellectual rests on the illusion of his own intelligence he'll fall for it 9 times out of 10. When the pendulum swings back our way, it'll be the narrative that anyone who thinks race isn't real is retarded and the intellectuals will eat it up just they eat up kike lies today.

ITT: Everybody takes the bait.

More educated? It's because the left has a stranglehold on academia. If you lean right, academia will either change you, beat you into submission, or repel you.

The average college people have IQs of 110-115. Holla Forumsocks fall into the 120-130 range.

Also, your thread is gay and it's not an argument.

It's a plainly observable fact that leftists are drooling retards, so any assertion that they're high-IQ and highly educated is dead wrong.


This. Modern education is merely a form of indoctrination.

People who are fairly gifted but not brilliant (like the majority of whites) will accept a worldview, no matter how ridiculous, if it's been drilled into their mind from kindergarten through college and where there are seriously ramifications for deviating from the hivemind (deny the Holocaust, go to jail).

As I saw another user post once, the same people holding "Refugees Welcome" signs today would have been advocating for eugenics in the 30's. People just follow the status quo and right now kikes have hijacked our intellectual culture.

Government education is obviously pozzed and shitty here in the US, but when you consider how radical and degenerate some of our "elite" private universities are (Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc) which are full of jews and shitskins who protest about white privilege every week, I'm not so sure they're much better off.

stopped reading there

I'd widen it on both ends. Make it 110 - 150, I'd say that's a safer general range.

Smart people are leftist because the accept the modernist lie that the world is void of objective meaning. They then go about creating incredibly elaborate narratives to try and account for the world in that context.

Dispense with modern, materialistic worldviews, restore the concept of innate natures and essences. That there's a real, objective meaning to the world. Then leftism won't hold any appeal for smart people.

But this would require rebuilding the worldview of westerners anew again, from the ground up. It's far from an easy task.

These people, in monarchies, especially the UK, were once considered a kind of necessary check or opposing faction on the group in power.

In England the phrase Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition gets at this. You critique govt policy precisely from a place of loyalty to its interests.

In the USSR and the Marxist tradition this was never allowed to happen. After Lenin it was Stalin v Trotsky, and nowadays leftists just split or quit or give up on a group they don't agree with.

If America made it possible for young people to get a job worthy of a college degree instead of uber or starcucks then you'd see young people debate issues on constructive terms.

If Trump waived student debt or had a jobs program or a building program he would put these people to work and they would find some loyalty to a system which was rewarding their work.

Pic related. Hitler turned a lot of workers from the far left or sitting on the fence by a massive investment stimulus infrastructure program, uniting a people.

Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. Most of them keep quiet out of fead of being blakcballed by their peers, and the few outspoken ones aren't allowed to have any airtime to voice their vieas in the lugenpresse.

Gas the kikes and infiltrate the education system.

ITT: Filthy uneducated morons desperately rationalizing because they're too resentful to just not give a fuck

The real reason, if anyone is interested, is that "right wing" describes one thing, the status quo, and "left wing" describes all other things, and smart people like to read and take interest in things, so they're unlikely to accept this kind of witlessly genocidal nonsense:

And instead try to come up with their own system of interpreting life's experiences.


This is not a thing, actually.

The left isn't actually educated in anything other than "The Humanities", because it seemed to be the easiest coursework to take in their free college degree, payed for by you and me.

Leftists aren't High-IQ… and the only intelligent individuals that the leftists count among their ranks, are the globalists pushing leftist ideals in order to trick leftists out of money and rights.

The left is basically comprised of over-emotional children, controlled by globalists.

I don't think the average anything has an iq of 150. That's like the top 0.01% of the population

People with significantly High IQs are a mix of left and right. The left has a significant number of people with a above average, Which isn't all that great because they can't stop mental gymnastics like the high and low can. Also, top tier left thinkers often have different beliefs and agendas then their followers whom they manipulate for their own benefit.

Then provide some alternative hypotheses why graduate school (in the humanities no less) transformed me into a nationalist.

Nigger liberals are the most mindless drones on the planet.

sub 80IQ niggers from Somali can become 'doctors', being a 'doctor' (I'm assuming you mean medical) doesn't mean you're smart, it means you had time+money to complete med school.

