2 year ago

will there ever be an nice and active community on the internet ever again?

also dump your feel and suggestion of a new community. You could also share picture.

I miss you hotwheels

ye dude check out r/meetups c u there


fuck it

I just want the autism back

alt right but not too autistic i dont wanna be killed

a shit ton of the anons that came with the fist exodus and the GG already left

yet we remain


after a deacde of chan, the golden age is dead. It's like newground. It had it's decade of influence. There is probably somewhere out there, a small community of 13-18 years old being active on some new kind of website made for them to shitpost.

We don't have a cute goblin in a wheelchair to rally around. Everyone in that room just went to gawk at the freak anyways. If you want another meetup to work we need an user with two heads to say they're going.

Josh will make Holla Forums great again

Well, Librechan was showing a lot of promise expanding upon the infinity engine with more freedom, but Potions ran out of money.

with the whole fakebook/twatter generation i wonder if there are still young people capable of crafting their own place on the webs

well,…we could gather idea across the web of what teen would like to get via multpilayer game, anime forum or even fucking omegle and from there ask an actual host of a small chan that was written from total scratch and re-create a new kind of website based on what teen wants. We could introduce meme shitposting theory and practice via exemple of our doing and we could re-create a new era for the 00s kids. A place of privacy of identity and shitpost.

As long as they don't get contact with any group of interest to make sure they stay random the chans and newgrounds.

The fact is Hotwheels is kind of awesome. No one now anywhere near the admins are charismatic enough to get people to care

It was simultaneously a collection of some of humanity's brightest and and most worthless minds.

Yeah he was. :/

If Batman had a party in nyc (pretty sure the pic is from queens) I'd probably go. It'd be weird but it could be cool.


another success for the communist revolution

I miss you cripple goblin. Even if you went bonkers and broke the site at the end.

Hotwheels is dead.
Don't lie.

wasnt he trying to build an emoji based langauge?

Fuck off and die, Iban you faggot

fuck thanks. is there an archived thread of that?




It's all over. Hotwheels is dead, circlejerks are airtight, Jim took over and made Holla Forums safe, Holla Forums then took the wew pill, not even intl gives a shit about this place anymore

We won Gamergate, but at what cost? The war effort drained the internet but also society, and now we are both locked in a terminal death struggle. White nerds of all sorts versus the nigger/feminist hordes.


Tbh, he let the site go to complete shit, emojis and a prison rape simulator mod

Those times again though.

Holla Forums lost.

I had to search for it on google, I had trouble with my old HDD, so I pretty much lost everything. I'm glad you also have one

you sound like the kid without any friends so decides to just bash Facebook.>>6333711

haha ikr. frea*ing puritans who are 2 scared 2 sell their assholes 2 zucky-chan.

protip: if ur not on social media ur a loser