The majority of doctors are professional and refrain from commenting on politics, the vocal ones are low-IQ dumbasses who only keep their licenses because they're not engaging in wrongthink. Same with the other professions and if you consider the smut labeled 'art' these days to be the product of genius you're mistaking insanity for genius.

Let me make one thing very clear, if you are liberal and 'intelligent' you either have not studied politics and current events in which case your opinion is worthless, you have studied aforementioned in which case you're either not intelligent, or you're a sociopath.

Yes in fact the quality of all would drastically improve due to the removal of PC culture pushing token niggers and cunts into everything.

And, there's hundreds if not thousands of Americans wanting to become doctors, engineers, etc pushed out of school by foreign students every year, i.e we'll make more. Right now there's a greater demand than supply for these types of degrees so only the 'best of the best' (+nogs) get picked.

I know you're a shill I justed to BFO you for being a faggot.

Smart people know if you need medical advice you consult a doctor, economics advice from an economist, and political advice from a political scientist; they also ask multiple professionals for their opinions and supporting evidence as well as do their own research before coming to their own conclusion on something.

Liberals just use fallacious reasoning and appeals to often imagined discredited authorities.

Also a giant FUCK YOU for implying any of the aforementioned fields require being a 'genius'; there's NO barriers of entry. Anyone who is not literally retarded can practice these fields. Sure the govt. can demand a license, but if you can use basic, roman logic the world is your oyster.

Now, I'm a 20 year old Biomolecular scientist & mycologist, Cert. IT Tech (A+, net+, Sec+, …), Physician in training, engineer & inventor of an aluminum recycling furnace (tldr; btfo every competitor), hacker (unironically), I could go on.

My IQ tested 147, in the 5th grade I was reading and writing at a post college-graduate level and was nationally recognized, I was reading Leo Tolstoy before I even made it to highschool.

Obviously I was a fatfuck out of shape autist that couldn't relate to anyone.

That didn't stop me from becoming a starting varsity fball player in highschool.

And not having a 147 IQ isn't going to stop anyone from becoming a scientist ,doctor, academic,etc. The simple fact is you reap what you sow; a lot of my friends are way ahead of me in life because it took me so damn long to figure that out. This is also why we have 80IQ nigger doctors that know a lot about their specialty and are still retarded on politics

Tldr; liberals copy-paste from wikipedia, intelligent people perform research

Basic economics supply/demand will take care of your dumbass question.

Maybe you're one of the few that can see the forest through the trees.

Intellectuals are subhuman. They should all be killed. I propose a Cambodian solution. Also, doctors and scientists are not intellectuals. Doctors aren't even intelligent and scientists are only intelligent in a very limited dimension.


Right. The left wing is the domain of the mediocre and slightly above-average.

theres more fuckups, but these needed to be fixed.


The actual very high IQs are so far to the right they don't even fit into any political movements, or they don't fit neatly onto a right left platform at all.

The left is comprised of medium IQ pseudo-intellectual academics (and their followers) who speak in nothing but circular reasoning and truisms. One listen to the "high IQ" intellectuals of the left, like, say, Richard Dawkins, reveals how utterly full of holes and fallacious 'appeal to emotion' thinking their logic is. The entire political philosophy of the "high IQ" left is controlled top to bottom by whatever narrative the jews decide to push.

A huge percentage of us have normie friends on Faceberg and don't want half of them to unfriend us in the odd chance that we need to contact them.

You guys realize barfing up all this rhetoric in hypnotically long posts evokes the same feeling for normal people as radical Imams gibbering endlessly about fire and brimstone condemnations from god?

They're equally baseless. Most modern political scientists are a fairly moderate mix. So you're all kinda right that there's an academia monolith but it rejects stalinists and national socialists alike because those are like, retarded, not serious, no longer relevant ideas. It's not so much a conspiracy as a consensus, like the scientific consensus around global warming or the theory of gravity

People dont do anything until they feel the threat on top of them. High income guys live in isolated areas, or have the purchasing power to travel and so on, they also dont want to risk their positions, specially when the movement doesnt have ample social backup, and so on.

this is a meme

u r fukin dumb as shit m8, college profs talk about how great stalin and the USSR were all the fucking time

The educated are against failed American conservatism because they spent the past few decades spouting ass-backwards nonsense. Because nationalism exists primarily in the realm of the fucked up party that is the GOP, people have started equating nationalism with conservatism. If our nationalists completely took over the GOP and embraced science, technology, and progress in the nationalist sense, then we would be unstoppable. Trump is wishy-washy in this area because the GOP's base is still the god-awful conservatives. Smart people generally don't want to be stuck in the past but want a vision of a grand future. Nationalism can provide this future but conservatism is holding us back at this point.

High IQ != political/philosophical/sociological savviness and it never will.

This is why Steven Hawking (assuming Jews didn't hack his talking machine) said that retarded bit about not understanding how Trump could get elected. I'm sure there was a time when men of science and mechanics were taught to have a rich understanding of history and society that goes beyond memorizing dates and facts, but it isn't today. Your average engineer is a fucking autist who might be able to solve immensely complicated problems, but is a fucking moron bluepill suppository anus vaccum when it comes to the real world and how it works.

A high IQ is helpful, but tradition, education (not the marxist kind), and contemplation are necessary.

The tenure system won't protect you from being ostracized by your peers, getting your funding/grants cut, or from having your office picketed by antifa, niggers breaking into your house, or from being murdered by a coon.

Things have gone too far, the tenure system is broken.

My apologies, I mistook you for an intelligent user

Kikes have manipulated the masses with identity politics on absurd levels to force people to take 'radical' views for survival, as per Karl Marx's handbook. There is a VERY heavy marxist bias in 'academia', if you can't recognize it yet, lurk more and you'll start to see it.

That said, there's nothing wrong with being moderate, but now is not the time for that. Now is the time to slam everything as far right as possible to stop the communist poison, our survival depends on it.

all of this

Fuck off retarded, other than their stance on border security and immigration, their rhetoric was mostly right on the vast majority of issues. The problem was them being controlled opposition in not actually being committed to advance any of those causes. The problem was not their rhetoric, retard. The whole rise of Trump proves this, that the people are sick of conservatives not living up to what they promised.

I've tested above 140, so at they very least there are some of us who approach it.

When you take a bunch of INTJ/INTP types and you disenfranchise them from birth, turning them into outcasts and dissidents, they have a tendency to end up on places like Holla Forums.


OP is a faggot

Their problem is with their rhetoric. They talk about how they want to keep America the same. They want to preserve the status quo at best or glorify the past at worst. Nobody wants to hear this, really. On some level, everyone wants to hear how there is a grand plan being executed and how they are integral to its realization. It takes a vision of the future that pure preservation can never accomplish.

Richard Dawkins isn't on the left, he's really redpilled for someone like him.

This guy gets it.

Aren't INTJs and INTPs outcasts and dissidents pretty much by nature, due to their intellectual and curious tendencies and being unsettled / untroubled by popular opinion when doing research?

No, they are typically left-leaning (and "moderate" is already pretty far left from historical perspective).

Yes he is.

INFJs are too.

The truly final solution is to kill all non-Whites. The only people Leftists can cuck for from then on will be Whites. The longer you think about it, the more convinced you will become. In the past, it was easier to control 20 million people than to kill them, but that is no longer the case, and we aren't bound by old methods of conquest and expansion.

In the interim, academics and intelligent people aren't necessarily predominantly Left-wing; they only signal as such. There was some research done on this topic that compared what people report their political views to be and what they actually vote for vs. their intelligence/income level, and found that in general, the more intelligent people are just better at lying about what they really believe, which accounts for a large portion of the effect you're describing. This makes sense, since deception is linked to intellect.

In the past, intellectuals were predominantly monarchists/nationalists/misc. traditionalists that believed in God, or before even that, Gods. The spiritual framework they choose, whether that be Paganism or Christianity or CultMarx (because that's all it really is), reflects prevailing trends for their social strata. In all examples, you can in fact directly link the thoughts of the academics to whose ass they needed to kiss for mo money for dem programs, and nothing has changed, except today it's the media/subversive Marxist academics who control whether or not they get their funding renewed.

So, the immediate solution is to get power, and start driving the Marxists out of their positions while offering new, nationalist infrastructure and money for cuckademics to suck up to, because really, by definition any academic who actually gives a shit about his field is primarily concerned with advancing it by getting his research monies, and whatever retarded normalfag shit that people have attempted to brainwash him with is secondary. There are exceptions in certain ideologues, but you just arrange public executions for those.

Remember though, this only ever buys you time, because your political power will come to an end, and the natural order will attempt to re-balance the cuck to non-cuck ratio as determined by our population genetics, which I'm sorry to say, cannot be altered radically and permanently even with a few decades of purges, since the allele frequency will trend back to its norm in a few generations. A religion might buy you even more time, but even that comes to an end. No, the only way to finally win is to kill 'em all.

This is completely incorrect.

Some small fraction of people respond negatively to that kind of conditioning.


What sort of humanities? Some will tend to be better than others. Classicists tend to be very traditional, and history has a strong showing too.

Really intelligent people go in STEM and most of them are right-wing. High education, when a ton of university programs are absolute useless garbage that are the brain child of commie and kike subversion of the 60s and 70s doesn't equal to intelligence.

This is wrong and since you base your entire post is based on this assumption everything you said is shit, but I will entertain a little.

Academia is definitely slightly left-leaning, it basis itself on the free sharing of knowledge for the better of mankind so we are all kinda pseudo-commies. A high-IQ right winger is a lot more likely to end up being a capitalist and learning how to earn a lot of money with their intellectual skills instead of slaving away at ungrateful people and working for almost nothing.

Also, academia is cursed with being funded by the goverment, so being a trump supporter and openly nationalistic on the current political climate is a career suicide.

PhD student and full time professor here.

plenty of high IQ people are on board with the alt. right.

Am I fucked?

Am I fucked?

Besides all the other things discussed in this thread, you have to take into account the fact that marxism is the logical conclusion of the idea that all people are equal. It doesn't matter how high your IQ is, if your axioms are wrong then your conclusions will be too. Why do they not look for the truth when their conclusions obviously don't match reality? A mix of pride, unwilingness to face rejection by peers and simple laziness come to mind.

This is also why many polacks, me included, have noticed a pattern of above average IQs being more likely to be left, while higher IQs go back to a more right wing worldview along with the plebs. The plebs don't care much for sophistry and see things as they appear - niggers are dumb, muslims are terrorists, jews are greedy. The higher IQ range is less easily satisfied with the layers of rationalization required to support a left wing worldview and thus more likely to look for the truth even at risk of having to dismantle their whole system of beliefs, hence the process of redpilling.

But since iq distribution is on a bell curve, the number of average or below rightwingers drowns out the removed upper part. There is also a markedly larger number of leftists above the 100 mark. Thus when you take the average IQ of both ends of the political spectrum, you see a pronounced difference.

Am I fucked?

You may be one out of 10,000.
The truth is, most people don't think for themselves - they hate it so they just regurgitate whatever the consensus is and immediately ostracise and hate all those who disagree with them.
The result? Most people are bluepilled hardcore SJWs.
Reminder that NAxALT is a meme (and you are using it as an argument).

It's not true. Intelligent people pretend to be liberal because they are smart enough to see the witch hunting behavior of modern liberals. One of the funniest things that happened at university was watching conservative chemistry professors blowing liberals out.

Judging by the triple-post, yes.

Maybe. I've been considering what I truly believe lately and think that I am suffering the effects of something though.

This of all responses was probably it. That and a lot of my cohorts in the program had sympathies for the way I reframed nationalism.

International Affairs

Progressive dogma is a religion. Many intelligent people find themselves aligning with evident absurdities in defense of their religion.

Let's hear it


They're not "intellectual" just incredibly smug and stubborn in their leftist dogma.

They'll hang first.


You could be a fucking stock boy and declaring support for Trump could fuck up your social life and career.

Let me put it to you this way, if Catholicism isn't true and the pope isn't infallible, why have no priests said so? They are quite often highly educated and smarter than your average peasant.

Just as "social justice" has superseded individual,or actual justice, we are witnessing "social logic" superseding actual logic. The NrX guys call academia and media "the cathedral" for a reason. Modern liberalism simply replaces god with a leftist super-egalitarian idea of state, and all of the liberal arts academia are it's priesthood. An academic openly supporting Trump right now is the equivalent of a medieval priest coming out in favor of a pagan god during the inquisition.

Quite simply, that shit won't fly.

…of Marxists and neo-liberals/conservatives.

bobby fisher, or however its spelt

There are a lot of atheist theologians nowadays…

8/8 Bait

It deals with it because that's not true. That's how.

Free enterprise and democracy (democracy being the double edge sword in this, but it works both ways - and that's why the right is starting to win again.). Their agenda is weak at the point when they start berating people.

This. The smartest people I know work 9 - 5 jobs hard. They're rich because they know how to save and use the system (jew the jew). They get promoted high in their fields but have HS diplomas or bachelor degrees. Sure. They may not make $500k a year, but they make over $100k a year easily, and they have their shit figured out.

My dad for example. He makes more per year on retirement than he ever made while working.

Vid related, these so called (((intellectuals))) are misinformation agents who push a certain agenda because it benefits them or their cronies. Your mistake is assuming that doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. are a source of authority or credible information when they are not only every bit as corrupt as any other sector of society, but moreso because they are focused on by (((NGOs))), (((special interests))), and (((elites))) as key areas of influence to corrupt and co-opt as much as possible, basically OP is a faggot who started a whole damn thread from an appeal to authority fallacy. Protip: Doctors, Scientists, Lawyers, Teachers, etc. are not to be trusted, assume all of them are total fucking scum until proven otherwise, no exceptions.

Isn't that the Dunning-Kruger effect?

Smart people aren't immune to social pressure. The ones who do know better, usually keep their mouths shut to protect themselves.

If you were a liberal during the Inquisition you may be wondering why smart people skew reactionary.

We just have to retake the institutions and we'll see the trends shift in our favor.

Can confirm. My IQ was tested at 142 as a child and I only have an associates and a handful of IT certifications. Still make $68k as a Network Engineer with no debt while most people I know with bachelors degrees in MechEng, EE, CS, etc. are 5 figures in the shit and struggling to get a foot in the door, a lot of them having to settle for $14-18/hr internships.

These retards think Holla Forumsacks act the same way in real life as they do on Holla Forums. It's dumbfounding how stupid they are.

Jews in academia are poisoning the minds of students.
Smart kids go to college.
Smart kids get poisoned.

Block the poison and you'll find that the smart kids go right wing. Look at rigorous disciplines with few Jewish professors like engineering, those kids turn out fine.

How do we block it?


That's completely false and the direction of this election should be evidence enough of that. Trump's success is proof.

People do for a good part of their life. Then something just hits them so wrong that they start to wonder. A tiny seed of doubt sets off a cascade of inquisitiveness.

Holla Forums is typically underage to late teens, a noticeable difference between them and some of Holla Forums (don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of idiots spilling in from 4pol here too now) is that they use titles and the names of authors in their arguments, whereas here they use the content of the very same in a fashion that dictates they understand the subject matter.

This is kind of my point, I would say that the average IQ of 8pol is probably 125. There's some quite brilliant people on here who start quality threads and do good research, but there's also retarded shitposters galore.

Both Kaczynski and Fischer are commonly described as INTJ. Richard Dawkins and Milton Friedman are examples of INTP, but I wouldn't consider either of them to be particularly great geniuses. Perhaps Jefferson is a better example of a right-wing INTP.

By not having marxists brainwash college students. Who knows how much of that is propaganda anyway.


Because intelligent people tend to go along with whatever ideology makes the more popular, even if they don't really believe in it.

Which just happens to currently be leftism.

Libertarians have been shown to have the highest IQs, and therefore Libertarian Nationalism is the natural ideology for the most intelligent among us.

Nope any F will crack if subjected to peer pressure and popular opinion.

INTP usually don't even notice or care what popular opinion is. All they're focused on is whatever grasps their mind, they have no use or wishes to interact with what they deem are fools or simpletons. INTJ not only doesn't give a fuck about outside influence, it usually aims to shift popular opinion to his bidding.

The thing dragging 8pol's average IQ under 120 is the amount of shills, redditards and newfags. Also brit/pol/ is a brain drain.


It it true tho?

Having high IQ does not mean being unresponsive to propaganda. The leftism of people with high IQ is caused by leftist propaganda - remove it and they will be fine again.

Yes, unfortunately the libertarians have gone leftist bat shit crazy. Libertarian Nationalism will correct that mistake.

So, faggot left-wing with a little edge then?

White leftists occupy an IQ range from below average to slightly above average and basically the ones that are slightly above average think they're geniuses when in fact they never examine the premises of Professor Bergblattstein's poz. You did examine those premises.

This is very doubtful. But I guess high functioning autistics can often do well on IQ tests while not being able to function in real life. Sounds like a libertarian.

The problem is terminology and modern media/education. Let's take this board's song: National Socialism.

Nationalism is right-wing. Socialism is left-wing. Many tenents of NatSoc are "left", like caring about the environment or animals. Hell, free ownership of firearms is "left" as in freedom, as is free speech. Abortion availability is left, freedom of religion is left, etc. The right vs left dichotomy is, in the modern popularised form, completly fucking meaningless, and basically guarantees for plebs that they will end with an authoritarian government that fucks everyone. There is no thought needed, because the platforms are set to fuck everyone.

Read "The Intelligence Paradox" to understand why high IQ people tend to be libs or progressive.

In this book you learn the difference between 'intelligent' and 'smart'.

I cited this book in an argument and I was subsequently called a racist. Water off of a raincoat.

You are familiar with search engines right? You can verify it yourself. Studies have show that libertarians as a group have the highest IQs. Now whether or not that due to autism or anything else, who knows.


Leftists cuck for non-whites because they hate themselves and their host societies by extension. If we went global rahowa they'd just double down on global warming or new age nonsense or whatever koolaid they want us to drink with them.

Here's some actual data on the subject:

Don't forget that high-IQ people are usually status-seeking people and so will hold beliefs which are high-status in the current year. Support for eugenics for example used to be a high-status belief which was widely held by educated and cultured people but no longer.

People who identify as "no religion" on surveys are probably higher IQ than average, so look at this chart (from a sociology book called "The Truth About Conservative Christians", amazon page at ), they vote for Republicans in very low numbers even at higher incomes (similar to Jews). And surveys of scientists like the one at also show them as a lot more leftist than the general public.



It helps that between academic black listing and media censorship and Buckley type purges by former communists and retardation by the right after attempts to play by a dominant narrative thanks to the Jews' control of the media.

Nazi leadership was super intelligent. Rockwell was no dummy as well. It's a smokescreen for faux intellectualism by the left.

Kek is disappoint. This is now how it works


Oh wait there isn't one.

Op is faget.

Didn't the nazis produce a extremely high amount of renowned scientists, especially given the short amount of time that their regime lasted? Aren't they classified as "far right" aka as right-wing as you can be?

obviously they are not educated enough

Because the only intellectuals in today's society that gets pushed to the forefront and used as some sort of celebrities and authorities is always going to be left wing or some deviation of it.

Why? Because guess who owns the media? The financing? And changed the very fabric and culture in academia?

Seriously you double nigger academia is left wing, not highly educated high IQ people. IQ doesn't seem to be a factor regarding political beliefs at the higher end of the IQ spectrum

How come a cute loli apparently got possessed by the spirit of Tyrone?

This pretty much. I'd expect the Trump supporting intellectuals to remain pretty silent about it in fear of ostrasicion. Ideological nepotism is one of the worst tumors in the cancer that is killing the western civilization.

This pretty much. I'd expect the Trump supporting intellectuals to remain pretty silent about it in fear of ostrasicion. Ideological nepotism is one of the worst tumors in the cancer that is killing the western civilization.


This pretty much. I'd expect the Trump supporting intellectuals to remain pretty silent about it in fear of ostrasicion. Ideological nepotism is one of the worst tumors in the cancer that is killing the western civilization.


How did you escape The Pulse OP?

Cause you are a total faggot.

You'll find that most of these "intellectuals" possess an IQ between 115 and 135 while CEOs generally have IQs well into genius territory (IQ 140 and above). They are smart enough to know the how and the why of a given situation, but they have no concept of reconciling a proper response to any given situation.

They're convinced of their superiority because they can read through the Communist Manifesto in a couple of sittings and understand what he's saying, but they lack the understanding necessary to notice that the solutions Marx provides are shit-tier. Their "intelligence" is hubris.

There's a phrase for it, but I forgot what it was. It meant something along the lines of "a head full of facts and no sense." I think it might've been frog-faced wisdom or something.

As for how Nationalism deals with them, probably ridicule. These people have no substance and they're generally pretty cringe-inducing. Just damage their credibility. If he says some retarded shit like:
Return with "communism is the opiate of college-aged retards" or something to that effect. These r-type faggots only respond to social cues, so the logical thing to do would be to provide a negative incentive on leftist ideas via ridicule. Or you helicopter them.

Where's your source for that? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just genuinely curious.

From my observation, the left have a higher average intelligence than the right, but the right have a higher top-level intelligence. This is not to be unsuspected, it mirrors the ideology of its bearers and the society we wish to create: an intellectual elite controlling a large horde of strong but not necessarily all that smart masses. Right-wing intellectuals only public duty is to criticise the ideologies created by left-wing intellectuals and covertly impart an amoral code of rule for the leaders while superficially endorsing and reinforcing the edifying slogans used to keep the masses good.

On the other hand Left-Wing intellectuals find their purpose in creating huge theoretical systems to mobilise the masses for political action. The whole point being for these systems to be as simplistic yet overarching as possible so that they can be easily disseminated and digested by the public.Hence why, on a superficial level, the left appear more intelligent than the right.

To relate it to the whole learning process, stupid people are those who don't know stuff, educated people are those who do but who don't question them - genuine intelligence, I'm sure we'll all agree; consists of knowing and questioning brute factual matter through the exercise of independent judgement. The Left are largely just educated.

The average Carl the Cuck is smarter than the average Brownshirt. But Carl Schmitt is a thousand times smarter than Carl the Cuck, and there isn't really that much of a distance between Carl the Cuck and Karl Marx. When you basically get over leftist ideology, you've got over all of them - that's where aiming for averages comes back to shoot them in the foot.

And there's just the general benefit derived from living in a left-wing state. The reigning ideology, as Marxists will know, exercises a tacit influence on all empirical evidence gathered thereunder.

What does he have to do with this thing?

top fucking kek you actually fell for this meme. intellectual posturing doesn't make someone actually smart. leftists are dumb as fuck, their "intellectual elite" are a bunch of slightly above average mongoloids with barely triple digit IQs.

It's called "redpilling". Former leftists are the best Nazis or Fascists.


If you actually talked to these people, you would discover that most of these aren't politically involved intellectuals at all. Most of them try to avoid all discussion on those subjects.

In addition, the people that have high visibility in the media only have that visibility because their political direction coincides with that of the journalists reporting this.

Well yes. Actual intellectuals are, I assume, not so retarded to try and sum up their voting choice as "left" or "right", especially given that these labels have different definitions in a different time and place.

Yep. In my case, I grew up in a shit lib family. I had a lot of time to hang out on the internet, and once I discovered the miracle of image boards, I was already destined to become a radical nationalist. If you are naturally curious about the world and politics, it is pretty certain that you red pill your self at one point on another.

is this what leftards actually believe?
unless those things are the uncomfortable truths of objective reality, amirite

Your nose is showing, Shlomo


Yeah, don't put too much weight in these.

Party affiliation really doesn't tell us much, though.

98th percentile here(135+, dunno for sure), with a B.A. Underemployed right now in a pretty depressed economic region but doing ok with side jobs. The job search doesn't really allow me to publicy support Trump/RWDS stuff - though I do anyways.

I would love to find a nice white run, discriminatory place to work. Or create one myself.

Considering taking the LSAT and Jewing the Jew hard after getting in to law school.

I really wonder how stupid lefties survive being poor.

I have my father to thank for both my intelligence and ideologies. He was a leader, taught me things without relying wholly on school teachers, and sent me to private school.

Started me on the classical style of education while I was still in grade school - learning Latin, reading the Great Books, manly adventure style novels like Kipling, et cetera.

I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm an ENFP, pretty rare overall and among higher intelligence types. No autism-ey traits really.